Chihuahua and Toy Terrier - comparison of breeds

Chihuahuas and Toy Terriers are breeds that have been popular for many years.

But despite their external similarity and small size, their features are completely different.

Only knowing this can you choose a dog that is completely suitable for yourself and your family.

But Chihuahuas and toy terriers are not as similar as they seem at first glance.

How do you choose?

Let's look into it in detail.

Description of the Chihuahua breed

Common parameters

There is no standard for Chihuahuas in the world.

Their maximum weight reaches 3 kg, minimum – 500 g . The normal figure is 2.-2.5 kg.

Breeders derived growth indicators proportional to weight. If a dog weighs less than 2 kg, its ideal height is 22-23 cm, if 2-3 kg, then 25 cm. Female Chihuahuas are slightly taller than males, and their short stature is especially valued.

Dogs have slightly apple-shaped heads and tall, wide ears that taper to a point. If the ears are not standing enough or not at all, this is considered a defect. Ear elevation in Chihuahua puppies occurs by three months.

Chihuahuas come in smooth-haired and long-haired varieties. The coat can be black, black and white, black and tan, chocolate, brindle and sable.

Pros and cons of Chihuahuas


  • Consumes a small amount of feed;
  • They have an affectionate and devoted character;
  • Will not take up much space in the apartment;
  • Suitable for small living space
  • Do not require long walks or physical activity;
  • They can go to the toilet and use the litter tray or diaper.


  • Loud barking;
  • Excessive fearlessness in front of large dogs;
  • Excessive fragility;
  • They treat children poorly;
  • They don't remember commands well.


Despite their small size, Chihuahuas have a fiery temperament, they are emotional, self-confident and overly brave, all this is manifested during walks and when communicating with other dogs. Training can correct their behavior.

Chihuahuas accept their brothers well; they are wary of representatives of other breeds..

They love their owner, but are more trusting of a woman than a man. They are also not very patient with children. Dogs do not tolerate rudeness or bad treatment; they may become offended or even bite.

It is noteworthy that long-haired Chihuahuas are more peaceful than short-haired ones . The latter are very hot-tempered.


The Toy Terrier is a decorative breed of dog characterized by its miniature size. It has two varieties: long-haired and short-haired. At the withers, the pet reaches a height of 20-25 cm. Weight can vary from 1.5 to 2.7 kg. The average life expectancy is 11 years. The toy terrier is kept exclusively at home. Some dog owners train their pets to use the litter box, eliminating the need for regular walks. This breed was bred in Russia in the 19th century, but it reached its peak of popularity only in the current century. The dog's paws are too long in relation to the body and the dog's expressive eyes make it look like a fawn.

Smooth-haired toy terrier

Longhaired toy terrier

The advantages of the breed include ease of care, compact size, mobility, and lack of unpleasant odor. The dog has a high level of intelligence and excellent memory. She is very devoted to her owner and tries to become a real protector for him. The animal shows friendliness towards all family members, while it attacks strangers with incredible dedication. In the absence of proper upbringing, a dog can cause a lot of trouble for its owner with its loud barking and aggression directed at others.

Chihuahua is a breed of indoor and decorative dog, distinguished by the smallest size in the world. Developed in Mexico in the mid-19th century, it was named after the local state of Chihuahua. The dog's ancestors are considered to be dogs of the ancient Techichi breed, first mentioned in historical sources back in 1500. The Mayan, Aztec and Toltec civilizations deeply revered this animal, classifying it as sacred. By the way, according to cynologists, it is representatives of the Chihuahua breed who are the progenitors of other dwarf dogs. Dogs of this species can have both long and short hair. The height of the animal at the withers ranges from 15 to 23 cm. Weight varies from 900 g to 1.8 kg. Dogs live quite a long time, sometimes up to 20 years. Today the breed is widely popular in Russia, America (mainly Latin) and Europe. One of the first owners of a Chihuahua puppy in our country was Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. The dog was brought from Cuba.

