Catfish Tarakatum (Hoplosternum thoracatum)

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If experienced aquarists can choose any fish, even the most exotic and capricious in keeping, then beginners, as a rule, are afraid to get specimens about which they know little. To figure out what kind of animal this is - a cockroach - and how to keep it, you need to study this species in detail. Perhaps you should start learning the basics of aquarium keeping with this fish.

  • 2 Description of appearance

    2.1 Sex differences

  • 3 Parameters of a comfortable living environment
  • 4 Feeding rules
  • 5 Compatibility with other fish
      5.1 Character trait

      5.1.1 Video: playful cockroach and his neighbors

  • 6 Reproduction and breeding
      6.1 Video: spawning of cockroaches
  • 6.2 Video: catfish fry sank to the bottom
  • 7 Tarakatum diseases and treatment methods
      7.1 Video: behavior of a catfish infected with ichthyophthyriasis
  • 7.2 What to do if your mustache falls off
  • 8 Video: all about the tarakatum catfish
  • 9 Owner reviews
  • A Brief History of Tarakatum

    The common tarakatum is a heat-loving catfish. In Latin it sounds like Hoplosternum thoracatum, but modern aquarists often write the name of the catfish as they hear it, tarakatum.

    In 1997, Hoplosternum was studied by Roberto Reis. He separately described several species of this genus. He named the Tarakatums, which are now kept by aquarists, Megalechis thoracata. Thus, several popular names were assigned to the catfish: tarakatum, spotted catfish, hoplo, bubble nest, etc. The name of this fish is translated as shell - the front part of the catfish’s body is covered with durable bone plates. The homeland of cockroaches is South America - the Amazon, Orinoco, and Paraguay rivers. In addition, catfish inhabit some rivers in Florida, where they were introduced by accident. Tarakatums live in large schools and lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle. Their lifespan in the wild is about 12–13 years, and in an aquarium, subject to proper maintenance, it can reach 20 years.

    Behavior and Compatibility

    Peaceful catfish, can be kept with small fish such as Tetras and Barbs. Adaptable and hardy, can also be kept with large species such as Central American Cichlids.

    Has the ability to breathe atmospheric air through gulps of air, then oxygen is absorbed into the blood through the intestines.
    This allows the fish to survive poor conditions in the wild. Therefore, he must have free access to the surface. In addition, the air above the water should not be too cool so that he does not catch a cold (you need an aquarium with a lid).

    Description of appearance

    The catfish is light brown in color. All over its body, including its fins and tail, there are dark spots that appear in adolescence and remain for life. As they mature, the overall color becomes darker. The belly of the fish is light, whitish, but in males during spawning it acquires a bluish tint. Tarakatum boasts two pairs of luxurious mustaches - one of them sticks out in different directions and is directed upward, the second - downward and forward.

    A distinctive feature of the species is the location and direction of the whiskers, as well as a bright orange spine on the pectoral fin

    Sex differences

    You can distinguish a female from a male with the naked eye thanks to the pectoral fins: in females they are rounded, smooth, in males they are larger and triangular in shape, while the first ray of the fin resembles a needle and turns orange during spawning.

    The male cockroach (right), unlike the female (left), has more powerful fins equipped with spines to protect its territory from strangers

    More experienced aquarists can distinguish between females and males by the plates covering the chest of the fish. In males, the plates are covered with spots and arranged in the shape of the letter “V”, while in females this shape is more blurred, not so clear.

    Parameters of a comfortable living environment

    This species of catfish is an unpretentious fish. In the wild, they can live in both soft and hard water, which should be fresh, but spotted catfish also survive in brackish water. The aquarium should be spacious (100–150 liters). The water temperature that is comfortable for catfish is 24–28 °C, and the pH is about 6–8.

    Since catfish can grow large (up to 15 centimeters), there should be no more than 6 individuals of this species, and only one male. Male individuals will fight for leadership and the dominant one may cripple the weaker (especially during the spawning period).

    A spacious aquarium is not only a home decoration, but also one of the prerequisites for keeping catfish

    The armored fish is adapted to river conditions, so using an aerator you can organize a slight movement of water. A bottom lifestyle does not mean a comfortable stay in dirty water - you should install a filter. In addition, you need to change the aquarium water - 25% of the total water volume per week. Catfish eat a lot, which will create a lot of organic waste. The bottom can be periodically cleaned using a syringe. Catfish are unpretentious to light, so you can organize lighting in accordance with the rules for keeping other fish.

