What can and cannot be fed to a Pekingese?

Principles of feeding the breed

Dogs considered sacred animals of Chinese emperors, the short-legged and cute Pekingese are predisposed to many diseases. They are prone to excess weight, arthritis and arthrosis, pathologies of the eyes and teeth. Therefore, when planning your pet’s diet, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Food is served warm; cold food has a negative effect on the digestive system.
  2. An equal time pause is taken between meals; this stabilizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The bowl should be in a familiar, comfortable place. It is accessible to the animal at any time and is not disturbed there.
  4. Be sure to control the volume of portions, calculate it according to the weight and age of your pet. Representatives of the breed do not know any sense of proportion.
  5. Serve food in semi-liquid or thick form; simple broths will be uncomfortable for pets to eat; their muzzle is flat.
  6. Weak canines do not allow such dogs to easily chew hard food or dry food. It is better to give food in small pieces, soak the granules in water.
  7. Your pet should always have fresh water to drink; it is changed 2-3 times a day.
  8. If the animal rejects a certain food, remove the bowl for a while. A hungry dog ​​will stop being capricious.

You need to draw up a nutrition plan based on the physiological characteristics (pregnancy, estrus, age) and the activity of the dog.

What type of food should I choose?

The dilemma facing all new dog owners is what to feed: homemade or commercial food. The decision is up to the owners, since each option has its own strengths and weaknesses.

► Features of the finished feed are that:

  • Its composition is balanced, it already includes enough meat, vegetables, grains, vitamin and mineral supplements. You don't have to worry about additional dietary supplements.
  • There are many lines, including for allergy sufferers, dogs with sensitive digestion, puppies or seniors.
  • A large selection allows you to choose an option for any budget.
  • You don’t need to prepare food, take care of its freshness, or store it - this saves time.
  • Industrial food is easy to order online or buy in a store for future use; it is as accessible as possible.

One of the disadvantages here is that cheap feeds do not meet all quality requirements; they are made from recycled materials. Professional lines are above average. For some owners, the disadvantage is the fact that they do not know exactly what they are giving to their pet.

► Natural nutrition is good because:

  • the owner is confident in the freshness and quality of the food;
  • the pet receives a variety of food;
  • This menu is cheaper.

In order for your dog to receive all the necessary substances, you will have to think through the diet and monitor its diversity, give additional vitamins, and independently calculate the serving size and approximate calorie content. Dishes must always be fresh, and their preparation takes time. It is more difficult to follow a diet on a natural diet.

What to feed a Pekingese puppy?

The dog’s menu largely depends on age and changes especially often during the period from birth to one year. How many times a day to feed the Pekingese and what, we will consider in table No. 1.

MonthsNumber of mealsDiet
Up to 1Every 2 hoursMother's milk, in its absence - a specialized formula, from the 14th day complementary foods are introduced (liquid porridge, pureed or minced meat, cottage cheese, fermented milk products)
1-2Once every 4 hoursThe volume of formula decreases, and by two months it is completely abandoned. Complementary foods include pieces of meat, fruits, and vegetables.
2-35Food according to age or natural food, a three-month-old puppy is given boiled yolk and cartilage every 3-4 days
2-63With natural nutrition, raw meat and dry food for puppies are allowed for the first time
6-82-3“Sushka” is still from the children’s line, homemade food is becoming closer to adult food
More than 82Nutrition, as for an adult dog, is prepared taking into account all recommendations

From birth to one month

After birth, puppies must be fed breast milk. If the mother is not nearby or her lactation is not enough, the owners purchase a specialized formula that resembles baby food. It is sold in veterinary pharmacies, diluted according to the instructions and given from a bottle with a nipple for the first 1.5-2 weeks, then it can be poured into a shallow bowl.

Children's artificial nutrition is not suitable, the composition and calorie content are different. It also cannot fully replace cow's milk.

Formula-fed babies are introduced to complementary foods earlier: from 2 weeks. You can feed a one-month-old Pekingese puppy liquid porridge with water or light broth, meat purees, you can use ready-made jars for children: beef, turkey, veal, chicken, cottage cheese. Milk replacer also remains.

