Giving birth to a French bulldog is not a simple process that requires the presence of a specialist or the dog’s owner. Nature
Why does a dog chew bones? Experienced owners know that even a well-fed dog will never refuse
Causes of development of mammary gland tumors in dogs Many factors contribute to the development of mammary gland cancer (BC).
How to use Enromag correctly It is recommended to inject Enromag into cats only subcutaneously. This is a clear recommendation from the instructions,
Description of the pathology Cryptorchidism is a common hereditary phenomenon in which one or two testicles are not
Optimal age for intervention Animal lovers often wonder whether it is possible during
Description of the chinchilla The appearance of the chinchilla makes it look like a large squirrel. These animals
Treatment methods If lameness is caused by an infection, its cause is first eliminated. A number of diseases, such as calcivirosis,
Functions of the intestines in the body The intestines in the dog’s body perform a number of functions on which
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