Chihuahua smooth coat

Chihuahua longhair

In general, representatives of the breed are energetic and very loyal animals. They are alert and attentive, while being mobile and easy to care for. As a rule, dogs choose only one family member, whom they literally follow on their heels. Thanks to their playfulness, friendliness and forgiving nature, Chihuahuas get along well with children and coexist peacefully with other animals. Typically, such miniature dogs are kept at home, trained to use a tray.

Description of Toy Terriers

Common parameters

Toy terriers are not very tall. Their height at the withers usually does not exceed 28 cm, and their weight is 3 kg.

There are long-haired and short-haired toy terriers . In long-haired animals, the fur coat reaches 5 cm, and there are feathers on the ears and limbs. Shorthairs have no undercoat, their coat is short and dense.

The dog has a dry oval body, the back is tense and falls towards the tail. The withers are clearly defined. Toys have their tail docked, but this procedure can be abandoned.

According to the standards, a purebred toy terrier must have the following parameters:

  • Medium width oval chest;
  • Convex skull with a round frontal part;
  • Pointed muzzle and thin cheeks;
  • Small nose, colored or black;
  • Scissor bite;
  • Lips tightly closed along the entire length.
  • The eyes are large and slightly protruding, dark in color;
  • Large erect triangular ears;
  • High-set graceful neck;
  • Thin, lean belly;
  • Slender and straight legs;
  • Oval paws, hind legs set slightly wider than front ones.

Toy Terriers were originally black and tan or brown and tan.

Now blue and tan, red with or without black or brown patina are also allowed . The color of the coat should be rich.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the breed:

  • Cute appearance;
  • Small size is suitable for keeping in small apartments;
  • Little food required;
  • Gets along easily with animals and children;
  • It is easy to move long distances and travel with a dog.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • Increased bone fragility;
  • Difficulty in diagnosing diseases;
  • May be injured during a walk in clashes with other animals or people;
  • Requires additional attributes for walking and increased attention.

There are two varieties of the Toy Terrier breed: Russian and English.


The Toy Terrier is a very smart dog . Training him is not difficult.

At the same time, he is absolutely non-aggressive, friendly and peaceful. It also has such traits as courage, activity and the ability to always come to the owner’s defense.

He can become a good guard: his ringing bark and loud hearing allow him to notify about something that has happened..

But small sizes prevent you from realizing your full potential.

The dog will get along well with a child - toy terriers love to play . They behave calmly on the street, in public transport.

Dogs quickly become attached to people, love attention and do not like to be left alone. But you still need to be attentive to him, sometimes strict. This way you will prevent damage to property and furniture.

Two little companions: toy terrier and chihuahua (differences and similarities)

Brief description of the Toy Terrier breed

For example, we will describe two varieties of the toy terrier: the Manchester or English toy terrier and the Russian toy terrier.
The Manchester Toy Terrier is a dwarf dog weighing from 1 to 3 kilograms and no more than 28 centimeters tall. Her physique is elegant : thin, long legs, a toned tummy, on a slender neck there is a wedge-shaped head with a rounded skull, a convex forehead and large, dark eyes.

ears are triangular in shape, mobile, set high and a little large for such a small animal. coat is smooth, shiny, without undercoat, has a variety of colors, tan is often found in a variety of shades.

Russian toy is further divided into two types:

  • smooth-haired - similar in appearance to the Manchester;
  • longhaired ones are particularly attractive. In general, the length of the coat is small - 4-5 centimeters, and it does not hide the slender body of the dog, but on the ears, legs and tail it is much longer and forms a fringe.

color is the most varied.

This terrier has a playful, cheerful character, loves walks, is friendly, affectionate, and does not tolerate loneliness well. Loves to travel long distances in the company of its owner. He has a good memory, is smart, and is not difficult to educate.

