Clear nasal discharge in cats

Foreign body in the nasal passages

A foreign body (a grain of sand, a speck, a piece of plant or food) can enter the cat’s nasal passage with the flow of inhaled air, or fly in or crawl in on its own if it is an insect.
In some cases, a foreign body enters the nasal cavity in a retrograde manner, for example, food particles during regurgitation or vomiting. The nasal mucosa is very sensitive, so when foreign particles come into contact with it, the animal develops a feeling of discomfort. This can be noticed by a sharp change in the animal’s behavior. Symptoms of a foreign body in the nose:

  • general anxiety;
  • sneezing;
  • rubbing the nose with paws;
  • head shaking;
  • discharge from the nasal passages.

First of all, you should examine the nasal cavity. While holding your pet's head in a stationary position, you need to direct the light from a flashlight or mobile phone into the nostrils and look inside. This method will only work if the foreign body is superficial.

If possible, you can try to carefully remove it with tweezers or by rinsing the nostril with a stream of water from a syringe without a needle.

If the foreign body is deeply located, the help of a veterinarian will be required. He will examine the nasal cavity through a rhinoscope and remove the speck or insect with a special tool. After this, the nasal cavity is washed with sterile saline or antiseptic.

The nasal mucosa is often injured by the presence of a foreign body and during its removal, so preventive treatment is often prescribed after the procedure. Applicable:

  • vasoconstrictor drops (for heavy watery nasal discharge);
  • antibiotics (to prevent the spread of infection deep into the respiratory tract and throughout the body);
  • antihistamines (in the presence of allergy symptoms and as a sedative).

Nasal discharge and infectious diseases of the cat's respiratory system.

Authors: Carlson, DVM, and James M. Giffin, MD.

If your cat's nasal discharge continues for several hours, this is a clear sign that there is a problem. It is important to recognize the disease at an early stage, as professional help may be required.

Often the discharge starts out as watery, but gradually turns mucous and then purulent. This occurs with the development of an infectious disease.

Nasal discharge may be caused by a foreign body. In this case, as a rule, discharge is observed from one nostril. The discharge may be bloody and purulent. Allergic rhinitis is usually accompanied by discharge from both nostrils, often very copiously.

In some cases, infection from the frontal sinus spreads to the nasal cavity. This is often associated with infection in the teeth. Nasal infections can also be secondary to tumors in the nasal cavity. The main sign of a bacterial infection is mucous, creamy yellow or purulent nasal discharge.

Treatment: The goal of treatment is to restore free breathing. If there are other cats in the house, the sick animal should be isolated to prevent the spread of the disease. Gently wipe your nostrils with a damp cotton swab or soft, clean cloth to remove crusts and discharge. Unscented baby wipes also work well.

We suggest you read: What causes worms in cats. Why do cats have worms and how to prevent them?

Gently lubricate your nose with aloe, baby oil, or lotion to protect your nostrils from cracking and drying out. The moist vapor loosens nasal discharge and helps restore the integrity of the mucous membrane. Even locking your cat in the bathroom while you shower can help reduce nasal discharge.

Purulent discharge is a sign of a bacterial infection and indicates the need for antibiotic treatment. If treatment does not work, the veterinarian will prescribe the necessary tests to select the appropriate antibiotics in this case.

How to help your pet

It is better not to treat an animal with “water” from the nose yourself, but to show it to a veterinarian. It is he who will remove the foreign body that contributes to the discharge or establish the type of disease (it can be parasitic, allergic, viral or bacterial).

A runny nose for a cat (water from the nose) can be the result of an injury, for example:

  • Damage to the skull;
  • Neoplasms;
  • Pathological disease of the upper jaw.

Most often, the intervention of a veterinary surgeon is required. It is impossible to cure a cat on your own.

When treating a runny nose, the pet's nose is washed. This must be done carefully, preferably with an insulin syringe without a needle. Then lubricate the nose and the crusts that have formed on it with ointment so that they soften. Dead particles are removed.

If water is flowing from your cat’s nose, you can use folk remedies:

  • Place beet juice in your nose (not concentrated);
  • Add streptocide powder;
  • Drip ecmonovocillin (dilute with half of the saline solution before use);
  • Instill halozolin, diluted twice.

To increase the animal’s immunity, you need to instill thymogen for 10 days without a break. Place one or two drops in each nostril.

If your pet has a runny nose and the runny nose is determined to be parasitic, then treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. The owner himself can determine why the nose is running: clear and profuse snot, changing the smell to a more unpleasant one. These signs indicate a parasitic type of runny nose.

The veterinarian can prescribe antibiotics to the animal, regardless of the type of disease. You cannot treat an animal with human medicines - there are special means for them.

Watery discharge from the nasal passages

One of the most common types of nasal discharge is watery nasal discharge. And they are not always a sign of pathological conditions:

  • The discharge of “water” from the nose may be the body’s reaction to heat, stuffiness and too dry air.
  • In addition, a “waterfall” from the nasal passages often occurs when there is too much dust, pollen, smoke, etc. in the air in the room. This is how the body tries to prevent large amounts of debris from entering the upper respiratory tract.

But still, in many cases, constant discharge that increases over time is a serous exudate that appears in the first stages of the inflammatory process and/or allergies. Subsequently, it can “mutate”, turning into catarrhal (mucous) or purulent exudate. The main reason for its appearance is viral and bacterial infections of various etiologies.


