What to do if your kitten has a tummy ache


It is quite difficult to notice a chronic course. The owner mistakes the refusal of food for a whim or a normal digestive disorder. Vomiting once - he probably ate something wrong or there was a build-up of fur. Implicit symptoms of gastritis in a cat increase during periods of exacerbation:

  • appetite decreases or disappears;
  • vomiting until the stomach is cleared, sometimes with foam and/or blood;
  • diarrhea or constipation progressing to diarrhea, possibly blood and pieces of food;
  • flatulence, gases acquire a strong foul odor;
  • thirst due to dehydration due to vomiting, diarrhea;
  • painful, tense stomach, rumbling intestines, stiff posture;
  • belching, sour or putrid odor from the mouth;
  • coated tongue - yellowish or gray coating, especially at the root;
  • the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are pale or yellowish;
  • lethargy, possible aggression due to pain when trying to pick up the pet, unkempt fur.

Often, in the chronic form, attacks of gastritis in cats go away without treatment - a single vomiting and short fasting is enough to relieve inflammation.

It is important to understand that this is a relief of symptoms - the disease has not disappeared, a visit to the clinic is still necessary

An acute attack can be accompanied by severe pain - the cat cannot find a place for itself, screams, or vice versa, hides in a far corner, calms down in one position, breathing with its mouth open. Body temperature rises by a degree - a drop below normal indicates an increase in general weakness and possible internal bleeding. This is an emergency.

Serious diseases of internal organs

So, the kitten has a big belly. Why does this happen? If your pet is eating properly, but its tummy is still swollen, this may indicate serious illness. It is impossible to determine such a disease by eye. Therefore, pet owners must take their kitten to the veterinarian.

Thus, the cause of bloating can be serious problems with the liver, malignant tumors, improper functioning of the pancreas, as well as abnormalities in the functioning of the immune system. In addition, bloating can be a consequence of an obese kitten. But in this case, not only the pet’s stomach will show discomfort. The kitten itself will become fat and gain significant weight.

Of course, this is not the entire list of possible causes of bloating in a kitten. Only an experienced veterinarian with special equipment can see the full picture.

So, if the animal has become lethargic and drowsy, you should pay attention to this and immediately consult a doctor

Why does the kitten have a big belly, but he himself is thin? One of the most dangerous problems that causes bloating is ascites. In this case, the kitten suffers from the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Peritonitis is very dangerous and requires immediate medical intervention.

What to do if your kitten has a bloated belly? What to do? It is necessary to determine whether the pet actually has ascites. To do this, it is recommended to pick him up and hold him in an upright position for a while. If the animal’s figure resembles a pear (which occurs as a result of liquid flowing down), and after lowering the kitten’s belly again looks like a ball, then there can be no doubt. Therefore, do not hesitate, go to the doctor.

Now you know why a kitten experiences bloating and gas. The reasons may be different. The main thing is to correctly identify the disease. Some problems can be dealt with on your own, while others will require medical intervention.

In any case, people who want to have a cute pet should understand that this is a huge responsibility. Therefore, before adopting a kitten, you should learn more about proper nutrition and caring for babies, and only then get a pet. The right approach can help new owners protect the animal from most of the diseases listed above.


Why doesn't the animal allow you to touch and stroke its belly?

Noticing lethargy in a cat or noticing its plaintive meow, the owner sometimes tries to examine the pet and touch its belly. Often, the animal turns over, not allowing itself to be touched.

This behavior is not always associated with illness.

Cats love affection, but allow themselves to be stroked only in those places that they enjoy touching. The cat will purr quite when you stroke its back, head between its ears, and paws. Hand movements should be directed according to the growth of the coat. If you try to stroke your cat in the opposite direction, it will express displeasure.

Not all cats like to have their belly rubbed. This part of the body contains vital organs; the animal instinctively hides its abdomen, since it is very vulnerable. Refusing to be touched does not necessarily mean that the animal is in pain.

If a cat usually happily places its tummy under the owner’s hand and suddenly begins to avoid this caress, there is no need to rush to conclusions. Perhaps the owner touched another animal before coming home, and the pet smelled someone else's smell. Another reason why a cat won’t allow itself to be petted is its bad mood.

Why doesn’t a cat allow you to touch and stroke its belly, what to do at home if it hurts?

Cats suffer from stomach pain just as much as humans. The causes of discomfort in an animal can be very different: there are many organs in this area, malfunctions of which can cause pain. Pets may be bothered by pain in the stomach, liver, gall bladder, and kidneys.

Cats do not know how to complain, but an attentive owner can understand what is happening to the pet if he observes its behavior. This will allow him to promptly identify the problem and cure the animal.

Why doesn't the animal allow you to touch and stroke its belly?

Noticing lethargy in a cat or noticing its plaintive meow, the owner sometimes tries to examine the pet and touch its belly. Often, the animal turns over, not allowing itself to be touched. This behavior is not always associated with illness.

Cats love affection, but allow themselves to be stroked only in those places that they enjoy touching. The cat will purr quite when you stroke its back, head between its ears, and paws. Hand movements should be directed according to the growth of the coat. If you try to stroke your cat in the opposite direction, it will express displeasure.

If a cat usually happily places its tummy under the owner’s hand and suddenly begins to avoid this caress, there is no need to rush to conclusions. Perhaps the owner touched another animal before coming home, and the pet smelled someone else's smell. Another reason why a cat won’t allow itself to be petted is its bad mood.

How can you tell if your pet has a stomach ache?

Does your cat not allow you to stroke its belly and behaves differently than usual? In this case, the owner needs to understand what is causing this behavior. Signs of intestinal or stomach pain in cats are:

  • Difficulty with bowel movements. The pet stomps around in the tray for a long time, and meows loudly during the process of defecation.
  • Hard belly. When there is pain in the abdominal area, the muscles become tense.
  • Passivity. The cat lies all day and reacts with aggression to the touch of its owners. Refuses food.
  • Forced pose. The animal tries to take a comfortable position, arching its back, does not allow its abdomen to be touched, and lowers its head.
  • Bloating. If your kitten's tummy has become unnaturally round, it is probably full of gas. This causes suffering to the animal.

Causes of abdominal pain

There are several factors that cause pain in the abdominal cavity. The most common are:

  • Constipation. The causes of this disorder are poor nutrition, lack of water in the diet, foreign objects entering the intestines (usually balls of wool), and helminthic infestation. The animal may begin to rush around the apartment, wanting to facilitate the process of bowel movements. With prolonged constipation, a cat may develop obstruction.
  • Intestinal infections. Salmonellosis, giardiasis, campylobacteriosis, and infectious peritonitis are more common in cats. These diseases begin with pain in the abdominal cavity.
  • Food allergies. Products that an animal cannot tolerate for some reason when they enter the gastrointestinal tract cause irritation of the walls of the stomach and intestines. At the same time, they stimulate gas formation, which causes the walls of the digestive organs to stretch, causing painful spasms.
  • Pancreatitis. When inflammation occurs in the pancreas, it is not able to produce enough enzymes, so food is poorly digested and causes fermentation processes in the intestines. Aching girdling pains also occur in the organ itself.
  • Biliary colic. An attack develops when the bile ducts are blocked by a stone. Pain sensations are localized in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.
  • Pathologies of the urinary system. Renal colic, ureteral obstruction, or bladder rupture can cause pain.
  • Food poisoning. Domestic cats are often poisoned by chocolate, poisonous plants, and rat poison. Symptoms of poisoning depend on what kind of substance has entered the body.
  • Gastritis, colitis and other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Similar pathologies develop in animals that eat stale food or overeat. They are accompanied by pain in the animal's abdomen.
  • Diseases of the reproductive organs. They develop in females. The most common are endometritis and pyometra. Causes of abdominal pain in cats include pregnancy pathologies, uterine torsion, etc.
  • Peritonitis. Inflammation of the mucous tissue of the abdominal wall develops with internal bleeding or abscesses when a polyp bursts with purulent contents. In this case, the animal experiences sharp and acute pain.
  • Ascites, or accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. This condition develops against the background of failure of internal organs.

Associated symptoms that require you to contact your veterinarian

Symptoms that should cause concern to the owner are:

  • Nausea and vomiting. These signs often accompany intestinal infections, volvulus, and food poisoning. If the cat vomited once, and then the animal began to show signs of relief and activity, there is nothing to worry about. Repeated vomiting and diarrhea are dangerous symptoms that should be reported to your veterinarian.
  • Bloody streaks in the stool. They may indicate a violation of the integrity of the intestinal walls caused by injury. Kittens often swallow small objects they play with. If it is something sharp, the pet's life is in danger. A small amount of blood droplets in the stool occurs with pancreatitis.
  • High body temperature. This symptom indicates inflammation in the animal, which is caused by infection, abscess, or diseases of the internal organs.
  • Jaundice. The cat’s mucous membranes have turned yellow, while she is trembling and meowing pitifully? Perhaps the animal has a stone stuck in its gall bladder, you need to contact a veterinarian.
  • No or very small amount of urine. This symptom may indicate a rupture of the ureter or bladder. The process of urination in an animal with this disease is painful, therefore, sitting in the tray, it meows pitifully. A dangerous symptom is the presence of bloody impurities in the urine.
  • Discharge with pus and blood from the genitals. Appears in females with gynecological disorders. If at the same time the furry girl’s body temperature rises, she should be immediately taken to a veterinary hospital.
  • Bloating. If your cat's belly has become round and he is breathing heavily, he may have ascites. Fluid accumulates in the animal’s abdominal cavity due to pathologies of the kidneys, liver or spleen. A round abdomen with compactions that can be felt during palpation may indicate tumor processes in the internal organs.

How can I help my cat at home if she has a stomach ache?

Veterinarians strictly prohibit treating animals with abdominal pain at home. Cats are prescribed intravenous drips containing glucose and saline. To relieve pain, antispasmodics are used - No-Shpa, Papaverine, etc. Inflammatory diseases of bacterial etiology are treated with antibiotics.

However, if an animal needs help and it is not possible to take it to a doctor, you have to make do with home remedies. We can help:

  • Enterosorbents. In case of poisoning at home, the cat can be given Enterosgel or activated carbon. The product is dissolved in water and drawn into a syringe from which the patient is given water.
  • Diet. Regardless of why the animal has pain, it must comply with food restrictions. Veterinarians recommend feeding sick pets porridge and chicken broth.
  • Antihelminthic drugs. Because gastrointestinal problems are often caused by parasites, it is recommended that your cat be given a dewormer for abdominal pain. Veterinarians recommend deworming kittens and adult animals every 3 months.

Source: https://MurKoshka.ru/zdorovye/bolezni/u-koshki-bolit-zhivot.html

Development of stomach ulcers: what are the causes?

