How long do cats sleep?

Influence of genes

Understand that your pet's ancestor is an African wild cat.
This animal is mainly nocturnal. But domestication has shifted the periods when cats are active, making them more familiar to humans. These animals are therefore awake during the day, but most still tend to wake up at least twice during the night. The good news is that cats can be trained to let their owners sleep peacefully. Logical problem: you need to understand how two grandmothers managed to escape

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Kitten interferes with sleep

To prevent your cat from doing as he pleases while you're trying to sleep, try following these rules.

  • Plan some playtime with your cat throughout the evening. Use toys that can imitate the movement of mice and birds, such as those that dangle and wiggle. Games with ping pong ball, soft and fluffy balls, mouse toys are good for those furries who like to carry something. Play until your cat gets tired.

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  • It is best to give your cat a main meal before bed. Cats tend to go to bed after eating a lot. If your pet keeps waking you up at night for food, it may be worth investing in an automatic feeder that you can fill and set up so that your cat can feed herself once or twice during the night. If your cat feels hungry, very soon she will learn to wait for the feeder to go off rather than wake you when you are sleeping. Make sure you reduce portion sizes so your cat doesn't become overweight.
  • Come up with different activities that will keep your cat busy during the daytime. The more active she is during the day, the more likely she is to sleep at night.
  • If your pet socializes with other cats, you may want to consider adopting a second cat into the family. If two cats become friends, they will likely play together and leave you alone at night. However, their nocturnal play can disrupt your sleep just as much as if one cat were trying to wake you up!

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When getting a kitten, owners rarely expect problems. Unfortunately, they arise from time to time. It is not uncommon for a kitten to keep you awake at night. This phenomenon is especially unpleasant if there is a child in the house who, due to poor night sleep, becomes nervous and capricious. In addition, poor quality sleep has a negative impact on the development of the child.

A kitten or cat during night fun can also pose a danger to its owner, as it begins to hunt for arms or legs that appear from under the blanket. In this case, in addition to the fact that the owner does not get enough sleep, he will also be injured. Every breeder should know why this happens and how to calm a pet.

what to give the cat so that he sleeps. the cat does not let him sleep at night, what to do. how to wean the cat from interfering with sleep.

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The cat is lethargic and constantly sleeps: trivial reasons unrelated to the disease

If you notice a fever, nasal discharge, or worsening hair condition, you should consult a doctor. The animal may react sensitively to changes in food. Therefore, if you switch your pet to a different food, do not be surprised if he refuses food for some time and also becomes lethargic. The animal feels unwell after traveling by car. This is associated with motion sickness and shaking. A condition similar to motion sickness in children.

The cat is lethargic and constantly sleeps, trivial reasons unrelated to the disease:

  1. The animal may be stressed due to the arrival of a new family member . This could be another animal or person, the mistress’s lover.
  2. Change of owner. The animal needs time to get used to its new owners and find a common language. The animal will hide for some period of time and not make contact.
  3. After the guests' visit . If your acquaintances or friends with small children come to the house, the animal may refuse food and hide under the bed. This is quite normal, since pets do not really like children and constantly hide from them.
  4. After bathing and hygiene procedures . For some animals, such manipulations are stressful, so a day or two after bathing the cat does not feel very well and constantly hides from its owner.
  5. First time on the street. If you take your pet for a walk for the first time, you shouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t behave quite adequately. For an animal this is stress, anxiety, it does not know how to react to the world around it. The first few walks the animal may behave aggressively or, conversely, seem too fearful. After such walks, the animal sleeps most of the time.

A lot of interesting information for breeders can be found in the articles on our website:

  • Is it possible to give cats human tablets, No-shpu, Valerian tablets? How to give a bitter pill to a cat without spitting it out?
  • What can you feed a 1-6 month old kitten without a cat and how many times a day: list of feeds, products and dishes, feeding regimen
  • Is it possible to leave a cat alone for a day, 5 days, a week, two weeks? How long can you keep a cat or kitten: reviews, veterinarians’ opinions
  • Why does a cat itch and lick itself, but there are no fleas? The cat is constantly itching: causes, methods of treatment

The condition of an animal can be determined by its appearance. Therefore, if your pet is lethargic and refuses to eat, you need to pay attention to its condition. Look and evaluate the condition of the coat. If it is shiny, smooth, the mucous membrane is pink, the nose is moist, the pulse and temperature are normal, there is no discharge from the eyes, ears, or nose, then the cat’s condition is normal. There is no need to worry in such a situation.

What to do if your cat wakes you up at night?

Unless, of course, you suspect that your cat is bothering you because she is injured or sick, you should not get out of bed to see how she is doing. If you get up and feed your cat, play with her, or otherwise interact with her, you will inadvertently reward her for waking you up.

Cats, like other domestic animals, have long lived with humans in the same territory, considering it completely theirs. Sometimes something may bother them, causing them to stay awake at night and prevent their owners from resting. If a cat does not allow you to sleep, and this continues for a long time, then at a certain point it becomes a problem for people. But, before taking drastic measures to solve this situation, it is necessary to find out why the pet is doing this.

