Pug character traits

Flat-faced dogs originated in China. This breed was specially bred for local rulers and nobility. Later in France the list of pets was added. A few years later they settled in the Netherlands and gained universal popularity.

The interesting color of pugs was similar to the colors of the ruling Frankish dynasty, and from there the animals were brought to England. They became popular in Russia, but much later. So, let's move on to their description and look at the main features of this type of dog.


This breed is kind and sociable. It is worth noting that both boys and girls, pug breeds are not very active. They love to cuddle and sleep. Sometimes they have bursts of activity. As a rule, at a younger age. The pug runs around the house and makes a mess, but this phenomenon is rare and short-lived.

Pugs girls are very gentle and loving. They require more attention than boys. Pug boys are not too demanding.

For them, periodic attention from the owner and a delicious lunch are enough.

If a person does not have enough time, but really wants to get this breed, then it is better to choose a male. They are more patient and more self-sufficient. A girl in the place of a dog can feel sad and even get sick without the attention of the owner.

Pugs are very smart dogs and training them is a very simple task. It is enough to find an approach, and even the most stubborn dog will be trainable.

If you decide to relax and lie down on the sofa, then your loneliness will be diluted by a cheerful pug girl. The boy will simply calmly watch your vacation.

Both male and female get along well with the whole family. They get along well with children and tolerate all their antics.

These dogs love to be petted and hugged. Pugs girls are more vulnerable; they can become jealous if the owner pays a lot of attention to someone else.

A wonderful feature of this breed is that they show their joy at being greeted by dancing, yelping and climbing to be picked up. This makes all owners of this breed incredibly happy.

The peculiarity of a pug girl is that with the onset of motherhood, she becomes even more affectionate and gentle towards her loved ones. She is very attentive and can recognize her owner’s mood. If she notices that the owner is in no mood or sick, she will lie nearby and sigh periodically. Thus, the dog empathizes with its owner.

The boy is immediately visible from afar. A male pug is very proud when he walks next to his owner. It may give the impression that this is a big, proud dog. His majestic gaze into the distance and proud posture shows how proud he is to be walking with his owner. Unlike a girl pug, he will not run around the street. Maybe he'll indulge a little.

Pug Temperament

This dog has an extremely kind character - the pug is a sociable companion of a person who is not averse to having fun and playing.

Despite the fact that this is not the most active dog, which has a great tendency to pet and sleep, from time to time they are ready to frolic with you.

Not picky, affectionate and friendly pugs are perfect for both experienced breeders and amateur dog breeders without much experience.

  • But, like any other dog, pugs expect attention from their owners, so people who do not have enough free time are better off not getting this cute dog.

They endure loneliness very painfully and always miss their owner. Even after a short separation, get ready for this wonderful pet to greet you with joyful dancing on its hind legs, kisses and squeals.

Their balanced temperament and loving nature make dogs of this breed ideal pets. They will also become devoted and calm friends for older people, for whom the main criterion for choosing a pet is unpretentiousness.

Pugs consider themselves loyal companions, so they will help you in everything, even while relaxing and lying on the couch. This is not a sign of their laziness, this is how they show their readiness for partnership. They will follow you around the house, watching you closely, ready to start playing at any moment.

Pugs have a friendly character, they are ready to give their love to anyone who pays attention to them. For dogs of this breed, physical contact with the owner is extremely important.

They just love to be cuddled and have their bellies rubbed. They also like to climb into their owner's arms.

They show their anxiety and jealousy if the owner begins to pay attention to someone else.

  • Pugs' curiosity is truly limitless, as a result of which they often find themselves in ridiculous situations.

These dogs also have an excellent appetite. No pug will refuse a tasty treat. With the help of their cute, pity-inducing eyes, they can manipulate the owner, begging for the treasured piece.

Pugs are different, but they are all united by the desire to be with a loved one always and everywhere. It is extremely rare that they are nervous and timid, and even less often they are aggressive (this is an exception).

