Care and maintenance of domestic rabbits

Domestic rabbits live in special cages.
Moreover, the attribute left over from a hamster or parrot is not suitable due to its too small size. You will have to purchase a cage of appropriate dimensions for the “fluffy”. Its height must be at least 70 centimeters, and at the bottom there must be a deep tray into which the filler will be poured. The optimal temperature for keeping animals is 18-20 degrees; they do not tolerate drafts or direct sunlight very well - this should be taken into account when choosing where to place the rabbit in the apartment.

The animals are very clean, so be prepared to change their sawdust or hay at least 2 times a week. Ideally, you can clean your pet’s habitat once every 2 days.

Since in nature hares and rabbits live in burrows, domestic animals also need some kind of shelter. It is worth placing a special “house” in the cage, where the pet will hide in case of fright or just to sleep.

You will also need a container for food and a drinking bowl. Moreover, the water in it should be changed daily. Alternatively, you can use a drip device (as for rodents).

The animal must be allowed out for walks. From time to time, allow him to run around the apartment, and don’t be lazy about taking him outside for walks. It goes without saying that before doing this, buy a leash and collar so that your pet does not run away. Before releasing it into the grass, treat the “fluffy” with an anti-mite agent. This is especially true for representatives of Angora breeds. It will be extremely difficult to detect a blood-sucking animal in their thick fur.

The basis of a rabbit's diet is grass or hay. It can be soaked in lightly salted water, or sprinkled with a little flour to increase nutritional value. The digestive system of these animals works unusually quickly, so they eat at least 20 times a day. It is advisable to give rabbits apples, carrots, cabbage leaves, turnips, beets and young corn cobs from time to time. Vegetables are given raw or boiled.

To replenish the mineral reserves, the “eared animals” are fed chalk, mineral stone, or bone meal is introduced into their diet.

As you know, these little animals love to chew on something. It is sometimes useful to place tree branches (birch, linden or apple trees) in their cage so that they “remove” the bark from the wood.

Caring for decorative rabbits is not particularly difficult. These are not demanding animals that easily adapt to home conditions. Communication with a cute “fluffy” will give you a lot of positive emotions.

Dwarf rabbit breeds

Miniature eared animals, which you can’t help but look at with tenderness, are quite capable of living in a house for 5 years. However, unfortunately, it often happens that an eared one cannot complain about life, and eats normally, but lives up to 3 years. There can be many reasons for this; most often, the owners simply did not pay attention to the ears, did not notice the symptoms of disease, and did not seek help from a veterinarian. In this case, you should take into account the breeds of domestic rabbits; everything here is very individual.

There are many cases where dwarf animals lived to be 18 years old! And this is explained by the fact that the owners monitored the animals as closely as possible, they ate properly, they were treated on time if necessary, and they walked in the fresh air. Fresh air has the most positive effect on the lifespan of rabbits.

Decorative rabbits have pros and cons, all of which need to be assessed before getting them. A decorative rabbit feels very comfortable in an ordinary apartment and does not cause any trouble. But how long a pet lives largely depends on how the rabbit lives. If we talk about decorative breeds, then the domestic eared eared dog will please its owners for a long time without much hassle. Decorative rabbits have different weights, it all depends on nutrition, and the breed also matters.

It should also be said that dwarf breeds are much bolder than their farm counterparts, so it is quite difficult to frighten them with stress. Because of this, they live longer. The character of such babies is very decisive, which has a beneficial effect on their longevity. If the question arises about how to choose a decorative rabbit, then you should not take a very small rabbit.

Decorative rabbit eats greens

These animals are very smart and trainable, clean and friendly. They are easy to teach to use a litter box, respond to their name, and recognize members of the household. You can walk with them on the street using a leash, transport them from place to place, or leave them with friends and relatives in unexpected cases.

Due to their compact size, dwarf rabbits do not take up much space, so they can be kept even in small apartments. The weight of even an animal of the largest breed reaches 1.5 kg. On average, pets weigh 1-1.3 kg.

Among them there were recorded long-livers who lived 15 years. The average duration is 5-7 years.

How many years does a decorative rabbit live at home? Dwarf animals can live on average from 10 to 12 years, but history also knows long-livers whose age has reached the 20-year mark. To achieve this indicator, it is recommended to feed your pet properly using dietary supplements.

Fold-eared ram

Rabbits are very cute creatures

How long does a decorative rabbit live, which is kept in apartments as a family pet? This question worries owners, because they are trying with all their might to ensure the quality of life of their eared pet.

The lifespan of decorative rabbits at home depends on these factors:

  • breed and species affiliation;
  • genetic characteristics;
  • care and maintenance;
  • frequency of mating in males;
  • birth rate in females.

If the owner does not plan to obtain offspring from rabbits, then the animals are castrated/sterilized, which ultimately increases their life expectancy.

The most common breeds of rabbits (Rex, Ram and Fold) live for about 7-8 years at home. These unpretentious animals were bred at the beginning of the twentieth century and throughout their existence have proven themselves excellent in home keeping.

Due to their proportional body structure and genetic characteristics, they rarely suffer spontaneous injuries, have a variety of colors, sizes, ear shapes (loop-eared) and make excellent pets.

Dwarf breeds were created by breeders in the mid-20th century. Unlike other decorative breeds, they are more demanding in home maintenance.

Dwarf rabbits are distinguished by their miniature size, short legs and asymmetrical body with a heavier rear part of the body. This structure makes furry pets look cute, but greatly increases the risk of spontaneous injuries, even when kept in an apartment.

These indicators may decrease due to restrictions on the movement of animals when they are constantly kept in cramped cages.

The basis of the diet of these animals is roughage, or rather fresh hay, best if it consists of meadow grasses. Before feeding it to a decorative rabbit, it needs to be slightly dried. The hay should have a pleasant smell and be free from mold and dampness. Nettle hay is considered the most useful, as it contains more vitamins than many concentrated feeds, especially protein. To grind teeth, you can give branches of apple, raspberry, aspen, acacia, cherry or currant.

Juicy herbs and vegetables are given gradually and little by little, since if you overfeed, intestinal upset and bloating may occur. If this problem occurs in decorative rabbits at home, they are fed only hay for two or three days. If diarrhea does not go away, you should seek help from a veterinarian.

Concentrated food contains a large amount of protein and carbohydrates, so it is recommended to give no more than two tablespoons per day. Otherwise, the decorative rabbit will begin to suffer from obesity, and the metabolism in the body may be disrupted. To avoid vitamin deficiency, animals are fed rose hips and rowan berries, or vitamin preparations are added to the food.

Salt must be present in a rabbit's diet. For this purpose, mineral salt stones are purchased. They are fixed inside the cage and, as necessary, the animal will gnaw on it. It is better to choose a metal bowl for food, since a decorative rabbit will chew a plastic one. Long-eared pets do not like to drink water from ordinary bowls; instead, they install a drinking bottle.

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These long-eared pets love to live alone, so if you plan to buy two, then there should be two cages. The size of the cage for decorative rabbits is selected in such a way that the animal can stand in it at full height and move around calmly. There must be a separate feeder for hay.

