How to get a cat to drink more water?

Water is the basis for all life on the planet. Therefore, just like people, cats are three-quarters water. Young animals contain about 70% water in their body, and old ones about 50%. This is explained by the fact that the older the cat, the slower metabolic processes work in its body. Regardless of age, these pets have a great need for daily water intake. However, pets may often refuse it. Every owner of a furry creature should know how dangerous such refusal is for the cat’s health, and how to teach the pet to consume its daily water intake.

The importance of water for an animal

The body of every creature consists of cells that are filled with liquid by 80%. They need their own set of microelements, which enter them only when dissolved in water. When a cat does not receive the required amount of water, this leads to negative changes in the body. Drying, hypotrophy, and in the most advanced cases, the death of living cells begins.

The required amount of water that a cat should drink daily is essential for the normal functioning of the circulatory system. Otherwise the blood becomes too thick. And in this form, it is more difficult for the heart to pump, which affects the delivery of oxygen to the muscles and various tissues. The heart and all vital organs of the animal suffer from a lack of water. Lack of oxygen also affects brain activity.

Clean water also has the ability to alleviate the condition of a sick animal. Suffering from an illness, a cat may not eat anything, but it should always drink water. Not every owner knows how to force a cat to drink water when the pet is sick and constantly sleeps. Sometimes the only option is to carefully inject water from a syringe. To do this, you need to sit the cat on your lap, remove the needle from a small syringe and gradually pour water into his mouth.

Cat in the wild

If all owners of domestic cats knew their history, they would not be surprised at their indifference to water. Most felines come from desert areas, where water is found in minimal quantities. Therefore, for the normal functioning of all internal systems, the cat’s body took moisture from food.

Only during times of severe drought or lack of food did predators have to go in search of a watering hole where they could replenish their liquid supplies. Some wild cats still consume minimal water. These breeds include sand and sand cats. It is almost impossible to see these animals drinking in the wild. The same goes for lions. They definitely drink water every day. But they are quite capable of living without it for up to 5 days. Even such a long period without water passes for them without harm to their health.

It is because of this that it should not be surprising that a pet does not drink water from a bowl well. This attitude towards liquid is inherent in their nature. However, this does not mean that you should limit their access to water and not control the daily amount your cat drinks. If he doesn’t drink enough, you need to figure out how to get the cat to drink more water and try to do everything so that your pet doesn’t feel the need for life-giving moisture.

How to get a cat to drink more water?

Both animals and cattle drink,

And trees and flowers, -

Even flies are without water

Neither here nor here!

You can’t argue with the truth set out in the well-known water carrier song; the truth is in every word. Now the summer heat has arrived across most of Russia, and it’s time to give some tips on how our beloved cats can safely survive this time.

Like the human body, the cat's body consists mainly of water - more than half. To stay healthy, your cat needs to get enough fluids—proper hydration plays a critical role in all body systems, including the circulatory system, digestion, and elimination. When the moisture content in the body drops by at least 5%, signs of dehydration begin to be observed. It can be very dangerous and even fatal for a pet if it is not noticed in a timely manner and emergency measures are not taken.

Cats living in the wild drink little; they get enough of the liquid contained in the meat of their prey. But a healthy domestic cat that eats special food should drink about 60 ml of water per 1 kg of its own weight per day. This is especially true for neutered cats, who have a high risk of developing urolithiasis.

There are several reasons why a cat refuses to drink - we will talk about them later. First, let's figure out how to understand that a tailed animal lacks life-giving moisture.

Lack of water and urolithiasis

Insufficient water consumption contributes to the development of many diseases in your pet. First of all, the cat shows signs of urolithiasis. Lack of water provokes a high concentration of salt in the urine, which affects the appearance of urinary crystals. It is concentrated urine that becomes the culprit of this disease.

If a cat suffering from it drinks too little water, everything must be done to ensure that he drinks it in moderation. A veterinarian should tell you how to get a cat to drink water if it has urolithiasis when examining the animal. The disease develops quickly if it is not treated and the fluid consumed by the cat is ignored. Its course is complicated by the fact that symptoms appear already at an advanced stage. After diagnosis, treatment is very difficult and long. Castrated animals, as well as those feeding on dry food, are most susceptible to urolithiasis.