Up to six months

Dogs stop feeding formula at 2 months. By this age, complementary feeding has been introduced, then it only becomes more complex and varied, more cereals, vegetables, fermented milk products, and fruits appear. Gradually, food begins to be given in pieces. The diet for up to six months looks like this:

  1. At 8 weeks, the daily volume of food is 180 g, it is divided into 6 meals so as not to stretch or overload the stomach. With this regime, the baby will not experience hunger.
  2. At 12 weeks, yolks are added, and the single portion is almost doubled (50-60 g).
  3. At 4 months, offal (liver, hearts) is added to the menu. The proportion of fermented milk dishes increases as molars begin to grow.
  4. At six months, meat can be served raw; cartilage is allowed. The diet is similar to that of an adult, only there are more meals per day and smaller portions.

Up to 12 months

The diet of puppies older than 6 months is almost no different from an adult. The only difference is in the volume of food and the number of feedings. It must be taken into account that at this age milk ceases to be absorbed, so it is excluded from the diet.

The body continues to grow rapidly, so it must receive a sufficient amount of Ca and protein compounds. Otherwise, the bone skeleton develops poorly and muscle mass does not gain. When feeding “dry”, rulers for puppies are used; when feeding at home, it is recommended to give complex supplements. If you are still thinking about what kind of meat you can give your Pekingese at this age, use the list of products for adults.

What to feed an adult Pekingese?

When feeding an adult Pekingese, it is important to consider portion size. Determining the optimal volume is easy: take the number of grams corresponding to the weight of your pet, watch how the animal behaves. If he leaves food behind, reduce the amount; if he knocks the bowl and shows a feeling of hunger, increase the portion.

The main thing is to correctly formulate the diet with natural feeding. It should consist of 50% meat. If you take offal, then the share increases by 1/3, since their nutritional value is less.

  1. Meat is the basis of nutrition, given daily raw (if you are sure of the quality) or boiled. Beef, turkey, veal, chicken, rabbit, pork (lean) are used.
  2. 1 out of 4 days meat is replaced with fish. Fillets of sea creatures (mackerel, halibut) are best suited.
  3. Cereals are always present on the menu (20-40%). Use buckwheat, rolled oats, rice, millet.
  4. Give a yolk (chicken or goose, 2-3 quail) once a week. The product must be boiled.
  5. The daily amount of food should contain 20% vegetables. They are given boiled or raw. Carrots, zucchini, broccoli or cauliflower work well.
  6. Fruit is one of the favorite treats of these small dogs; an apple and a pear are suitable for reward.
  7. Fermented milk should be given once every 3-4 days: cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt.
  8. Supplement your dishes with herbs (parsley, lettuce).

Use different cereals, types of meat and fish in your diet. Then the pet will receive maximum nutrients.

Diet for an elderly pet

After 8 years, dogs need special care; aging processes begin in their bodies. You should adjust your diet according to the following:

  • Food becomes soft as the strength of teeth decreases.
  • Daily calorie intake is reduced. The pet moves less, and its tendency to become overweight needs to be controlled. Reduce the proportion of slow carbohydrates and increase the amount of vegetables.
  • In order not to overload the stomach, increase the number of feedings to 4-5 times a day (the daily norm does not change).

Expert opinion

Kuzmenko Olga Olegovna

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Consult your veterinarian about what supplements to give your dog. Elderly individuals need to maintain healthy bones and joints, vision, and hearing functions.

How to choose dry food for this breed?

If you decide to feed your Pekingese dog dry food, then you will think about which dry food is best for it? When choosing a line, pay attention to the composition, it should contain:

  • meat (by-products, if present, then in minimal quantities, as an additive);
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements.

Before purchasing, study the manufacturers' recommendations on the weight and age of the animals. Do not use rulers marked “Active”, they have a high caloric content and are not suitable for sedentary Pekingese.

Choose food from professional foods, including:

  1. Pro Plan.
  2. GO! NATURAL Holistic.
  3. Orijen.
  4. Acana.
  5. Bosch.
  6. Monge.
  7. Golden Eagle.

Let's briefly look at the features of several brands:

  1. Bosch mini adult is food for adult dogs of small breeds. The composition is designed so that the animal receives maximum energy value from a small portion volume. The structure and size of the granules are suitable for Pekingese teeth that are not very strong.
  2. Royal farm adult mini chicken. The product was created for dogs from 1 to 7 years old, supplemented with L-carnitine, which provides energy without increasing calories, and probiotics, which improve stomach function. An excellent option if your pet already has a tendency to be overweight.
  3. Pro Plan Small & Mini Adult is a whole line that includes food for animals with sensitive digestion, a product for sterilized (neutered) dogs, and allergy sufferers. Pro Plan Small & mini treats are also sold.
  4. Monge dog grain free mini. A distinctive feature of the food is the absence of grains; potatoes are used as carbohydrates. It contains a high protein content and is enriched with Omega 3 and Omega 6 elements, which improve the condition of the coat.