Treatment always depends on the root cause of the discharge, but the general recommendations in all cases are quite standard:

  • To prevent the constantly flowing exudate from contributing to maceration (softening) of the skin around the nose, it is lubricated with something like oxolinic or tetracycline ointment.
  • We recommend that hair that is too long (especially if the pet is particularly shaggy) be cut off in advance. This will greatly facilitate the treatment process.
  • As a rule, serous rhinitis (but not always the reasons that caused it) can be treated with medicinal drops like Anandin or Fosprenil.
  • If the discharge is a consequence of an allergy, the animal is given ½ tablet of diphenhydramine per day, but no more than three days in a row. In cases where it is not possible to stop the allergic reaction within this period, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian.

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in adults

After other types of chronic runny nose are rejected, a diagnosis of vasomotor rhinitis is made. On the one hand, this is good. Vasomotor rhinitis can be cured, unlike allergic rhinitis.

But the treatment is complex, long-term, involving various methods of therapy.

Surgical treatment

It has been proven that vasomotor rhinitis is often caused by a deviated nasal septum, protruding ridge or adenoids.
These formations irritate the sensitive mucous membrane, causing it to swell and produce mucus.

If an otolaryngologist has discovered one of these problems, he may suggest a surgical correction. In such cases, surgery can relieve the patient of rhinitis forever.

It happens that the anatomically everything is fine with the nose, but there is rhinitis. The essence of the problem is in the overly reactive vessels of the nasal mucosa.

They react sharply to changes in air temperature, odors, and stress and immediately expand, causing congestion. Then doctors recommend ultrasound or electroplasma coagulation.

The purpose of these operations is partial destruction of the vessels of the mucous membrane.

Laser treatment

One of the most promising methods is laser treatment. During the procedure, excess vessels of the nasal mucosa stick together and disappear. After the laser, no scar tissue forms and no painkillers are required.

A positive result in the form of free nasal breathing is noted by 9 out of 10 people.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia, which means there are almost no contraindications. There is no bleeding afterward, and there is no need to wear thick turundas in your nose for several days to stop the bleeding.

At home, the patient is not recommended to drink alcohol or visit baths and saunas for some time. This is done to avoid nosebleeds due to high blood pressure.


The accumulation of mucus in the nasal cavity cannot always be removed by simply blowing your nose.

Swelling walls do not allow the contents to escape so easily, and using vasoconstrictor drops daily is dangerous.

Massaging the nose helps get rid of mucus. You should massage the bridge of the nose and the points at the wings of the nose for several minutes.

This will improve the flow of blood from the cavities and make the mucus discharge somewhat easier.

Such regular massage in combination with rinsing can replace vasoconstrictor drops.


In medicine, a block is the injection of local anesthetics near a major nerve or nerve plexus.

The drugs actually freeze the nerves, reducing their activity.

A solution of novocaine is used, which is injected into the area of ​​the inferior turbinates (into the nose). The swelling decreases after the first procedures, but for a long-term effect a course of 10 blockades is recommended.


Non-drug methods help well outside the acute period, when there is practically no nasal discharge. Diadynamic therapy involves the use of diadynamic currents from an electrode located in the nose.

A course of at least 10 procedures significantly facilitates breathing and reduces the likelihood of congestion in the future. People who used diadynamic therapy noted that they stopped using vasoconstrictor drops.

Electrophoresis with calcium chloride is sometimes very helpful for those suffering from vasomotor rhinitis.

The essence of the procedure is that exposure to currents causes calcium ions to move from the tampon into the nasal mucosa.

Calcium strengthens blood vessels, preventing their swelling. If there is an allergic component, then calcium chloride alleviates that too.

Restoration of breathing occurs after the first two procedures, but the effect is cumulative and the nose will breathe as much as possible after the full course.

Drug treatment

A person usually comes to surgery or laser treatment after several years of unsuccessful drug therapy.

However, for many people, medications help, significantly alleviating the condition during exacerbations. Various groups of drugs are used in the form of drops, tablets, inhalations and sprays.

The main thing that people often forget is that using vasoconstrictor drops for more than 5-7 days in itself provokes rhinitis.

These remedies were invented for acute conditions, when severe inflammatory swelling made breathing much more difficult. Using them for chronic vasomotor rhinitis means aggravating the runny nose.

Black discharge around the nose and on the lip

Ru-cats advised me to apply here, so here I am: we have a selected 8-month-old, neutered.

The veterinarian discovered an ear mite, which we are going to treat with Stronghold and wiping the ears. But there is still a problem: our cat always has a black something around his nose, and the same incomprehensible substance dries in two more places, on the upper and lower lips (millimeter-sized spots 3 in diameter), the veterinarian said that it was a fungus (he did not scrape or test), ordered to treat with peroxide, then scrape off the blackness with a sharp object and spray an antifungal spray on these places (the spray was prescribed by a human, judging by the annotation, for the legs. ).

We honestly carried out this procedure for 5 days, but we had strong doubts; not only did scraping off the blackness clearly not make him happy, but he constantly licked this spray from his nose and lips, and the nose itself, it seemed to us, began to swell. I confess, we were afraid that we were doing something wrong, and we stopped the procedures. There is less blackness near the nose now, but it continues to dry out on the lips.

Maybe you can tell us what to do, keep spraying? The problem is that we have not yet found the opportunity to send scrapings for analysis; all the local veterinary clinics that we visited do not have laboratories. Thank you in advance.

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After diagnosis and further treatment, it is necessary to adhere to certain preventive measures to avoid relapse.

Watch what you feed your animal. Check his mouth regularly for injuries or foreign bodies.