Unpretentious in everything. Has good health by nature. The lifespan of a toy terrier is 12-15 years.

Brief description of the Chihuahua breed

Decorative dog from 0.5 to 3 kilograms in weight and from 15 to 25 centimeters in height.
Plump, strong, legs of medium length, saber-shaped tail, curled into a ring, neck of medium length, strong in males and thinner in females. The head is round, the ears are triangular in shape, wide at the base, and sit wide. The baby is always on the alert. The eyes are round, large, the color is most often deep black, but other possible colors are not limited to the standard. color is varied.

The character of the Chihuahua is cheerful, affectionate, and friendly towards animals and people. In the family he clearly identifies the leader and obeys him with pleasure.

Thanks to his natural intelligence, he lends himself well to education . Proud, he doesn’t fuss around to no avail. Attentive, observant.

He tries to accompany his owner everywhere and can calmly wait for him for hours. It is unpretentious in food and has excellent natural immunity. The Chihuahua lives for a long time - 15-18 years.

How is a toy terrier different from a chihuahua?

Despite the fact that the dogs are similar to each other in appearance, they have a number of distinctive features (the pets are shown in the photo):

  • Dogs have different origins;
  • Toy Terriers are slightly larger than Chihuahuas;
  • Toys have longer legs, Chihuahuas are squat;
  • Toy terriers are more aggressive, protecting their owner, but they treat children much better than chihuahuas.
  • Terriers are better trained;
  • Shorthaired Toys do not have an undercoat, unlike Chihuahuas;
  • A Chihuahua can be of any color; for a toy, the color is regulated by a standard.

Although Toys and Chihuahuas come in long-haired and smooth-haired varieties, the length of their coats also varies.

Difference in character

The Toy Terrier differs from the Chihuahua in its character. Toys get used to a new place much faster than sneezes. It’s easier to distract them from sad thoughts; they easily switch to playing. Toy terriers are emotional, they often bark even for no reason. Dogs are active and love to run and jump. Toys do not always correlate their size with the dimensions of their relatives and can even attack a large dog. Outsiders are treated favorably, but nothing more. They are not recommended for families with small children, because the dog may bite if the offense is caused.

Chihuahuas are indifferent to strangers or are afraid of them. Kids are attached to their home and bravely defend it. The Chihuahua is loyal to its owner, and if the owner changes, it needs time to adapt. They are jealous of the owner of other animals. Sneezing boys often provoke fights, and girls are real princesses who demand attention to their person. If there is a real threat, the Chihuahua will run away rather than defend itself.

The mental abilities of dogs are difficult to compare. Chihuahuas easily learn commands and are toilet trained, but they require a special approach and motivation. Kids subtly sense their owner’s mood and don’t like to upset him. A stern look from the owner is enough for the dog to comply with the command. The Toy Terrier is easy to train and can compete. Keep in mind that the baby gets tired quickly and, due to his emotionality, can get carried away, forget about the danger when performing a trick and get injured.

Both dogs are prone to dental problems. Unlike the toy terrier, the Chihuahua's teeth erupt early, but they also fall out earlier than expected. Dental problems are often accompanied by orthodontic ones. Teeth grow crooked or in two rows. Inflammation of the gums, caries, and tartar occur in representatives of both breeds. Babies have sensitive enamel, so it is not recommended for them to chew on special toys or branches for prevention.

Female Chihuahuas often encounter difficulties during childbirth. Puppies are born with large heads and normal delivery is difficult. The owner needs to worry in advance about performing a cesarean section or invite a veterinarian-obstetrician to the house. In Toy Terriers, labor is protracted; as a rule, labor stops at the last puppy and the bitch does not have enough strength to give birth. The only way out is surgery.

Despite their similarities, dogs differ in many ways. When choosing between a Chihuahua and a toy terrier, give preference to the pet that is more attractive in your opinion in terms of internal and external characteristics.

Which breed is best for keeping in an apartment?

