What kind of cage should a chinchilla have? In the “classic” version - male and female -
How to distinguish a dwarf hamster from a Campbell's hamster? Hello, dear friends. Of course you know that
Treatment of scratching at home Most often, the owner decides to observe the development of events, in
The most common pathologies in hamsters There are almost common symptoms of some diseases for which you can
Causes of pododermatitis in dogs Pododermatitis (or pyoderma) is an inflammatory process on the paws
The structure of the bones of the limb The anatomy of the hind and front legs is very different, so they must be considered
Types of “safe” meat for cats More than 80% of a cat’s daily diet is meat. But first
Home Guinea pig Breeding guinea pigs 02/07/2019 Breeding guinea pigs is becoming increasingly popular among
Pododermatitis on the paws of dogs: symptoms and treatment | at home Pododermatitis in
Why do cats stop licking their fur? Refusal to lick always indicates the presence of...