The most common reason that causes the development of stomach ulcers in cats is pathologies of the main internal organs (liver, kidneys, etc.). All this, together with provoking factors (very hot food, violation of feeding regime) leads to peptic ulcer disease.

Improper feeding The likelihood of developing peptic ulcers increases when feeding cats food from the table: sausage and frankfurters, spicy and smoked foods with spices. The pet’s stomach is not accustomed to such food, so negative reactions are possible

Note! The most common provoking factor is feeding the animal with cheap dry and wet mass market food. Medications Diagnosis of gastritis and gastric ulcers in some cases is associated with the use of steroidal and non-steroidal drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Use these medications with caution and only as prescribed by your veterinarian. Foreign objects When they enter the gastrointestinal tract, they deeply affect mucous and soft tissues

The result is the development of ulcerative processes. One of the common causes of the disease is the accumulation of hairballs in the stomach. Gastritis Unfortunately, many owners neglect its treatment. However, it is associated with inflammation of the mucous membranes, and therefore, in the absence of proper therapy, can lead to ulcers. Poisoning. Household chemicals, spoiled food, expired food, acidic compounds and alkalis - all this can lead to severe intoxication and accelerated development of stomach ulcers in a cat.

Symptomatic treatment

Abdominal pain is not a separate disease. It is a symptom of a disease or pathological condition of the cat. But it will take time to establish the true cause. And I want to help my pet here and now. In this case, information about what methods of eliminating abdominal pain in cats exist will be relevant.

Here are some of them:

Spastic pain can be easily eliminated with the help of antispasmodics. If the pain is caused by malnutrition or swallowing air, then introducing porridge, thermally processed vegetables and meat, cottage cheese and kefir into the cat’s diet will help. If abdominal pain is accompanied by diarrhea, you can give your cat absorbent medications. A good folk remedy for diarrhea and abdominal pain is strong rice water. But giving too much of it to your cat is not recommended. If the animal does not want to drink the broth on its own, you can add it to its usual food or pour it into the mouth using a syringe without a needle. A single dose should not exceed a tablespoon

If abdominal pain occurs, it is important to provide rest to the animal: do not pick up the cat, do not touch the stomach unnecessarily. If your cat allows you to stroke its belly, especially if it is bloated, you can try to alleviate its condition with a gentle massage.

To do this, gently stroke the cat's belly using smooth circular movements in a clockwise direction. If the pain occurs suddenly, experts do not recommend feeding the cat, but immediately show it to a veterinarian. To alleviate the animal's condition, you can apply cold to the stomach.

How to treat a pet

Depending on the cause of the abdominal pain, the cat can be treated with or without surgery. Without surgery, your pet may be prescribed antibiotics to treat infectious diseases, fluids for dehydration, nausea, antibacterial and antiparasitic agents. For more serious symptoms, the veterinarian will perform surgery (removal of fluid from the abdominal cavity, removal of cancerous tumors, sterilization of cats).

In case of poisoning, gastric lavage is done (if food has been eaten recently). In case of poisoning with rat poison, a vitamin is administered, as well as medications that control attacks. Unfortunately, for viral infections such as peritonitis, general supportive care is often considered, since the coronavirus can mutate and cause a fatal disease.

Only the owner knows the cat’s character well, so it is very important to pay attention to changes in the pet’s habits, and if at least some of the symptoms listed above appear, you must urgently visit a veterinary clinic.

Treatment methods

If a cat has a swollen belly, what should the owner do at home:

  • palpate gently. The stomach should not be rock-hard, and touching should not cause painful sensations in the animal;
  • remember what the pet ate and what medications the pet took over the past 3 days.

If the animal remains active, can go to the toilet without problems and does not experience problems with bowel movements, it does not need to be taken to the clinic right away. However, in the following days, it is necessary to closely monitor the general condition of the cat and the degree of bloating in its abdomen.

Important! When a cat has a bloated stomach, many owners try to help and give a massage, but this is prohibited. If the cause is inflammation or fluid effusion, massaging the tummy will greatly aggravate the condition.

Nutrition correction

A bloated belly in a domestic cat can be treated with proper nutrition. The number and size of servings is calculated by the veterinarian based on the weight and age of the animal.

If your pet eats ready-made food, you should pay attention to options for cats with gastrointestinal diseases or sensitive intestines

Cats eating homemade food need to include boiled or baked vegetables (zucchini, peppers, tomatoes), fat-free meat and plenty of fresh water in their diet. You can add dietary supplements with natural fiber, which normalizes the functioning of the digestive organs.

Note! If your pet has a habit of eating food, you need to block access to the trash can and hide all food from the table

Drainage of fluids from the abdominal cavity

If the condition is severe, the cat will need a drainage system, which is installed at the veterinary clinic. Drainage tubes are inserted into the abdominal cavity and excess fluid or blood is removed through them. The system is installed for several days. As a result, the amount of liquid collected per day should not exceed 50-100 ml. After this, the drainage is removed.


Diuretics remove excess fluid from the body through urine. Such treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Firstly, it puts a lot of stress on the kidneys. Secondly, with long-term use, diuretics wash out potassium and other elements, and also increase blood pressure.


Internal bleeding, tumors and tears can be corrected with surgery. The sooner the owner consults a doctor, the easier it is to prevent the consequences of the disease.

Surgery is required as a last resort

Abdominal bloating in a domestic cat is not always a sign of illness. If the stomach is swollen for the first time, it is soft and touching does not cause pain in the cat, the cause may be improper nutrition or swallowing air. Symptoms such as general weakness, vomiting and diarrhea, a hard and hot stomach are dangerous and indicate an aggravated pathology. In this case, you should immediately take the cat to a veterinarian for examination.

How can you tell if your dog has a stomach ache?

Dogs are very patient creatures and in most cases they endure pain without showing any concern. Even if the dog is suffering from abdominal pain, he may not pay attention to it for a long time and behave as usual: eat, play and ask for a walk.

The animal only begins to whine pitifully and howl in pain when the painful sensations become truly unbearable and this is precisely the main danger. After all, by the time the owner notices that something is bothering the dog, the disease may have reached an extreme stage, which will significantly complicate its treatment.

If a dog has a stomach ache, it will whine and howl pitifully.

You can understand that something is bothering your pet only by carefully observing its behavior. There are several telltale signs that can help you determine if your dog is suffering from abdominal pain and cramps.

When palpating the abdomen, the dog will feel uncomfortable.

  • Lack of appetite and weight loss . If a dog refuses to eat for no apparent reason and does not even react when the owner offers him his favorite treat, then this may be the first signal that he is having digestive problems.
  • The pet has become lethargic and apathetic . The animal goes for a walk with its owner without much enthusiasm and does not show interest in a cat running past, or does not want to play with its favorite ball.
  • Evidence that the dog is sick can be the sign that he suddenly began to feel fear of people and is afraid to go outside at all . At the same time, the dog looks for a secluded place in the house and tries to hide in it from everyone.
  • Sudden aggression towards the owner is also a symptom that the dog has health problems. If a friendly and affectionate pet does not allow the owner to approach him and even tries to bite him, then perhaps he is suffering from abdominal pain and this is what caused his irritability and aggressive behavior.
  • The owner should pay close attention to the chair of his four-legged friend. Constipation or diarrhea may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Vomiting after each meal can also be a sign of a digestive system disease. In this case, an unpleasant and putrid odor from the pet’s mouth often appears.
  • The dog's gait changes . He walks hunched over, raising the back of his body and whining at the same time.

Lack of appetite is one of the symptoms of abdominal pain.

You can determine that a dog is suffering from abdominal pain by palpation. If your pet's belly is swollen and hard to the touch and he winces in pain every time you touch this part of the body, then you should immediately show him to a veterinarian.

To help your dog get rid of abdominal pain, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. After all, the problem can be either mild food poisoning and poor nutrition, or more serious diseases, for example, infection entering the body or the formation of a tumor in the abdominal cavity.

Causes of abdominal pain:

  • Poor quality food . Sometimes changing your usual brand of food can cause problems with the digestive system.
  • Entry into the stomach of a foreign body . The dog can swallow a small object, which causes cramps and sharp pain in the abdomen.
  • The cause of pain in the abdominal cavity also lies in the entry of an intestinal infection . This can be determined by signs such as diarrhea or the presence of blood clots in the dog’s stool.
  • If the dog was hungry and greedily attacked the food offered , then he may subsequently suffer from cramps in the abdominal cavity.
  • Damage to internal organs due to injury can also cause abdominal pain.
  • Presence of parasites . Infection with helminths is one of the most common causes of pain and cramps in the abdominal cavity.
  • With pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), the dog experiences severe pain in the abdomen, loses appetite and becomes lethargic.
  • Another cause of pain can be poisoning . This happens if a pet eats stale food thrown away by someone on the street.
  • Some foods (legumes, corn or pearl barley) can cause colic and increased gas production, so it is not advisable to include them in your dog’s diet.
  • In some cases, the causes of acute abdominal pain are inflammation of the genitourinary system or cystitis.
  • Your pet may have stomach pain due to the formation of a tumor in the stomach or intestines .

Poor quality food can cause stomach pain.

When to sound the alarm?

If the cause of cramps and pain in the abdominal cavity is poor nutrition or poor quality food, then after changing the diet everything will return to normal in a few days and in this case there is no need for long-term treatment.

But if the owner notices that the pet is suffering from periodic abdominal pain, and when trying to touch this part of the body, it whines and even growls at the owner , the animal should be taken to a veterinary clinic. After all, such symptoms may indicate a serious illness and cannot be avoided without the help of a qualified specialist.

If a dog growls when its belly is touched, then you need to take it to the veterinarian.

Do not forget that the dog’s health and well-being depend on an accurate diagnosis and timely treatment.

Causes of gastritis in cats

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa leads to a change in the acidity of gastric juice, which can lead to a cessation of the production of important digestive enzymes, such as hydrochloric acid. Food begins to be poorly digested, resulting in the production of toxins that poison the body.

With gastritis, the mucous membrane of the cat's stomach becomes inflamed.


One of the main causes of gastritis is an incorrect, unbalanced diet. You should not feed your cat low-quality dry food. Monotonous food also causes digestive disorders. If it is not possible to purchase expensive food, then it is better to feed the animal with natural products: meat, vegetables, boiled fish and chicken.

Food from the owner's table is not suitable for feeding the pet. Salty, spicy, smoked, fatty and sweet foods are not suitable food for an animal. You should not give your cat pickled foods, sausages or sausages.