The price of a decorative rabbit depends on its breed, size, class (pet, breed, show) and pedigree. And also on the amount of effort and money invested by the nursery into it. If he has documents and is vaccinated, the price may increase several times. So without documents the cost will be 400-800 rubles, and if they are available it can reach 3500-4000 rubles.

article: rabbit breeds with photos and names!

Average life expectancy of rabbits

It is quite difficult for an ordinary farmer to say how long rabbits live, since when raising these animals for meat, they are simply not allowed to grow to their maximum age. Most often they are sent for slaughter a year after birth, some of them are kept for up to two years. But even in the case of raising for meat, purebred animals can be kept for up to 4-5 years, which are valued for good offspring. If the animal is given the opportunity to live in good conditions, then the life expectancy of meat breed rabbits reaches 10 years.

A rabbit's lifespan is influenced by many factors.

Decorative rabbits live up to the age of 8 years. In addition to the usual conditions, their life expectancy is affected by the stress they endure, sometimes this even leads to the death of the animal. Wild rabbits are the least fortunate; their age rarely reaches 3 years, but this is not at all influenced by the natural characteristics of the body. Diseases, weather conditions, and predators do not allow wild rabbits to become long-lived. It is worth noting that if a wild animal is placed in a domestic environment, it will still not live long. This is due to the fact that a change in living conditions has an extremely negative impact on health, which will lead to sudden death.

The influence of breed on the life expectancy of rabbits

In nature, rabbits live shorter lives than their decorative counterparts. They constantly fight for survival and are very likely to become the prey of a predator.

In order for rabbits at home to live longer, it is important not to forget to give them appropriate vaccinations and timely treatment in case of injuries and diseases.

Some veterinarians believe that breed does not affect the number of years. But still, average indicators were derived for each breed of this pet.


It is impossible to give an exact figure in response to the question of how long these animals live. But there are averages. Rabbits of this breed can live about 10-12 years at home .

Compared to rabbits, which naturally have a lifespan of only a year or two. A record was recorded when a dwarf decorative rabbit lived up to 18 years at home.


The average lifespan of lop-eared decorative rabbits is slightly longer than their counterparts with erect ears - 7-8 years . Fold rabbits are less cowardly, so they cannot die from stress caused by a sudden fright. There is also an observation that the smaller the animal, the less it lives.

Wild individuals

If a wild rabbit was born and lived in natural conditions, and was then taken home, then the likelihood that the pet will live a long life is extremely low. They usually live to be two years old, but with proper care can live 5-10 years .

If you don’t know how to make flower beds from scrap materials, then look here.

How to make a compost pit is described in this article.

What is the best way to store carrots:

Features of keeping a dwarf rabbit at home

So, a new pet will soon appear in the house. What should you take care of first? Decorative rabbits are kept at room temperature, in a dry, draft-free room. At the same time, it should be possible to ventilate the room: fresh air has a beneficial effect on the animal’s well-being and prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Dirt, dust, and direct sunlight will inevitably harm the health of the rabbit.

A rabbit can live in a cage or enclosure, but in order for the animal to be able to run and play to its heart’s content, it must be let out for a walk around the apartment every day.

Rabbits willingly gnaw on everything in sight

To prevent your pet from ruining things and injuring himself, you need to remove all dangerous objects in advance, paying special attention to wires. When releasing an animal from a cage, you must not leave it unattended.

For a pet to feel safe, it needs a house - an analogue of a hole, into which you can climb entirely. It is not advisable to take a rabbit out of its shelter: the animal must know that there is a place where it can hide or rest, and where no one will touch it.

How long do lop-eared rabbits live at home?

Domestic lop rabbits typically live between eight and 12 years, unlike wild rabbits, which may only live a few years because they have to deal with disease, starvation and predators.

Although there are many breeds of rabbits, it is difficult to determine whether certain breeds live longer than others. However, larger breeds often have shorter lifespans than smaller rabbits.

"Rabbits tend to hide their illnesses, so when you notice that a rabbit is not doing well, he probably hasn't been doing well for a while."

In general, rabbits are living longer these days thanks to a combination of specially trained veterinarians and greater knowledge of how rabbits should live and what they should eat.

Methods for determining gender

Once the rabbit reaches six months of age, even an inexperienced breeder will be able to determine whether it is a female or a male. To do this, a visual inspection is carried out based on primary and secondary signs.

The primary signs include the animal's genitals. The reproductive systems of females and males are different. In females, the genitals resemble a loop and a small tongue. The genitals are located close to the anus. In rabbits they are light pink in color. In adults, the genitals are dark pink.

The reproductive organs of males resemble a cylinder with a hole in appearance and are located further from the anus. In young animals the penis is light in color, in an adult male it is more pink and swollen. A characteristic feature of an adult male is the testicles. They are easily palpable and visible, resembling two small balls.

Secondary characteristics include: animal fur, mammary glands, body proportions, and shape of the skull. Puberty is also determined by the behavior of the rabbit. Males mark their territory with urine, which emits a characteristic odor that is not characteristic of females. Males mark the space with their scent. They rub against the cage, the feeder, trying to leave a reminder of themselves.

Breeds of the largest rabbits in the world and the weight of individuals from the Guinness Book of RecordsRead

Females are characterized by different behavior: they dig new burrows, equip their home, and improve living conditions in it. They can hide in secluded places. Female rabbits are distinguished by a more balanced character and calm behavior.

Signs of old age

While vaccination helps an eared dog avoid illness, a universal antidote for old age has not yet been invented. Unfortunately, just like people, rabbits age. The following signs signal the onset of old age:

  • decreased playfulness and physical activity;
  • blurred eyes;
  • hair thinning not associated with shedding;
  • decreased appetite;
  • saggy belly.

It is worth remembering that these signs can be symptoms of a disease, and not just old age. If you do not have much experience in rabbit breeding, it is better to consult a veterinarian on this issue. He will indicate exactly what is causing the animal’s unusual condition – old age or disease.

Allergy to rabbits

Quite often, people with allergies, who are hypersensitive to certain components of the external environment, decide to purchase a decorative rabbit as a pet.

This is because the fur of rabbits is different from the fur of dogs and cats and rarely causes an allergic reaction. But elements of the excretory secretions of rabbits can be strong allergens for humans. Often, food is also the cause of an allergic reaction.

In case of allergic reactions, a laboratory blood test will allow you to find out what exactly was the allergen in this case.

Basic rules for rabbit longevity

In order for a pet to please its owners for a long time, its selection and care are approached thoroughly:

  • You should purchase an animal from trusted breeders; it is advisable that the animal has a pedigree. Before purchasing, you need to find out about possible diseases.
  • The living conditions should be comfortable; a new cage should be selected taking into account the future size of the pet. The rabbit leads an active lifestyle, so you should provide it with various tunnels, balls, etc. The animal will need to be walked, preferably outside.
  • The location of the cage is selected taking into account the fact that rabbits cannot tolerate temperature changes and drafts. It is not recommended to place a new house near windows and heaters. You should choose a place where there are no too loud sounds.
  • There is no need to bathe your pet, however, if there is an urgent need, washing is possible, but the process should not cause much stress to the rabbit. When drying, it is not recommended to use a hairdryer; it is better to wrap it in a bath towel and wait until the fur dries.
  • Timely vaccination will strengthen the immune system and protect the rabbit from a number of infectious diseases.
  • Do not leave your rabbit on surfaces from which it could fall and be injured.
  • A balanced menu is the key to good health. You can use ready-made food or collect fresh grass. There should always be clean drinking water in the cage.
  • It is necessary to introduce or remove foods from the diet gradually, since they have a weak digestive system.
  • It is strictly forbidden to feed your pet food from the owner’s table.