That is why every owner of a furry pet should know how to make a cat drink more water. Especially if he eats exclusively dry food.

How much water should a cat consume per day?

Again, keep in mind that the cat will obtain water from its diet as well as through drinking water. The cat should drink approximately 60 ml of water per kilogram of body weight. My cat drinks a lot of water:

Increased water intake is medically known as polydipsia and should be observed. Kidney disease, diabetes, pyometra (uterine infection, liver disease, and hyperthyroidism) are diseases that can be caused by a lack of water or a sudden increase in it.

It is always important to have your cat checked by a veterinarian if you notice that she is drinking more water. Increased water intake usually goes hand in hand with increased urination (polyuria/polydipsia).

Flavored ice cubes

You can make ice cubes from chicken or beef broth and add them to your cat's water bowl.

To make meat flavored ice cubes, you will need:

  • 1 cup broth from minced meat or chicken
  • 2 glasses of water.

Add all ingredients to the pan, bring to a boil and simmer for 8-10 minutes. Strain the water into an ice cube tray.

Video - how lazy cats drink water

Read about the Maine Coon cat breed here.

Water consumption rate

The amount of water required for the normal functioning of a furry pet is determined depending on the type of food it eats. When a cat eats natural food - porridge, meat, vegetables, its need for drinking water is much lower than for those animals that eat dry food. Plant foods contain enough moisture so that the cat does not feel very thirsty throughout the day. The same applies to liquid canned foods. Therefore, if the cat’s diet is completely natural or consists of canned food, there is no need to worry about a lack of water in the body.

To find out the required amount of water that a domestic cat should drink, you need to multiply the pet's weight by 0.03. Based on calculations, per kilogram of weight, you need 30 ml of clean water. This is exactly how you need to consider the norm when thinking about how to get a cat to drink water. Some owners pour too much of it into the bowl, and when the pet does not drink it in one day, they begin to panic and look for all sorts of ways to make him drink. In order not to worry too much about your beloved pet, you need to calculate its water intake and also take into account the food it consumes.

How to determine the lack of water in a cat

To determine how to get a cat to drink water, you need to make sure that he really lacks fluid. To do this, you can run several tests:

  • First of all, you need to check the elasticity of the cat's skin. To do this, you need to grab a small area of ​​skin between the shoulder blades and pull it slightly. After holding the skin for 5 seconds, you need to carefully release it. When dehydrated, the fold will take a very long time to return to its previous position. If the cat has enough water, the skin will sag instantly.
  • It is necessary to look into the animal's mouth. His gums and mouth lining should be pink. There should be no yellowness, dryness or roughness. Pale and dry mucous membranes are the first sign of a dehydrated body.
  • The pet's fur also reacts to a lack of water. It becomes dull and brittle. A healthy pet has smooth, shiny fur that does not fall out or get into shreds.

The main thing is to remember that before you force your cat to drink water, you should know for sure that he needs it.

How to tell if your cat doesn't have enough water

1. Low water consumption
If you know your cat's needs and habits well, you can easily notice that the water in the drinking bowl is practically untouched. If you are sure that the cunning pet did not have the opportunity to slurp some liquid somewhere in an “unauthorized” place, a full bowl of water can serve as an alarming signal.

2. Frequent urination

A healthy cat's body should receive as much water as it loses. If the contents of the cat's litter box are obviously more than what the cat drank, there is a high risk of dehydration. Frequent urination deprives your cat of vital nutrients and may be a sign of a serious medical condition, such as diabetes or kidney failure.

3. Vomiting or diarrhea

Vomiting or diarrhea are even faster and more dangerous ways to dehydration. They usually signal a situation requiring emergency medical intervention - for example, poisoning. In addition to dehydration, these disorders lead to rapid weight loss - which is very dangerous for cats.

4. Decreased skin elasticity

The elasticity of the mustachioed skin, or rather its decrease, can also signal that the pet’s body is dehydrated. There is a simple test - pull the skin on the cat's neck with your hand. If it immediately returns to its previous state, the animal is healthy. If the “peak” lasts for at least a few seconds, it is very likely that your cat is not getting enough moisture. But keep in mind that this method of determining dehydration may be inaccurate if the pet is too well-fed or, conversely, too “slender.”