Incorrect feed supply

In the case when a cat does not eat ready-made dry food, but specially prepared foods, it is important to pay attention to the correct presentation of food. It should not be too hot or cold, because

this injures the gastric mucosa. Drinking water should also be at room temperature, preferably boiled. Rapid, greedy absorption of food is very dangerous for a cat's delicate stomach. Food simply does not have time to be digested, which can lead not only to gastritis, but also torsion.

because it injures the gastric mucosa. Drinking water should also be at room temperature, preferably boiled. Rapid, greedy absorption of food is very dangerous for a cat's delicate stomach. Food simply does not have time to be digested, which can lead not only to gastritis, but also torsion.


Some owners believe that in order for a kitten to grow healthy and develop well, it must be fed as much and as often as possible. But this is not at all true, because overfeeding is very dangerous for a cat. This is fraught not only with stomach problems, but also with obesity, endocrine disorders, heart and vascular diseases, kidney and liver pathologies. The animal must be fed little by little, and the diet must be complete and balanced.

Overfeeding can lead to the development of gastritis in a cat.

A sudden change in diet

A sharp transition from dry food to regular food prepared by the owner (porridge, meat and vegetable purees) can lead to unpleasant consequences.

You should feed your cat either only high-quality ready-made premium food, or only natural products. By the way, switching from regular food to dry food also leads to inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Other reasons

In addition, gastritis is caused by stress and emotional stress, which lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, causing excessive production of hydrochloric acid.

The cause of gastritis can be helminthic infestation. After all, helminths living in a cat’s body, during their development, produce a huge amount of toxins that have a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane.

Taking certain medications can also cause gastritis. After all, there are many drugs that cause increased acid production in the stomach.

Secondary gastritis in cats, as well as in humans, is caused by the Helicobacter bacterium or concomitant diseases (stomatitis, gingivitis, pancreatitis, etc.).

Chronic renal failure and urolithiasis often lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The greatest danger is the accumulation of hair in a cat's stomach. After all, such hairballs can not only cause gastritis, but also lead to complete blockage of the intestines.

How to understand that a cat has a stomach ache: main signs

Abdominal pain in a cat is one of the most common complaints with which people come to the veterinarian with their beloved pet.

There are many reasons for the appearance of this unpleasant phenomenon, because problems can arise with any of the organs of the digestive system. But, as medical practice shows, the stomach most often suffers, because it is much easier to damage it than other organs. The causes of abdominal pain can be constipation, food poisoning, and infections.

There are many reasons associated with the occurrence of pain in the abdominal area. Most often this is the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.

Pain can also be caused by infectious diseases, food poisoning, and gynecological problems. To identify the causes, it is necessary to analyze the animal’s condition by contacting a veterinary clinic.

The passage of stool may be difficult due to a lack of fluid, an unbalanced diet, foreign bodies, or the proliferation of intestinal parasites. A cat suffering from constipation meows pitifully, runs around the apartment and often strains, trying to empty its intestines.

Ingestion of a sharp object can damage the intestinal wall and cause inflammation of the peritoneum - peritonitis.

Campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis, peritonitis, and giardiasis can lead to painful sensations in the abdomen. Peritonitis caused by coronavirus is considered the most dangerous of these diseases, as it often leads to death.

The animal may have difficulty digesting the food it eats – dyspepsia. The general condition often worsens, the temperature rises, and the stool is disrupted (sometimes there is blood in it).

The intestinal walls become inflamed due to food allergies, leading to improper digestion of food and a constant accumulation of gases. A large amount of gases in the intestines stretches its walls (hence the pain) and makes it difficult for stool to pass through, leading to chronic constipation.

Inflammation of the pancreas is divided into acute and chronic. The first is characterized by strong, girdling pain, the second by dull, aching pain. Pancreatitis contributes to the development of enzyme deficiency, which prevents the digestive system from functioning normally. During illness, blood may appear in your cat's stool.

When the disease occurs, the animal's gallbladder increases in size. This is easy to notice by palpating the cat's belly.

During attacks, your pet will experience trembling and fever. Sometimes jaundice develops.

Colic in the kidneys, obstruction of the ureters and bladder lead to severe pain. The cat cannot go to the toilet - little urine is released, sometimes there is blood in it.

By chewing the leaves of a dangerous houseplant or eating inappropriate food, the animal runs the risk of poisoning. Vomiting (sometimes with blood), apathy, and upset stool are the first symptoms of poisoning.

It is worth paying special attention to the list of products presented below. Consumption of some of them by animals can be fatal!

To get drunk, a cat only needs to lick a couple of drops of wine sauce from a meat dish. And if an isolated case does not have negative consequences, then repeated drinking has a strong impact on the functioning of the liver and the general condition of the body. Chronic alcohol consumption leads to breathing difficulties, coma and death.

Theobromine, found in cocoa beans, is toxic to cats. The substance has a diuretic effect and increases heart rate. May cause arrhythmia - disturbances in heart rhythm.

A small piece will make the animal hyperactive and disoriented in space. Immediately after consumption, the cat feels thirsty, and after some time she begins to vomit and have diarrhea.

Eating too much chocolate can cause a heart attack.

Caffeine is found in tea, cocoa and coffee drinks. All of the above cannot be consumed by a cat, even if any of the drinks is diluted with milk.

This substance is a powerful stimulant of both brain and physical activity.

In small quantities, caffeine can only lead to temporary hyperactivity, and frequent consumption of drinks containing it leads to diseases of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels.

Any part of this fruit is poisonous to cats because it contains persin, a fungicidal toxin first isolated from avocado leaves. If an animal eats even a piece, it will suffer from vomiting and diarrhea, breathing problems, and fluid accumulation around the heart tissue. The latter can be fatal.

The plant contains health-promoting bioflavonoids, a class of antioxidant nutrients sometimes called “vitamin P.” But they are beneficial only if a small amount of the product is eaten. Overeating is dangerous because, in addition to useful elements, the plant contains chemical compounds - isothiocyanates, which are dangerous for any cat.

Onions and garlic contain disulfide, which destroys red blood cells in the cat's body and leads to hemolytic anemia. The first symptoms of the disease (diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy) appear a few days after eating a dish prepared with garlic or onions.

Like any other plant in the nightshade family, tomatoes contain a dangerous alkaloid that causes pain in the stomach and intestines . Not only ripe but also green fruits, as well as the leaves and stems of the plant itself, pose a danger to the cat.

The cooking process destroys toxins, so tomato sauce in canned fish is safe.

Another plant in the nightshade family that contains the same alkaloid as the previously mentioned tomatoes. Raw potato leaves, peels and the tubers themselves can damage the digestive, urinary and nervous systems. When cooked, potatoes are not so dangerous, but they are of little benefit, since the cat's intestines do not digest starch.

This product is a must for small kittens, but an adult cat can do without it. In addition, cow's milk contains lactose, which the cat's body digests with great difficulty. Excess dairy products in a cat's diet will lead to diarrhea, stomach upset and intestinal discomfort.

If you want to pamper your furry pet with milk, treat it to goat milk, not cow milk.

Constantly feeding your pet raw fish leads to a lack of thiamine (vitamin B1). This is expressed in disorders of the nervous system - trembling, convulsions, dizziness. In addition to hypovitaminosis, there are other dangers, the most common of which are:

  • deterioration of kidney function, the appearance of stones due to the high content of magnesium and phosphorus;
  • parasites and larvae in unprocessed (raw) fish;
  • bones that injure the larynx, esophagus and intestines of the animal.

Fish is not the mainstay of a cat's diet; it can be given cooked only a couple of times a week. Sprat, capelin and other “traditional” fish should be replaced with more “noble” salmon, cod and trout.

Most veterinarians do not recommend feeding your pet pork. An intestinal parasite, tapeworm, is often found in raw and undercooked pork. You shouldn’t pamper your cat with cooked pork either, because its abuse can provoke pancreatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, and cause chronic renal failure.

In addition to the above, it is not recommended to give cats:

  • citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits);
  • legumes (soybeans, peas, beans);
  • dough products (bread, pasta);
  • walnuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • salt/sugar;
  • hot, spicy, fatty, smoked foods.

The accumulation of free fluid in the abdominal cavity is called ascites or abdominal hydrops. Ascites is not an independent disease, but only a symptom that manifests itself against the background of such processes as:

  • liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis), kidney or heart;
  • benign/malignant formations;
  • violation of the exchange of water, protein and vitamins.

A cat suffering from dropsy can be easily distinguished from a healthy one by the following signs:

  • stretched sides and increased abdominal volume;
  • shortness of breath associated with increased pressure on the chest;
  • rapid fatigue during games, walks and other active activities.

This is the name for inflammation of the peritoneum, the causative agent of which is coronavirus, transmitted by airborne droplets and through animal feces. The disease has two forms: exudative and non-exudative.

In the first case, exudate (fluid that accumulates in tissues or cavities during inflammation) accumulates in the chest or abdominal area, leading to shortness of breath. The functioning of the digestive system organs is disrupted - the cat does not eat anything, but its stomach increases.

In the non-exudative form, the eyes (conjunctivitis), liver and kidneys (glomerulonephritis), lungs (catarrhal bronchopneumonia), and the central nervous system are affected. In this situation, the animal may die in a few months or even weeks.

If we are talking about a cat, it is worth considering this area, because the cause of pain in the lower abdomen can be gynecological diseases.

The most common pathology is endometritis, a disease of the reproductive system accompanied by inflammation of the uterine mucosa.

The cause of the disease is pathogenic microbes and organisms (fungi, rods, etc.), which are transmitted primarily through sexual contact.

Endometritis in its chronic form is mildly expressed: the cat’s temperature rises slightly, she often licks herself, eliminating the discharge; the fur on the thighs and belly falls out.

The danger is that the protracted chronic form of the disease can turn purulent, in which the temperature continues to rise and the discharge becomes abundant.

In such a situation, it is urgent to show your furry pet to specialists.

In addition to the chronic form, which turns purulent, there is also an acute form. During an exacerbation, the cat refuses to eat, she is tormented by thirst, she does not take care of herself and her kittens (if any), and does not allow herself to be touched. The lower abdomen is enlarged, the temperature is elevated, and the genitals are inflamed.

Colitis, gastritis and other inflammatory diseases lead to the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane and its erosion. Such diseases are accompanied by the fact that the cat has a stomach ache, stool disturbances, and vomiting.

Inflammation of tissues and their subsequent melting, accompanied by the formation of a purulent cavity, is called an abscess. Domestic cats are at greatest risk because the inflammation usually occurs due to various injuries.

Treatment depends on the cause and includes surgery, removal of tumor/fluid/abscesses, supportive care, and antibiotics.