  • But this dog shows all its characteristic features while still a puppy, so when choosing a baby for yourself, pay attention to its behavior.


There are different opinions about the pug breed. Some talk about their passive lifestyle. They emphasize that they practically do not express their emotions. Others say that they are very active and playful. This difference of opinion is justified by the appearance of pugs. If you look at them, you might think that they are phlegmatic animals that love to lie down and eat treats. Therefore, many people think that an active pug is fantastic.

In fact, many of the breed are quite energetic and playful. Especially under the age of 4 years. As a dog grows up, it becomes calmer and smarter. But you shouldn’t delude yourself and think that if you get a pug, you will avoid the frisky one that runs around and destroys everything that comes along the way.

Among dogs there are also members of the intelligentsia who will not disturb the peace of your home. They will lie quietly almost all day in the place that you have prepared for them. But there are few such dogs. Most pugs are moderately active and love to play standard dog games. And most importantly, they take an active part in all the affairs of their owner.

Pugs cannot be shy or aggressive. It is these shortcomings that are a serious obstacle to participating in an exhibition career. They are very friendly. And they even become friends with cats. They often don’t understand why cats don’t want to be friends with them.

It is worth noting that pugs are not only decorative dogs. They consider it necessary to warn the owner of any danger. Pugs react to any noise outside the door and act as a bell. If the pug was sleeping calmly in its place, after a second it can already jump and bark at the door, thus warning its owners about an unexpected visit.

Many people think that pugs are not emotional. It's not like that at all. They can express such intense joy that everyone involuntarily smiles.

The dog sits quietly if you brush it, because it thinks that this is a certain sign of attention and is happy about it.

Pugs are very smart animals. But there is such a feature as excessive stubbornness. Pugs have a high level of self-esteem. When a dog is already an adult, it can hardly be forced to learn something new, and it will be reluctant to carry out old commands.

This breed is very loyal. They are very worried in those moments when they have to be alone and they get a feeling of abandonment and resentment. But the mood immediately changes the moment the owner appears on the doorstep.

Pug - description of the breed

The breed standard positions the pug exclusively as a companion dog and family pet. There are no operational tests for it.


The pug has a characteristic stocky, compact and very proportional physique with strong bones and well-developed sculpted muscles . A slightly squat, square body with a straight topline (the back is not arched or sagging) and a voluminous, expanded sternum.

The Pug's build is dense and stocky.

Breed standard:

  • The round, large head is proportional to the body, with clearly visible skin folds on the forehead, set on a curved, ridge-like, strong and massive neck. The blunt, short muzzle has a square outline. Strong strong jaws with slight overshot.
  • A black-pigmented nose with large, well-opened nostrils.
  • The eyes are large, very shiny, round, and widely spaced. Iris of dark shades. The look is sympathetic and gentle.
  • Small, very thin, like velvet black ears. They can be laid forward and cover the ear canal (“button”, “button”) or slightly curled back without covering the ear opening (“rose”).
  • The high-set tail curls into a tight (preferably double) curl over the hip.
  • Straight and parallel, not too long limbs placed well under the body. Feet with well-segmented toes and hard, black nails.
  • Weight: 6.3–8.1 kg.

The pug moves measuredly and confidently, moving its front limbs with good reach, pushing off freely and strongly with a slight roll with its hind limbs.

The coat is shiny, soft, thin and short, tightly fitting to the body. Silver (gray), beige (fawn), apricot (fawn) and pure black coat colors are allowed. For all colors (except black) the following are required: a mask on the face, dark ears, a line along the ridge from head to tail, as well as markings on the forehead and cheeks. The more pronounced the contrast, the better.

Black coloring in pugs is considered rarer

A defect or shortcoming is any deviation from standard characteristics, which is considered depending on the degree of severity, as well as the impact on the well-being, health and well-being of the animal. Excessively cowardly or aggressive individuals, as well as those burdened with obvious behavioral or physical deficiencies, are subject to disqualification.


