Choosing a place for the canary to live
For a cage with a bird, you need to find a suitable place and decide where it will stand, so as not to rearrange it later. Moving is a lot of stress for a canary; it will not be easy for her to get used to the new environment.
To make it easier for the canary to adapt to a new place, at first it will need peace. If you start moving the cage to other places, the bird's mood may worsen and anxiety about changing housing may develop into nervousness.
The center of the room or the floor are not the best places for the cage because of the possible draft, which can cause the canary to catch a cold. The presence of drafts can be easily checked with a burning match or candle. If the flame fluctuates, it means there is a draft.
Placing the cage in the kitchen is also a bad option - toxic fumes from burning Teflon, dishwashing detergent and other things can poison the bird. In addition, there are often drafts in the kitchen due to ventilation.
The hallway is also not suitable for a canary to live in. Constant movements of household members will disturb the bird. And from the periodically opening door, the same draft, harmful to the bird’s health, arises.
It is good if you place the canary in the room where you are most often. Then the bird will not feel lonely. And you can combine your usual activities and communication with your feathered friend.
It is not recommended to place the cage near a TV or computer - their electromagnetic fields can have a bad effect on the canary’s condition. In addition, the noise will make the bird nervous and drown out its singing.
Dark corners and heating appliances are also unsuitable places. The bird will feel unwell in the dark. She will become lethargic, sleepy, and will sing rarely. If the air is too dry, she may develop dermatitis or baldness. We will tell you below what climate is suitable for canaries to live at home.
It is better to place the cage near the wall opposite the window. The wall will give the canary a feeling of security, and the window will give a lot of sunlight, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the bird. You cannot place the cage on the window itself: in winter the canary can freeze, and in summer it can overheat or get sunburn.
Colored canaries
Currently, this species has about 100 breeds. But, at the same time, they are divided into 2 subspecies, depending on the coloring pigment, which is contained in the feather and is the main determinant of color:
- melanin (dark color);
- lipochrome (light color).
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The Melanin pigment has a protein structure in the form of grains and is formed in the body from a special protein.
Lipochromes have a fatty structure and are produced from keratin. Lipochromes are mainly in a dissolved state, so the colors are lighter. Different combinations of these pigments, which are produced by the body, give us different colors, so there are many subspecies of them. The answer to the question “how many years do colored canaries live” can be answered that with proper care, their life can reach about 13 years.
Top, bottom or middle
It is recommended to install the cage at eye level; a low position will suppress the bird, and a high position can develop in it superiority over the owner.
In addition, the canary below can become a target for a pet, and carbon monoxide accumulates above. Especially in houses with stove heating. Even a small amount of carbon monoxide can kill a canary, which is still used by miners in some countries. To avoid the death of the bird, you should not smoke, light incense sticks or spray aerosols near it.
For the cage, you can purchase a special stand with a low center of gravity that holds the cage in one position. At the top of the stand there is a hook on which the cage is hung. On sale you can find comfortable tables for cages, equipped with drawers for storing bird supplies and food.
Optimal climate
In order for the canary to feel good in your home, maintain a temperature of eighteen to twenty-two degrees and a humidity of at least fifty percent.
During the warm season, take the cage out into the fresh air so that the bird can sunbathe. Cover part of the cage with fabric to create a shade, so the canary will not get sunburn. Keep an eye on the canary while walking, otherwise birds of prey and cats may harm it.
In winter, the canary will need additional light. To artificially increase daylight hours, use ultraviolet lamps, placing them a meter from the cage. And to keep warm, you can install a twenty-five-watt electric lamp half a meter from the cage.
Indoor view
Indoor aviaries are suitable for keeping a large number of canaries, so it is better to install such a structure for those who plan to breed them. In an indoor aviary, birds have the opportunity not only to communicate with their relatives, but also to choose a pair to their liking.
Although you can keep one singing canar in the enclosure. The natural environment, which is easy to create in a spacious enclosure, can reveal new musical talents. For example, you can place a lot of plants and branches of deciduous trees in the enclosure.