Factors influencing life expectancy

Before you buy an eared pet, you need to find out whether it has genetic diseases. If there is, then you should find out how to care for such a decorative rabbit, and what preventive measures need to be taken. These animals lead an active lifestyle, so they need free space.

These animals are afraid of drafts, high humidity, heat and cold, so you should not place their cage next to a radiator or window. They also do not like the noise of a TV, stereo or other similar device. You can wash eared pets only when absolutely necessary.

How long a pet will live depends on many factors:

  • heredity;
  • timely vaccination;
  • sterilization;
  • nutrition and mobility.

Rabbits on farms are often kept in cramped cages, without movement. This content is intended for rapid weight gain. Keeping kings in a cramped cage for a long time can lead to obesity.

Pets live in completely different conditions. They are fed well, walked, and spend a lot of time with them. This increases life expectancy. But even with good care, pets change their behavior with age; they grow old.

The lifespan of rabbits depends on a number of factors:

  1. Heredity. Diseases are often transmitted from parents to offspring, and therefore, before purchasing an animal, you should familiarize yourself with its genealogy.
  2. Nutrition. Domestic rabbits should receive all the vitamins and minerals necessary for life in full. At the same time, newborn babies should not be overfed. Experts in the care of ornamental animals recommend harmoniously combining herbs, grains and vegetables. We should not forget about vitamin supplements.
  3. Environmental conditions. The more dangerous conditions a rabbit lives in, the shorter its life expectancy.
  4. View. The breed of an animal also affects how long it will live. So, the wild rabbit lives the shortest. And the most tenacious is an ornamental animal. At the same time, a lop-eared individual lives more years than an individual with erect ears. In addition, castrated animals live longer than breeding ones.
  5. Purity. Rabbits at home need absolute cleanliness. Bedding, cage, water, food, pen, toys - all this should be clean. Otherwise, the animal may catch an infection or cold.
  6. Diseases and injuries. Your pet must be looked after very carefully. Any injury or cold shortens the lifespan of many animals. Therefore, at the first signs of any disease, treatment should be started immediately. Animals at any age are sensitive to cold and drafts. In addition, they are very timid and can even die from fear.
  7. Physical activity. How many years decorative rabbits live depends largely on the motor process. Experts note that every day the pet should move for at least 3-4 hours. It would be correct to let the animal go for a walk 3-4 times a day for 1 hour.

If all basic requirements are met and proper care is taken, a pet can live up to 15 years.

Veterinarians identify more than 20 factors that can affect a rabbit’s life expectancy, the most important of which we will consider below.

  1. Much depends on how the mother’s birth went. The physical health of both mom and dad is also important, because 50% of diseases are transmitted genetically.
  2. Nutrition (properly balanced feeding), living conditions and quality of care. It is very easy for a pet to spoil its digestive system with improper feeding, which can then greatly affect its vital signs. You should be especially careful with Dwarf rabbits.
  3. Any kind of injury, illness or infection. If it becomes obvious that the rodent’s health is deteriorating, you must immediately take him to the veterinary clinic.
  4. Experts are confident that animals that have been castrated live much longer than their birth counterparts. This mainly applies to female pets, because due to constant pregnancies, the life of a female is reduced by 2 times.
  5. Activity. It is very important for these animals to move a lot, constantly run and jump, so the cage must be spacious.

The influence of weather on the condition of rabbits

Many diseases are transmitted through the air. If you do not clean the animal for 2 weeks, worms will appear in the wet bedding. This can cause allergies in the rodent, prickly heat, and even some forms of lichen.

The animal may be injured; in this case, contact your veterinarian immediately.

The owner is obliged to monitor the activity of the pet, since rabbits, by their nature, cannot sit quietly for a minute. Lethargy or drowsiness are the first symptoms that your pet is unwell. Most veterinarians are inclined to argue that their vital signs do not depend on the breed of rabbits; the reason for everything is the physical or even moral state of the animal.

How many years do decorative rabbits live?

The lifespan of rodents also depends on what species the animal belongs to.

Decorative lop-eared rabbits

The most popular breed of rabbit is the Lop-Eared Ram. Its distinguishing feature is its ears, which are slightly larger than those of other breeds.

These playful, gentle and very savvy animals are suitable for living at home. The whole family loves to tinker and play with them. The lifespan of decorative folds is about 7-8 years; castrated animals can live more than 8 years.

How long do dwarf rabbits live?

The cutest creatures are often adopted for children by choosing one of their favorite breeds.

The following breeds of dwarf rabbits are suitable for home use:

  1. Dutch lop-eared rabbits. These are the smallest representatives of fold-eared breeds. They have a strong body, a small neck and a variegated, bluish-gray, light gray or lilac color.
  2. Japanese dwarf rabbits. Rodents have an unusual color. There are dark and yellow stripes scattered throughout their fur. In this case, the color of one side of the body may differ from the color of the other side.
  3. Hermelinas. The breed has thick, short, white fur and red or blue eyes.
  4. Dwarf Rex rabbits. The animals are distinguished from other breeds by their long ears, narrow head and “plush” fur. Their fur coat can be white, red, black or brown. Rabbits of this breed are not very beautiful at birth, but over time they become real cuties.
  5. Angora dwarf rabbits. The sight of these animals brings children into indescribable delight. The breed has luxurious fur, the length of which reaches 20 cm.
  6. Fox dwarf rabbits. The long-haired breed can be chinchilla, white-boned, white, agouti, blue or red. Pets of this breed need to be brushed regularly.
  7. Dwarf colored rabbits. These are not very docile animals that can sometimes be aggressive. Adult individuals weigh only one and a half kilograms and have a white, blue, black-fire, red, Siamese, white or red skin color.
  8. Dwarf rabbit Ram. Adult animals weigh no more than two kilograms. The breed is distinguished by funny ears that seem to form a horseshoe. These are very affectionate animals that you can buy for children.

Among all the listed breeds, it is not easy to find long-livers. The average lifespan of a dwarf pet can be about five years. Only a few individuals, which are considered long-livers, survive up to ten years.

Varieties of dwarf rabbits

Thanks to selection work, rabbit breeders have developed numerous breeds of decorative rabbits, which differ in the shape of their ears, the length and color of their hair. Let's get acquainted with the most common varieties of dwarf rabbits.

Dutch (Danish or Dutch) breed

Thanks to this breed, decorative rabbits gained their popularity as pets. Interestingly, representatives of this type of rodent weigh quite a lot (about 2.5 kg); they are considered simply giants in comparison with other dwarf individuals.