5. Shortness of breath

The absence of sweat glands forces the cat to pant to regulate its body temperature. Heavy “dog” breathing with an open mouth also leads to dehydration, as moisture leaves the body through the mouth. Additionally, shortness of breath is often a sign of heatstroke in cats. Be careful, this is very dangerous!

6. Slow capillary refill

Poor blood circulation can also indicate dehydration. This can be checked by pulling back the cat's upper lip and pressing on the gum with your finger. When you remove your finger, you will see a white mark. In a healthy cat it will disappear within 1-2 seconds. If the spot lasts longer, it is a sign of poor blood circulation. It may be caused by dehydration, heart failure or shock.

If your cat drinks too much water

Sometimes, the cause for concern may not be that your pet is drinking too little water, but vice versa. A bad sign would be his suspiciously strong thirst. This can happen after prolonged exposure to the sun or excessive salt intake. Fortunately, such reasons are easily eliminated. You just need to pour more clean water into the cat’s bowl and wait until he drinks enough. If the thirst began without any reason, you need to be wary. An urgent need for large amounts of water can become a symptom of diseases such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism and many other pathologies. If your pet's thirst does not stop for several days, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

How to raise a cat and make him drink more

If the animal does not drink enough, you need to think about how to get the cat to drink water. This is not an easy task, but a completely doable one. First of all, you need to get into the habit of changing the water in your cat’s bowl every day. These capricious creatures prefer to drink only fresh.

Another easy way to increase your cat's water intake is to place several bowls of water throughout the room. You can also install them at different levels so that he can choose the most comfortable position for himself. It is necessary to accustom the cat to bowls and wean him from drinking from other sources.

Do not forget that the cat may not like the container into which the owners pour water. The reason for this is an unpleasant odor or a container of the wrong size and depth. To determine your cat’s favorite bowl shape, you need to buy several options made of plastic and ceramic.

How to get your cat to drink more water

There are times when increasing your cat's fluid intake is necessary. Cats are not naturally large animals that drink water. In the wild, many of them get their water from food. Wet food consists of approximately 70 percent water. Dry diets have only 10 percent water, so cats must drink more water to avoid such a difference.

Not drinking enough water causes urine to become concentrated, which can lead to urinary crystal formation. This is why you need to make sure your cat consumes enough water to avoid such situations.

There are several ways you can encourage your water intake.

Transitions from a dry diet to raw or canned foods.

As already mentioned, dry foods have significantly less water content than wet foods, and many cats do not consider this a disadvantage by drinking more water. So, if you can switch your cat to a wet diet, then it is better to do so. If you change his diet, you need to make the transition gradually, as a sudden change can cause stomach upset.

You can also add a tablespoon or two of water or a meat-flavored ice cube to canned or dry foods to increase the water content.

water fountains

Some cats love to drink running water. There are a number of commercial water fountains now available to suit your cat's needs. These fountains are designed to aerate the water, making it taste fresher.

Several bowls of water

Placing water bowls around the perimeter of the house can also help encourage your pet to drink more, especially if there are multiple cats in the house.

Keep your water fresh

The water must be changed at least once a day, especially more in warm weather.

Try different types of bowls

Some cats prefer wide, shallow water bowls, while others prefer deeper ones. Experiment with different water bowl options to find out what your cat likes. Additionally, cats can often be picky when it comes to plastic water bowls, which can make the water taste different. Try switching out your utensils to a glass or porcelain bowl.


You need to think about where your cat's water bowl will be located. It should be near the food bowl. And the bowls should be far enough away from the toilet. Cats don't like to eat or drink near where they go to the bathroom.

Showers, bathtubs and sinks

Many cats are drawn to drops of water from the shower or bath. If your cat is one of these pets, you can place a wide bowl or plate under the faucet/shower so that your cat can drink the drops.

Tricks to attract water

Those owners whose cats suffer from urolithiasis should be the most successful than others. Not everyone knows how to get a cat to drink water if they have urticaria. A small trick that can help with this is purchasing a special drinking fountain. Some cats really enjoy drinking running water that comes out of a faucet. A small drinking fountain will become your furry pet's favorite device.