It is more convenient to install such an enclosure in the corner of the room. In this case, you will only have to make one wall. Its height can be equal to the height of the room; you need to retreat at least two meters from the corner. It is good if the enclosure is located close to the window.
It doesn’t matter whether you buy a ready-made enclosure or make it yourself, the main thing is what material it will be made of. Its frame can be wooden, plastic or metal. The outside of the enclosure can be decorated to match the interior of the room. If you are going to paint it, do it only on the outside - the paint can poison the canaries.
The mesh that covers the frame should be made of stainless steel with chrome or nickel plating. Copper or brass mesh can oxidize and become poisonous to birds. Galvanized mesh is also harmful - a canary can be poisoned if it swallows a peeling piece. The optimal mesh cell sizes are one and a half by one and a half millimeters.
The enclosure should have a tray that makes cleaning the enclosure easier. It is better to choose a stainless steel tray - it is durable and easy to clean. Plywood pallets quickly become unusable when exposed to moisture and droppings; they cannot be treated with boiling water or chemical solutions. Tin pallets bend easily. If you make a pallet from separate tin sheets, gaps will form between them. It is difficult to select droppings and food scraps from them.
To keep the enclosure clean for as long as possible, you need to pour sand or special gravel onto the tray, which is sold in any pet store.
The main disadvantage of an indoor aviary is a lot of noise. Not everyone is able to withstand the discordant singing of canaries, among which it is difficult to distinguish the songs of individual canaries. The closer the nesting period, the louder the singing will be. In addition, birds can start fights over partners or territory.
Another drawback is the long cleaning process, during which you will have to disturb the canaries. Failure to comply with sanitary standards leads to the development of mold. And if there are parasites in the enclosure, it will be difficult to get rid of them.
Bird food and droppings that are not collected promptly can attract small rodents: mice, rats. They can frighten canaries and infect them. Rats can even feast on chicks sleeping on the floor. To prevent the appearance of rodents, it is necessary not only to periodically clean the enclosure, but also to cover half a meter of the walls from the floor and the floor itself with iron sheets. Make sure there are no gaps.
Singing canaries
These are the most popular types of birds of this breed. Officially, there are 3 types of this breed:
- German (harz roller);
- Belgian (Malinois);
- Spanish (timbrados).
There is also a Russian breed, but it is not recognized by the international community.
Harz Roller
The German subspecies or Harz Roller was bred in the Upper Harz, where it got its name.
This subspecies has a low, velvety voice, but the most interesting thing is that canaries sing without opening their beak , resulting in a soft, non-harassing voice sound.
In this case, the Harz roller is in a vertical position and strongly inflates the throat. The life span of these birds varies from 8 to 12 years. Interesting: Make a parrot cage yourself!
The Malinois or Belgian Warbler was bred near the city of Mechelen (Belgium). This is a rather large bird, yellow in color, without any inclusions. The song qualities of this canary are more complex and richer in comparison with the Harz roller. But she can sing songs with her mouth open and closed. At the same time, professionals evaluate bird songs on a 120-point scale.
is gaining more and more popularity among fanciers over time Life expectancy is up to 12 years.
Spanish warbler
The "Timbrados" or Spanish song canary is one of the most ancient species, which was obtained by crossing the European canary finch with a wild canary. This is a rather miniature bird, up to 13 cm long, with a rounded body compared to the Harz roller. The vocal characteristics of the Timbrados canary are rated on a 75-point scale. Life expectancy is approximately 9 - 11 years.
Russian breed
The Russian breed is not recorded in the International Ornithological Association "COM" as a separate, independently existing subspecies.
Although in 2005, the “State Commission of the Russian Federation for Testing and Protection of Breeding Achievements” recognized the breed: “Russian Canary Finch” and issued a certificate in confirmation. They are not recognized by the international community because they have not yet come to define a standard for the Russian singing breed. We can say that the singing characteristic of the breed with its inherent set of knees and rating scale has not been determined. For this reason, Harz rollers are bred more in Russia.
street view
If you can keep canaries in an indoor aviary all year round, the outdoor type is only suitable for the warm season. This is precisely its advantage - fresh air and sunlight have a beneficial effect on the health of canaries.