A white wedge in the muzzle area, pointed in the upper part, passing downwards into a white chest with the same front legs, helps to identify the Dutch. On the sides of the head, ears and on the back of the body there is fur of a different color. It can be black, blue or chocolate, and the dividing line between the colors is clearly visible. Animals of this breed are easy to train. Life expectancy is approximately 10 years.

Fold sheep breed

Decorative rodents of this variety weigh approximately 1.5 kg. They are characterized by long ears that hang below the jawline. The volume of the head is quite large - about 1/3 the size of the pet itself. Today, representatives of this breed can be of any color; they are highly valued due to their friendly nature and high ability to train.

Lion head breed

These animals were called lion-headed due to the increased vegetation in the head area, which resembles the mane of a lion. Representatives of this type of rabbit belong to the long-haired group of animals, since in some parts of the body the length of the fur is 7 cm. Some individuals have no mane at all, but in this case the pet is distinguished by increased fluffiness.

Angora English breed

These ball-shaped rabbits have barely distinguishable ears and nose. The pet's body weight is approximately 1.5 kg.

The body of the animal is covered with soft hair of equal length, which can become tangled. This must be taken into account when choosing a breed for keeping, since Angoras need special care. The ears of such rodents stick up, with elongated tassels at the tips.

As for color, Angora rabbits can be single-colored (black, lilac or chocolate), tri-colored (black-red-white), point color (paws, ears, tail and nose contrast on a white background).

Representatives of this breed have a completely calm character, they are non-aggressive and non-capricious. Due to these qualities, Angora rabbits are often kept in families with small children.

Colored (short-haired) breed of mini rabbits

This variety of decorative rabbits is fully adapted for keeping at home. The animal weighs a maximum of 1.5 kg. Thanks to its harmonious proportions, compact body with small limbs, the animal resembles a ball in appearance. The coat of animals of this breed is short, dense and thick.

In color, mini-rabbits of this species can be white with spots in the form of a circle around the eyes.

Representatives of this breed are easy to train. If you carefully and attentively look after your pet, he will be good-natured and calm.

Important! Aggressive behavior can appear during puberty or due to sudden fear.


This is one of the oldest varieties of dwarf rabbits, bred by German breeders at the initial stage of development of the popularity of such pets. The color of the animals is white, the presence of fur of a different color is a defect. The body weight of a mature rabbit ranges from 0.8 to 1.5 kg.

Japanese breed

The coat of pets of this breed is covered with a pattern (colored stripes combined with spots), but breeders have not yet come up with a way to perfectly fix the parental colors on the offspring. As a result, it will not be possible to accurately describe the characteristic external features of Japanese mini-rabbits, since there are no typical features. A distinctive property of this type of rodent is increased playfulness.

Fox breed

This type of decorative rabbits was named fox due to its long and soft fur, reminiscent of a fox's fur coat. The ancestor of this variety of dwarf rodents were Angora fur rabbits. Despite expectations, the fur color of representatives of this breed is not always red - almost all possible rabbit colors are found.


Representatives of this breed are easily recognized by their pure white fur color combined with a thin black outline around their black eyes. These mini bunnies have a cheerful personality. Moreover, they are considered the smallest, since an adult animal in rare cases weighs more than 1400 g.


Such lop-eared animals resemble plush toys. In Russia, representatives of this decorative breed are very rare, but abroad they are a very popular variety of pets.

How long do wild rabbits live?

The lifespan of wild rabbits is short and ranges from one to two, at most three years

However, it is important to remember that in the wild, rabbits generally do not die of old age. The causes of their mortality are:

  • diseases and parasites;
  • hunger;
  • predatory animals;
  • hunters;
  • bad weather conditions.

Hypothetically, a wild rabbit placed in a comfortable environment is able to live longer, but in practice, a change of environment often results in severe stress for the animal, after which it, again, dies. In rare cases of successful adaptation, the average lifespan of a rabbit removed from the wild is approximately seven to eight years.

Fold rabbits have a good nervous system


The decorative rabbit has the lowest life expectancy. And this will not change either the first-class content or the ideal nutrition. Mini eared animals are sensitive to diseases and physical influences, which reduces their vital activity. Basically, such an animal will not live more than 4-6 years. Some representatives are able to boast a longer life span.

The lion-headed ornamental animal can live up to 10 years, which is a decent age for such animals. Fold rams can boast of the same results, although the majority of them do not survive the 7-year mark; some individuals surpass the 10-11-year mark.

Decorative animals were bred from the meat breed of Rex rabbits, the name of the breed is mini-Rex. Such an eared animal generally breaks all longevity records among rabbits; it is able to live up to 12 years, which seems incredible in relation to the life expectancy of indoor animals.

Dwarf rabbits live significantly shorter lives than representatives of other breed groups. Their life expectancy is almost the same as that of universal meat-and-down breeds.

Wild rabbits

The lifespan of wild rabbits is determined by both internal factors (species and breed diseases, infections and developmental pathologies) and external circumstances (habitat, climatic conditions, seasonal fishing and the presence of natural enemies - predators).

Therefore, in natural conditions, the average lifespan of long-eared animals is approximately 4 years, but in the most optimal habitat in the absence of all unfavorable factors - up to 10-12 years.

In this case, animals undergo strict natural selection, when only the strongest representatives of the breed, ready to give the strongest and most viable offspring, are able to survive.

In captivity, wild rabbits live less than 3 years. To extend this indicator, immediately after catching the long-eared animal, it is advisable to take it to a veterinary clinic so that specialists can assess the health of the animal: perhaps it is a carrier of some kind of infection.

A wild rabbit at home can live up to 5 years

If you provide your pet with proper care and a balanced diet, he can live up to 5 years. Of course, in this case it is impossible to do without constant vaccinations.

How long do rabbits live?

On average, the life expectancy of rabbits is 6 years, but in good conditions they live up to 10. In nature, rabbits live 3-4 years. Then they die from the paws of predators or die from disease.

Pets have a much longer lifespan. In England there lived a long-living record holder - Flippy, who did not live just a few months before turning 19. Small decorative animals live up to 5-6 years

They are well looked after, pampered, washed and scratched, given attention

A female rabbit loses a lot of vital energy during pregnancy and bearing offspring, which shortens her life span. Feeding also takes a lot of strength and health.

How long do decorative rabbits live?

This group includes: Angora rabbits; fox dwarfs. They are very fluffy, have fur of various colors, and are very playful. In the cage where the pet will live, you need to put several toys. The cage should be spacious, with a feeder and water bowl, and food should always be present in the feeder.

You also need to provide the rabbit with the opportunity to run and jump. In addition, you need to place a closed box with a cut-out entrance so that the animal can retire there.

The corner where the baby rabbit's cage will be located must be protected from drafts, dampness, bright light, and loud sounds.

You should not grab a rabbit by the ears or by the ears themselves - this is stressful for the animal. They are such timid animals that a sharp sound can cause the animal’s heart to stop. Affectionate conversation, stroking, activities with the animal, walks in the fresh air will benefit the pet.

Be sure to read: At what age do baby rabbits separate from their mother, what does it depend on, what to feed them

Dutch Fold breed

The lifespan of the animal depends on the structure of the ears. Those with raised ears live up to 7 years, while the fold-eared breed lives 1-2 years less. Dutch rabbits are popular and playful. The color of the fur is gray, of various shades (up to a lilac shade).