If treatment for fleas is planned, then strictly follow the instructions on the drug. Apply flea drops to places where the animal does not touch its tongue when washing itself. If the animal is too active, then use a special cap for cats. Store all chemicals, cosmetics and household products for the home in locked places.

It is important to carefully monitor so that your pet cannot climb into these places. It’s better to use these products when your pet is not around. If your pet's problems are related to teeth, you need to brush your pet's teeth regularly.

For this purpose, pet stores sell special products and treats. By the way, cats also have milk teeth.

Mr. Cat recommends: preventing clear drooling

By following simple rules, you can avoid excessive drooling in your pet. Among the main ones are:

  • keep all medications, toxic substances and household chemicals out of reach to prevent your pet from eating them;
  • stop growing poisonous indoor flowers or put them in another room where the animal has no access;
  • regularly independently examine the cat’s mouth so as not to miss the onset of the infectious process;
  • Constantly monitor the animal’s diet, exclude sharp bones and excessively hard particles from it;
  • flea medications should be dripped onto the fur in a place where the cat cannot lick it (for example, on the withers);
  • timely vaccination against infectious diseases;
  • Take your pet to the veterinarian at least once a year for a preventive examination.

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It is important to remember that with any changes in the animal’s condition, it is better to consult a specialist rather than hope that it will go away on its own.

  • Mucoceles or cysts in the salivary glands. With this disease, the lumen of the salivary ducts is blocked, which leads to excessive accumulation of saliva in the organ and the formation of one or more cysts. An additional symptom is swelling and tenderness in the gland area.
  • Gingivitis is an inflammatory disease of the gums. They become red, swollen and painful. In advanced stages, the cat may lose teeth.
  • Abscess in the pulp of a tooth. This is a purulent process; it can be suspected not only by hypersalivation, but also by examining the mouth. Teeth have carious cavities, chips, cracks and other enamel damage.

There are several glands in a cat's body, their secretions perform important functions. The salivary glands provide salivation, which performs an excretory and protective function.

Excessive secretion of glandular secretions is called hypersalivation (ptialism). The process is not always caused by pathological factors.

Hypersalivation is determined by a number of signs:

  • the chin and neck are wet, even if the cat does not drink water for a long time;
  • unkempt appearance: hair sticking together in the mouth area;
  • the predator constantly swallows, rubs its snout on objects;
  • washes frequently;
  • wet marks remain on the litter.

With illness, the amount of secretion produced increases.

Dangerous nasal discharge

Usually, water flowing from the nose is a sign of the presence of pathogenic viruses or bacteria in the body. In most cases, dealing with these pathogens is not difficult if effective treatment is started in a timely manner. But there are nasal discharges that are symptoms of complex and even dangerous diseases.

  • Liquid of unusual color. Yellow or brownish mucus is a sure sign of sinusitis. If the paranasal sinuses become too inflamed, the capillaries in them rupture. Blood flows into the nasal cavity and merges with mucus. As a result, a yellowish-brown fluid comes out of the nose. But deep green discharge often indicates sinusitis caused by a bacterial infection. In this case, antibiotic therapy is required.
  • Severe migraine. An unbearable headache combined with a runny nose can warn of the development of sinusitis or meningitis. This symptom cannot be treated with indifference. A sick person should immediately go to the doctor.
  • Heat. If a high body temperature lasts for several days, then a bacterial infection is rampant in the body. A common cold is rarely accompanied by a fever, but with influenza and pneumonia the temperature can rise to high levels.

Mucous discharge from the nose

As in the previous case, mucous discharge from the nose is common in veterinary practice. And, as in the previous situation, their presence does not always indicate some kind of disease:

  • Very often, mucous discharge appears in cases where the air that the animal breathes is heavily dusty and gassed. In this situation, mucus acts as a natural “fine filter”, preventing dirt from passing further.
  • Mucus is a natural secretion of the mucous membranes, and in some breeds of animals there is especially a lot of it. The latter category, for example, includes bulldogs and similar dog breeds.

But in other cases, thick and abundant mucus is almost certainly a sign of some kind of pathology:

  • This is how many bacterial or viral (less commonly) infections of the upper respiratory system manifest themselves.
  • Catarrhal rhinitis is characteristic of many cases of chronic allergies.
  • The classic cause of the appearance of mucous exudate can be considered severe hypothermia.
  • The secretion of large quantities of mucus is typical when animals inhale caustic and irritating substances. In these situations, the body seeks to mitigate the consequences and prevent erosion of the mucous membranes.
  • Systemic pathologies. This includes almost all diseases that in one way or another weaken the pet’s immunity.

Treatment methods

As in the previous case, the specific therapeutic method will depend entirely on the root cause of the disease identified by the veterinarian. But even in this situation, general recommendations still need to be given:

  • It is necessary to carefully cut off all the thick hair near the nasal passages to prevent mucous secretions from sticking and drying out with the subsequent formation of scabs and crusts.
  • If numerous “bugs” prevent the cat from breathing normally, they must be removed in a timely manner. For this purpose, we recommend using regular cotton pads soaked in warm and sterile saline solution. It is necessary to carefully wipe the exudate from the skin around the nose and, if possible, try to remove its accumulations from the nasal passages. If the animal is large enough, then the same saline solution (necessarily warm) filled into the smallest syringe can be used to wash out the mucus from the nose. There is no need to press hard on the syringe!
  • To relieve inflammation, you can also use Maxidin, Fosprenil and Anandin.

Mr. Cat recommends: features of treating a runny nose in a kitten

A kitten's growing body requires more careful attention when dealing with a runny nose. First of all, it is necessary to improve the living conditions and nutrition of the small pet.