If your Pekingese is allergic to holistic dry food (highest class), consult your veterinarian, he will select a line for allergy sufferers.

Dry food

It’s not for nothing that ready-made dry food has gained popularity among most dog owners, including the Pekingese breed. The owner does not need to waste time preparing balanced food for the Pekingese. I just poured the food from the bag into the feeder and that’s it! But there are also some nuances here. It is very important to take a responsible approach to choosing food. Give preference to trusted manufacturers.

Read the information on the packaging carefully. Keep in mind that each organism is individual; a pet may refuse to eat food, even if other representatives of the same breed happily eat it. It is better to buy one package to understand the preferences of your four-legged friend.

Even if you decide that your Pekingese's diet will consist only of natural products, a growing dog needs a complex of vitamins and microelements. Natural food may not always provide everything a dog needs. Therefore, consult your veterinarian, perhaps he will suggest adding dry food to your diet, at least for a while. This type of nutrition is called mixed.

It is important not only how and what to feed the Pekingese, but also how many times a day.

If a baby is fed 6 times a day, then an adult Pekingese is fed 2 times. If the dog licks the feeder, then just increase the portion a little, but two meals is enough for him, do not feed the pet during the day. There should always be only a bowl of clean water available in the public domain.

Similar article: Rules for the care and maintenance of a Pekingese at home

What to give during natural feeding?

We have already listed what to feed the Pekingese at home, but if you have recently become the owner of a dog, it will be difficult to create a menu yourself. We offer a possible weekly meal plan in Table No. 2.

Day of the weekMorningEvening
MondayRaw beef with stewed zucchini and carrotsChicken + cottage cheese with apple pieces
TuesdayHalibut fillet with buckwheatStewed turkey liver with vegetables
WednesdayBeef with rice porridge + yolkTurkey with herbs and cheese
ThursdayChicken heart with oatmealBeef lung stewed with vegetables and parsley
FridayBuckwheat with pieces of rabbit meatRice porridge with apples and pears, cottage cheese
SaturdayHorse mackerel with riceTurkey and vegetable stew
SundayRice porridge with chicken fillet, quail eggRice with zucchini and carrots, add a spoonful of olive oil, kefir

The share of meat, vegetables and cereals is calculated from the daily volume of food.

Necessary vitamins and nutrition

If you have chosen to feed your beloved pet high-quality dry food, then you most likely will not need vitamin supplements and nutrition, since the food itself is balanced and contains all the substances necessary for the dog’s body.

Let us remind you that natural nutrition means feeding your dog freshly prepared food. The diet should be varied. With a balanced diet, foods contain the required amount of vitamins. If you feed your pet correctly, his health will be excellent and he will not need vitamin supplements.

There are times when a dog additionally needs vitamin complexes. But it is important to remember that both a lack of vitamins and their excess can have negative consequences. Tablets or drops are prescribed in cases where there is a weakened condition: heavy physical activity, a nursing bitch. For a pet, the content of vitamins A, B, D, E, K, as well as macro- and microelements in food is very important.

If you take a closer look at how the Pekingese behaves and what it looks like, you can find out what vitamins it lacks.

If you notice at home that your pet is picking up cigarette butts, instead of scolding him for this, it is better to take care of adding foods with vitamin P to his diet. Your dog clearly does not have enough of it. It is found in cabbage and green salad.

Does your pet fiddle with shoe insoles and unclean socks? This is a signal that there is not enough vitamin B. Add fresh meat to your diet.

Is your dog chewing chalk or dirt? This is a lack of calcium. Add more cottage cheese to your diet, and oatmeal for breakfast.

Have you noticed that the Pekingese tries to eat its own or other people's feces? There is no use in scolding. This behavior indicates that the pet has a lack of vitamin B12 in its body.

Similar article: Features of cutting a Pekingese dog at home

Do I need to give my Pekingese extra vitamins and minerals?

If the dog does not eat dry food, its nutrition is supplemented with vitamin supplements. Up to 12 months they give daily. Then the active growth stage ends, and vitamins are taken in courses. You can add pharmaceutical products to the food, such as fish oil and Omega-3,-6 acids, B vitamins, and Calcium phosphate. Natural sources of minerals are:

  • bran;
  • meat and bone meal;
  • crushed egg grains;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • olive oil.