The pug has a soft, kind, slightly imposing and absolutely non-aggressive character. Puppies are extremely mobile, energetic and active, they love to run and frolic a lot. With age, they become calm and reasonable, preferring relaxed reclining on the master's sofa to active games. However, even an adult dog is capable of enthusiastically chasing snowflakes and falling leaves swirling in the wind.

Pug puppies are active and playful

Funny and cheerful dogs easily find a common language with children of all ages and are always ready to run and play with them . Their patient disposition allows them to endure mischief and sometimes the gross pranks of foolish children. Pugs are able to get along with other animals, but they never become particularly close friends with them, without showing negativity and simply keeping a safe distance.

They are overly friendly towards strangers, which makes them poor guards. There have been many cases of theft of trusting and friendly pets. These dogs cannot stand loneliness at all; if left alone for a long time, they become sad and suffer . It is for this reason that the breed is not recommended for those who are often away from home. Sociable and social animals love to be at the epicenter of events, constantly spinning under their feet and keeping everything under control.

Pugs constantly sniffle, grunt and sneeze funny, and have bouts of flatulence. In terms of the strength of dog snoring, they are the absolute champions.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is not difficult to determine the pros and cons of the breed. Let's look at the main advantages of a pug:

  1. Good hygiene. Pugs have natural smooth and short hair. Therefore, they are very easy to keep clean. A small problem with hygiene is only their folds, which need to be cleaned periodically.
  2. Small ones. They do not need an aviary or a large yard. They only need a little space to run around.
  3. Beautiful. Pugs have a unique appearance and are very popular in many countries.
  4. Charming faces attract the attention of people around the world.
  5. Devotees. If you are an owner who deserves the trust of a pug, he will completely disappear into you. He will be a good support and protector everywhere and always.
  6. Pleasant disposition. For both boys and girls, the pug has a pleasant character that contains charm, attentiveness, playfulness, obedience, sociability, affection and gentleness.
  7. Love for children. The dogs are very friendly and will be excellent companions for children. They are not irritable, so small children's pranks will not displease them.
  8. Unpretentiousness to food. The pug can be fed both specialized food and home-cooked food.

Let's consider the main disadvantages of the pug breed:

  1. Health problems . Small dogs have problems with the respiratory system and can also become hypothermic and overheated.
  2. Care. It is necessary to take care of the folds on the face every day. Because they collect all the dirt that can irritate the dog's skin. But it is worth noting that a short time is enough to wipe the necessary areas with ordinary wet wipes.
  3. The dog is not for the street. For those people who are looking for walking companions, a pug is not suitable. The dog gets tired quickly and does not like hot weather.
  4. House training. Dogs are very stubborn and difficult to train. It will take more time and effort to train your pug to the toilet and to the house.
  5. Always near. These animals are very dependent on their owners. That is why they always crave attention and affection. Every minute that belongs to the dog will be gifted with joyful emotions. If you don’t play with your pet for a long time, the dog won’t give up and will still attract your attention.
  6. Snore. Many owners of this breed note that they cannot sleep peacefully, as their pet snores very loudly. Dog snoring is caused by the structural features of the nasopharynx. There's nothing you can do about it. You just need to take it easier or choose a place for the dog where you can least hear him.

Cons of the breed

Allergy to wool

This breed also has its disadvantages. Don't be fooled by the length of your pug's fur. During seasonal molting, hair falls out of these dogs in large quantities. Pieces of undercoat can be found on all surfaces. Therefore, if there are people in the family who suffer from allergies, you may not want to get a pug.

Regular hygiene care

The dog requires constant care for its skin folds and teeth.

This may cause problems for some owners. If folds are poorly treated, harmful bacteria and infections caused by fungi may appear in them. Food waste and eye discharge often accumulate there. To avoid these troubles, it is enough to apply a special lotion between the folds every two days and treat with Vaseline once a week.