A cat doesn't let you sleep at night: reasons

Cats are nocturnal animals, and it is completely normal for them to be awake at this time of day. Many pets go about their business and do not disturb their owners’ sleep. But at some point, the always docile pet suddenly begins to be mischievous, as it seems to the person in his opinion. He can rattle and rustle with something all night, drop objects, meow under the door of the master bedroom to be let in, and immediately begin to demand to be let out back. The reasons for this behavior may be different:

  • lack of attention to the pet from the owners;
  • regularly leaving the animal alone for long periods of time;
  • the cat is excessively timid, as a result of which she feels more confident at night than during the day;
  • discomfort associated with changing conditions or a change of environment - moving to a new place, having a child or another pet;
  • the cat is in heat or the cat is on a spree.

There are other reasons why a cat does not allow its owners to sleep peacefully - due to the illness that the animal reports in this way, gaps in upbringing made at an early age, and more.

What to do if the cat does not sleep at night and bothers others?

We suggest you read: What to do if your cat doesn’t eat anything and drinks little

You should not immediately scold the animal without really understanding the reasons for this behavior. After all, it is possible that a pet is sick, but he simply has no other way to report it. In this case, it is necessary to show it to a veterinarian and treat it if necessary. If the pet does not have breeding value and the owner does not have offspring in his plans, then it is better to castrate or sterilize him so that he does not suffer from the inability to realize his instincts.

Very often, cats begin to cause concern to the owner at a time of stress, which is associated with a change in the pet’s usual conditions. At this time, it is necessary to pay more attention to your pet so that he does not feel fear, deprivation, or uselessness.

Of course, hardly anyone will be able to make their pet sleep at night. But to prevent your pet from disturbing you at night, you can try:

  • Feed him more thoroughly before going to bed - on a full stomach, the cat will most likely lie down to rest;
  • caress and actively play with the animal in the evening - having spent energy, the pet itself will want to sleep;
  • give your pet the opportunity to walk around the entire territory - having examined all the rooms, most likely, the cat will choose a secluded corner for itself, where it will go to bed.

It happens that a cat does not sleep at night, but what should you do if your pet interferes with the rest of others? We need to start from the reasons for such insomnia. Understanding your pet, satisfying its needs, but not indulging its whims - all this will help to establish relations with it for peaceful coexistence in the same territory.

What to do if a cat does not sleep at night and does not let its owners sleep? How to lure your pet and how to get it back...

Why does a cat sleep too much?

An adult healthy cat should sleep about 15 hours a day, but what should the owner think if the pet actually spends all day and all night dozing? Let's list the main reasons why such severe drowsiness can be caused:

  1. Senile age
    . Older cats sleep most of the day (sometimes 20 or more hours a day), waking up only to eat and go to the toilet;
  2. Intense heat and stuffiness
    in the room cause the animal to sleep a lot;
  3. Binge eating
    . A cat that is over-fed, as a rule, tends to go to bed for a long time;
  4. Excess weight
    . Animals with excess body weight are often real sleepyheads; they spend much more time sleeping than their lighter counterparts;
  5. Fatigue
    . Cats that lead an overly active, exhausting lifestyle sleep soundly and for a long time;
  6. Condition after anesthesia and taking certain medications
    . Cats may sleep for 24 hours after surgery during which anesthesia was used. Also, cats who are given sedatives and antihistamines sleep for many hours a day;
  7. Stress
    . Cats suffering from stress, which can be caused, for example, by frequent visits to the veterinarian, a change in diet or moving to a new home, may also spend most of the day sleeping;
  8. Hormonal disorders
    , the development of which can be caused by diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, Cushing's disease, hypoadrenocorticism. Hormonal imbalance is often accompanied by increased sleepiness in cats;
  9. Hypotension
    . Low blood pressure (less than 90/50 mmHg) can be caused by cardiac pathologies, extensive blood loss, drug overdose, and severe fatigue. Almost all cats with low blood pressure are lethargic and sleepy;
  10. Infectious diseases
    . Panleukopenia, leptospirosis, rhinotracheitis, calcivirosis and other ailments caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi contribute to the fact that cats sleep almost around the clock, not interested in games, communication with the owner, or treats;
  11. Helminths
    . Parasitic worms cause severe weakness in cats. Animals suffering from helminth infections tend to sleep a lot;
  12. Lack of vitamins
    . Cats who suffer from a lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements sleep a lot and are little awake;
  13. Anemia
    . With anemia, which can be caused by poor nutrition, infection, blood loss or severe poisoning, cats have severe weakness and a desire to spend all their time sleeping.

The cat doesn't let me sleep at night. How to calm a cat at night

Cats don't sleep at night for a variety of reasons. At first, the little kitten will feel sad and cry without its mother’s warmth. You can buy a house or make a sleeping place out of a box; For comfort, they put an old fur hat or a woolen blanket, and a heating pad under it. The kitten, having warmed up, can fall asleep. In the room where the kitten sleeps, there must be a bowl of water, and in another corner - a litter tray.