A specialist must carry out the listed procedures, prescribe the necessary medications and treat the animal. Do not self-medicate at home, you can harm your pet! Only a professional veterinarian can understand the true cause of abdominal pain.

General recommendations for maintaining your pet’s health:

  • give your cat animal proteins: fresh beef, chicken;
  • include fish and eggs in your diet, but do not abuse them;
  • do not feed your cat sausage: it contains harmful flavors, preservatives, spices, and soy;
  • from time to time give porridge, decoctions of rice, corn, wheat;
  • give your cat beets, which are rich in fiber and necessary for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • include kefir and cottage cheese in your diet;
  • Before consuming food, perform heat treatment.

Source: https://kot-i-koshka.ru/u-kota-bolit-zhivot/

Gastritis in cats

As many people know, gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach. All types of gastritis can be divided into three main types:

Hyperacid. Accompanied by a decrease in the pH of gastric juice.

Hypoacid. At the same time, the pH rises and the stomach environment becomes alkaline.

Anacidic. The most dangerous type. The pH reaction approaches neutral, which is why digestion and disinfection of food does not occur; the food simply rots in the cavity of the organ.

In addition, gastritis can occur in acute or chronic forms. It is interesting that in cats, due to the non-obvious and hidden symptoms of the disease, inflammation very often turns into a latent form, which greatly complicates further treatment (or even makes it impossible/ineffective).

The causes of gastritis are very diverse; simply listing them could take a couple of pages. Let us note, however, that in cats the main cause is poor quality nutrition, poisoning, as well as the action of Helicobacter pylori bacteria (which, in addition, cause stomach ulcers).


Let us immediately note that it is difficult to judge the presence of gastritis in a cat based on the clinical signs described below, since these animals may not have pronounced symptoms. But when observing an animal you can notice:

With gastritis, cats very often begin to vomit approximately 10-15 minutes after eating.

In cats, hyperacid type gastritis most often occurs, one of the manifestations of which is constant and causeless constipation (even with a completely adequate diet).

During exacerbations of gastritis, a strong pain reaction develops, which is why the cat often refuses food.

Treatment methods for gastritis in cats

As for treatment, the approach to it is varied:

In many cases, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed (to neutralize Helicobacter pylori).

If gastritis is accompanied by a severe pain reaction, the animal is prescribed sedatives.

During the first week of treatment, the animal is kept on a gentle (for the stomach) diet, the basis of which is boiled rice in meat broth.

In some cases, corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Since cats with gastritis often suffer from constipation, laxatives are additionally used.

Symptomatic diet or treatments

Whatever the nature of the pain, following a diet will be the most optimal solution to alleviate the condition. Thus, it is not recommended to feed your cat fish or meat with large bones, sausages, or raw vegetables. These foods are difficult to digest, and bones can be damaged by inflamed mucous membranes. Your pet may get worse.

It is recommended to feed the animal porridge with the addition of boiled meat and stewed vegetables.

It is also necessary to listen to the wishes of the animal. If a cat wants to lie down, you need to give it this opportunity: arrange a place to rest, do not frighten the animal with loud sounds and do not try to entertain it.

Despite the fact that abdominal pain in cats is common and in most cases is not a symptom of a dangerous disease, experts do not recommend self-medicating or letting the animal’s condition take its course. Timely consultation with a veterinarian is the right decision for any owner who cares about their pet.

A cat has a stomach ache: symptoms

The cat endures pain steadfastly and complains sharply, raising its voice.

However, the owner himself may discover that his pet is in pain based on the following signs:

  • the animal is lethargic, stops jumping, prefers to lie down;
  • the cat shows aggression when trying to pick it up, tries to bite, and purrs threateningly;
  • assumes a forced position - the back is hunched, the appearance is hunched over.

In addition to the listed symptoms, additional symptoms appear:

  • diarrhea develops or, conversely, stool retention;
  • the stomach is swollen, touching it is painful;
  • with breast cancer, the painful tumor is located externally;
  • vomiting occurs;
  • with the development of peritonitis, dehydration develops;
  • blood is found in feces;
  • the tongue becomes covered with a gray coating.

Signs of pain in cats

How can you tell if your cat has a stomach ache? Most often, our pets do not scream, enduring suffering in silence. But certain signs can alert the owner.

  • Decreased activity. The cat not only stops playing and running, but does not even jump on the sofa, preferring to rest in quiet places.
  • Behavior change. The favorite of the whole family suddenly shows aggression when trying to pick her up, tries to avoid contact, meows, and may even bite if the pain is severe enough.
  • Forced pose. The animal stands or sits for a long time with its head bowed, its back hunched. Lays down slowly and remains in one position for a long time.

Causes of abdominal pain

The main causes of the problem are:

  • Helminthiasis. Infection with worms and protozoa leads to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Food allergies. Accompanied by skin rash, flatulence, indigestion.
  • Constipation.
  • Damage to the stomach wall with a sharp object.
  • Poisoning with food or a toxic substance.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines.
  • Panleukopenia (feline distemper). A viral disease that affects the digestive tract and respiratory organs.
  • Ascites. A pathology in which a large volume of fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Intestinal cramps and accumulation of gases. May be a consequence of poor nutrition.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the digestive system (enteritis, pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis, peritonitis).
  • Gynecological diseases. Sharp pain in a cat can occur when an ovary ruptures, and aching pain can occur due to endometritis or pyometra. These diseases can develop as a result of hypothermia, birth injuries, or taking hormonal medications.
  • Pathologies of the urinary organs. Pain in the lower abdomen of a cat can occur from blocking the ureter or urethra with a stone.
  • Neoplasms in the abdominal cavity.

Pain in the stomach can be caused by an unbalanced diet, abuse of fatty foods, and overeating. In this case, the cat has a stomach ache after eating. In kittens, the likelihood of this problem increases when switching from breastfeeding to another diet.

Diseases that cause abdominal pain in a cat

When a cat is constipated, there is abdominal pain.

  • constipation and problems with intestinal patency;
  • infections: campylobacteriosis, giardiasis, salmonellosis, worms, peritonitis;
  • allergy;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • genitourinary pathologies;
  • poisoning;
  • ascites;
  • abscesses;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • gynecological ailments: pyometra, endometritis.

Signs of stomach disease

A swollen belly indicates that the cat is in pain.

Common signs of all of these diseases are excessive restlessness - the animal cannot sit in one place for a long time.

  1. Problems with bowel movements, unnatural posture.
  2. Muscle tension in the abdominal area.
  3. The cat does not allow anyone to approach her, is aggressive towards her owners, constantly sleeps, and does not show her former activity.
  4. Feed refusal is often observed.
  5. Pathological pain syndrome is called abdominal pain, which, in turn, is divided into spasmodic and irritating pain.
  6. Spasms are observed due to damage to organ tissues and their nerve endings, most often manifesting themselves in the form of colic.
  7. This is how intestinal and renal colic, the acute course of cholelithiasis, are expressed, and when the muscles of the organ are stretched, the syndrome manifests itself in heaviness and dull aching pain, as if the stomach is full from overeating. This manifestation is short-term and soon decreases.

Aggressive behavior in a cat can cause stomach illness.

Gynecological reasons

Ovarian apoplexy in a cat.

Persistent irritant syndrome occurs due to the presence of blood in the cavity of the stomach or intestines, which may be due to a perforated ulcer or traumatic injury from foreign objects.

Also gynecological reasons are ovarian apoplexy, uterine rupture, the process of disintegration of a malignant neoplasm. The prolonged presence of this phenomenon indicates serious illness.

How can I help my cat at home if she has a stomach ache?

Veterinarians strictly prohibit treating animals with abdominal pain at home. Cats are prescribed intravenous drips containing glucose and saline. To relieve pain, antispasmodics are used - No-Shpa, Papaverine, etc. Inflammatory diseases of bacterial etiology are treated with antibiotics.

However, if an animal needs help and it is not possible to take it to a doctor, you have to make do with home remedies. We can help:

  • Enterosorbents. In case of poisoning at home, the cat can be given Enterosgel or activated carbon. The product is dissolved in water and drawn into a syringe from which the patient is given water.
  • Diet. Regardless of why the animal has pain, it must comply with food restrictions. Veterinarians recommend feeding sick pets porridge and chicken broth.

Antihelminthic drugs. Because gastrointestinal problems are often caused by parasites, it is recommended that your cat be given a dewormer for abdominal pain. Veterinarians recommend deworming kittens and adult animals every 3 months.

When a cat has a stomach ache, there can be many reasons for the unpleasant phenomenon.

It is important to find out the cause of the disorder as soon as possible and carry out full treatment of the disease. In some cases, the life of the animal depends on the speed of diagnosis and initiation of treatment.

Abdominal pain in a pet can be noticed by certain symptoms.

The owner needs not to miss them and promptly pay attention to the violation of his pet’s well-being

If a kitten has a stomach ache - All about gastrointestinal diseases

Who doesn't know about stomach pain? It is probably impossible to find a person who could not remember several such cases even in childhood... But what about animals? All the same! If a cat has abdominal cramps, she also suffers, she is in pain, the animal is in panic. In this way, our pets are very similar to children, and therefore it is no easier to help them. First, you need to understand what exactly is hurting the cat, and why he feels so bad.

Main predisposing factors

In many cases, this can happen due to various infectious and parasitic diseases, as well as their consequences. The most common reasons are the following:

  • Damage to the gastric mucosa.
  • Similarly - ulceration of the mucous membrane of the thin and thick sections of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Peritonitis of infectious etiology.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small gastrointestinal tract.
  • Parasitic diseases.
  • Pyometra or endometritis (indicated by discharge from the genitals).
  • Abscesses of internal organs (especially in the liver and pancreas).

In all these cases, such a strong pain reaction develops that the intestines literally “twist” from spasms. But disease or parasites are not always to blame for a cat’s suffering. There are reasons for non-infectious etiology:

  • Tumors of benign and malignant etiology.
  • Poisoning.
  • Birth defects.
  • Abdominal trauma in which internal organs were damaged, or a strangulated hernia.
  • Abnormal pregnancy. Possibly torsion of the uterus.
  • Pinched nerves (due to injury, or congenital cases).
  • Stones in the kidneys, bladder, urinary tract.
  • Gallbladder obstruction, liver or gallstones.
  • Intestinal volvulus, but for cats, is an extremely rare pathology that is more typical for dogs.

By the way, how can you tell if your cat has abdominal cramps? Unfortunately, there are enough external signs of this: the animal may “scream” in a voice that is not its own, lie writhing in pain, and in milder cases, vomiting is observed. Severe profuse diarrhea cannot be ruled out.

If something like this is observed when you try to go to the tray “in a small way,” then you are probably dealing with kidney spasms. In the case when the same is observed when attempting to defecate, the matter is quite serious.