Pugs also have a small jaw, which is why their teeth are closely spaced. Food accumulates in the interdental space, which can cause gum disease and bad breath. But all this will not happen if your pet’s teeth are brushed regularly.


The pug is a “snub-nosed” dog, so 20% of them have another serious drawback - they snore in their sleep. In addition to the fact that snoring prevents the owner from sleeping, it also indicates a serious illness that needs to be taken seriously. It is better to consult a veterinarian so that the doctor can determine the cause of snoring.

Trusting strangers

Excessive gullibility is also a negative point. Because of this, pugs often get lost or are taken away by random passers-by. Therefore, be vigilant during walks, do not leave your pet unattended - he should always see you, and you should see him. But at the same time, pugs are very jealous. They may begin to be jealous of their owner even towards new family members. We figured out what pugs are, or rather the pros and cons of the breed. Whether the shortcomings are so significant is up to you to decide.

Related article: What you can and cannot feed your pug


Walking the dog

It is enough for an adult dog to walk 2 times a day for 30-40 minutes. You can allow minor physical activity. This is necessary if your pet likes to eat heavily.

Pugs are prone to obesity. As is known, this factor has a detrimental effect on health.

If it’s hot outside, stress is eliminated and walks are reduced to 15 - 20 minutes. It is necessary to take a bottle of water with you so that the dog does not become dehydrated. It is necessary to choose a park for walks so that your pet is not exposed to the scorching sun.

Cold weather means walking for about 20 minutes. If the frost outside is below 20 degrees, then the dog should be dressed and walk for 15 minutes. Otherwise, the dog may catch a cold.

The main difficulty with walking a dog is that it gets tired quickly. Pugs should not go long distances from home, as this may cause them anxiety.

Features of fold care

It is necessary to introduce a tradition of wiping the folds on your pet’s face every morning. To do this quickly and efficiently, it is enough to have wet wipes on hand. It is necessary to carefully wipe each fold to clean it from dust and fallen, dead hair. In case of poor hygienic care of the animal's folds, dermatological diseases may develop, which will irritate the animal, and may also lead to blood poisoning.


Despite all the positive qualities of the breed, they are particularly stubborn . In order to train a dog, you need to be patient.

A dog can only be trained at a young age. When she grows up, she will not accept commands.

It takes a long time to let the dog understand that you are not playing with it, but are teaching it the commands necessary for a well-mannered dog.

One of the challenges you will face is toilet training at home. Since the dog is a domestic dog and spends most of its time in the apartment, it is necessary to teach it to relieve itself in the appropriate place. For this, various fillers are used, which have a peculiar smell to which the dog gets used to, and knows that if it is present, it will relieve itself.

Allergy to wool

No one thinks about the possibility of a fur allergy when purchasing a pug puppy. This unpleasant disease can poison the life of an allergy sufferer. It is necessary to find out in advance whether you have any allergies to animals.

Of course, you can take antihistamines and the body will eventually get used to the presence of the allergen, and it will go away. But it is possible that the allergy will only get worse over time. In this case, you need to urgently get rid of the pet. This will be a huge trauma for the animal. That is why it is necessary to know all the allergens that can affect your body.

Dental care

To remove plaque, you need a toothbrush or terry cloth. It is necessary to moisten them in a 3 percent solution of baking soda and gently brush your teeth, lifting your upper lip. At the time of cleaning, it is important to fix the pet’s head.

Characteristic diseases


  1. Myocarditis.
  2. Myocardial infarction.
  3. Myocardosis.
  4. Endocarditis.


  1. Laryngitis, acute swelling of the larynx.
  2. Acute bronchitis.
  3. Allergic bronchitis.
  4. Emphysema.
  5. Bronchiectasis.


  1. Cataract.
  2. Entropy.
  3. Red eye.
  4. Dry eye syndrome.
  5. Progressive retinal atrophy.
  6. Eye loss.
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