Breeds with floppy ears will live up to 10 years if they are properly cared for and fed properly.

It also depends on other factors:

activity (in an apartment the rabbit should run three times for an hour a day); diet – toy breeds have a weak intestinal tract, they are susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases; genetics - when buying a pet, you need to ask about the life expectancy of its parents, susceptibility to diseases; Acute respiratory infections and injuries - rodents are afraid of drafts, their bone frame is weak, they are susceptible to injury if handled carelessly; sterilization - practice shows that after castration, animals live longer.

Babies need to be scratched and stroked, and dealt with. Individuals living in large families spend a lot of time playing.

Dwarf breeds

Dwarf rabbit species have several groups:

  • Japanese dwarfs have an interesting coloring of yellow shades throughout their coat;
  • hermelins are distinguished by pure white fur, eye color is red or blue;
  • Rex rabbits have a unique coloring, long ears, beautiful smooth fur;
  • multi-colored dwarfs - owners of a variety of colors, with a wayward character.

Small dwarf breeds are not considered long-lived, but with proper care and feeding they can live more than 6 years.

To extend the life of your pets, you should:

know the genetics of the animal, pay special attention to developmental weaknesses; protect the fluffy from drafts, dampness, high air temperatures (they cannot tolerate heat, but are also afraid of cold); arrange housing for the baby away from heating appliances, TV, and sunlight; monitor vaccination; give your rabbit walks and runs every day; Your pet’s paws can be washed every day and bathed as needed; nutrition should be balanced, in winter additional vitamin supplements are introduced; food and water are always fresh.

Be sure to read: How to determine the sex of a rabbit: external differences, sexual characteristics, behavior

Breeds for economic breeding

Keeping rabbits on a farm is very profitable. Firstly, it is dietary meat, a beautiful skin, and secondly, bedding with rabbit secretions is an excellent fertilizer for a garden or vegetable garden.

Suitable for home keeping and breeding are: butterfly, gray and white giants, Belgian Flanders, silver fox, Soviet chinchilla, French ram, downy breeds. Breeds that are resistant to diseases have excellent skin and tasty meat. Downy breeds produce a large amount of fluff.

For breeding, a female and a male from another litter of the same species are selected. After the first lambing, a female rabbit who has a large number of babies and has no problems with the birth and development of rabbits is left for further breeding.

The timing of the next births is determined by the state of health of the rabbit.

Decorative mice: how long do they live?

Zoologists studying the life expectancy of rabbits noticed that the longevity of an animal directly depends on the conditions of its detention.
At home, with proper nutrition and good care, ornamental animals can live up to 10 years. Wild lagomorphs live only about three years. Their high mortality rate is explained by unfavorable living conditions, predators and various diseases.

The lifespan of decorative rabbits at home depends on the following factors:

  1. Lifestyle. Active animals must constantly move, for which they need to be let out to run several times a day. The duration of the walk should be at least one hour.
  2. Care, maintenance and balanced feeding. Particular attention should be paid to the pet's nutrition, since they have a very delicate gastrointestinal tract. Dwarf rabbits are especially susceptible to various gastrointestinal diseases.
  3. Heredity. Many diseases are transmitted genetically, so when buying a pet you need to find out about the diseases of its parents.
  4. Colds and various injuries. When keeping decorative rabbits, you should protect them from drafts, monitor their movements and play very carefully so as not to injure the animal.
  5. Castration. Experts say that castrated animals live longer than breeding ones. This applies most of all to females, whose bodies are very worn out due to childbirth and feeding rabbits.

Signs of an aging rabbit include decreased activity, thinning fur, cloudy eyes, and a drooping belly. If, despite all these signs, nothing else bothers the animal, it means that the pet has entered the aging phase.

The lifespan of rodents also depends on what species the animal belongs to.

The most popular breed of rabbit is the Lop-Eared Ram. Its distinguishing feature is its ears, which are slightly larger than those of other breeds. These playful, gentle and very savvy animals are suitable for living at home. The whole family loves to tinker and play with them. The lifespan of decorative folds is about 7-8 years; castrated animals can live more than 8 years.

The cutest creatures are often adopted for children by choosing one of their favorite breeds. The following breeds of dwarf rabbits are suitable for home use:

  1. Dutch lop-eared rabbits. These are the smallest representatives of fold-eared breeds. They have a strong body, a small neck and a variegated, bluish-gray, light gray or lilac color.
  2. Japanese dwarf rabbits. Rodents have an unusual color. There are dark and yellow stripes scattered throughout their fur. In this case, the color of one side of the body may differ from the color of the other side.
  3. Hermelinas. The breed has thick, short, white fur and red or blue eyes.
  4. Dwarf Rex rabbits. The animals are distinguished from other breeds by their long ears, narrow head and “plush” fur. Their fur coat can be white, red, black or brown. Rabbits of this breed are not very beautiful at birth, but over time they become real cuties.
  5. Angora dwarf rabbits. The sight of these animals brings children into indescribable delight. The breed has luxurious fur, the length of which reaches 20 cm.
  6. Fox dwarf rabbits. The long-haired breed can be chinchilla, white-boned, white, agouti, blue or red. Pets of this breed need to be brushed regularly.
  7. Dwarf colored rabbits. These are not very docile animals that can sometimes be aggressive. Adult individuals weigh only one and a half kilograms and have a white, blue, black-fire, red, Siamese, white or red skin color.
  8. Dwarf rabbit Ram. Adult animals weigh no more than two kilograms. The breed is distinguished by funny ears that seem to form a horseshoe. These are very affectionate animals that you can buy for children.

Among all the listed breeds, it is not easy to find long-livers. The average lifespan of a dwarf pet can be about five years. Only a few individuals, which are considered long-livers, survive up to ten years.

If animals live on farms, then most often they simply do not have the opportunity to live to the years given to them by nature. If animals are bred for meat, then they are put under the knife already at the age of two years. The ones that are able to live the longest are the ones that produce children, and that is why they are valued.

They are grown on average for up to 4 years, then they are also put under the knife. If we talk about purely decorative breeds, then such cute animals are quite capable of pleasing their owners for many years; if we talk about average indicators, then this is around 8 years. How many years decorative rabbits live in most cases depends on how to care for them.

And this is very good, since their wild counterparts in natural conditions are not able to live more than 3 years. There are a great many factors here: natural conditions, illnesses, enemies, of which there are a great many, in this regard, the worst awaits the young animals. The life expectancy of decorative rabbits is significantly longer, since they live in safety, but the types of decorative rabbits are of significant importance here.

Rabbits can be raised at home for different purposes, most often they act as pets. Another interesting question - to what age do decorative rabbits grow, what sizes and dimensions do they reach? Here again everything is individual. So dwarf breeds grow on average up to 2.3 kilograms, but what kind of record holders there are will tell certain facts. They live quite a long time, the average lifespan can be up to 8 years.

There are different breeds of decorative rabbits, and how long it will live largely depends on the specific breed. Breeding such animals is considered a profitable business. If you plan to keep eared animals on an industrial scale, then they bring in a lot of profit, and this despite the fact that the lifespan of such animals is by no means short.