When, during pushing, no feces are released at all, cramps can be caused by intestinal obstruction.

On the way to the veterinarian (and you need to take your cat there urgently), think about what the animal ate and drank before the attack began, whether it is suffering from any infectious diseases, whether the cat could have eaten a poisoned mouse, etc.

The more data you can give the doctor, the greater the chance of identifying the problem as quickly as possible. The specialist will conduct a full medical examination and find out exactly where the source of pain is located. Depending on other signs, other diagnostic methods will be used.

For example, if peritonitis is suspected, a biopsy may be performed.

A biochemical and complete blood test is done, and a urine test is taken. In addition, those diagnostic techniques that allow you to examine the abdominal cavity and its organs “from the inside” are of great importance. These include radiography and ultrasound.

The course of treatment will depend on the diagnosis. Surgery is often necessary, and urgently. In severe conditions, when the animal is dehydrated, intravenous administration of buffer compounds and glucose is indicated. To alleviate the cat's condition, painkillers and antispasmodics are prescribed. Papaverine and No-Shpa are useful, but only when prescribed by a veterinarian.

If the problem is acute gastritis, which is accompanied by an acute pain reaction, drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice may be prescribed. When all of the above symptoms are caused by some kind of infection, antimicrobial, antifungal drugs, and other medications appropriate to the current situation are prescribed.

We warn you. Abdominal cramps in a cat may indicate volvulus, peritonitis, renal colic, intestinal perforation... Simply put, do not self-medicate, as the life of your animal may well be at risk.


The kitten has a bloated belly

Sometimes you can notice that a small kitten's tummy resembles an inflated balloon. The owner, of course, begins to worry and wants to know why the kitten has a big belly.

Bloating in a kitten - causes and treatment

There may be several reasons why a kitten has a big belly. Most often this occurs due to disruption of the digestive tract of a small animal.

A kitten's body does not yet work as well as an adult cat's. And if you feed it rough or too dry food, then the stomach will not be able to process such food.

Therefore, in order to eliminate flatulence, as bloating in a kitten is scientifically called, you should adjust its diet.

Sometimes flatulence accompanies helminthic infestation. Contact your veterinarian and he will prescribe medications to help get rid of worms.

An enlarged belly in a kitten may be evidence of such a serious disease as peritonitis. In this case, fluid accumulates in the animal’s abdominal cavity.

You can independently determine why your kitten’s belly is enlarged.

To do this, you need to carefully click on the kitten's tummy: if the sound is muffled, it means that liquid may have accumulated, and if the sound resembles hitting a balloon, then, most likely, gases have accumulated in the stomach.

To help your kitten with gas, you can give him some activated charcoal. If this does not help, you should seek help from a specialist.

Observe your pet and determine whether he goes to the toilet. And if he doesn’t have big hikes, it means the kitten is constipated, which is why his belly is bloated. In this case, you should consult a doctor who will help you understand the problem.

If your kitten is constipated frequently, introduce fermented milk products into his diet, for example, kefir or yogurt.


A cat's bloated belly: causes and what to do

In a cat, bloating can be a consequence of poor nutrition or a symptom of a large number of diseases, including fatal ones. The most common causes of this phenomenon are discussed below.

Constipation, or coprostasis, is a blockage of the large intestine with feces. The causes of coprostasis may be the following:

  • A sharp transition from mother's milk to other foods.
  • Binge eating.
  • Eating bones, especially heat-treated ones.
  • Low protein content in the diet.
  • Accumulation of hair in the gastrointestinal tract (when licking itself, the cat swallows some hair).
  • Dehydration from not drinking enough.
  1. A large number of worms.
  2. Prostate enlargement (in males).
  3. Abscess or cyst in the intestinal tract.
  4. Obesity.
  5. Problems with intestinal motility.

The norm is considered to be stool once a day. When feeding natural food, periodic absence of stool for 3 days is acceptable.

  • Oblong lumps can be felt in the abdomen.
  • Vomiting (often with constipation from wool).
  • Warm water enema.
  • Vaseline oil - 1 ml per kg of body weight at intervals of 8-10 hours orally (it is important to avoid getting into the lungs).
  • Magnesium sulfate – 20 ml of concentrated water solution, orally.

It is almost impossible to protect a cat from worms. A pet can pick them up through contact with outdoor shoes, from an eaten insect, from raw or undercooked fish or meat. They affect internal organs. Symptoms:

  1. Bloating.
  2. Constipation alternating with diarrhea.
  3. Worms in feces indicate a large number of them in the body.
  4. Nausea.
  5. Vomiting with worms.

Treatment consists of using anthelmintic drugs for external and internal use.

Feline distemper, or panleukopenia, is caused by one of the parvoviruses . Summer and late autumn are the most favorable times for the spread of the virus. Its carriers can be blood-sucking insects, ticks and healthy animals.

2–12 days after the virus enters the gastrointestinal tract, it affects the intestinal mucosa, lymphoid tissue and bone marrow.

In animals older than 3 months, the disease causes the following symptoms:

  • Body temperature 40–41 degrees.
  • Weight loss.
  • Refusal to drink despite being thirsty.
  • Vomit.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Bloating.
  • Severe abdominal pain.

About a week after the onset of symptoms, the cat has a 50% chance of recovery generally . If the temperature drops to 37–38 degrees, the likelihood of death increases. If a kitten from 1 to 3 months is infected with parvovirus, the probability of death is close to 100%.

When diagnosing panleukopenia, other diseases with similar symptoms should be excluded:

When treating panleukopenia, depending on the nature of the course, the following are used:

  1. Drugs against the virus.
  2. Drugs that activate the immune system.
  3. Drugs that support the functions of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Antiemetic drugs.
  5. Broad spectrum antibiotics.
  6. Drugs that restore electrolyte balance.
  7. Painkillers and antispasmodics.

During the recovery period, the following diet is necessary:

  • Fresh lactic acid products.
  • Rice water with the addition of boiled egg white.
  • Puree soups from cereals, vegetables with the gradual inclusion of boiled minced meat.

Immunity after illness lasts 3–4 years . Prevention consists of vaccination and hygiene.

Inflammation of the peritoneum during a general severe condition of the body is called peritonitis. The cause is usually the penetration of infection into the abdominal cavity from the organs. This disease is often caused by a coronavirus . There are 2 forms of coronavirus peritonitis – wet and dry.

The wet form leads to death 1–1.5 months after the onset of symptoms:

  • The abdomen is enlarged and soft.
  • Fever.
  • Lethargy.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Weight loss.

The dry form leads to death a year after the onset of the disease. The symptoms are the same as with the wet form, with the exception of an enlarged abdomen. There is no treatment for coronavirus peritonitis; sick animals must be euthanized.

  • Avoiding stress.
  • Avoiding crowding of animals.
  • Maintaining hygiene rules.

Abdominal dropsy, or ascites, is an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity without an inflammatory process. The reason for this may be:

  • Heart failure.
  • Liver failure.
  • Disturbances of water-salt and protein metabolism.
  • Abdominal wall lesions.
  • Bloated belly
  • Reducing bowel sounds.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Difficulty in cardiac activity.
  • Inactivity.
  • Yellowness of mucous membranes.
  • Diuretics.
  • Cardiotonic drugs.
  • Pumping out liquid.
  • Limiting water and salt.
  • Protein diet.

Bladder rupture

In case of acute urinary retention, the bladder may rupture, its contents may enter the abdominal cavity and peritonitis may occur. Urinary retention is not always easy to notice, as many litters instantly absorb urine. If your pet assumes a characteristic posture for urination very often, it means it is not happening. In this case, one of the following treatment options is urgently required:

  • Bladder catheterization - insertion of a tube for the free flow of urine.
  • Cretrostomy - making an incision for the free flow of urine.


The kitten has a big belly

The article contains answers only to frequently asked questions and discusses situations that one encounters in practice. Please note that the solution to the problem should only be left to qualified veterinarians.

The kitten has a swollen belly, what does it mean, causes, pathology, hard and what to do

One of the common causes of bloating is poor nutrition, feeding solid food that is not suitable for a small pet, and overeating. If everything is fine with the diet, you should pay attention to the presence of worms. Change your diet or carry out deworming.

The kitten's stomach is rumbling very loudly, moving after eating, why and treatment

Rumbling without any other symptoms does not pose any danger. Movement may indicate the presence of parasites.

Tapeworms give a kitten a bloated belly

One of the main signs of the presence of worms is bloating. Consultation with a veterinarian is necessary for properly selected medications for tapeworms.

The kitten has a swollen belly and does not go to the toilet, what could it be?

This is constipation. The reasons may be different: poor nutrition, stress from a new place, or problems with intestinal function due to its immaturity.

Why do small kittens have tummy ache and what medications to give, Espumisan

The first reason is poor nutrition. Dry food, insufficient amount of liquid. It is also necessary to exclude the presence of parasites.

Kittens, like small children, can suffer from intestinal problems due to its immaturity; this organ is not ready for new food, accustomed to cat milk.

Espumisan is quite suitable for kittens, but consultation with a veterinarian is required to determine the dosage. You can also try giving Bobotik, if the problem is constipation, Duphalac will do.

Bifidumbacteria are suitable for normalizing intestinal microflora, but they require a long time to be taken.

The kitten has a large belly and sides

First of all, it is necessary to exclude helminthic infestation; these symptoms may indicate the presence of parasites. In addition, gases and poor nutrition can be the cause of a bloated stomach.


Help me please. The kitten has bloating. What to do?

Treatments that helped us:

■Mikrolax - microenemas, such small ones 0.1-0.3 ml were made with an insulin syringe without a needle into the anus.

In addition, at our advanced stage, we had to use mechanical cleansing of the anus after an enema. All this was difficult, scary, and unpleasant for the baby, but such problems never happened again.

Bloating and constipation in kittens (04/08/2009) Irina | Category: About cats. When I needed information at one time, I scoured the entire Internet.

Source: https://mou83.ru/simptomi/2408-esli-u-kotyonka-bolit-zhivot/

If the kitten has a stomach ache, vomiting and panos

Proper care and prevention is an important aspect for a kitten to live a full life without diarrhea and other troubles. Canephron is afraid of injections with dietary food and tablets.

