What breeds of dogs catch rats?

Brief historical background

The dog for catching mice and other rodents began to be used before cats, which in the Middle Ages were considered assistants of dark forces. Therefore, special breeds were bred that enjoyed special privileges.

The dogs were kept on farms, ships and barns, where they could sneak into narrow crevices. Bloody sports were also developed, where a large number of rodents were released into the arena and dogs were unleashed on them. Bets were placed on how quickly the dog could catch everyone.

Interesting information! The terrier rat catcher Billy was noted in history, who was able to catch 100 rats in 12 minutes.

A representative of this breed, Jacko, was able to catch more than a thousand rodents in 24 hours. But often the dogs that caught mice were injured on the job because they gathered in packs and attacked the hunters.

What qualities should rat catcher dogs have?

Long years of selection by crossing rat-catching dogs with hunting dogs resulted in the emergence of a large number of new breeds. Most often, pets with a light color with a small number of dark markings were chosen for these purposes. It was easier to find such animals in dark rooms and in landfills, where they caught rodents.

Over the years, the exterior has undergone changes. At the moment, even black breeds of rat-catching dogs are being bred, but they still have many common features. From a young age they are distinguished by the excitement of pursuit and courage. Owners often fear for their safety when the pursuit of prey begins.

Dogs have keen hearing, a flexible and strong body, a triangular head and well-developed jaw muscles. Currently, dogs do not crush rats, but are used as companions. Many of them are good with children and are friends with cats.

Note! Breeds of dogs used to catch rats and mice are not recommended to be placed in a house where there are chinchillas, hamsters, mice and rats, since the pet may attack them.

Jack Russell Terrier

Main breeds of rat catchers

Independent hunters are representatives of the Russian Blue breed. They become attached to only one owner, whom they are ready to protect from rodents. Athletic athletes - Chartreuse cats - have a beautiful athletic physique, which helps in catching rats and mice.

Maine Coon

This ratcatcher cat is the largest breed; it is an intelligent and selective animal - a good hunter. The Maine Coon reacts with lightning speed to a rodent, and its powerful body and dexterous movements leave no chance for rats and mice. At the same time, he is a sweet and gentle creature who will purr with pleasure in his owner’s ear.


The Siberian cat rarely becomes attached to humans, perhaps it has the “wild” blood of its ancestors. This balanced and powerful animal is considered the best rat hunter. Freedom is very important for an obstinate pet; the cat wants to walk outside from time to time. The Siberian cat is capable of developing great speed in running and jumping well. In addition, the animal has an excellent reaction.


The cat was common in ancient Rome. She copes well with the duties of a rat catcher. Each representative of this breed is an individual. The animal has a silver marbled or gray color.

Kurilian Bobtail

The animal was brought to us from the Kuril Islands. By their nature, the fluffies of this breed are similar to dogs. The little kitten quickly becomes attached to its owner and tries to take care of him.

Cats can not only deal with a rat, but also drive away a small dog that has entered their territory.

The Kurilian Bobtail has a small tail. The cat has elongated and powerful hind limbs, which allow him to jump and develop great speed while running. The Bobtail can cope with any rat's home.


Humans have nothing to do with the breeding of this breed. Siamese cats are fast and graceful. They have a very well developed hunting instinct.

Breed overview

There are a large number of breeds used for catching rodents. One of the main questions that concerns many owners of such pets is whether dogs eat caught rats? They will do this in the wild because they cannot get other food, but well-fed animals will not consume rats.

Jack Russell Terrier

Terriers of this breed are active, intelligent, playful and loving. If the children are not mistreated, they will get along well. Pets are easy to teach tricks. Walking these Manchester animals requires a lot of time as they are very energetic.

Yorkshire Terrier

Many people do not consider the Yorkshire Terrier as a pet that should catch rats. However, they have a tendency to dominate, and therefore they will fight for their territory. Despite their small size, they have a rather capricious character.

Cairn Terrier

Cairn Terriers are short, fast and agile dogs that saved Europe from a rat invasion. Even taller animals try to avoid them because of their wild nature. However, at home the dog is extremely affectionate and friendly.

Lakeland Terrier

Lakeland Terriers are the cutest looking, active and playful dogs. They are currently used as companions because they get along well with small children and other pets. But they will also help get rid of rodents if they appear on their territory.

Lakeland Terrier


One of the smallest dog breeds is the Ratlik. Its weight is about 2.5 kg. At the same time, he often provokes dogs larger than himself in size, because he is distinguished by self-confidence, courage and determination. The dog is quite playful and cheerful.