As for ordinary animals, they, as a rule, do not live more than 2 years. But if we are talking about decorative eared pets, then 8-10 years is not the limit, especially if the animal is constantly in an atmosphere of love and care. And it must also be said that if you take a wild animal into your home, you should not expect it to live long; a change in living conditions has a sharply negative effect on the body.

We must immediately reassure lovers of eared animals - if an animal is aging, this does not mean that it will die soon. If you provide him with appropriate care and nutrition, the rabbit will live an old age very happily and for as long as possible. To be convinced of this, it is enough to talk about rabbits that have set unique records for life expectancy:

  • an animal named Frolli, who was born in England, lived a long and happy life until his nineteenth birthday; he only lived a couple of months;
  • But in Scotland there is a known case where an eared dog lived a life simply incredible by rabbit standards - 24 years! This record has not yet been broken by anyone.

To summarize, it should be said that a pet will live much longer if it is provided with appropriate care, balanced nutrition, and the owner understands and cares for it properly. But in no case should you allow difficulties in the life of a rabbit, as well as severe stress, as this significantly shortens the rabbit’s life.

If the animals living in the apartment are provided with peace, then such a pet will live for a long time. In rabbit breeding, it is customary to give special care to pregnant rabbits; they also need to raise offspring, and in order for the litter to grow up healthy, the mother must be under special care. The types of difficulties during childbirth can be different, such experience in breeding animals comes over the years, the longer the experience, the greater the chance that the pet will live happily ever after. If we are choosing a pet for the first time, then we need a detailed description of its breed, and the activity for which the animals are bred is also important.

On average, the life expectancy of rabbits is 6 years, but in good conditions they live up to 10. In nature, rabbits live 3-4 years. Then they die from the paws of predators or die from disease.

Pets have a much longer lifespan. In England there lived a long-living record holder - Flippy, who did not live just a few months before turning 19. Small decorative animals live up to 5-6 years. They are well looked after, pampered, washed and scratched, and given attention.

A female rabbit loses a lot of vital energy during pregnancy and bearing offspring, which shortens her life span. Feeding also takes a lot of strength and health.

Read more: How to feed baby rabbits without a mother rabbit

This group includes: Angora rabbits; fox dwarfs. They are very fluffy, have fur of various colors, and are very playful. In the cage where the pet will live, you need to put several toys. The cage should be spacious, with a feeder and water bowl, and food should always be present in the feeder.

You also need to provide the rabbit with the opportunity to run and jump. In addition, you need to place a closed box with a cut-out entrance so that the animal can retire there.

The corner where the baby rabbit's cage will be located must be protected from drafts, dampness, bright light, and loud sounds.

How to extend the life of a pet

Rabbits are not as easy to keep as they seem at first glance, and their longevity largely depends on how well you take care of the animal. Recommendations that will help improve your pet's life consist of several points.

Proper feeding

Ornamental rabbits need a diet high in fiber (cabbage, green grass, the above-ground part of some vegetables). They should always have hay in their cage, because animals can eat up to 40 times a day (this is how their digestive system works). You should treat yourself to fruit occasionally to prevent bloating. Rabbit diet products should be fresh and free of rot, and fresh grass should be slightly dried in the sun.

Cage conditions

Your pet's cage should be 5 times larger than the animal itself (this is a minimum). Do not forget that the animal should be allowed to roam freely around the house for several hours a day, and there should be no threats from other animals (dogs, cats). It’s better to make a small fence with the help of books or chairs, so you will be sure that the animal will not damage your furniture. The nursery should always be clean and dry. This is the main preventive measure against many diseases.

Veterinary assistance

Another reason rabbits live longer is an annual checkup with a veterinarian. It is also recommended to check the animal immediately after purchase. If there is the slightest suspicion of disease (most diseases can be determined by the appearance of the animal), then in addition to annual examinations, it is worth showing your pet during moments of illness.

Vaccination and neutering can also increase the lifespan of rabbits, as female rabbits are at high risk of developing uterine and mammary cancer.

Toys and mental stimulation

In order to raise a healthy and active pet, and it does not die prematurely from boredom, in addition to good nutrition and a comfortable cage, you need to provide the animal with intellectual development. Remember that animals compensate for the lack of your attention and communication by damaging the owner’s things.

Since decorative rabbits tend to get bored, you can make the following toys for them:

  1. A large cardboard box with pieces of paper or plastic balls. Hide your pet's favorite toy in it to satisfy his natural digging instinct.
  2. Ball with hay inside. Such a toy can be thrown on the floor so that the animal chases it around the room or hung on a string.
  3. Labyrinths. The rabbit will happily run through the maze, especially if a pleasant surprise awaits him at the end (for example, a slice of apple or pear).
  4. Cardboard castles with shelves and holes. This will be an active pastime for the animal.
  5. Wooden toys. The animal will willingly gnaw them and roll them from side to side.
  6. Old and unnecessary books and magazines. The baby will be happy to delve into the paper. But here you should remember that topographic paint is toxic, so do not chew the sheets.

Keeping your pet active will significantly extend its life. In addition, such hobbies will keep the owner’s furniture and personal belongings intact.

How to make your rabbit live longer?

Rabbits are not as easy to care for as they seem, and much of a rabbit's longevity depends on how well the owner takes care of them. Many of the tips to help your rabbit live a long life fall into four important areas:

  1. Feed: The majority of a rabbit's diet should consist of loose hay rather than the commercial feed that was once popular. Rabbits need a high fiber diet full of leafy greens such as endive and kale. Mint or a piece of carrot or fruit as an occasional treat is recommended
  2. Housing: A rabbit-proof room or large enclosure is a must. Before you allow your rabbit to roam freely around the house, cover all cords, move books from lower shelves, and make sure they don't have access to any furniture. Make sure your rabbit doesn't have access to stairs or high places, as he can jump up but will often injure himself trying to get down. Keeping your rabbit indoors is key. While it is true that wild rabbits live outdoors, they typically live shorter lives than domestic rabbits. Keeping rabbits outside is not ideal due to weather conditions and the threat of predators.
  3. Veterinary assistance. The reason rabbits live longer is because veterinarians simply know more about them, and many have special training in caring for rabbits. We recommend taking your rabbit to the vet as soon as you get him, and returning for annual checkups if there are no obvious health problems. Frequent veterinary visits are especially important for older rabbits, who may experience rapid changes in a short time. Spaying and neutering can also increase life expectancy, as female rabbits who are not spayed are at high risk of uterine and mammary cancer. Before choosing a veterinarian, ask about their experience, including how many rabbits they typically see in a week.
  4. Toys and mental stimulation. Rabbits can easily become bored with toys, and if they don't have mental stimulation, you can expect them to dig holes in your carpet or chew on your baseboards. We recommend giving your rabbit new toys. Toys do not necessarily need to be bought in a store. A cardboard toilet paper tube filled with hay can provide endless fun for your rabbit.

How to extend lifespan?

For a rabbit to live a long life, it is important to show it love and care. When purchasing a baby rabbit, you should ask about its pedigree, who its father and mother were, what kind of health they had

Knowing what diseases the pet is predisposed to, the owner will be able to pay attention to prevention, working in the right direction.