But in some cases, the kitten needs emergency help. Symptoms of poisoning depend on the toxic substance. Can a cat refuse to eat after vomiting and for how long? She looked and said that there were no pathologies, that it was age, etc. Surgical intervention may be required to remove the hairball. I have a cat with a similar problem - we just squeeze out the urine, but from the medications he is already vomiting blood. Is it possible to give him an antiparasitic drug now and see if the vomiting recurs, or should he go straight to the doctor? If the cat is in acute panleukopenia, it is better to contact him immediately. For pancreatitis, the treatment consists of a lot of them in cats, and they will be clearly expressed, and it is impossible not to notice them. Since abdominal pain and digestive disorders include: will be pronounced, and not drugs, analgesics and enzymes. Antiemetics are prescribed and he refuses to eat, which is evidence. Treatment of gastritis in a cat, such as painkillers, enveloping agents, for example, Almagel, lifelong, the cat is given antiemetics, anti-inflammatory. Inflammation of the genital organs, uterine pyometra. If a cat has signs, the rule comes down only to deworming. It’s easy to avoid helminthic infestation - show your cat to a doctor, and do it. When your cat goes to the toilet, he may moan or make noises. Latest materials Toxocariasis in cats:. A small kitten is a very cute creature, which, like a child, can get sick. The worst thing is when a pet suffers from poisoning. If your kitten has diarrhea and vomiting, the first thing to do is contact your veterinarian. Intoxication is deadly for a small organism, since ?Causes of pathology · ?Symptoms · ?When necessary. My cat is 7 months old. The day before yesterday, severe vomiting began: first it was food, then mucus, and then foam, naturally all this was accompanied by diarrhea, we left the cat overnight, we thought it would be okay. But when I woke up in the morning, I found that my cat was sitting all horny and... Giardia will suffer from diarrhea; a cat with kidney stones may have difficulty urinating. If your cat has a stomach ache. Viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections (eg, Giardia) usually cause vomiting and diarrhea. Giardia can produce foul-smelling, foamy stool.

A cat has a stomach ache: how to treat it

Self-treatment is only possible if it cannot cause harm. Such drugs exist. These are probiotics or prebiotics that restore the functioning of the digestive organs and eliminate diarrhea or constipation. Sorbents have a similar effect, of which Enterosgel is most in demand in the treatment of cats. However, the drugs mentioned may not be helpful if the cat does not improve after short-term fasting therapy.

Therefore, the choice of treatment methods, as well as the selection of drugs, is entrusted to a specialist. Depending on the disease, surgical or conservative treatment is used. Surgery is resorted to when a closed pyometra is diagnosed, that is, the outflow of purulent exudate from the uterine cavity does not occur.

In this case, the uterus with ovaries and appendages is removed and drug treatment is prescribed aimed at suppressing pathogenic microflora and healing surgical wounds.

If a tumor is detected, the veterinarian chooses between surgical removal of the tumor or chemotherapy. In pets suffering from chronic pathologies of internal organs, fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity.

The pathology is called dropsy or ascites. In such a situation, the veterinarian also has to choose between removing the effusion through a long needle or prescribing a medicine that removes excess fluid from the body. In all other situations, drug therapy is used.

Be sure to read:
What can cause a cat’s cheek to swell: causes of swelling and puffiness on the face under the eye


The veterinarian selects medications depending on the diagnosis. If a cat has eaten poisoned mice, it is necessary to combat dehydration. Stop vomiting with parenteral administration of Metoclopramide or analogues.

Salt rehydration mixtures or blood substitutes - Ringer-Locke solution, Reopoliglyukin, etc. are administered subcutaneously or intravenously. To neutralize the anticoagulants that are part of the pesticide for mice, coagulants are used - analogues of vitamin K. Depending on the condition of the cat, symptomatic cardiac drugs are used.

Economy class food is being cancelled. When the cat can drink, she is offered water. If the pet was fed economy-class ready-made food, it is canceled and transferred to premium food or offered fermented milk products and pureed vegetables. Diet therapy continues for at least three weeks.

Vitamin preparations are used as general strengthening agents. Beneficial intestinal microflora is restored by including probiotics or prebiotics in the diet, if they are not contained in ready-made food.

Viral infections primarily affect kittens. The most dangerous of them is panleukopenia. Treatment consists of injecting hyperimmune globulin in the first 1-2 days after the onset of clinical symptoms.

Further treatment consists of the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • antiemetics;
  • rehydration;
  • antispasmodics;
  • antibiotics;
  • restoratives;
  • sorbents;
  • prebiotics, probiotics.

If parasites or their fragments are found in feces, anthelmintic agents and detoxicants are used. If giardiasis is diagnosed in cats, antimicrobial agents based on metronidazole, furazolidone and tinidazole are used. Enterosorbents are used as detoxifiers, and probiotics and prebiotics are used to restore the population of beneficial bacteria.

For pancreatitis, vomiting and dehydration are combated. Feeding and oral medications are suspended for a day. Vitamin B12 and painkillers are administered.

Treatment of hepatitis depends on the etiology. If the liver inflammation is infectious, antibiotics and substances that stop dehydration are used. When ascites becomes a symptom of liver inflammation, exudate is removed and diuretics are prescribed. Drotaverine (No-Shpa) is used to relieve spasms.

For all types of liver inflammation, hepatoprotectors are used - Essentiale Forte or Karsil, as well as immunomodulators - Gamavit; Cycloferon, Fosprenil. To eliminate the allergic factor, antihistamines are prescribed - Diphenhydramine, Suprastin.

Be sure to read:
What is the reason and what to do if a cat’s claws peel off?
If abdominal pain is caused by urolithiasis, the blockage of the urinary tract is eliminated surgically.

The following types of medications are used:

  • to maintain water-salt balance, polyionic mixtures are introduced;
  • to prevent the development of pathogenic microbes, antibiotics are prescribed;
  • carry out detoxification therapy;
  • use antispasmodics - No-Shpa, Drotaverine;
  • they use herbal medicines that destroy stones - Erwin the Cat and analogues.

If a closed pyometra is diagnosed, it is removed. In the open form of the disease, antibiotics, drugs that remove exudate, detoxicants, and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

If tumors are detected on the abdomen, analgesics are used to alleviate the condition of the dying cat. Surgical treatment and chemotherapy are effective in the early stages of the disease.

If abdominal pain is caused by constipation, the veterinarian will prescribe surgical treatment, the use of cleansing enemas, or the use of laxatives.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods of treating abdominal diseases in cats are used in limited quantities and with the knowledge of a veterinarian. For constipation, use Vaseline oil.

If urolithiasis is diagnosed, veterinary drugs developed on the basis of traditional medicine are used:

  • Erwin the cat;
  • Urolex;
  • Phytoelite healthy kidneys.

Serious diseases of internal organs

So, the kitten has a big belly. Why does this happen? If your pet is eating properly, but its tummy is still swollen, this may indicate serious illness. It is impossible to determine such a disease by eye. Therefore, pet owners must take their kitten to the veterinarian.

Thus, the cause of bloating can be serious problems with the liver, malignant tumors, improper functioning of the pancreas, as well as abnormalities in the functioning of the immune system. In addition, bloating can be a consequence of an obese kitten. But in this case, not only the pet’s stomach will show discomfort. The kitten itself will become fat and gain significant weight.

Of course, this is not the entire list of possible causes of bloating in a kitten. Only an experienced veterinarian with special equipment can see the full picture.

So, if the animal has become lethargic and drowsy, you should pay attention to this and immediately consult a doctor

Why does the kitten have a big belly, but he himself is thin? One of the most dangerous problems that causes bloating is ascites. In this case, the kitten suffers from the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Peritonitis is very dangerous and requires immediate medical intervention.

What to do if your kitten has a bloated belly? What to do? It is necessary to determine whether the pet actually has ascites. To do this, it is recommended to pick him up and hold him in an upright position for a while. If the animal’s figure resembles a pear (which occurs as a result of liquid flowing down), and after lowering the kitten’s belly again looks like a ball, then there can be no doubt. Therefore, do not hesitate, go to the doctor.

Now you know why a kitten experiences bloating and gas. The reasons may be different. The main thing is to correctly identify the disease. Some problems can be dealt with on your own, while others will require medical intervention.

In any case, people who want to have a cute pet should understand that this is a huge responsibility. Therefore, before adopting a kitten, you should learn more about proper nutrition and caring for babies, and only then get a pet. The right approach can help new owners protect the animal from most of the diseases listed above.


The cat has a stomach ache: 9 main reasons

A cat has a stomach ache for the following reasons:

  1. Digestive disorders due to overfeeding or eating foods unsuitable for cats - table scraps.
  2. A sudden change in diet. Most often, kittens suffer when switching from milk to solid food. However, indigestion also occurs in adults when there is a sudden replacement of natural food with dry granules or vice versa. The greatest harm to the intestinal and gastric mucosa is caused by alternating natural products and factory-made ready-made foods.
  3. Poisoning: the cause of an eating disorder is poor-quality food, eating weakened mice during deratization, household chemicals getting into the food, or incorrectly administered medications.
  4. Viral infections.
  5. The activity of parasites - helminths or lamblia.
  6. Chronic diseases of internal organs - liver, pancreas.
  7. Urolithiasis and inflammation of the bladder.
  8. Pyometra is purulent inflammation of the uterus.
  9. Oncological diseases.

A preliminary diagnosis of the disease can be made by the cat owner based on medical history and additional signs.

The cat has a stomach ache: what to do?

When a cat develops diarrhea, the temperature is normal, and no additional pathological symptoms are detected, you can try to treat the pet at home. The most effective and safest method is a starvation diet. The kitten should be left without food for 12 hours, ignoring the plaintive meowing. An adult animal is not fed for 24 hours. Water is not limited.

If the condition has improved, feeding is resumed, and on the first day the portion is halved and divided into at least 3 doses. Milk, as well as foods rich in carbohydrates and fats, are excluded from the diet.

The best option is to temporarily switch to granular food for cats with sensitive digestion. Small portions of granules are soaked as they are eaten. Restrictive measures are extended for 2-3 days.

Every day the feed supply is increased and after a week food is resumed in full. In the future, they leave the diet food or gradually transfer it to other foods.

If your pet’s condition does not improve within 24 hours or new pathological symptoms appear, you should seek veterinary help.

A cat has a stomach ache: symptoms

The cat endures pain steadfastly and complains sharply, raising its voice.

However, the owner himself may discover that his pet is in pain based on the following signs:

  • the animal is lethargic, stops jumping, prefers to lie down;
  • the cat shows aggression when trying to pick it up, tries to bite, and purrs threateningly;
  • assumes a forced position - the back is hunched, the appearance is hunched over.

In addition to the listed symptoms, additional symptoms appear:

  • diarrhea develops or, conversely, stool retention;
  • the stomach is swollen, touching it is painful;
  • with breast cancer, the painful tumor is located externally;
  • vomiting occurs;
  • with the development of peritonitis, dehydration develops;
  • blood is found in feces;
  • the tongue becomes covered with a gray coating.