For a speedy recovery, you can do inhalations using eucalyptus oil: you need to add a few drops of oil to a container of hot water, then turn the kitten’s head towards it so that it can inhale the vapors, and cover it with a napkin.

The warming up procedure will also be useful. To do this, you can use bags of salt or sand.

To ease breathing, children's drops are suitable: Aqua Maris, Pinosol.

The cat is drooling, clear as drops of water: what is he talking about?

Regardless of the etiology, ptyalism in the initial stages is characterized by colorless, light discharge. The exception is rabies, which produces foam.

Breeders try to diversify the diet as much as possible so that the furry friend receives all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. An unpleasant manifestation can be caused by a bone getting stuck in the gum or palate.

Trauma to the oral mucosa may also be the cause. When a foreign body is stuck or injured, the predator eats only on one side. Tries to remove the irritating bone with his paw.

If your jaw is dislocated, it is difficult for your pet to eat and drink. He makes hysterical sounds and sticks his tongue out to one side. Similar manifestations are observed with stinging insect bites. It is necessary to remove the poisonous sting (if any) and give an antihistamine to prevent swelling of the larynx.

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Animals are often taken to the sea. Apartment cats, not accustomed to the scorching sun, receive the gift of heat.

Young kittens are active and playful. The etiological factor of hypersalivation can be a concussion as a result of a blow from a fall from a height.

What to do if water flows from your nose?

Medicines and traditional medicine prescriptions will help stop the flow of liquid secretion from the nose.

Treatment with drugs

Nasal medications are selected based on the cause of rhinorrhea. Most drugs come in the form of nasal drops or spray.

Vibrocil is used for allergic manifestations

Pharmacological groups of drugs for the common cold:

  1. Antiallergic. The action of the drugs inhibits the release of histamine, a biogenic substance that causes symptoms of the disease. Prescribed: Vibrocil, Allergodil-spray, Sanorin-analergin. Treatment is supported with antihistamine tablets.
  2. Antivirus. Medicines based on Interferon, a protein substance active against viral infection, will help eliminate the leakage of fluid during ARVI in an adult. The products are produced in the form of a white powder, which is diluted with water before use. Basic means: Interferon, Ingaron. In pediatrics, the medicine is used only as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Decongestants or vasoconstrictors. Drops stop the flow of fluid from the nasal sinuses by narrowing the lumen of blood vessels, relieving swelling, and drying the mucous membrane. The drugs cause tachyphylaxis (addiction and weakening of the therapeutic effect), they cannot be used for more than 3-5 days. Popular remedies include: Nazivin, Nazol, Rino-Stop.
  4. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Local antibiotics are used for nasal discharge caused by sinusitis and bacterial sinusitis. The products effectively eliminate inflammation, as a result of which snot stops flowing permanently. The most effective sprays: Isofra, Bioparox, Polydex. Protargol is used to treat bacterial rhinitis in an infant.

Bioparox is an anti-inflammatory drug

If there is no congestion, the nose is breathing, but snot is flowing, an effective way to eliminate the symptom is to rinse the sinuses. Pharmaceutical preparations based on sea water (sea salt) are intended for this purpose: Aqualor, Aquafon, Dolphin. The medicinal solution washes out pathogenic microflora, moisturizes the mucous membrane, and quickly stops snot.

How to get rid of liquid snot using folk remedies?

Ways to combat nasal fluid at home include heating, rinsing, and instilling natural remedies.

Warming up:

  1. Hard-boil the eggs and place them warm on the bridge of your nose. Keep until completely cool.
  2. Sew a bag measuring 4x7 cm from thick fabric. Fill it with dry river sand or salt. Heat the bag in a dry frying pan and apply it to your nose. Keep it until it cools down.

Warming up relieves swelling and stops snot constantly flowing like water.

If purulent sinusitis is suspected, this method is contraindicated.


  1. Salty water. Salt is diluted at the rate of 1 tsp. for 200 ml of warm boiled water.
  2. Camomile tea. Brew 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes.

To get rid of liquid snot, rinsing your nose with saline solution is suitable.

Fill a small Esmarch mug with a salt solution or chamomile infusion. With sharp pressure, spray the solution into one nostril, then into the other. The procedure is carried out over a sink or basin.


Instead of pharmaceutical drops, use freshly squeezed juices of beets, Kalanchoe, aloe, pre-diluted with warm boiled water 1:1. Place 3-4 drops in each nostril 4-5 times a day.

In case of allergic reactions to plant components, the method is not used.

Causes of colds

Cat owners often face the problem of discharge from the eyes and nose of their pets. It especially often occurs in representatives of breeds with flattened muzzles, which have a special structure of the nose and eyes.

Discharge from the eyes

Infrequent discharge from your pet's eyes is normal. But you should still wash your cat's eyes periodically.

Discharge from your pet's eyes is normal if it is clear and small in number. You should be wary if you notice black discharge from your cat's eyes.

Transparent liquid in the eyes may appear as a result of a reaction that protects the animal’s eyes from environmental factors (wind, dust). The same reaction can occur if an irritant gets into your pet’s nose. In Persian cats, lacrimation occurs after sleep. This is due to the structural features of their heads.

  • Respiratory infection.
  • Herpesvirus.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Injury to the eye can also cause black discharge. Without proper treatment, the eyes may begin to fester. The reason for this is infection. If the secreted substance turns brown, then the cat has an obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct.