You can protect your animal from diseases if you vaccinate on time. Vaccinations will help prevent life-threatening infections for your pet.

This is especially important to do if the owner plans to walk the pet outside on a leash.

Physical activity is beneficial for a decorative rabbit. In order for the rabbit to lead an active lifestyle, you should choose a spacious cage, and place ladders, tunnels, and a wheel inside it. It’s good if the animal spends at least an hour and a half a day outside its cage, walking around the apartment, and even better - in the fresh air. These are the main rules thanks to which the decorative rabbit will be healthy and be able to live a long life. Let’s consider what else will help prolong your pet’s lifespan below.

Keeping it clean

The cage is cleaned regularly, cleared of droppings, the floor, bars and trays, drinking bowls and feeders are disinfected. The room where the pet's cage is located should not be dusty. You need to wash the floor and wipe the furniture with a damp cloth.

The cage must be perfectly clean

It is important to keep the animal’s fur clean and comb it out so that tangles do not form. This is especially important during shedding.

If you do not comb the fur, the rabbit, while licking itself, will eat the hair, as a result it may die from intestinal blockage.

Conditions of detention

Rabbits are sensitive to drafts and dampness. When an animal is in such conditions, its immunity decreases. A cold can lead to the death of an animal. Rabbits also do not do well in hot and stuffy rooms. The cage should not be located on the windowsill so that the pet does not suffer from drafts and overheating in the sun.


In addition to feed, the animal’s diet includes good quality hay, vegetables, herbs, and tree branches. In winter, it is worth strengthening his immunity with vitamin and mineral supplements. You can't feed a rabbit:

  • sausages;
  • meat;
  • sweets and pastries;
  • wet grass;
  • poisonous plants;
  • moldy hay;
  • rotten vegetables.


It is recommended to install the pet’s cage on a hill, that is, on a cabinet or table

It is important to ensure that the door is securely fixed so that the rabbit cannot open it itself and fall down. It is unacceptable to drop the animal or step on it: it may die from injuries

The rabbit's place must be safe.

Protection from stressful situations

Do not expose your rabbit to stress. It is better to protect it from collisions with other pets that may frighten the animal. You should not shout loudly in the presence of a decorative rabbit, or use a drill or vacuum cleaner.


If your rabbit is sick, you should immediately contact a veterinarian rather than try to cure it yourself. Some diseases develop rapidly and can kill an animal very quickly. Do not neglect routine vaccination.

How long a decorative rabbit will live at home depends in most cases on its owner and on what living conditions he provides for the animal. When purchasing an animal, you need to be ready to give it love and care, spend time and money on treatment, play and walk with the rabbit. Then he will live a long life.

How to extend life

Veterinarians claim that a pet can live up to 15 years if all the nuances of care and nutrition are taken into account.

Be sure to read:

Mating Rabbits at Home: A Detailed Guide for Beginners

In order for a rabbit to live to a certain date and longer, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Prepare a cozy home for your pet in advance. It should be spacious, with a feeding trough, a drinking bowl, a box where the rabbit can hide, ladders and shelves at different levels.
  2. Be sure to think through and prepare a food base for a balanced diet for your furry friend. These are succulent feed, hay, grass in summer, grain, feed additives.
  3. Consult a veterinary clinic about vaccinations and vitamin supplements.
  4. Prepare tools for cleaning your pet's cage in advance.

Domestic rabbits need to be looked after, fed, given time to the pet, and the cage cleaned. Proper care for your furry friend will extend his life. Games with a small animal will bring many pleasant moments.

Why do decorative rabbits bite?

There are times when a cute fluffy turns into a ferocious predator and desperately tries to bite off the hand that feeds him. What is the reason?

The period of puberty has arrived. The problem can be solved simply: get a second rabbit or hold firm until the hormonal aggression passes. The pet’s small personal space, which he is forced to protect from everyone, and the best way of defense, as we know, is an attack. It might help, if possible, to buy a new cage.

Vision problems in a pet that confuses the owner’s leg or hand with something dangerous for him. In such a situation, you need to be patient and show more affection, do not make sudden movements when in contact with the rabbit. You just don’t like the smell that comes from the owner. You should try not to use perfume when interacting with your pet. The rabbit was taken from another family where he was treated poorly

It is important to be patient and, together with the fluffy, overcome mistrust

  1. Decorative rabbit bites while feeding

Extension methods

If a meat rabbit or hare appears in the house, the owner will have one goal in mind - to get fresh meat and skin as quickly as possible. In this case, life expectancy will depend only on the preferences of the breeder.

As for decorative varieties that are grown as pets, on the contrary, they want to be protected from premature aging and death. There are a number of conditions to avoid rapid age-related changes and help rabbits live as long as possible.

Fresh and high-quality food is used as feed. It is better to feed rabbits using special drinkers. The animal will not be able to turn the container over and wet the fur.

Houses, bedding and food and water facilities must be clean. Bedding and drinking fluid are changed every day. You also need to regularly clean the cell of waste products to prevent the problem of the development of dangerous microorganisms and bacteria. When cleaning, it is forbidden to make loud noises, otherwise the pets may become very frightened.

From time to time, comprehensive disinfection of the cell should be carried out. The event is also mandatory before the upcoming birth. Surfaces are treated with ordinary chlorine-based “Whiteness”, which is used for washing.

It is necessary to take care of a balanced daily routine. It is better to take street walks before noon, since during this period furry creatures experience a peak in physical activity.

Animals love to play and frolic a lot, so they should have access to a spacious play area. There should be toys that can be chewed with your teeth.

Rabbits are curious creatures that love to search for tasty treats and explore new things. If they get bored, this will lead to severe depression and the development of diseases. The role of toys can be played by two-layer cardboard boxes with paper pendants.

How to extend the life of decorative breed rabbits

Every owner of a decorative rabbit breed wants to extend the life of their pet longer.

This can be done by providing the animal with constant attention, careful care and care.

For the health of a rabbit, it is very important not only fortified, high-calorie food and daily cleaning of the tray, but also constant attention and communication with the pet. If an animal feels lonely, it may develop stress and depression, which greatly weakens the body.

When caring for a rabbit, you need to pay attention to the main factors:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • the correct feeding regimen is two times for adult animals and three times for rabbits;
  • high-calorie nutrition containing all the necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements, proteins and other nutrients;
  • maintaining optimal temperature and humidity;
  • daily physical activity;
  • regular preventive examinations at the veterinarian;
  • castration or sterilization.

How many years do decorative rabbits live?

The lifespan of rodents also depends on what species the animal belongs to.

Decorative lop-eared rabbits

The most popular breed of rabbit is the Lop-Eared Ram. Its distinguishing feature is its ears, which are slightly larger than those of other breeds. These playful, gentle and very savvy animals are suitable for living at home. The whole family loves to tinker and play with them. The lifespan of decorative folds is about 7-8 years; castrated animals can live more than 8 years.

How long do dwarf rabbits live?