Signs of abdominal pain in a cat

It is sometimes difficult to suspect abdominal pain in a pet who cannot complain. Therefore, experienced breeders recommend paying attention to changes in the pet’s behavior.

The main features are:

  • increased anxiety (the cat often changes position, does not sit in one place);
  • strains, but cannot have a bowel movement;
  • hunches over and meows pitifully;
  • often tenses the abdominal muscles;
  • the cat growls and does not allow you to touch its stomach;
  • prefers rest to active games;
  • refuses food.

If the animal starts vomiting, has diarrhea, or there is an admixture of blood in the stool or vomit, you can be sure that the pet’s stomach hurts quite badly.

Abdominal pain is usually classified as:

  1. For pain associated with irritation of organ tissue and its nerve endings during stretching or due to severe spasms. Spasmodic pain occurs like colic. An example of such pain is intestinal or renal colic, exacerbation of cholelithiasis. The pain from overstretching the organ is dull and diffuse, accompanied by heaviness. An example would be a dull pain when overeating. The pain syndrome is temporary and does not intensify with movement.
  2. For pain caused by irritation of the peritoneum during pathological processes in the internal organs. For example, bleeding due to perforation of the stomach or intestines due to an ulcer or injury with a sharp object, ovarian apoplexy, uterine rupture or tumor disintegration. The pain intensifies with the act of breathing and attempts to move, it is constant and exhausting.

If the animal refuses to eat, there is an admixture of blood, mucus, foam in the biological fluids, the pet must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.


You can suspect that your pet has a stomach ache based on the following symptoms:

  1. The cat often meows for no reason.
  2. The animal takes unnatural poses and behaves restlessly.
  3. Touching a cat's stomach causes twitching, crying, and sometimes an attack of aggression.
  4. The abdominal muscles are tense.
  5. The cat loses appetite and sometimes thirst.
  6. The pain may be accompanied by bloating, vomiting and diarrhea.

If your cat is very thirsty, has sores in the corners of his mouth, has a stomach ache and is bothered by bloody diarrhea, most likely he has developed viral enteritis.

If a cat has a stomach ache and constipation, this may indicate intestinal obstruction, campylobacteriosis, giardiasis, inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, helminthic infestation, and gallbladder disease. If a cat has cholelithiasis, an enlarged organ may be palpable in the right hypochondrium, and manifestations of jaundice are also likely.

With diseases of the genitourinary system, a cat may experience discharge with blood and pus, and it will often lick the perineum. In acute cases, the temperature rises, appetite disappears, and the external genitalia swell.

If a cat has urolithiasis, deurination will be rare, mixed with blood. A rupture of the ureter or bladder will be accompanied by severe pain, restlessness and severe crying. With peritonitis, blood or organ contents leak into the abdominal cavity. The cat will be tormented by thirst, sharp pain, fever, vomiting, and the mucous membranes will become light in color.

Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are manifested by alternating constipation and diarrhea, and periodic abdominal pain. With giardiasis, stool becomes liquid and foamy. An infectious disease and exacerbation of the inflammatory process can be judged if the cat has a stomach ache and diarrhea. .

Associated symptoms will almost always include fever, loss of energy, and vomiting.

These same signs may indicate poisoning. If the cause is a toxic substance, the cat may begin to have convulsions and foam at the mouth. If a cat has ascites (fullness of the abdominal cavity with fluid), the abdomen will be greatly enlarged in size, and shortness of breath is also often observed.

My cat has a stomach ache – how can I help my pet?

Abdominal pain in cats is common and can be difficult to recognize. And it can signal severe pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, some of which can lead to death. Therefore, it is important for the owner to distinguish between when a cat has a stomach ache from simple indigestion, and when the pet requires urgent veterinary care.

Causes of abdominal pain

The main causes of the problem are:

  • Helminthiasis. Infection with worms and protozoa leads to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Food allergies. Accompanied by skin rash, flatulence, indigestion.
  • Constipation.
  • Damage to the stomach wall with a sharp object.
  • Poisoning with food or a toxic substance.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines.
  • Panleukopenia (feline distemper). A viral disease that affects the digestive tract and respiratory organs.
  • Ascites. A pathology in which a large volume of fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Intestinal cramps and accumulation of gases. May be a consequence of poor nutrition.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the digestive system (enteritis, pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis, peritonitis).
  • Gynecological diseases. Sharp pain in a cat can occur when an ovary ruptures, and aching pain can occur due to endometritis or pyometra. These diseases can develop as a result of hypothermia, birth injuries, or taking hormonal medications.
  • Pathologies of the urinary organs. Pain in the lower abdomen of a cat can occur from blocking the ureter or urethra with a stone.
  • Neoplasms in the abdominal cavity.

Pain in the stomach can be caused by an unbalanced diet, abuse of fatty foods, and overeating. In this case, the cat has a stomach ache after eating. In kittens, the likelihood of this problem increases when switching from breastfeeding to another diet.


You can suspect that your pet has a stomach ache based on the following symptoms:

  1. The cat often meows for no reason.
  2. The animal takes unnatural poses and behaves restlessly.
  3. Touching a cat's stomach causes twitching, crying, and sometimes an attack of aggression.
  4. The abdominal muscles are tense.
  5. The cat loses appetite and sometimes thirst.
  6. The pain may be accompanied by bloating, vomiting and diarrhea.

If your cat is very thirsty, has sores in the corners of his mouth, has a stomach ache and is bothered by bloody diarrhea, most likely he has developed viral enteritis.

If a cat has a stomach ache and constipation, this may indicate intestinal obstruction, campylobacteriosis, giardiasis, inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, helminthic infestation, and gallbladder disease. If a cat has cholelithiasis, an enlarged organ may be palpable in the right hypochondrium, and manifestations of jaundice are also likely.

With diseases of the genitourinary system, a cat may experience discharge with blood and pus, and it will often lick the perineum. In acute cases, the temperature rises, appetite disappears, and the external genitalia swell.

If a cat has urolithiasis, deurination will be rare, mixed with blood. A rupture of the ureter or bladder will be accompanied by severe pain, restlessness and severe crying. With peritonitis, blood or organ contents leak into the abdominal cavity. The cat will be tormented by thirst, sharp pain, fever, vomiting, and the mucous membranes will become light in color.

Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are manifested by alternating constipation and diarrhea, and periodic abdominal pain.
With giardiasis, stool becomes liquid and foamy. An infectious disease and exacerbation of the inflammatory process can be judged if the cat has a stomach ache and diarrhea .
Associated symptoms will almost always include fever, loss of energy, and vomiting.

These same signs may indicate poisoning. If the cause is a toxic substance, the cat may begin to have convulsions and foam at the mouth. If a cat has ascites (fullness of the abdominal cavity with fluid), the abdomen will be greatly enlarged in size, and shortness of breath is also often observed.


You can independently determine the cause of stomach pain if the owner saw that the cat ate stale food, poison, a plant, or swallowed a foreign object.

In other cases, only a veterinarian can make a diagnosis. To do this, you need to inform him about the pet’s diet, his behavior, the nature of his stool, and accompanying symptoms.

You can determine the exact cause of abdominal pain using the following methods:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • x-ray to rule out intestinal obstruction;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • examination of stool for blood, worm eggs and protozoa.


To alleviate the cat’s condition, you should not feed it when the above symptoms appear. You need to drink warm water, and to cleanse the stomach and intestines, you can add a few drops of Vaseline oil.

The choice of drug for treatment will depend on the diagnosis. If a cat has a stomach ache due to an infection, she is prescribed antibacterial and antiviral therapy. Erythromycin and Tylosin are commonly used.

If worms are detected, anthelmintic drugs will be prescribed, and antiprotozoal drugs will be prescribed to combat protozoa. If the animal is poisoned, it is necessary to cleanse the stomach with water and salt and give activated charcoal.

You can induce vomiting using potassium permanganate or apomorphine.

To remove toxins and metabolic products, it is necessary to take sorbents. In case of severe pain, the veterinarian will select antispasmodics for the cat and calculate the required dosage.

If urolithiasis is diagnosed, anesthetics and muscle relaxants are administered using a catheter. If the problem is advanced, an operation is performed to remove the stone or dilate the urethra.

For ascites, fluid accumulated in the abdominal cavity is removed and diuretics are prescribed. If the cat has intestinal obstruction or a neoplasm, treatment will be surgical.

Peritonitis is treated comprehensively: anesthetics are given to relieve pain, then the accumulated fluid is pumped out using the puncture method. The cat is prescribed antibiotics, intravenous saline solutions, vitamins, and immunomodulators.

Source: https://veterinariya.com/u-koshki-bolit-zhivot.html

A cat has a stomach ache: symptoms

The cat endures pain steadfastly and complains sharply, raising its voice.

However, the owner himself may discover that his pet is in pain based on the following signs:

  • the animal is lethargic, stops jumping, prefers to lie down;
  • the cat shows aggression when trying to pick it up, tries to bite, and purrs threateningly;
  • assumes a forced position - the back is hunched, the appearance is hunched over.

In addition to the listed symptoms, additional symptoms appear:

  • diarrhea develops or, conversely, stool retention;
  • the stomach is swollen, touching it is painful;
  • with breast cancer, the painful tumor is located externally;
  • vomiting occurs;
  • with the development of peritonitis, dehydration develops;
  • blood is found in feces;
  • the tongue becomes covered with a gray coating.

The cat has a stomach ache, what to do: reasons, how to understand, first aid, how to treat

Abdominal disease in cats is a sign of a wide range of diseases.
Not all of them are associated with digestive disorders. Inflammation of the reproductive organs, urinary tract, liver, kidneys, and pancreas can result in abdominal pain. The article talks about the causes of the pathology, how to make a preliminary diagnosis, and provide first aid. The article also tells you what not to do and when you need to urgently consult a doctor.

The cat has a stomach ache: 9 main reasons

A cat has a stomach ache for the following reasons:

  1. Digestive disorders due to overfeeding or eating foods unsuitable for cats - table scraps.
  2. A sudden change in diet. Most often, kittens suffer when switching from milk to solid food. However, indigestion also occurs in adults when there is a sudden replacement of natural food with dry granules or vice versa. The greatest harm to the intestinal and gastric mucosa is caused by alternating natural products and factory-made ready-made foods.
  3. Poisoning : the cause of an eating disorder is poor-quality food, eating weakened mice during deratization, household chemicals getting into the food, or incorrectly administered medications.
  4. Viral infections .
  5. The activity of parasites - helminths or lamblia.
  6. Chronic diseases of internal organs - liver, pancreas.
  7. Urolithiasis and inflammation of the bladder.
  8. Pyometra is purulent inflammation of the uterus.
  9. Oncological diseases.

