Groenendael - description and characteristics of a beautiful breed of dog. Lots of photos, videos, interesting facts about Groenendael dogs

Usage:shepherd and service dog, companion
Dimensions:56 – 66 cm, 27 – 34 kg
Lifespan:13 years

Belgian Shepherds are a group of herding dogs that include 4 species: Groenendael, Laekenois, Malinois and Tervuren.
The dogs belong to the same breed and differ only in the structure of their coat and color. The decoration of Belgian Shepherds is black dogs with the poetic name Groenendael, which translates as green valley. They are loyal, tireless and incredibly beautiful companions. A week in the company of dogs - and there will be no room left in your heart for another breed.

Standard requirements

The Belgian Groenendael Shepherd is a strong and tireless dog. She is calm, instantly adapts to changing conditions, smart and active.

The differences between the breed types lie only in the structure, length and color of the coat. The difference between the Groenendael and other types of the breed is its black color and thick coat with a double undercoat.

In the photo, the Groenendael Shepherd looks like it’s asking to be featured on a poster or the cover of a glossy magazine. They were even used in a fashion show. Dogs owe this to their beautiful fur. It is long, straight, forms a frill with a collar around the neck, and feathers on the paws.

The color of the Groenendael is pure black. But a white spot on the chest and light spots on the hind legs are allowed.

Otherwise, the breed standard is the same for any type of Belgian Shepherd.

FrameStrong, muscular, dry. The neck is long, the back is straight and short.
HeadProportional to the body, the muzzle is elongated with a straight bridge of the nose.
NoseThe lobe is black.
LipsDry, dense, black mucous.
EarsResemble an equilateral triangle, standing
EyesRound, brown in color, preferably dark.
BiteStraight or scissor-shaped.
TailMedium in length, tapering towards the end, with pendants. When in motion, it rises and slightly curves, but does not curl into a horn or fall to its side.
LimbsStraight, powerful, parallel, proportional to height.
PawsRound, black pads, arched and thick, fingers tightly clenched. The arrived fifth phalanx is removed.

Description of the breed

Beneath the glamorous appearance of the Groenendael lies a brave heart and hardworking nature. The ancestors of these beautiful dogs devotedly served man for many centuries in the difficult conditions of the Belgian climate. The FCI standard, last amended in 2002, classifies Belgians in Group 1 (Guard and Cattle Dogs - excluding Swiss Cattle Dogs) and Section 1 (Working Trial Sheepdogs).


Proud head carriage, harmonious muscular body, graceful and swift movements - the external image of this dog clearly fits into the definition of “elegant strength”.

Even standing, Groenendael looks swift

Table: main provisions of the breed standard of the Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael variety)

Height at withers
  • for males - 60–66 cm;
  • in bitches - 56–62 cm
  • for males - from 25 to 30 kg;
  • for females - from 20 to 25 kg
  • dry, harmonious physique;
  • square format;
  • strong, defined muscles;
  • The chest is voluminous, falls to the level of the elbows
  • the length of the muzzle is approximately equal to half the length of the head or slightly longer;
  • the occipital protuberance is poorly developed;
  • the brow and zygomatic arches are not pronounced;
  • jaws with strong and white teeth, full formula, scissor bite;
  • the eyes are almond-shaped, obliquely set, brown;
  • the ears are small, set high, almost triangular in shape
  • rounded, “cat-like”;
  • fingers arched, tightly clenched;
  • forelimbs straight and parallel;
  • the hind legs are powerful, but not heavy
  • well set, thick at the base, medium length;
  • in a calm state it is lowered down, the tip is slightly curved to the level of the hock joints;
  • when excited, the tail rises in the form of a curved curve;
  • should not bend over the hook or fall to the side
  • guard hair is thick, dense, and has good structure;
  • silky undercoat provides protection from adverse weather conditions;
  • color only black;
  • white spots on the chest and between the toes are acceptable

The movements of the black Belgian are swift and productive. The dog can quickly gallop, and slowing down the pace, switch to a trot, while it is capable of abruptly changing the direction of movement even at very high speed.

Groenendael develops enormous speed and begins to gallop

Character and behavior

The cheerful and inquisitive handsome man pleases not only the eyes of his owners. Natural potential, slightly polished by selection, demonstrates in this dog a huge range of advantages - in few other breeds you will find such a number of skills and positive qualities. A true Groenendael will never show timidity or fear towards strangers - it is an excellent watchman and a reliable bodyguard. It easily adapts to the rhythm and lifestyle of a person, even adopting his habits.