You can use catnip to highlight your new water bowls. The animal will not remain indifferent to the tempting smell and will go to explore its territories. How to get your cat to drink water using catnip? You just need to blot a small cloth with liquid catnip and place a container of water on top. Such a bowl should be in every room where your pet has access.

What kind of water does a cat need?

Before getting a pet, you need to remember that you will have to feed and water it only with the highest quality products. This can be natural food or food from a good manufacturer. Regardless of the choice of food for a cat, every owner must provide the animal with clean and fresh drinking water. Veterinarians do not recommend giving your cat tap water. They claim that it will be healthier for the animal to drink spring or filtered water, since tap water contains a large amount of chlorine, metal salts and dirt. Boiled water does not have any beneficial substances.

Fountain for cats

Cats love to drink "live" water that comes from the tap, but most people can't leave the tap open all day, because then the utility bill will be very impressive. The ideal solution for a cat who fundamentally wants to drink only flowing water is to buy a pet fountain. The pet will be able to play with the stream and get plenty of water whenever he wants. But be sure to keep the fountain clean and fill it with fresh water every day.

Using these tips, you can train your cat to drink water, which is so important for its health. But if you have a very wayward pet, try adding catnip, which you can drop directly into the bowl. Or switch to wet food, which does not require your cat to receive additional liquid.

If the cat only drinks water from the tap

This situation can be a problem for most owners. The question arises, how to teach a cat to drink water from a bowl, and why he prefers to ignore it. This behavior of a pet is due to the call of nature.

Since ancient times, cats have been looking for rivers and reservoirs with drinking, fresh water to quench their thirst. Their instincts told them that running water was much cleaner than that standing in puddles or swamps. Therefore, many cats are still confident that a babbling stream from a faucet is much healthier for them.

There is another interesting fact that is associated with the reluctance of cats to drink from bowls. In the wild, a cat has to eat its prey and leave its remains to rot on the ground. The water that is nearby becomes infected with corpse poisons released from carrion. That is why cats' instincts forced them to look for water away from food. First they ate the meat, and then went in search of a body of water, while ignoring those that were near the remains of the victim. This point should be taken into account when thinking about how to teach a cat to drink water from a bowl rather than from a tap. You just need to place a container of water a little further from the plate of food.

How to make a cat drink water: features of care and education, tips and tricks

Water is the basis for all life on the planet. Therefore, just like people, cats are three-quarters water. Young animals contain about 70% water in their body, and old ones about 50%. This is explained by the fact that the older the cat, the slower metabolic processes work in its body.

Regardless of age, these pets have a great need for daily water intake. However, pets may often refuse it. Every owner of a furry creature should know how dangerous such refusal is for the cat’s health, and how to teach the pet to consume its daily water intake.

The importance of water for an animal

The body of every creature consists of cells that are filled with liquid by 80%. They need their own set of microelements, which enter them only when dissolved in water. When a cat does not receive the required amount of water, this leads to negative changes in the body. Drying, hypotrophy, and in the most advanced cases, the death of living cells begins.

The required amount of water that a cat should drink daily is essential for the normal functioning of the circulatory system. Otherwise the blood becomes too thick.

And in this form, it is more difficult for the heart to pump, which affects the delivery of oxygen to the muscles and various tissues. The heart and all vital organs of the animal suffer from a lack of water.

Lack of oxygen also affects brain activity.

Clean water also has the ability to alleviate the condition of a sick animal. Suffering from an illness, a cat may not eat anything, but it should always drink water.

Not every owner knows how to force a cat to drink water when the pet is sick and constantly sleeps. Sometimes the only option is to carefully inject water from a syringe.

To do this, you need to sit the cat on your lap, remove the needle from a small syringe and gradually pour water into his mouth.

If all owners of domestic cats knew their history, they would not be surprised at their indifference to water. Most felines come from desert areas, where water is found in minimal quantities. Therefore, for the normal functioning of all internal systems, the cat’s body took moisture from food.