A preliminary diagnosis of the disease can be made by the cat owner based on medical history and additional signs.

A cat has a stomach ache: symptoms

The cat endures pain steadfastly and complains sharply, raising its voice.

However, the owner himself may discover that his pet is in pain based on the following signs:

  • the animal is lethargic, stops jumping, prefers to lie down;
  • the cat shows aggression when trying to pick it up, tries to bite, and purrs threateningly;
  • assumes a forced position - the back is hunched, the appearance is hunched over.

In addition to the listed symptoms, additional symptoms appear:

  • diarrhea develops or, conversely, stool retention;
  • the stomach is swollen, touching it is painful;
  • with breast cancer, the painful tumor is located externally;
  • vomiting occurs;
  • with the development of peritonitis, dehydration develops;
  • blood is found in feces;
  • the tongue becomes covered with a gray coating.

The cat has a stomach ache: what to do?

When a cat develops diarrhea, the temperature is normal, and no additional pathological symptoms are detected, you can try to treat the pet at home. The most effective and safest method is a starvation diet. The kitten should be left without food for 12 hours, ignoring the plaintive meowing. An adult animal is not fed for 24 hours. Water is not limited.

If the condition has improved, feeding is resumed, and on the first day the portion is halved and divided into at least 3 doses. Milk, as well as foods rich in carbohydrates and fats, are excluded from the diet.

The best option is to temporarily switch to granular food for cats with sensitive digestion. Small portions of granules are soaked as they are eaten. Restrictive measures are extended for 2-3 days.

Every day the feed supply is increased and after a week food is resumed in full. In the future, they leave the diet food or gradually transfer it to other foods.

If your pet’s condition does not improve within 24 hours or new pathological symptoms appear, you should seek veterinary help.

A cat has a stomach ache: how to treat it

Self-treatment is only possible if it cannot cause harm. Such drugs exist. These are probiotics or prebiotics that restore the functioning of the digestive organs and eliminate diarrhea or constipation.

Sorbents have a similar effect, of which Enterosgel is most in demand in the treatment of cats. However, the drugs mentioned may not be helpful if the cat does not improve after short-term fasting therapy.

Therefore, the choice of treatment methods, as well as the selection of drugs, is entrusted to a specialist. Depending on the disease, surgical or conservative treatment is used. Surgery is resorted to when a closed pyometra is diagnosed, that is, the outflow of purulent exudate from the uterine cavity does not occur.

In this case, the uterus with ovaries and appendages is removed and drug treatment is prescribed aimed at suppressing pathogenic microflora and healing surgical wounds.

If a tumor is detected, the veterinarian chooses between surgical removal of the tumor or chemotherapy. In pets suffering from chronic pathologies of internal organs, fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity.

The pathology is called dropsy or ascites. In such a situation, the veterinarian also has to choose between removing the effusion through a long needle or prescribing a medicine that removes excess fluid from the body. In all other situations, drug therapy is used.


The veterinarian selects medications depending on the diagnosis. If a cat has eaten poisoned mice, it is necessary to combat dehydration. Stop vomiting with parenteral administration of Metoclopramide or analogues.

Salt rehydration mixtures or blood substitutes - Ringer-Locke solution, Reopoliglyukin, etc. are administered subcutaneously or intravenously. To neutralize the anticoagulants that are part of the pesticide for mice, coagulants are used - analogues of vitamin K. Depending on the condition of the cat, symptomatic cardiac drugs are used.

Economy class food is being cancelled. When the cat can drink, she is offered water. If the pet was fed economy-class ready-made food, it is canceled and transferred to premium food or offered fermented milk products and pureed vegetables. Diet therapy continues for at least three weeks.

Vitamin preparations are used as general strengthening agents. Beneficial intestinal microflora is restored by including probiotics or prebiotics in the diet, if they are not contained in ready-made food.

Viral infections primarily affect kittens. The most dangerous of them is panleukopenia. Treatment consists of injecting hyperimmune globulin in the first 1-2 days after the onset of clinical symptoms.

Further treatment consists of the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • antiemetics;
  • rehydration;
  • antispasmodics;
  • antibiotics;
  • restoratives;
  • sorbents;
  • prebiotics, probiotics.

If parasites or their fragments are found in feces, anthelmintic agents and detoxicants are used. If giardiasis is diagnosed in cats, antimicrobial agents based on metronidazole, furazolidone and tinidazole are used. Enterosorbents are used as detoxifiers, and probiotics and prebiotics are used to restore the population of beneficial bacteria.

For pancreatitis, vomiting and dehydration are combated. Feeding and oral medications are suspended for a day. Vitamin B12 and painkillers are administered.

Treatment of hepatitis depends on the etiology. If the liver inflammation is infectious, antibiotics and substances that stop dehydration are used. When ascites becomes a symptom of liver inflammation, exudate is removed and diuretics are prescribed. Drotaverine (No-Shpa) is used to relieve spasms.

For all types of liver inflammation, hepatoprotectors are used - Essentiale Forte or Karsil, as well as immunomodulators - Gamavit; Cycloferon, Fosprenil. To eliminate the allergic factor, antihistamines are prescribed - Diphenhydramine, Suprastin.

If abdominal pain is caused by urolithiasis, the blockage of the urinary tract is eliminated surgically.

The following types of medications are used:

  • to maintain water-salt balance, polyionic mixtures are introduced;
  • to prevent the development of pathogenic microbes, antibiotics are prescribed;
  • carry out detoxification therapy;
  • use antispasmodics - No-Shpa, Drotaverine;
  • they use herbal medicines that destroy stones - Erwin the Cat and analogues.

If a closed pyometra is diagnosed, it is removed. In the open form of the disease, antibiotics, drugs that remove exudate, detoxicants, and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

If tumors are detected on the abdomen, analgesics are used to alleviate the condition of the dying cat. Surgical treatment and chemotherapy are effective in the early stages of the disease.

If abdominal pain is caused by constipation, the veterinarian will prescribe surgical treatment, the use of cleansing enemas, or the use of laxatives.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods of treating abdominal diseases in cats are used in limited quantities and with the knowledge of a veterinarian. For constipation, use Vaseline oil.

If urolithiasis is diagnosed, veterinary drugs developed on the basis of traditional medicine are used:

  • Erwin the cat;
  • Urolex;
  • Phytoelite healthy kidneys.

Your cat has a stomach ache: when should you see a doctor urgently?

It’s easier to say when you shouldn’t go to the vet. If after a 12-hour fast for a kitten and a 24-hour deprivation of food for an adult animal, improvement occurs, use the gentle feeding methods described above. For abdominal pain caused by constipation, Vaseline oil is used.

If first aid is ineffective or additional symptoms are present, you should consult a veterinarian.

What not to do if your cat has a stomach ache

If poisoning is suspected, do not induce vomiting. Gastric lavage should not be performed. You should not give an enema yourself, use injectable antiemetics, antibiotics, medications intended for humans, or alcohol.

Do not forcibly inject food and water into the mouth when the pet is not eating or drinking.


The causes of abdominal pain in cats are varied and are symptoms of a large number of diseases and pathological conditions.

If first aid for digestive disorders does not help, or other signs of abdominal pain are detected, you should immediately seek veterinary help.

Source: https://KotikDoma.com/simptomy-bolezney/drugie-bolezni/u-kota-bolit-zhivot.html


If the cat is in an acute condition, then all the symptoms will be pronounced, and it is impossible not to notice them. But often, the animal experiences only a slight malaise, and the fact that the cat has a stomach ache becomes clear only after a certain time, when the animal loses weight and stops cuddling and playing. That is why even the slightest deviation from the norm of a pet’s behavior should be alarming.

Signs of abdominal pain and digestive disorders include:

  • The cat is hunched over, or cannot lie still, avoiding pressure on the stomach.
  • The animal moves less, does not play, and sits in one place.
  • Elevated temperature - more than 39°, in kittens - more than 39.5°.
  • When you try to stroke the cat's belly, he resists.
  • On palpation, bloating is felt, the cat’s stomach is dense and seething.
  • The cat eats less or refuses to eat at all, which indicates a serious condition.
  • Loose stools, diarrhea, may be mixed with blood, stools with mucus.
  • Vomiting can also be with blood.
  • When your cat goes to the toilet, he may moan or make sounds that indicate painful bowel movements or urination.
  • The cat is losing weight.
  • The wool looks worse and loses its shine.
  • In case of serious poisoning, convulsions and foam at the mouth are observed.

  1. Symptoms of gastritis: the cat does not eat or eats little, does not move, often vomits, there is a bad smell coming from the mouth, diarrhea, a swollen and rumbling stomach.
  2. Symptoms of enteritis: diarrhea, stool with particles of undigested food, mucus or blood, apathy, painful abdomen, bloating, loss of appetite, poor coat, painful bowel movements.
  3. Symptoms of poisoning: refusal to eat and drink, foam coming from the mouth, convulsions, the animal moves little.
  4. Symptoms of panleukopenia: vomiting, sometimes with blood, diarrhea, lacrimation, fever up to 41°, due to abdominal pain, the cat sits hunched over or lies on its side, often sits next to a container of water, but does not drink; the animal suddenly loses weight.
  5. Symptoms of helminthic infestation: painful stomach, loss of appetite, thirst, the cat is less active, stool with mucus, sometimes also with blood, vomiting, sometimes vomiting with worms, constipation followed by diarrhea, hair loss, weight loss.
  6. Symptoms of pancreatitis: lethargy, fever, severe vomiting and diarrhea, lack of stool during vomiting, dehydration, difficulty breathing, very painful stomach.
  7. Symptoms of food allergies: itchy skin, skin rashes, nasal congestion and discharge, vomiting and diarrhea.

All of the above diseases are accompanied by abdominal pain of varying degrees of intensity, and this is an incomplete list. Many diseases have similar symptoms, in addition to abdominal pain, and their diagnosis should only be carried out by a specialist.

How can you tell if your cat is experiencing abdominal pain?

Symptoms of abdominal pain may not always be obvious - the cat may appear hunched over in appearance, and you can also see when touching the abdominal area will be disturbing to the cat.

Other symptoms may vary depending on the underlying cause, for example a cat with Giardia will have diarrhea, a cat with kidney stones may have difficulty urinating.

Viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections (eg, Giardia) usually cause vomiting and diarrhea. Giardia can produce foul-smelling, foamy stool.

Symptoms of poisoning depend on the type. Your cat looks confused, foams at the mouth, vomits, convulses - this is poisoning.

Symptoms of cancer can often be vague, but may include loss of appetite, blood in the stool, changes in habits, constipation when going to the toilet, and diarrhea.

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