Note! Care must be taken to ensure that the ratlik does not become overcooled, since he will not be able to buy winter clothes on his own. Also, do not leave the animal in a draft.

Rat Terrier

The Rat Terrier is a German breed of dog. This is a miniature and stocky animal that was once used to catch rats on the London Underground. It was a favorite breed of Roosevelt, who had one as a pet.


Outwardly, the dachshund does not look like a hunting breed, but it can easily live up to the name. She is distinguished by courage, activity, curiosity and intelligence. Dachshunds get along well with children, love to dig, and are also very active, so you need to keep an eye on them while walking.

Fox terrier

The Smooth Fox Terrier is one of the most commonly used rat catchers, as it easily climbs into holes and deals with prey. Most often, this breed was used in arena battles and took leading places.

Fox terrier

miniature pinscher

The miniature pinscher is a sociable and inquisitive animal, the size of which is at the level of an average cat. The pet is easy to train because it willingly approaches this event. However, the miniature pinscher is a companion by nature, and therefore does not like to be left alone for a long time. He needs a lot of attention.

Miniature Schnauzer

This German is quite small in size. Since the time the breed was bred, it has been used in stables to catch rats. At the moment, he is presented at exhibitions and used as an athlete and companion. His coat does not shed and does not smell like a dog, but it requires serious care. The dog weighs from 5 to 8 kg.


The Jagdterrier is a small dog with a strong build, weighing up to 10 kg. If not worth keeping in a house with pets as they don't get along well.

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier was originally bred in England in the late 19th century to protect homes and barns from rats and mice. Today Yorkies are decorative indoor dogs. But they have not lost their innate instincts, so when they see rats and mice they immediately attack unwanted guests. Despite the gentle disposition of pets, they are not suitable for protection: their weight does not even reach 4 kg, and their fur does not have a warm undercoat.

The character of Yorkies depends on their upbringing. Some puppies grow up docile and calm, while their counterparts are overly active and courageous. Terriers are attached to their owner, require attention, need games and long walks. Yorkies are agile, smart and friendly. Dogs understand commands and are easily trained, but owners need to put in enough effort to tame their restlessness. With proper care and attention, the life expectancy of Yorkies reaches 13-15 years.

How to choose a good rat catcher

All dogs catch rats if they were bred for this purpose. Pets will cope with the fight against pests that appear in barns and storerooms, so the choice should be made depending on financial capabilities and personal taste.

A large number of breeds of four-legged friends engaged in catching Georgians are quite rare, and therefore their cost will be high. Fraudulent breeders take advantage of this and pass off one breed of animal as another because some of them are similar in appearance.

Note! When choosing a pet, you should rely on the opinion of a specialist who knows the characteristics of the breed and exterior.


The history of the appearance of rat-catching dogs

For a long time, it was vital for humans to fight rats, which not only destroyed crops and supplies, but also spread deadly diseases. Therefore, at different times in different countries, breeds of rat-catching dogs were purposefully bred - such helpers bravely fought with rats in the home and in the stable, on a ship and in a barn

Experienced rat-catching dogs have always been highly valued

The selection was based on one of the basic instincts of all canines - hunting. Animals of this family willingly mouse both in winter and in summer - not so much for entertainment, but as a freshly caught addition to the diet. They dig holes, and when the rodent gets out, they jump high and kill it with their paw.

How to raise a hunter

Often people buy an animal and hope that since the breed is a hunting one, it will perform its functions. However, it is not. A dog will not catch rats unless trained to do so. From childhood it is necessary to raise the animal correctly. If the puppy was raised by its mother, then she had to teach it the necessary skills.

However, even on your own you can contribute to their development. It is necessary to follow some rules that will help raise a good rodent hunter:

  • Hunting instincts need to be encouraged. If the puppy is chasing a rat, do not pull it away. If you win, you should praise the animal and treat it with a treat.
  • You should not force your pet to starve as this will not help them start catching mice. They will run away from home, eat out of garbage cans, or steal food from neighbor's animals.
  • Dogs need to be fed several times a day in small portions. There should not be food in the bowl on a constant basis, as this can lead to obesity of the pet.
  • Rabies vaccinations should be done regularly. In particular, you need to urgently contact a veterinary clinic if the animal is injured by a mouse or rat.

It is quite difficult to educate hunting instincts in a puppy on your own, and therefore you should not take him away from his mother early. The optimal age when you can purchase a rat-catcher puppy is 4-6 months.

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