    In itself, black discharge from a cat’s eyes does not pose any danger and does not affect its vision. However, they become a signal that your pet may have health problems. Despite the fact that the animal may be in its usual condition, you need to seek help from a veterinary center. To make a diagnosis, the veterinarian will order an eye wash test.

    Diagnostics also includes a visual examination of the animal. In this case, mechanical tissue damage may occur. If a part of the visual organ, such as the cornea, is damaged, the discharge will be brown. The animal may feel discomfort or pain. This is easy to notice by his behavior.

    Brown discharge from the eyes and nose, etc. 10/31/11 19:29

    Hello! Please help us decide on a program of action for treating cats. We have 2 kittens, brother and sister, Selkirk Rex breed, 6.5 months. (Dad is British, mom is Selkirk.) The cat is semi-longhaired, the cat is shorthaired. From the very beginning that we took them (from 2.5 months), we have observed discharge from the eyes and nose, drying out with a brown crust.

    The cat's eyes bleed more (but the fur is longer), and the discharge looks reddish. There was a period of time when both had loose stools and feces in the blood (the last drop), now it’s more than 2 months. stool is normal. We didn’t do any vaccinations, we dewormed it once with Dirofen-suspension, we didn’t see anything in the stool, the blood didn’t go away then, it returned to normal on its own.

    Anandin and Maksidin were dripped for the eyes. While they were dripping, it seemed that there was an improvement, but after finishing the course everything resumed. Twice I observed something like shortness of breath in the cat (as if an asthma attack?), picked it up, everything went away. We feed Royal Horse Kitten 36 dry food and 1 pack/day for two of similar wet food.

    Weight for age, active, good appetite. Dad and kitten from the same litter died of FIP. Therefore, we protect the kittens from stress as much as we can, we haven’t had vaccinations, we don’t take them to the doctor. We understand that this may be it, but if not, we don’t want to sit idly by. Due to the fact that the guys are growing up, the symptoms do not go away and it is necessary to do sterilization/castration, we have the following questions: 1.

    What are the symptoms like? What tests need to be done to minimize frightening of the kittens, but still be able to make a diagnosis (preferably at home)? 2. How to care for your eyes and noses? (Now we just wipe with a damp cotton pad.) 3. We want to sterilize one of them first in order to give the second one a chance to get stronger.

    Who comes first - the cat or the female cat? (Which operation is more stressful, perhaps some other behavioral gender things need to be taken into account.) 4. How dangerous are such operations in our case? If you give anesthesia at home and take it to the clinic when you fall asleep, will this somehow affect your stress level? 5. Natural or food? 6.

    re: Brown discharge from the eyes and nose, etc. 10/31/11 20:12

    go to this topic, the Doctor who deals with these problems answers there, ask her for advice /forum/?tid=15&tem=147251

    re: Brown discharge from the eyes and nose, etc. 04.11.11 08:43

    Hello. 1) Test stool for coronavirus, protozoa, and swabs from the eyes and nose for chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, and rhinotracheitis. 2) Before the test results, you can wipe your eyes with chamomile decoction. 3) Both operations are equally stressful. 4) Giving anesthesia at home and taking it to the clinic is not the best option. 5) Continue feeding the food for now. 6) Take the necessary tests and then you can decide on the timing of vaccination.

    Rhinitis in a cat develops against the background of the following conditions:

  1. Cold. A pet can catch a cold in a draft or as a result of prolonged hypothermia. In this case, cats' eyes fester, general weakness develops, and tears flow.
  2. Allergy. Cats with allergies experience swelling in their nasal mucosa when they encounter an allergen. Cats have a stuffy nose, difficulty breathing, and discharge from the nasal passages. With allergic rhinitis, the eyes water, itching and redness of the skin appear.
  3. Weakened immunity is the main cause of cat runny nose. Diseases simply “cling” to animals with weak immune systems.
  4. Foreign body in the nose. If a foreign body accidentally gets into a cat's nose, she may have discharge from one nostril. The cat suddenly develops a runny nose and sneezes, trying to get rid of a foreign object.
  5. Fungi and bacteria.
  6. Parasites. Heavy mucus flow and frequent sneezing may indicate the presence of parasites.
  7. Neoplasms in the nasal passages. Polyps.
  8. Infectious diseases.
  9. Chronic diseases.
  10. Strong odors.
  11. Inflammatory processes in the ears can spread to the nasopharynx.
  12. A deviated nasal septum is often the cause of chronic runny nose.

We suggest you read: A cat has brown discharge from the eyes, causes and treatment.
A runny nose in a cat is an alarm bell that signals the presence of some kind of disease. Therefore, the first thing to do when noticing symptoms of a runny nose is to show the animal to a veterinarian.

The choice of treatment method must be entrusted to a professional after the main diagnosis has been established. If the cause is not related to a cold, but to some other disease, it is necessary to cure this disease - after this the runny nose will disappear.

For bacterial infections, Baytrodil or Amoxiclav may be prescribed. Viral infections are treated with drugs: Neoferon, Vitafel, Giscan, etc. Fungal pathologies are treated with Fluconazole and Intraconazole.

The following medications are used to treat colds:

  1. Maksidin – nasal drops, immunostimulant;
  2. Anandin is an antiviral immunostimulating agent;
  3. Naphthyzin in half with Dioxidine - you can rinse your nose with this solution;
  4. Halozolin is a children's nasal drop that relieves difficulty breathing.

Medicines are administered into each nostril, 1 drop. Treatment can be continued for 5-7 days.