It is difficult to use all this correctly, in the right quantity, so experts recommend buying ready-made balanced dietary supplements. Multivitamins for small breeds are suitable. For older pets, purchase supplements with calcium, chondroitin and glucosamine.

Vitamins and supplements in the diet of a Pekingese puppy

When choosing a natural type of feeding for your Pekingese puppy, be sure to include vitamins and supplements in his diet. Until the age of one, vitamins should be given every day. When the dog exits the active growth stage, vitamins are given in courses. If you are feeding your puppy high-quality commercial food, you do not need to give additional vitamins unless they have been prescribed by your veterinarian.

Many vitamins are found in natural foods. When enriching your diet, remember that moderation is important in everything - an excess of vitamins is just as harmful as their deficiency.

Natural vitamin supplements for Pekingese puppy:

  • Meat and bone meal.
  • Clean, dried, crushed egg shells.
  • Bran.
  • Fish, chicken, beef liver.
  • Greens, vegetables, fruits.
  • Sunflower oil, olive oil.
  • Brewer's yeast.

In addition to natural sources of nutrients, you can add pharmaceutical products to your Pekingese puppy's food:

  • Fish fat.
  • Feed tricalcium phosphate.
  • Omega-3, Omega-6.
  • B vitamins.
  • Undevit and analogues.

If you forget to give your puppy vitamins or doubt that you will calculate the dosage correctly, it is better to switch to industrial complexes. Vitamins for puppies are available in the form of tablets, crackers, powder, etc. Tablets and crackers can be used as a treat; the powder is poured into the porridge before serving.

What is it forbidden to feed Pekingese?

Dogs love table food, sweets and other unhealthy “treats”. Constant consumption of prohibited foods will lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, allergies and other pathologies. What is it prohibited to feed an adult Pekingese?

  • fatty meat (pork, lamb);
  • smoked, spicy food;
  • sweets;
  • sausages;
  • canned food;
  • legumes;
  • potatoes, onions, garlic.

Pekingese are not allowed to chew on bones, as they can break their fangs. Special treats or cartilage are used to clean teeth.

What not to feed a Pekingese

Pekingese dogs have a delicate digestive system and the following foods are absolutely not suitable for them.

  • Legumes and potatoes can cause excessive gas formation in the intestines, creating a feeling of discomfort or pain in the dog.
  • The animal's stomach is not able to digest heavy and fatty types of meat, among which lamb and pork occupy the first places.
  • For the same reason, completely fried foods and sausages of any kind should be excluded from the diet.
  • Any dog ​​wouldn't mind eating something tasty. Sweet confectionery, and even more so store-bought treats, should be left for people. It is better to give your dog fresh fruit or homemade crackers made from black rye bread.

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Recommendations from nutritionists

Proper nutrition has many nuances; expert advice will help you improve it.

  1. After six months, the puppies begin to shed their first coat and their coat changes to that of an adult. During this period, the menu is enriched with seaweed or seafood. They are contraindicated for younger dogs.
  2. The ratio of meat and vegetables varies depending on the time of year. In summer, the body needs more fiber, in winter - protein.
  3. The mobility of Pekingese depends on temperament. Active dogs need 600 Kcal per day, with a moderate lifestyle 400 Kcal is enough, with a sedentary life - 300 Kcal.
  4. The amount of buckwheat on the menu is limited; its excessive consumption can cause urolithiasis.
  5. Pekingese dogs need to be fed intensively after giving birth or during pregnancy. The volume of food increases by 15% weekly from the 30th day of pregnancy. Returns to normal after the mother stops feeding the puppies.
  6. Treats should be supplied in moderation, otherwise gourmets will refuse regular food.

We found out what is best to feed the Pekingese. Monitor your pet's diet from an early age and instill in him the rules of feeding. Then the pet will be healthy, and it will be easier for you to take care of it.

Natural food

When the dog grows up, the question arises: what to feed the Pekingese to keep him healthy and cheerful? Typically, pet owners are divided into supporters of natural food and those who prefer to feed their pets dry food. The first ones are sure that ready-made food will not provide the dog with adequate nutrition.

Related article: All about the sacred Chinese dog of the Pekingese breed

Such owners prefer to feed an adult Pekingese with meat. And there's nothing wrong with that. Only natural food should be balanced and varied. Meat products alone are not enough for animals. So what do Pekingese eat? How to properly feed natural food?

You can include porridge made from rice, buckwheat or millet in your pet’s menu. Feeding a Pekingese without fruits and vegetables will be incomplete. It would be good to accustom a little fidget even to fresh herbs: dill, parsley.

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