    Tarakatums also have some peculiarities. The fish's intestines are equipped with an additional respiratory organ, so it is able to absorb oxygen air by floating to the surface of the water. Due to the weight of the body, the catfish has to accelerate. Sometimes he miscalculates his own strength, jumps out of the aquarium and dies. To protect the fish, the aquarium must be installed with a lid. If there was no lid included with the aquarium, you can simply cover the container, leaving a small hole for air flow.

    The aquarium should have coarse soil - gravel, artificial stones, driftwood, grottoes and algae. The need for a large substrate is due to the fact that catfish like to swarm at the bottom and “muddy” the water, and grottoes are needed as shelter and for overgrowing with small algae. If there are no shelters, you need to make sure that the algae is broad-leaved - this way the fish can hide in the shade of the leaves.
    Typically, catfish hide during the day and are awake at night.

    Keeping in an aquarium

    As you might have guessed, the cockroach is an aquarium fish that loves warm water, with a temperature of 24-28 C. In addition, they are undemanding to water parameters, and in nature they are found in both hard and soft water, with a pH below 6.0 and above 8.0 . Salinity also fluctuates and they tolerate salt water.

    The cockroach has a special intestinal structure that allows them to breathe atmospheric oxygen and it periodically rises to the surface behind it. Since it takes quite a big boost to do this, the aquarium must be covered, otherwise the catfish may jump out. But I also know this

    Reads that a compressor or oxygen is not needed.

    An aquarium for a cockroach needs to be spacious, with a large bottom area and an aquarium volume of at least 100 liters. Tarakatum catfish can grow to quite a decent size. An adult catfish reaches a size of 13-15 cm. In nature, it is a schooling fish, and the number of individuals in a school can reach several thousand. It is better to keep 5-6 individuals in an aquarium. It is necessary that there be only one male in the flock, since several males do not get along well during spawning and the dominant one can kill the opponent.

    The only thing to remember is that their size and appetite also means a lot of waste. Regular water changes and filtration are required. It is recommended to change up to 20% of the water weekly.


    To spawn cockroaches, you need a fairly large aquarium, at least several tens of liters. In a large aquarium, you can spawn several pairs of cockroaches at the same time, or several females with one male. Even for an inexperienced aquarist, breeding cockroaches will not seem like a difficult task if certain requirements are met.

    To keep these catfish, the water should be at a temperature of about 20-28 degrees, for breeding - 25-27 degrees, with low carbonate hardness. For enhanced spawning, the water must be changed regularly and the temperature increased by 1-2 degrees. It is worth noting that cockroaches are very sensitive to decreased pressure, so it is at such moments that it is best to stimulate spawning.

    Cockroach fish reach sexual maturity at 8-10 months. Spawning is usually in pairs. A prerequisite for high-quality and successful spawning is the presence of an imitation leaf floating on the water. To do this, they usually use a piece of foam plastic, which is fixed with suction cups in the darkest corner of the aquarium, on the surface of the water. At the bottom of this leaf the male will build a nest of foam himself. In order to prevent fights over a leaf between several pairs of males, you need to place several pieces of foam plastic in the aquarium.

    After the male finishes building the nest, the female glues the eggs to the bottom of the leaf.

    The productivity of 1 tarakatum fish is 1500 eggs. After spawning, the eggs can be transferred to a separate incubator with water of the same composition as in a large aquarium. Place a sprayer next to the leaf and place a male there, who will take care of the clutch.

    The incubation period occurs for approximately 3-5 days, and then the larva grows into a fry. To keep the fry, you need to use low lighting.

    Feeding rules

    Tarakatums eat live and dry food. Catfish have a voracious appetite, although they seem indifferent to what is happening. Catfish need a variety of foods. These fish are real gluttons. Live food (bloodworms, earthworms and even meat, such as shrimp) can be used as protein food, but some individuals prefer vegetarian cuisine, so taste preferences must be taken into account individually. Some dry food manufacturers combine plant and animal ingredients in their products.

    It is better to buy dry food in packaged packages (not by weight). Opened packaging must be stored in a tightly closed container, otherwise pathogenic flora may begin to multiply in it, which will adversely affect the health of the fish.

    Tarakatums are unpretentious to food, but an incorrect diet can lead to the development of diseases

    Colonies of algae, which grow over driftwood and the surfaces of decorative elements, are suitable for feeding catfish. This treat promotes proper digestion and brightness of color. It is better to feed the catfish slowly. Having given the bulk of the food to the inhabitants of the aquarium, you need to make sure that everyone eats. And then add more food - especially for the catfish. Even if he doesn't eat his supplement right away, the food will fall to the bottom, and at night he will pick it up. If you watch a catfish at night, you can see how it becomes more active and swims along the bottom in search of food, feeling the ground with its mustache.