The cutest creatures are often adopted for children by choosing one of their favorite breeds. The following breeds of dwarf rabbits are suitable for home use:

  1. Dutch lop-eared rabbits. These are the smallest representatives of fold-eared breeds. They have a strong body, a small neck and a variegated, bluish-gray, light gray or lilac color.
  2. Japanese dwarf rabbits. Rodents have an unusual color. There are dark and yellow stripes scattered throughout their fur. In this case, the color of one side of the body may differ from the color of the other side.
  3. Hermelinas. The breed has thick, short, white fur and red or blue eyes.
  4. Dwarf Rex rabbits. The animals are distinguished from other breeds by their long ears, narrow head and “plush” fur. Their fur coat can be white, red, black or brown. Rabbits of this breed are not very beautiful at birth, but over time they become real cuties.
  5. Angora dwarf rabbits. The sight of these animals brings children into indescribable delight. The breed has luxurious fur, the length of which reaches 20 cm.
  6. Fox dwarf rabbits. The long-haired breed can be chinchilla, white-boned, white, agouti, blue or red. Pets of this breed need to be brushed regularly.
  7. Dwarf colored rabbits. These are not very docile animals that can sometimes be aggressive. Adult individuals weigh only one and a half kilograms and have a white, blue, black-fire, red, Siamese, white or red skin color.
  8. Dwarf rabbit Ram. Adult animals weigh no more than two kilograms. The breed is distinguished by funny ears that seem to form a horseshoe. These are very affectionate animals that you can buy for children.

Among all the listed breeds, it is not easy to find long-livers. The average lifespan of a dwarf pet can be about five years. Only a few individuals, which are considered long-livers, survive up to ten years.

Breed matters

Rabbits of different breeds may differ in life expectancy. This is due to features that have a positive effect on longevity.

We do not consider meat rabbits. They have other criteria, briefly outlined by comedians - “not only valuable fur, but also several kilograms of easily digestible meat.”

How long do dwarf rabbits live?

Dwarf breeds live about 10 years.
Miniature “eared dogs” are perfectly “domesticated” - they know their name and successfully use the tray. Good ability to adapt determines a fairly high life expectancy, it reaches 8-10 years.

Rabbits that produce offspring live no more than 5 years; their bodies are worn out by childbirth.

How many years do fold-eared breeds live?

Rabbits with floppy ears are good-natured and calm animals, they are not afraid of sharp sounds, do not show aggression, and love outdoor games. A positive disposition has a positive impact on their lives, both qualitatively and quantitatively. They live up to 7-8 years, which is longer than their straight-eared counterparts.

Can a rabbit be trained?

How long do wild rabbits live?

The lifespan of wild rabbits is short and ranges from one to two, at most three years

However, it is important to remember that in the wild, rabbits generally do not die of old age. The causes of their mortality are:

  • diseases and parasites;
  • hunger;
  • predatory animals;
  • hunters;
  • bad weather conditions.

Hypothetically, a wild rabbit placed in a comfortable environment is able to live longer, but in practice, a change of environment often results in severe stress for the animal, after which it, again, dies. In rare cases of successful adaptation, the average lifespan of a rabbit removed from the wild is approximately seven to eight years.

Fold rabbits have a good nervous system

How old do rabbits live?

It is believed that in the wild, rabbits live up to a maximum of 4 years (the average is 1.5-2 years). There is no definite answer, because everything depends on the influence of the external environment. Animals in the wild are hunted by many predators; they are forced to look for their own food and are exposed to different weather conditions.

The exception is the wild eared species that lives on the Australian continent. They are able to live up to 12 years. This perceived privilege is due to the absence of natural enemies on these lands.

When breeding meat breeds at home, they are sent to slaughter at a maximum of 6 months. Broiler breeds are slaughtered after 2-3 months. Keeping rabbits for meat longer is pointless and unreasonable. It is believed that if animals are not slaughtered, they can live up to 8 years, and castrated animals can live up to 12 years.

For commercial breeding, the recommended period for keeping rabbit pairs is no more than 3 years, since older individuals grow more slowly and their level of productivity decreases (males are less active, and females produce fewer offspring). With natural selection, female rabbits that constantly give birth live no more than 6 years, and breeding males live up to 8 years.

When breeding ornamental pets, the lifespan depends on the breed and conditions of detention. The average life expectancy is about 4-5 years, but there are also centenarians who can reach their 8th birthday. They are considered long-livers by human standards, because 8 rabbit years are equivalent to 100 human years.

Future owners of decorative rabbits often ask: how many years do rabbits live?

The average life expectancy of dwarf and decorative rabbits is 7-8 years. Long-lived rabbits are not common. A rabbit is considered long-lived if it lives for 10 years or more.

I’ll say right away that the life expectancy of rabbits does not depend on the breed, as many people think. Many things affect how many years your rabbit will live. Let's start in order:

  1. healthy producers (mother and father), since many diseases can be transmitted from parents to babies;
  2. Feeding, maintenance and care also affect the health and, accordingly, the life expectancy of the rabbit, both the parents and the baby itself. It is very easy to spoil a baby rabbit’s gastrointestinal tract from childhood, which will have a bad effect on its future life and, of course, on its duration. Decorative and dwarf rabbits are much more tender than ordinary rabbits;
  3. genes and predisposition of parents to certain diseases. Therefore, rabbits, for example, with malocclusions are removed from breeding;
  4. Injuries or colds over the course of a lifetime can significantly shorten your rabbit's eyelids, so it's best not to risk catching a cold or dropping your rabbit;
  5. and, of course, the lifestyle of a rabbit, rabbits are mobile and active animals, they need movement and the opportunity to run and walk. Therefore, you need to let your rabbit out for a walk at least 1-2 times a day, for at least 1 hour, in general, the more, the better. Rabbits that sit in cages a lot and move little and run around are more likely to have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and problems with obesity, which is bad for the heart and liver.

How long do lop-eared decorative rabbits live?

The life expectancy of lop-eared decorative rabbits is, on average, slightly longer than their counterparts with erect ears. 7 - 8 years old. Fold rabbits are less cowardly, so they cannot die from stress caused by a sudden fright. There is also an observation that the smaller the animal, the less it lives. If a wild rabbit was born and lives in natural conditions, and then was taken home, then the likelihood that the pet will live a long life is extremely low. They usually live up to two years of age. But with proper care they can live 5-10 years.

What factors influence the life expectancy of a decorative rabbit?

Dwarf decorative rabbits, more tender than other breeds. Injuries, colds suffered during life. To prolong the life of your pet, you should not drop it or expose it to colds or other diseases. If the disease cannot be avoided, it requires surgical treatment.

Constant mobility and activity are very important for these animals. They should be let out more often to walk and run. It is necessary to let the rabbit out of the cage several times during the day. At least an hour's walk. Doctors claim that castrated rabbits live longer than breeding ones. This is especially true for females giving birth. The body of a sterilized female will wear out less due to childbirth and feeding, therefore the pet will live longer.

Signs of aging in a decorative rabbit

On average, decorative rabbits live about four years at home. Signs of an aging pet will be a decrease in play activity. Less time spent in motion, dull eyes and spinning wool, sagging belly. If there are no other signs of concern, then the pet has simply entered the aging phase.

And so for a rabbit to live a long and happy life, you need to feed it properly, treat it on time, ensure maximum activity and castrate the rabbit.

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