They are unpretentious and fantastically efficient - they are ready to walk, train, work in any situation and in any bad weather, when, as they say, the owner will not kick the dog out of the house: rain, snowstorms and strong winds are absolutely no problem for him.

Master, come out, let's go play

The black Belgian dog sincerely favors all family members, but always takes under constant guardianship the one who most needs protection, and is ready to play endlessly, but carefully, with children. However, Groenendael demands respect for him as a person, and if small aggressors cross the boundaries of what is permitted, then he simply begins to ignore them. Keep in mind: these dogs are touchy and intelligent, they do not accept disrespect and brute force towards themselves.

Groenendael takes children under his care

Belgians get along well with other animals and even stop conflicts that arise between them - they act as peacekeepers. People and pets in their home are perceived as a herd entrusted to their care and “graze” it with all their canine zeal.

Disqualifying Faults

Special attention of the expert at the exhibition is usually drawn to the coat of the Groenendael. A dog with a short coat or insufficiently thick undercoat and, of course, not black in color, runs the risk of getting discqual. Large white spots or localized in areas not specified by the standard are also unacceptable.

A large white mark extending to the neck is beautiful, but not typical of the breed

Other disqualifying faults include the following:

  • non-standard dimensions;
  • cowardice or aggressiveness;
  • curled tail or bobtail;
  • drooping ears;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • severe depigmentation of the eyelids, lips and nose.

Video: all about Groenendaels


The Groenendael is a breed of dog that will always find use everywhere. Due to their endurance, easy training, love of work and desire to please the owner, there is no sports or work discipline that the pets cannot cope with.

Initially, the Belgian Groenendael was only a shepherd. But today it is a companion, guide, protector, security guard, policeman and rescuer. He is equally comfortable with agility and protective guard service, canicross and search and rescue service.

Protecting property and the owner is in the blood of Groenendaels. They do this even without special training.

Wherever the owner wants to use the dog, the Groenendael will happily support him and devote himself entirely to the work.


The description of the Groenendael breed excludes aggression or fearfulness. These are dogs with a calm and strong character.

Groenendaels are adored by all family members, although one person is chosen as the owner. They treat strangers with caution, but without aggression. However, as soon as the owner shows that the stranger is a friend, the dogs will happily wave their tails to the guest and allow themselves to be petted.

There is no timidity in dogs. Even Groenendael puppies are not afraid of strangers, loud noises, and quickly adapt to new places and family members - be they people or pets.

Groenendael learns commands on the fly and executes them with pleasure. He understands even subtle gestures and always knows what the owner wants at a particular moment. But he is brought up with rewards - no shouting, spanking or harsh punishments.

Education and training

According to the owners, Belgians are very smart and easy to train dogs. Understanding their beloved owner at a glance, they are able to remember a new command after just a few repetitions.

You need to start training your pet as early as possible.

Early socialization of the puppy is also important. Only an animal that behaves calmly in crowded places and on public transport, and also knows how to calmly react to changing circumstances, can be called an intelligent dog.

The owner must be the absolute leader for the Groenendael.

Moreover, the dog must not only listen and follow commands, it must give up the tastiest morsel or favorite toy upon the owner’s request.

It is necessary to stop growling or aggression towards any family member from the first days.

The Belgian Shepherd is a cunning creature.

She will very quickly “figure out” an inexperienced owner and will try to push him around. In this case, it is better to resort to the services of a specialist. Or you will have to forget about your dream of having a well-mannered shepherd dog.

It is recommended to start training with the simplest commands and gradually complicate them. If everything is easy for your pet, this is not a reason to reduce the duration of classes or their number. Groenendaels love to work.


But for them, along with physical labor, mental tasks are also important. Representatives of the breed are sensitive to praise, stroking and encouragement. But it is better to refuse physical punishment or rude screams. Shepherd dogs do not accept such methods of education; they will withdraw into themselves and simply stop responding to any command.


Equanimity is genetically embedded in dogs. However, even a naturally balanced Belgian Shepherd Groenendael without socialization will grow up to be neurasthenic.

After vaccination, Groenendael puppies should be exposed to unfamiliar places and people. From the age of 4 months, they are taken for walks along noisy streets and taken on private and public transport. It is extremely important to communicate with friendly adults, children and animals.