Often kittens do not want to sleep alone; I have to take them to the bed to get some sleep. Their favorite place is on the pillow; Next to the owner, the kitten falls asleep, purring, and can sleep peacefully all night. If the kitten is healthy, then there is nothing wrong with spending the night together.

There are times when a kitten cannot be calmed by anything - it screams all the time. Most likely, this is how stress manifests itself - after all, he was torn away from his mother. In order for the baby to adapt faster, you need to pay him a lot of attention, talk to him softly, and shower him with affection.

We suggest you read: How to train a cat to sleep in one place

A grown kitten decides that night is the best time for games. How to calm a cat at night if it runs around the apartment and around its owners? Cats are nocturnal animals, and it is natural for them not to sleep at night. You can give different examples of how owners solve this problem:

  • if a cat is not allowed to sleep during the day, then at night she will be happy when she is strictly commanded: “Sleep!”; gradually she will get used to the command and will go to bed with her owners;
  • At night the cat wants to eat. If you leave the food, she will eat a hearty meal and fall asleep;
  • lock the cat in a closet or toilet for a while, and take it with you before going to bed - she will be glad that the confinement is over and will go to bed next to her;
  • if the cat is mischievous, you can close the door to the bedroom or lock it in the kitchen, leaving a lot of toys;
  • buy a play complex or make one so that she gets tired during the day and sleeps at night;
  • a cozy house away from the bedroom is also conducive to a night's rest;
  • The drug "Cat-Bayun" - a medicine made from 18 herbs - helps well. It can be used in cats from 10 months of age during estrus, marking in the apartment, hyperactivity;
  • not to react - a cat can seek attention when it wants it - exactly like a capricious child.

What should you do if your cat won’t let you sleep at night because she’s in heat?

  1. Feed your cat only in the morning and a little at night.
  2. Buy your cat a few new toys to keep her distracted.
  3. Give the drug "Cat-Bayun".
  4. Use homeopathic remedies.
  5. Perform a massage: press the cat to the floor with your left palm by the shoulders; with your right hand, press firmly at the base of the tail (there is a small depression there). Do it several times a day.
  6. Sometimes they cause false ovulation, but this is fraught with pathologies of the reproductive system.
  7. Some owners decide to sterilize their cat, but the consequences of this operation for its health are very different.

How to deal with the problem?

Organize feeding correctly

To prevent the animal from asking to eat in the dark, it is necessary to properly organize its nutrition.
If the kitten does not allow you to sleep due to night hunger, veterinarians recommend giving him a nourishing, high-calorie food at night, after eating which the pet should sleep all night. Another option is to install an automatic feeder and teach the animal how to use it. Some cats sleep better when they eat raw meat. Digestion of protein foods requires a lot of energy, so after eating meat products, animals do not rush around, but lie quietly, absorbing the substances and vitamins necessary for the body.

Provide daily activity

Separate attention should be paid to the pet’s daily physical activity, and if it is not enough, it is important to make the cat move more. While the owner is at work, he needs to lock the animal in a room where it will spend the whole day alone. To prevent your cat from getting bored, experienced cat experts recommend purchasing or making your own play complex with toys, labyrinths, and other entertainment. Thanks to this, the animal plays and entertains itself all day long without the participation of the owner.

But as soon as a person comes home from work and has rested, it is important to pay attention to his four-legged friend, because toys are toys, and live communication is also important for cats. After communication, games and affection, all worries and sorrows disappear. To calm some pets down, it is enough to pet them before going to bed. After such an evening, the cat will sleep all night without disturbing the owner.

other methods

Even the slightest light can awaken activity in a cat, so it is recommended to curtain the windows and turn off all lamps at night.
In order for a healthy, well-fed cat to stop being active at night, and for the owner to get a good night's sleep, you should not follow the animal's lead, jump up at the first call, or play. The pet will perceive this as a reward, and he will want even more attention. Even dim lighting can cause your cat to be kept awake. To help your pet fall asleep faster, it is recommended to remove lighting everywhere and, if desired, cover the windows with heavy curtains, which will prevent daylight from entering in the early morning.

If the above methods do not help and it is not possible to cope with the cat’s nighttime activity, you can resort to extreme measures by giving the animal the sedative drug “Cat Bayun”. However, it is worth remembering that the medicine has contraindications and limitations, so it can only be used after prior consultation with a doctor. Self-medication can cause negative consequences, which are much more difficult to deal with later.

How to remove a cat from the bedroom?

While playing, cats can sometimes unintentionally injure their sleeping owners. For example, your cat may notice how your eyes move under your eyelids when you sleep and start playing with your face.

If your cat starts playing or waking you up while you're sleeping, you may need to remove him from your bedroom at night.

If he is crying and scratching at doors, you can discourage him from doing so by placing something in front of the door that he does not want to step on, such as vinyl carpet, double-sided tape, aluminum foil. Alternatively, you can set a trap behind the door. Try hanging a hairdryer on the bedroom doorknob, or placing a vacuum cleaner a few steps away from the door.

If you need help, don't hesitate to call an expert. For any question, you can seek help from a veterinarian.

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