Folk remedies

If you can’t see a veterinarian, but you need to treat your cat for a cold, you can use the following recommendations. These are well-tested folk remedies that experienced breeders and veterinarians recommend using at home:

  • Warming the nasal sinuses with warm salt or river sand. It is convenient to put salt and sand in a small bag or baby sock.
  • A cat's snot can be cured by dropping aloe or beetroot juice into the nose.
  • Rinse the nose with Aqua Maris, furatsilin or gramicidin.
  • You can blow streptocide powder into each nostril - this will relieve inflammation and swelling.
  • Inhalations with eucalyptus or Zvezdochka balm.
  • Rinse the nose, eyes and ears with green tea.
  • Excessive snot in a kitten or adult cat leads to irritation of the skin of the nose. Therefore, you need to dry the skin using streptocide powder.

    Important: do not ignore a runny nose; if left untreated, it can develop into a chronic one.

    In order for your cat to recover faster, it is important not only to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, you need to give her the most comfortable and warm place in the apartment, provide her with adequate nutrition, and give her vitamins. During illness, a cat needs more love and care from its owner.

    Mucus in the nose plays an important role:

    • traps foreign particles entering the nasal passages, including dust, bacteria and viruses;
    • humidifies the air entering the lungs;
    • has a slight antiseptic effect due to the mucin contained in the protein.

    At its core, snot is a mixture of proteins, salts and liquid. When the mucous membrane is irritated, the cells begin to intensively produce secretions, which leads to the development of a runny nose. As a result, the cat’s nose runs, some of the discharge comes out during sneezing, and some flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx.

    Unlike humans, cats are not prone to rhinitis, and therefore you need to be more attentive to their occurrence. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa occurs as a result of some general process, most often infectious diseases. You can read about why your pet has snot in the article “The cat has a runny nose and is sneezing: how to treat it?”

    From all of the above, we can draw a logical conclusion that the thickness and stagnation of mucus lead to an increase in the inflammatory process. No matter what the animal’s initial illness is, when it has a runny nose, our task is to help the cat restore normal breathing and reduce inflammation in the nose.

    For this, rinsing the nose and instilling various drops that kill bacteria and stimulate the immune system are very suitable. The technique of washing and using drops is described in detail in the article “What to do at home if your cat sneezes?”

    How can you tell if your cat is drooling excessively?

    The main symptoms are:

    • Wet face and neck.
    • There are wet icicles on the animal's chest.
    • The cat often swallows saliva.
    • Wash your face more often than usual.
    • After sleep, wet spots remain on the pet's bed.

    An attentive owner will immediately notice this and think about the reasons for this phenomenon.

    Pathological causes

    For physiological reasons, the norm is considered to be a slight secretion of saliva.

    Often the owner does not even notice this. But if this phenomenon becomes too pronounced, then it is urgent to determine its cause:

    1. Oral diseases. This happens when wounds occur in the mouth or when food gets stuck between the teeth. This may often be due to various inflammations in the oral cavity, for example, abscesses, stomatitis or dental diseases. It is quite easy to identify this. You can look into the cat’s open mouth, or feel various inflammations near the face with your fingers. There are times when the owner, opening the cat’s mouth, notices a foreign body in the teeth. If you are able to get it out yourself, you can do this with tweezers or your hands. After which it is necessary to treat the oral cavity with a disinfectant solution to avoid further inflammation.
    2. Accumulation of hair in the stomach. Cats are very clean animals. When washing daily, hair gets into the stomach, which pets subsequently regurgitate. But this is not always easy to do. Therefore, when preparing to regurgitate, salivation may increase.
    3. Poisoning. If household chemicals, sprays, cosmetics, or anything else gets into the animal’s mouth, this causes an instant defensive reaction in the form of copious salivation. Also, if your cat goes on regular walks, she may eat grass or even insects, which causes a similar reaction. Saliva production will be a sign that your pet is vomiting.
    4. Rabies. In this case, this phenomenon is very dangerous. To determine this disease in a cat, it is necessary to observe its behavior. The most obvious signs will be: refusal to drink, and pain in the eyes from bright light. The animal becomes aggressive or, on the contrary, withdrawn and tries to hide in dark places. This disease is dangerous not only for the cat, but also for the owners, since when bitten, the pet can infect people with this disease.
    5. Reaction to medications. Sometimes we treat cats' fur with flea products. If a cat licks fur that has been treated with drugs, it may cause excessive salivation.
    6. Allergy. If you suddenly change the animal's food, you may notice nausea, vomiting, or excessive salivation in your cat. This occurs either from adaptation to the new food or from an allergy to it. If these symptoms do not go away after a couple of days, this means that this food is not suitable for your pet and you should change it immediately.
    7. Organ diseases. With inflammation or stomach ulcers, the following symptoms may occur. This can also be the case with liver disease, esophageal or intestinal cancer.
    8. Foreign body in the throat. Some owners feed their cats the same thing they eat themselves. When a pet eats fish or meat with bones, it is not always able to chew the bones from such foods, so they often simply swallow them. A foreign body in the stomach can irritate the animal's mucous membrane, which will cause excessive salivation. The cat begins to vomit often, she drinks a lot and sits with her head down. This is very dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.
    9. Viral diseases. Cats are susceptible to viruses just like us. If your pet sneezes or has a runny nose and mouth, this indicates the presence of a viral disease.

    Why is the nose black

    Among all the possible reasons for such a deviation, several main ones can be identified. This:

    Only a professional can determine the exact prerequisites for the appearance of such a symptom. However, for those who prefer home treatment, there are some special signs.