Belgian Groenendael Shepherds get along well with kids. They forgive pranks of little ones, and willingly play with older children. Dogs get along well with other pets - they perceive them as a herd and take care of them.

In a family, the Groenendael chooses the weakest (usually a child) and begins to “shepherd” him. He follows the ward everywhere, predicts and prevents potentially dangerous situations.

Maintenance and care

The Belgian Groenendael Shepherd is suitable for a country house. She needs her own enclosure, where in the heat she will hide from the sun, and in winter she will be protected from bad weather. A walking area is desirable - a large enclosure or a fenced back yard where the dog can walk on its own.

It is not advisable to keep a Belgian Groenendael Shepherd in an apartment. She needs a lot of space, constantly moving and running. Otherwise, out of boredom, she will gnaw on everything she can get her teeth into, become restless and wither away.

Brushing and bathing

The Belgian Groenendael dog breed boasts a long, thick coat. She is the main decoration and the main problem when leaving.

You will have to comb your pet 2-3 times a week, simultaneously untangling or removing tangles. And during molting in spring and autumn - every day. You can't cut your dog's hair.

Long hair is another reason why you should not have a Groenendael in an apartment. Hairs will be everywhere: from a bowl of soup to wallpaper. If you get a dog in a multi-story building, you will have to stock up on an arsenal of combs, slicker brushes and tangle cutters, as well as a more powerful vacuum cleaner.

Groenendaels are bathed rarely, once every 1-3 months. But after each walk, they carefully wash their belly and paws - the long hair collects all the dirt in the area.


Walk, walk and walk again. This is the motto of the Belgian owners. They walk their pets often, a lot and in any weather. Tireless Groenendaels enjoy both sunny spring days and hurricanes.

Moreover, you don’t just need to take the dog outside, but work with him. An adult Belgian Groenendael should run at least 1.5 km per day. And this is not counting sports, training, games.


The Groenendael dog is unpretentious in its diet. Naturally, you cannot feed your pet soup. They prepare it separately or buy holistic or super-premium food for large breeds.

The following brands are suitable for Groenendael:

  • Orijen Original Grain Free;
  • GO! Fit+Free Dog Chicken, Turkey, Trout Grain Free
  • Grandorf Adult Maxi Lamb & Rice.

On a natural diet, 70% of a Groenendael's diet should be made from animal proteins - lean meat, offal, eggs. The rest of the menu consists of cereals, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, berries, vitamin and mineral supplements.


The Belgian Groenendael Shepherd is a genetically strong and healthy dog. She lives for at least 10 years. On average, representatives reach 12-15 years. Maximum life expectancy is 18 years.


The Belgian Groenendael is susceptible to a number of hereditary and acquired diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • dysplasia;
  • gastric volvulus;
  • oncology;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • cataracts and eye atrophy;
  • cardiovascular pathologies.

The list is not extensive and is typical for large dogs. In general, the Groenendael is a strong and problem-free breed.


The Groenendael dog breed is genetically stable. But even a strong dog will not be healthy without vaccination.

Vaccinations are given according to an individual schedule developed by a veterinarian. Groenendaels are routinely vaccinated against rabies, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, canine distemper, and herpesvirus. Puppies up to one year old are given 3 injections at 8 and 12 weeks and at six months, adult dogs from 12 months - 1 injection annually.

Another important care item is treatment against parasites. Groenendaal is given anthelmintic tablets and drops against ticks and fleas at least once every 3 months.


The description of the Groenendael breed is not much different from the related Tervuren. These are large dogs with a height of 56 to 66 cm and a weight of 20-35 kg. The fur is long and black. The muzzle is sharp and oblong, the ears are triangular and set high. The body is light but powerful. The tail is well set and of medium length. The fur on the neck resembles a mane.

Belgian Shepherd Malinois: description of the breed, character

White Groenendael is considered a deviation.

Note! You can see the Grundel dog on the Internet, but this is a mistake. According to the standard, the breed is registered only as Groenendael.

Possible defects

BO is prone to diseases such as cataracts, obesity, dysplasia and epilepsy. This breed is also susceptible to allergic reactions to many foods. Some diseases are transmitted to puppies from their parents at the genetic level.

Black Belgian Shepherd

Important! The owner can protect the puppy as much as possible only through vaccination.

The breeder gives the first vaccinations to the baby already at 6-8 weeks of life. Next time in 2 weeks and then at 6 months. In the future, an interval of 1 year is maintained between vaccinations.