    Compatibility with other fish

    Tarakatums are peaceful and easy-going fish. But there are two basic rules for selecting neighbors. Firstly, the fish must be proportionate to the catfish, because even a peaceful catfish, if it is very hungry, can eat a small fish. This does not indicate aggression, and such behavior is the exception. And secondly, you cannot house catfish and predatory fish together. For example, cichlids become undesirable neighbors. A large predatory fish will bully a sleepy cockroach. The conflict can turn into a real battle, the consequences of which will be injuries on both sides. Smaller but aggressive fish (for example, labeo) can also bully catfish: a struggle for territorial leadership may begin between the males of the two species.

    The catfish will not cause any trouble for calm and large fish - it is friendly and patient, and during the day it almost always hides, allowing others to move freely

    Females of the same species become ideal neighbors for cockroaches - their personalities and daily routine will coincide, and there will be no reasons for conflicts. In addition, it is easier to keep fish of the same species.

    Character trait

    Quite often in jokes and ironic statements we hear the phrase “memory like a fish.” This means that the fish is not able to remember. Even if the owner changes every day, she will not notice it. But a catfish is an exception to the rule, especially if it has lived with one owner all its life.

    In the evening he swims up to the glass and looks. He begins to fidget, move his mustache, as if he is sniffing through glass. It can suddenly float up, take a breath of air, return to its place, and looking at me, exhale this bubble.

    Andrey Tikhomirov, former owner of Tarakatum. Nizhny Novgorod

    Video: playful cockroach and his neighbors


    Representatives of this species prefer to live in warm waters. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain the temperature within 25-28 degrees. There are no special requirements for other water parameters. This is due to the fact that in nature, cockroaches are adapted not only to soft, but also to hard water. The pH level may also vary. In addition, the tarakatum catfish can live in water with varying salt content.

    These fish have a special intestine. Thanks to this, they are able to breathe air on the surface of the water. Sometimes the fish rise to the surface to breathe. Before jumping out, the catfish accelerates strongly. This should be taken into account when keeping aquariums. To prevent the fish from jumping out, the aquarium should not be left open. But, at the same time, this means that if only these fish live in the aquarium, then there is no need for a compressor and oxygen.

    When keeping these catfish, it is important to provide them with space. The bottom area should be as large as possible, and the aquarium should hold at least 100 liters of water

    The fish can grow to considerable sizes. Adult representatives of the species reach 13-15 cm in length. In nature, the Tarakatum catfish lives in large schools. Sometimes one flock consists of several thousand individuals. It is not recommended to keep this species alone. You need to get at least 5-6 individuals. It is important that there is only one male with such a flock. If there are several of them, it will lead to a constant struggle for dominance. A stronger representative can kill others during the spawning period.

    It is also important to keep in mind that the fish are quite large and will eat a lot of food. After eating, a lot of waste remains in the water

    The water should be changed every week (a fifth). It is also very important to ensure water filtration.

    Reproduction and breeding

    Some aquarists specifically keep these catfish because of the unusual spawning process. When the female and male are ready to spawn, and conditions allow it, the male begins to build a nest. In nature, the catfish collects pieces of algae and other materials and builds a nest up to 3 centimeters in height from all this. To do this, he uses a wide sheet on the surface of the water. For nesting, the cockroach will swim with its belly up and pump up foam. Foam is formed from bubbles that the catfish spits out. The bubbles do not burst because they are lubricated with special mucus.

    A female with a rounded belly will try to nestle into a cozy place, but the male will kick her out. When the nest is ready, he will invite her himself. After this, the female catfish folds her pelvic fins into her “palms,” lays several eggs and carries them to the foam nest. The male inseminates the eggs with milk and pumps more foam so that they do not move away from the nest. This process is repeated until all the eggs are in the nest (up to 1000 eggs). Then the tired female needs to be transplanted, and another one, if available, should be allowed in with the male. When the nest is filled and replaced properly, the male begins to guard it. It will drive away any moving object - a net, other fish, a person’s hand, etc.