    The first reason for the formation of a crust on a cat’s nose can be a common injury. The fact is that the coat in this area of ​​the cat is quite thin and delicate. Therefore, getting seriously injured is not that difficult. You should examine your pet, because ordinary dried blood can give a black color. It can be removed with a regular damp cloth or cotton wool. If under the crust the nose is of a normal color, you don’t have to worry about the consequences for the animal.

    If the kitten is simply scratched, you should not try to get rid of the rough skin. It will fall away on its own. Of course, the exception is cases when such a crust blocks the airways. Here you need to help your cat. Of course, only a specialist can provide proper care in this case.

    If a cat has a black spot on its nose, which is accompanied by discharge, we can draw conclusions about the presence of more serious diseases. Here you can suspect rhinoinfection, tracheitis or even calicivirus. In this case, other symptoms will appear. The cat may become more lethargic, lose appetite, and show inactivity.

    Among other things, you may notice that the pet began to sneeze frequently and rub its face with its paws. Sometimes the disease appears as white or green purulent discharge from the eyes. If such signs appear, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. Only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment.

    Skin diseases

    If a kitten has black crusts in its nose accompanied by skin lesions near this organ, this indicates the viral nature of the disease. It could be a simple bacterial infection or a fungus. In this case, the clinic must give the cat the necessary tests that will determine what is wrong with the pet.

    It is important that such diseases can easily be transmitted to humans. If such symptoms are detected, hygiene procedures should be carried out as carefully as possible and it is advisable to minimize contact with the animal.

    Black spots on a cat's nose or other place are always a reason for diagnosis. If this symptom appears on the chin, for example, it may indicate acne. Of course, it is not necessary to rush to the clinic on the same day, but such a serious problem cannot be ignored.

    Regardless of whether symptoms other than blackheads or spots appear, it is important to provide your cat with proper care. This will keep your pet healthy. With such care the cat will live for many more years.

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    Folk recipes against liquid snot

    Snot flowing without stopping? What to do is described in detail in traditional medicine recipes.

    Nasal drops

    • Aloe juice and vegetable oil. Mix 1 tbsp. vegetable oil (vegetable, olive, sea buckthorn) with half a teaspoon of aloe juice. Apply 3 drops to the nose twice a day.
    • Kalanchoe juice and honey. This combination helps to thin mucus and remove pathogenic microflora. There are two ways to prepare the drops. The first method is to squeeze 1 tbsp from the leaves of the plant. juice, dilute with the same amount of water and add 1 tsp. liquid honey. Place 2-3 drops in your nose three times a day. The second method is to chop three leaves of the plant, leave for half an hour in a glass of boiling water, strain and drop 2-3 drops into each nostril three times a day.
    • Bay leaf based drops. To prepare you will need 15 pieces of bay leaves, 1 tbsp. honey and 250 ml boiling water. The leaves need to be poured with boiling water, left for half an hour, and honey added. Place a few drops in each nostril three times a day.

    Washing with folk remedies

    Various ingredients are used for preparation.

    • Brine. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of water. sea ​​salt. If there is no sea salt, use regular salt and add 3-4 drops of iodine. This method is recognized as the most effective and universal.
    • Chamomile. The decoction is used to treat runny nose in adults and children. The product cleanses the nose, eliminates itching and stops sneezing.
    • Calendula inflorescences. A decoction from the plant has a powerful antiseptic effect and effectively eliminates staphylococcus bacteria.
    • Sage. The decoction has a complex effect - strengthens the immune system, destroys bacteria.
    • Eucalyptus. A decoction of this plant is also used for inhalation. If you cannot find raw materials, you can use eucalyptus essential oil.


    For the procedure, essential oils are used, the effect of which is rated as the most effective for a runny nose. You need to add 4-5 drops of the product to a container of boiling water or a nebulizer and inhale the steam for 10-15 minutes.

    The following oils are best suited:

    • fir;
    • tea tree;
    • eucalyptus.

    How to stop and cure snot using other folk methods

    • Massage. Massaging the area above the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose promotes the outflow of mucus from the nose. To enhance the effectiveness of the procedure, use the “Star” balm.
    • Horseradish. It is enough to add horseradish root to various dishes; this is a good prevention of a runny nose, since the essential oils contained in the plant eliminate the feeling of congestion and prevent the appearance of germs.
    • Onion. For treatment, cut the onion and inhale the smell for 7-10 minutes 3-4 times a day. The essential oils contained in onions effectively affect the nasal mucosa and eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose. You can squeeze onion juice, dilute it with water (1:3 ratio) and bury it in your nose.
    • Propolis. The product is applied to a cotton swab and treated each nostril; you can also lubricate the wings of the nose before going to bed.
    • Iodine mesh. It is enough to apply iodine with a cotton swab overnight. The product eliminates swelling and promotes the drainage of mucus from the nose.
    • Foot baths. This method is suitable at an early stage of the disease. Add 3-4 tablespoons of dry mustard to a bowl of hot water. You can steam your feet for 15-20 minutes, then dry your feet well, put on cotton socks and wool socks on top. In addition to the procedure, tea with raspberry jam is suitable.
    • Drink plenty of fluids. The best option for a runny nose is to drink herbal infusions. You can also prepare a wonderful recipe for healthy tea - grated ginger (1 tbsp), ground cinnamon (1 tsp), cranberries (2 tsp), water (0.5 liters). Pour boiling water into the teapot and add all the ingredients. The tea is infused for half an hour, you can drink it three times a day. You can add honey to the cup to taste.

