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What is the dose of cerucal for dogs
Is it possible if you are vomiting? The essence of the drug's action is to block receptors to the vomiting center of the medulla oblongata.
Why does my dog ​​have bright yellow stool?
Common Causes of Diarrhea Diarrhea in dogs is a consequence of disorders of the digestive system caused by various
care for lovebirds 5
Keeping pet lovebirds
Selection, placement and arrangement of the cage If you properly organize the care of lovebirds, they live
The cat licks his lips often
A cat constantly licks under its tail. If a cat often licks under its tail, this
The Affenpinscher is a bundle of joy to keep in the city! The most faithful friend, an overview of all the features of the breed, the subtleties of character and training, as well as photos and videos.
Home » Dog Breeds Classification Origin: Germany Class: according to FCI classification - 2nd group
Does a cat need a summer haircut?
Many owners from time to time wonder whether it is worth trimming their cats during hot weather, due to
Rabbit breeds for breeding
Does it all depend on the breed of rabbits? I am often asked: “What breed of rabbits is the most profitable?
Furminator for cats
Furminator. What it is? Why is it needed?
Owners of almost all cat breeds are familiar with the problem of hair loss in pets when carpets, soft
The dog looks with his head tilted
Hearing impairment in dogs. Symptoms, treatment. Deafness in dogs and treatment of hearing loss
Quite often, dogs experience persistent hearing loss, up to its complete absence -
Calluses on elbows in dogs - what to do
In our furry friends, especially the older ones, you can often observe hard areas with the appearance
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