Only during times of severe drought or lack of food did predators have to go in search of a watering hole where they could replenish their liquid supplies. Some wild cats still consume minimal water. These breeds include sand and sand cats.

It is almost impossible to see these animals drinking in the wild. The same goes for lions. They definitely drink water every day. But they are quite capable of living without it for up to 5 days.

Even such a long period without water passes for them without harm to their health.

It is because of this that it should not be surprising that a pet does not drink water from a bowl well. This attitude towards liquid is inherent in their nature.

However, this does not mean that you should limit their access to water and not control the daily amount your cat drinks.

If he doesn’t drink enough, you need to figure out how to get the cat to drink more water and try to do everything so that your pet doesn’t feel the need for life-giving moisture.

Lack of water and urolithiasis

Insufficient water consumption contributes to the development of many diseases in your pet. First of all, the cat shows signs of urolithiasis. Lack of water provokes a high concentration of salt in the urine, which affects the appearance of urinary crystals. It is concentrated urine that becomes the culprit of this disease.

If a cat suffering from it drinks too little water, everything must be done to ensure that he drinks it in moderation. A veterinarian should tell you how to get a cat to drink water if it has urolithiasis when examining the animal.

The disease develops quickly if it is not treated and the fluid consumed by the cat is ignored. Its course is complicated by the fact that symptoms appear already at an advanced stage. After diagnosis, treatment is very difficult and long.

Castrated animals, as well as those feeding on dry food, are most susceptible to urolithiasis.

That is why every owner of a furry pet should know how to make a cat drink more water. Especially if he eats exclusively dry food.

Water consumption rate

The amount of water required for the normal functioning of a furry pet is determined depending on the type of food it eats. When a cat eats natural food - porridge, meat, vegetables, its need for drinking water is much lower than for those animals that eat dry food.

Plant foods contain enough moisture so that the cat does not feel very thirsty throughout the day. The same applies to liquid canned foods.

Therefore, if the cat’s diet is completely natural or consists of canned food, there is no need to worry about a lack of water in the body.

To find out the required amount of water that a domestic cat should drink, you need to multiply the pet's weight by 0.03. Based on calculations, per kilogram of weight, you need 30 ml of clean water. This is exactly how you need to consider the norm when thinking about how to get a cat to drink water.

Some owners pour too much of it into the bowl, and when the pet does not drink it in one day, they begin to panic and look for all sorts of ways to make him drink.

In order not to worry too much about your beloved pet, you need to calculate its water intake and also take into account the food it consumes.

How to determine the lack of water in a cat

To determine how to get a cat to drink water, you need to make sure that he really lacks fluid. To do this, you can run several tests:

  • First of all, you need to check the elasticity of the cat's skin. To do this, you need to grab a small area of ​​skin between the shoulder blades and pull it slightly. After holding the skin for 5 seconds, you need to carefully release it. When dehydrated, the fold will take a very long time to return to its previous position. If the cat has enough water, the skin will sag instantly.
  • It is necessary to look into the animal's mouth. His gums and mouth lining should be pink. There should be no yellowness, dryness or roughness. Pale and dry mucous membranes are the first sign of a dehydrated body.
  • The pet's fur also reacts to a lack of water. It becomes dull and brittle. A healthy pet has smooth, shiny fur that does not fall out or get into shreds.

The main thing is to remember that before you force your cat to drink water, you should know for sure that he needs it.

Sometimes, the cause for concern may not be that your pet is drinking too little water, but vice versa. A bad sign would be his suspiciously strong thirst. This can happen after prolonged exposure to the sun or excessive salt intake. Fortunately, such reasons are easily eliminated.

You just need to pour more clean water into the cat’s bowl and wait until he drinks enough. If the thirst began without any reason, you need to be wary. An urgent need for large amounts of water can become a symptom of diseases such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism and many other pathologies.

If your pet's thirst does not stop for several days, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

How to raise a cat and make him drink more

If the animal does not drink enough, you need to think about how to get the cat to drink water. This is not an easy task, but a completely doable one. First of all, you need to get into the habit of changing the water in your cat’s bowl every day. These capricious creatures prefer to drink only fresh.