You can install an outdoor aviary on a balcony or in the courtyard of a private house. Minimum dimensions:
- length - four meters;
- width – two meters;
- height – two meters.
To prevent rats, ferrets or cats from getting into the bird enclosure, it must have a strong foundation. Dig a hole of sixty centimeters, ten of which fill with rubble. Then place a metal mesh lubricated with tar, the diameter of the cells should not exceed ten millimeters.
Line the perimeter of the hole with blocks of brick and concrete, in which secure wooden blocks every half meter. Fill another twenty centimeters with crushed stone. The remaining thirty centimeters should consist of soil. Attach boards to the bars so that the enclosure has three closed walls. The fourth wall should be covered with the same mesh as that of the indoor enclosure. The roof can be made from boards. The main thing is that there are no cracks anywhere.
The enclosure should have well-closing openings for feeders and drinkers and a door. You can pour sand, gravel on the floor, plant mini-trees, non-poisonous flowers, and cereals. Many perches and nest boxes are required that do not interfere with the movement of canaries. Before introducing birds into the aviary, it is necessary to disinfect them from parasites.
Breeds and types of canaries
There are three breeds of canaries:
- decorative;
- singers;
- colored.
Decorative ones are divided into the following types:
- crested;
- curly;
- curly;
- humpbacks;
- painted.
This species includes birds that have crests, which is why they got their name. The feathers on the parietal part of the head are slightly elongated, which creates the appearance of a cap. Crested animals, in turn, are also divided into several subspecies:
- German Crested;
- Lancashire;
- English Crested
- Gloucester.
Life expectancy is about 12 years. There is one significant detail in the reproduction of these individuals : if you cross two crested individuals, the offspring will be lethal. Therefore, one individual is crossed with a crest, and the other must be smooth-headed.
This smooth-headed species of canary has narrow and fine feathers. Depending on the subspecies, body length varies from 11 to 19 cm. The birds are quite unpretentious.
There are 6 subspecies:
- Norwich canary;
- Bernese canary;
- Spanish decorative canary;
- Yorkshire canary;
- border;
- mini border.
The average life expectancy is 10 - 15 years with proper care.
Representatives of this species are distinguished by the fact that their feathers seem to curl along the entire length of their body. These are quite large individuals , ranging from 17 cm in length, with the exception of the Japanese subspecies. It is believed that they originated from the Dutch canary. Breeders became interested in their unusual feathers, as a result of which several different unusual subspecies were bred:
- Parisian curly (trumpet);
- French curly;
- Swiss curly;
- Italian curly;
- Paduan or Milanese curly;
- Japanese curly (makij);
- northern curly;
- Fiorino.
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Life expectancy is 10 - 14 years.
These are unique birds in which the head is lowered so low that it descends below the shoulders , despite the fact that the body is completely vertical. In this subspecies the tail either descends straight or curves downwards. This species is the rarest. There are four subspecies of these birds:
- Belgian humpback;
- Scottish;
- Munich humpback;
- Japanese humpback.
On average they can live 10 - 12 years in captivity.
This is the only species of canary whose body color differs sharply from other species. These birds hatch completely inconspicuous and after the first year of molting they acquire a very bright color, i.e. in the second year they are completely bright birds. But this bright plumage does not last forever, it lasts for a couple of years (2 - maximum 3 years), after which the bright color gradually fades away, as if fading in the sun, until it becomes barely noticeable. There are two known subspecies of painted canaries:
- London;
- lizard.
The lifespan of these canaries is from 10 to 14 years. Unfortunately, decorative individuals are not as in demand among canary lovers as songbirds, since changes in the morphological characteristics of the species negatively affect the vocal characteristics of birds, as a result of which their singing abilities decrease. Canary breeders are not very positive about such deformations, which makes them not particularly popular.