Belgian Groenendael Shepherds reach sexual maturity at 1-1.5 years. But full physical formation ends in the 3rd year of life.

Estrus in female dogs occurs every 9-12 months and lasts 20-22 days. Dogs are bred on days 11-15 of estrus, when ovulation is most likely.

Pregnancy in the Groenendael is standard and lasts 56-72 days. There are an average of 4-5 puppies in a litter.

The number of puppies in the litter depends on the age of the bitches. Young dogs and dogs over 6 years old bring the least amount of babies. Dogs are most productive at 3-4 years of age.

How did they start?

Until the nineteenth century, the Belgian state had a huge number of shepherd dogs. The difference was in size, external characteristics and temperament, but they were called shepherd dogs. The common ancestors of the individuals were the small ancient black dogs Leuvenara.

Selection began in 1891. A group of like-minded people, led by veterinarian Adolf Riyul, began to cultivate a pure Belgian shepherd dog. The selection fell on representatives of compact size with ears in the form of triangles and various types of fur coats.

Initially, the classification was based on the structure of the fur - short, long and hard. Later, other dog breeders from all over the country became interested in a similar issue.

The classification has changed:

  • — Groenendael – a black shepherd with long fur;
  • - tervuren - shepherd - shepherd - thick fur coat, red or deer color scheme, black fur at the ends;
  • - Malinois - the color range of the fur is red, brownish, charcoal, the length of the hairs is short;
  • - Laekenois - the name comes from the Laeken castle, not far from which the breeding of individuals began.

The ICF relates these four types to one breed. The AKC recognizes only the Groenendael as a Belgian Shepherd.

Belgian Groenendael Shepherds were born through the efforts of dog breeder Nicholas Rose, who at that time lived in the town of the same name as the breed. They bear the name of the restaurant complex of the original dog breeder - “Chateau Groenendael”.

In 1893, Nicholas Rose formed a kennel of Belgian Shepherds. In one of the litters, the primary representatives of the breed were born - a couple of black puppies. Further individuals came from her.

Nicholas officially celebrated the breed on March 12, 1898. From this date they began to count the birth of the Belgian Groenendael. Since 1901, the dog breeder took control of the pedigree of black herding dogs. Eight years later, she is officially recognized by international canine organizations.

How to choose a puppy

The main requirements for a future pet are calmness and non-aggression. Therefore, Groenendael puppies must:

  • calm, but wary of strangers;
  • are not afraid of loud sounds and sharp gestures;
  • be playful;
  • treats its owner affectionately, but does not fall into the hands of strangers.

An overly affectionate puppy is devoid of breed qualities - watchdog and security. And the aggressive Belgian Groenendael is disqualified and is not allowed for breeding.

Before purchasing, they check the pedigrees and veterinary passports of the puppies and parents, metrics, and look at photos of other dogs from previous litters. It is worth asking whether the “children” from the nursery had any health or character problems.

Pros and cons of the breed

To decide whether to buy a representative of this breed, and to understand whether this dog is right for you, you need to study its positive and negative sides.

The advantages of Groenendaal include the following:

  • chic appearance;
  • excellent health;
  • devotion;
  • high mental performance;
  • excellent learning ability;
  • fearlessness;
  • endurance;
  • performance;
  • ease of care.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • need for heavy loads;
  • the need for early socialization;
  • stubbornness;
  • cannot be alone for long.

How much do puppies cost?

One of the most expensive breeds in Russia is the Groenendael: a pet or breed class puppy costs from 40,000 rubles, and a show class kitten costs 120 thousand rubles and more.

True, the situation on message boards is different. The price for Groenendael varies from 6 to 30 thousand rubles. However, such offers are put forward by ordinary owners or unscrupulous breeders who breed dogs without taking into account genetic and breed characteristics.


Most diseases in Groenendaels are congenital, genetic, inherited or caused by improper care. Therefore, a puppy can only be purchased from trusted nurseries. These include:

  • – OTsolnikA kennel in Moscow, breeds all types of Belgian Shepherds, provides training services;
  • – united nursery and canine center in Moscow;
  • – the breeder has been breeding Belgians since 2003, working in St. Petersburg.

The Groenendael Shepherd is a pet about whose merits you could write a three-volume book. However, they fade or evaporate in the hands of an inept owner. This is not a couch dog. You will have to work with him every day for 3-4 hours and become an expert in dog psychology. This is the only way to raise a reliable and healthy friend.

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