Another simple way to increase your cat's water intake is to place several bowls of water throughout the room. You can also install them at different levels so that he can choose the most comfortable position for himself. It is necessary to accustom the cat to bowls and wean him from drinking from other sources.

Do not forget that the cat may not like the container into which the owners pour water. The reason for this is an unpleasant odor or a container of the wrong size and depth. To determine your cat’s favorite bowl shape, you need to buy several options made of plastic and ceramic.

Tricks to attract water

Those owners whose cats suffer from urolithiasis should be the most successful than others. Not everyone knows how to get a cat to drink water if they have urticaria. A small trick that can help with this is purchasing a special drinking fountain. Some cats really enjoy drinking running water that comes out of a faucet. A small drinking fountain will become your furry pet's favorite device.

You can use catnip to highlight your new water bowls. The animal will not remain indifferent to the tempting smell and will go to explore its territories.

How to get your cat to drink water using catnip? You just need to blot a small cloth with liquid catnip and place a container of water on top.

Such a bowl should be in every room where your pet has access.

What kind of water does a cat need?

Before getting a pet, you need to remember that you will have to feed and water it only with the highest quality products. This can be natural food or food from a good manufacturer.

Regardless of the choice of food for a cat, every owner must provide the animal with clean and fresh drinking water. Veterinarians do not recommend giving your cat tap water.

They claim that it will be healthier for the animal to drink spring or filtered water, since tap water contains a large amount of chlorine, metal salts and dirt. Boiled water does not have any beneficial substances.

If the cat only drinks water from the tap

This situation can be a problem for most owners. The question arises, how to teach a cat to drink water from a bowl, and why he prefers to ignore it. This behavior of a pet is due to the call of nature.

Since ancient times, cats have been looking for rivers and reservoirs with drinking, fresh water to quench their thirst. Their instincts told them that running water was much cleaner than that standing in puddles or swamps. Therefore, many cats are still confident that a babbling stream from a faucet is much healthier for them.

There is another interesting fact that is associated with the reluctance of cats to drink from bowls. In the wild, a cat has to eat its prey and leave its remains to rot on the ground. The water that is nearby becomes infected with corpse poisons released from carrion.

That is why cats' instincts forced them to look for water away from food. First they ate the meat, and then went in search of a body of water, while ignoring those that were near the remains of the victim. This point should be taken into account when thinking about how to teach a cat to drink water from a bowl rather than from a tap.

You just need to place a container of water a little further from the plate of food.

Veterinarian advice

Veterinarians advise carefully monitoring your domestic cat's daily drinking habits. This will allow you to notice a lack of water in the early symptoms of dehydration and even prevent the development of urolithiasis. Those who feed their pet dry food should be especially careful. It is worth remembering that such a diet increases the chances of developing urolithiasis. Veterinarians' advice on how to get a cat to drink water is quite simple:

  • Change the water in the bowl up to 2 times a day.
  • After each water change, the container must be thoroughly washed.
  • Select several bowl options and give the animal a chance to choose the one he likes.
  • Give your cat only spring or bottled water.
  • Do not give boiled, tap or mineral water.
  • Place the bowl away from the one from which the animal eats.

It is also necessary to remember that when eating dry food, the cat’s need for clean water doubles. Therefore, you should always monitor the amount you drink and monitor the cleanliness of the bowl.

How to determine if your cat drinks enough fluid per day

Animals have the same problems as humans when they don't get enough fluids. Cats may not get the moisture they need for a variety of reasons, but owners should closely monitor their pet's health.

The following signs may indicate your pet's condition:

  • Skin elasticity . Your pet's skin becomes dry and stiff if he doesn't drink enough fluids. Normal dermis quickly regains its shape if you grab the cat's scruff and pull.
  • Condition of the coat. It is worth sounding the alarm when the cat’s fur loses its shine and begins to fall out. If the animal does not have parasites or allergies to the selected diet, then the problem may lie precisely in the lack of moisture. When a pet's coat is shiny, it makes it clear that its health is not in danger.
  • Physical activity. Without the necessary moisture, the cat becomes inactive, reacts sluggishly to calls, and does not want to play.
  • Frequency of urination . If an animal urinates less than 2 times a day, this is a sign of ill health.
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