    Video: spawning of cockroaches

    Until the eggs are “ripe,” the catfish will not eat, so you don’t have to worry about feeding it. He will be busy with the nest all the time: correcting, foaming, returning fallen eggs. If the egg sinks to the bottom, then nothing bad will happen - it will hatch at the bottom. At optimal water temperature (27–28 °C), the eggs will hatch in about 4–5 days. As soon as the first batch of fry appears, the male is placed in a separate aquarium and fed - after a few days of diet, the catfish will become pretty hungry and can eat eggs. For the first couple of days (sometimes a day), the fry may “fuss” around the nest, but then they will gradually sink to the bottom. After a couple of days, the fry can be fed, for example, with brine shrimp (a type of crustacean) or crushed food for adult catfish. The fry will not die of hunger - when descending to the bottom, it will find its first food there.

    The young grow very quickly. In two months, the fry can grow up to 4 centimeters - at this size, you can start feeding them food for adults, increase filtration and change the water more often. Babies will grow at different rates, so you need to install several aquariums and sort them by size.

    Video: catfish fry sank to the bottom


    The male builds an air nest and it will be useful if floating plants are provided to strengthen it (breeders often use foam sheets or plastic covers). The breeding aquarium should have very little filtration to avoid agitation of the surface water, which could destroy the nest. After spawning, the female may be removed because the male will guard the clutch and may be aggressive towards her.

    The larvae hatch after about 48 hours and begin to swim freely 3-4 days later. At this point, the male should be removed from the breeding tank as they are known to sometimes eat the offspring.

    Fry should initially be fed newly hatched brine shrimp nauplii, and as the fry grow, switch to microworms (nematodes), other microfoods and crushed flakes.
    Breeding is quite easy. Like most of the Callichthidae family, problem fish can be stimulated to reproduce by changing the water to colder water.

    Average life expectancy is about 8 years.

    Tarakatum diseases and treatment methods

    Most often, aquarists are concerned about the external sores of catfish (loss of scales, molting, the appearance of purulent blisters, etc.). In such cases, the sick fish must be urgently placed in a separate container, its relatives examined, the aquarium cleaned and the water analyzed.

    Tests for the presence of harmful substances in aquarium water can be purchased at a pet store, but it is better to stock up on them in advance so that they are always on hand.

    A catfish that has fallen ill must be shown to a specialist; most likely, it will need antibiotics and other medications.

    Catfish almost always lead a bottom-dwelling, nocturnal lifestyle. Consequently, they are most at risk due to water contamination, and identifying a problem in their health is quite difficult - which is why it is so important to monitor the purity of the water and the conditions of their detention.

    Under no circumstances should threads or other strong fibers be allowed to get into the water. Catfish love to pick at plants, and if they find a thread there, they will definitely get entangled. It will be difficult to notice this, and a tethered catfish will not be able to emerge for air. So he can die from hypoxia.

    If you can diagnose the disease yourself, you can try treatment. One of the most contagious diseases in catfish is ichthyophthyriasis (“semolina”).

    Sometimes it happens that a catfish lies on its side for no apparent reason or swims in the same position. If, with the help of tests, all deficiencies in water quality are excluded, then two problems remain: ichthyophthyriasis or overfeeding.

    A sick fish should be removed immediately. The medicine usually prescribed is Malachite green or Aquamed. But with any drug treatment, it is important to understand that the appearance of white dots is a symptom of the disease.

    If you are afraid to use Malachite Green in the fight against semolina, you can try Sera Costapur. Before use, increase the power of all devices, including the filter and aerator, and replace 20% of the water. The drug is poured overnight; sick fish are not fed. If there are adsorbents in aquarium devices (for example, carbon in a filter), they need to be removed. Wash all porous device sponges thoroughly daily. It must be remembered that catfish have difficulty accepting any medications, so the drug should be given in 1/2 fractions of what is indicated in the instructions.

    Another common problem in fish is fungus. Light spots first appear on the body of the fish, and then they become overgrown with “cotton wool”. Only fish with weakened immune systems get sick with fungal diseases. The fungus develops in open wounds, so sharp stones should not be placed in the aquarium. Sick individuals lie weakened, do not eat and breathe heavily. Red spots appear around the “cotton wool”. The sick fish should be placed in a quarantine tank, and a weak solution of potassium permanganate should be added to the water. The procedure can be repeated again.

    Video: behavior of a catfish with ichthyophthyriasis

    What to do if your mustache falls off

    There are often situations when a catfish looks healthy, but its whiskers have fallen off. This can happen symmetrically (a pair) or asymmetrically (one whisker). Tarakatums love to burrow in the ground, and if the substrate is not suitable in properties and characteristics, then the fish may get injured. Bacteria can get into a small wound on the catfish's face - this is what contributes to the loss of whiskers. In such cases, the sick individual must be removed and enhanced aeration and filtration provided. Separately, you can make a bath with trypaflavin-ultra (for example, in a bowl).

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