    Cautions - common mistakes in treating a runny nose

    • Do not put pieces of onion and garlic in your nose. This will cause a burn to the mucous membrane, which in turn can worsen the patient’s condition.
    • Ignoring the treatment regimen and instructions for medications, according to statistics, causes complications of rhinitis in 60% of cases.
    • Self-medication. It is strictly forbidden to take antibiotics on your own.
    • At high temperatures, the patient should not warm up his legs.
    • Uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops.
    • Improper nasal rinsing. The most popular method of treating rhinitis, but its effectiveness decreases sharply if the rinsing technology is not followed.

    Now you know what to do if an adult has a stream of snot in order to quickly, effectively and safely stop the pathological process.


    It happens that a cat's nose runs for too long, and the runny nose becomes chronic. In this case, it is unlikely that the animal will be cured forever. In addition, the pet may become sad and less mobile. The following diseases can affect an animal's immune system:

    • Viral rhinotracheitis;
    • Calicevirosis;
    • Adenovirus;
    • Chlamydia.

    Diseases begin with a harmless clear liquid. All this can end disastrously: after the disease begins to progress, the owner has about 5-10 days to save the animal.

    Heavy clear discharge that does not stop for three days cannot be treated independently. This sign may be a symptom of a serious disease, which only a veterinarian can determine. The disease can also be dangerous and contagious for young children living in the home with a pet.

    What to do if your pet has excessive nasal discharge?

    The fact that a dog or cat has a wet nose is normal, it means that the animals are absolutely healthy. But this is not the only indicator that the animals do not need any help. The condition is judged by appetite, desire to make contact, character - it should not change.

    Aggression or vice versa, the desire to hide further away, in a secluded corner, increased affection, a constant attempt to climb into your arms - all this indicates ill health. And if water is still flowing from the cat or dog’s nose, then the animal needs the help of its owner.

    How to put it in your nose correctly

    If the veterinarian prescribes treatment, then it is the owner who should administer the drops into the cat’s nose. This should be done in the following sequence:

    Hold your pet under your armpit or have someone hold it

    You can wrap it in a blanket so that the animal does not scratch anyone; Throw back the animal's head, tilt it slightly; Carefully bring the dispenser to the muzzle; Wait until the drops flow back, tilt your head in the other direction and repeat the same actions.

    You need to instill one, maximum two drops. The animal is treated in this way for a week, but if the infection is viral, it will take longer.


    In the process of diagnosing the disease, the otolaryngologist determines the degree and nature of the runny nose, and then prescribes the necessary medications.

    Treatment of viral rhinitis includes etiotropic, symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy.

    If fluid is running from your nose and other signs of a cold appear, you should not go outside. It’s better to stay home, dress warmly and start treatment. In addition to traditional medications, tea with lemon, honey and raspberries will help get rid of a runny nose; in the absence of fever - a foot bath, soda inhalation or dry mustard poured directly into the socks.

    Patients are prescribed:

    1. Systemic antiviral agents – “Kagocel”, “Ingavirin”,
    2. Antiviral local agents - ointment "Oksolin", "Viferon", drops "Derinat", "Grippferon",
    3. Rinsing the nose with saline solution, saline solution or a decoction of medicinal herbs,
    4. Sprays “Aqualor”, “Aquamaris”, “Dolphin”,
    5. Vasoconstrictor drops – “Xylometazoline”, “Otrivin”,
    6. Warming up the sinuses and bridge of the nose,
    7. Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs - Nurofen, Ibuprofen.

    For bacterial rhinitis, which usually accompanies sinusitis, use:

    • Local antiseptics - rinsing the nose with a solution of furacillin, miramistin,
    • Antibacterial sprays “Polydex”, “Sofradex”, “Isofra”,
    • Vasoconstrictor drops, which will relieve swelling and prevent mucus from stagnating,
    • Oil-based nasal drops cleanse the nasal cavity, moisturize the mucous membrane and reduce irritation - “Pinosol”,
    • Means that dilute nasal secretions - “Rinofluimucil”,
    • Homeopathic remedies that help with a runny nose - “Euphorbium compositum”,
    • Systemic antibiotics - drugs from the group of cephalosporins, macrolides, fluoroquinolones,
    • Sinus rinsing using the “Cuckoo” apparatus,
    • Immunomodulators – “Bronchomunal”, “Immunal”,
    • Vitamins.

    Treatment of allergic rhinitis begins after eliminating contact with allergens. Allergy sufferers are advised to regularly wet clean the room, ventilate it several times a day, and wash their hair daily.

    Drug therapy consists of using antihistamines - Suprastin, Loratodin, Tavegil, nasal glucocorticosteroids - Flixonase, Tafen, Nasonex.


    This is a method of treating a range of respiratory diseases using medicinal herbs. It is prescribed to stimulate the immune system, dilute sputum and regenerate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

    1. If snot flows from your nose, plantain will help. Dry leaves are poured with boiling water and the resulting infusion is taken several times a day, half a glass. This remedy relieves inflammation and reduces swelling.
    2. Green tea with a spoon of eucalyptus is not only taken orally, but also inhaled over the healing vapors. Eucalyptus essential oil has a decongestant and bactericidal effect, eliminates nasal congestion.
    3. Chopped garlic is mixed with butter, the resulting mixture is heated and the vapors are inhaled.
    4. Cut the onion and breathe over it.
    5. Juice is squeezed out of aloe and Kalanchoe leaves, which is mixed and dropped into the nose.
    6. Inhalations with essential oils of fir and eucalyptus help with a runny nose.
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