Dogs have different temperaments, so their behavior even in the house may differ.

Toy terriers are more cheerful and active. They won't let you get bored and will cheer you up, but their activity can be annoying. Chihuahuas are more reserved.

They can lie for a long time, just watching what is happening, waiting for the owner to call them . Here the character of the owner himself also plays a role - only he can decide what kind of dog will suit him.

Otherwise the dogs are similar. They eat little, but you need to protect them from high objects and falls. They require the same amount of attention, but Toys are easier to train than Chihuahuas.

Overall, these dogs are equally suitable for apartment living. How they behave depends only on the owner .

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“In general, these are, of course, different breeds. It is impossible to say unequivocally who is better, but subjectively, I would choose the toy terrier because they are more active. And I don’t sit in one place either. Chihuahuas are passive for me, but for older people they are ideal, for example.”

Which breed is the easiest to keep?

Both breeds are equally easy to care for and maintain.

The Toy Terrier is characterized by the longest list of hereditary diseases and diseases to which this breed is susceptible. Therefore, it requires a little more attention in order to consult a doctor at the first signs .

This can make your Toy Terrier more expensive to treat.

Otherwise, the dog requires the same things - brushing, rare bathing, clothing, ear cleaning and nail trimming, eye rubbing and the owner's affection and care..

Toy terriers - features of the breed

The dogs are very playful, sociable, and friendly. They get along well with all family members and are conflict-free. For large cities, this is an ideal option, since toy terriers are not afraid of closed, confined spaces, are unpretentious in care, and are extremely neat. Despite his size, such a baby is very brave and courageous.

Readily defends his interests. The dog's height at the withers is 20-28 cm , life expectancy is 12-15 years , weight is 2-3 kg for standard varieties (“mini” weigh only 1.5 kg). There are smooth-haired and long-haired. The smooth-haired variety was bred more than 100 years ago, the long-haired variety was bred relatively recently, in the 50-60s in Moscow.

They do not require special care. But it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the claws . Due to their low weight, they simply do not grind down naturally. Overgrown claws prevent the dog from moving freely and cause discomfort. The Toy Terrier can be walked much less often than other dogs if it is trained to use the tray in time. But you shouldn’t deprive your baby of attention and completely deprive him of pleasant walks, since the dog is very inquisitive and playful, it just requires communication and a change of scenery. Minimum discipline must also be observed.

Attitude towards children and pets

It has been said many times that Chihuahuas and Toy Terriers perceive children and other pets differently.

Chihuahuas are more jealous. He only accepts the owner, so he will not tolerate any other animal in the house besides him. Otherwise it will be subject to constant attacks.

A small dog will not lose its dignity. Also, their attitude towards children also causes caution.

Chihuahuas can tolerate games for a long time, and then simply bite or attack, because a child is smaller than an adult.

For this reason, this breed is not suitable for children, only those who already understand how to properly handle a dog so as not to harm it.

Toy terriers are completely opposite to chihuahuas in this regard. They can play with a child for hours, entertaining him, but this does not mean that the dog can be dragged by the ears and tail.

The Toy Terrier requires no less care when handling . Another thing is that he is more peaceful and friendly. He treats other pets the same way if they do not pose a threat to his owner.

Difference between Chihuahua and Toy Terrier.

Most confusion arises when comparing smooth-haired Chihuahuas and toy terriers. And there is an explanation for this. When breeding the Toy breed, Chihuahuas were used.

The main difference between a Chihuahua and a terrier (look at the PHOTO) is... in the head. The Chihuahua's head is shaped like an apple in its roundness and volume. When the forehead meets the muzzle, the dog has a pronounced snub nose. A small, neat face, on which huge, round and inquisitive eyes miraculously fit, is sometimes called “baby face.”

The Toy head cannot boast of a snub nose, since the shape of the skull is much narrower. At the same time, the long, slightly rough muzzle is clearly proportional to the head. This trait was inherited by the ancestor of the English Terrier.

Toychik, the owner of bulging eyes (there are such) cause confusion in determining the breed. However, breeders in nurseries try to avoid resemblance to the Chihuahua in the breeding material.

The graceful, elegant, smooth-haired Toy has thin bones, a long neck and legs, but is generally more compact. If you place representatives of two miniature breeds side by side, it will visually seem to you that the one is taller, and the Chihuahua is longer.

A significant difference by which you can always distinguish a Toy from a Chihuahua

  • color A true toy comes in only one color (red or fawn) with all sorts of tan markings, from black to lilac. And the Chihuahua boasts all sorts of shades of color and the most unusual combination of colors.

There are huge differences in the long-haired representatives of both breeds. In addition to the color and structure of the skull, they also differ in the amount of long hair on the body.

The Chihuahua's fur is distributed evenly throughout the body, there is an undercoat, thick feathering behind the ears, and a kind of “jabot” flaunts on the neck.

Toy terriers are devoid of undercoat, the distribution of fur is uneven and a little bit at a time, but a characteristic fringe grows on the ears.

Like other breeds, Toys and Chihuahuas are loyal creatures. They love games, explore everything new with pleasure and fearlessness, and prefer to stay away from small children. According to reviews from owners of Chihuahuas and toy terriers, dogs do not have complexes due to their small stature. A big loving heart throws a small pet into battle to protect its owner, even if the opponent is several times its size.

In relations with their owners, the Chihuahua is more restrained and balanced. That's why they bark less than toys. However, they are capable of being jealous of the owner of another dog, and, moreover, looking as if the whole world had offended them.

Toys are flying bells. They have time to be everywhere, nothing should escape their attention.

You know, when the answer to the question “who is smarter than that terrier or a chihuahua” is that they are chihuahuas, then I would like to stand up for the chihuahuas. The intelligence of dogs is the same, but due to their irrepressible energy and natural sensitivity, vulnerability, emotionality, they are more difficult to train. But again it all depends on the owner. If the owner, from the very first days of his appearance in the house, does not allow his attention to be distracted, then, believe me, he will become the most well-mannered dog in the world.

Who is more picky about feeding?

These breeds are susceptible to food allergies, so their nutrition requires attention and sometimes even painstaking selection of products.

At first, you will have to monitor how the dogs react to food in order to replace the allergic component if necessary.

They are also more suited to wet food than dry food . Granules can cause tartar in dogs and destroy protective enamel.

Comparison of breeds by other criteria

Toy terriers differ in coat type, Chihuahuas in physiological characteristics: cobby and dir.

Both dogs grow up by the age of one year, but if large breed puppies are three months old, then it is better to adopt a Chihuahua at 6-8 months. At this age, all defects, as well as their character, will already be noticeable.


The life expectancy of Chihuahuas is longer than that of toy terriers - 14-18 years, and that of toys - 10-12.

Also, toy terriers quickly adapt to a new environment when moving. Chihuahuas need to be given attention so that they do not withdraw into themselves, become nervous and aggressive.

Both dogs do not tolerate loneliness well, both are loyal to their owners.

Toys are more active and show aggression towards strangers. Chihuahuas are calm in this regard; they react coldly and warily to new people.

Appearance Features

The Toy Terrier is a breed that was developed relatively recently, about 100 years ago. They can have long or short fur, which comes in 10 different colors.

Despite its small stature, the dog has elongated legs and a muscular body. The toy's muzzle is oblong and elongated.

Ears stick up all the time. The tail is usually docked. Some dog lovers compare this breed to a fawn due to some of the animals' external similarities.

Chihuahuas have been known to mankind since ancient times; their coat can also be long or short.

Unlike the Toy Terrier, Chihuahuas have an individual coat color for each individual. The dog is miniature. The muzzle is flattened, the ears also stick out upward. The tail is wrapped in a ring.

As you can see, even a person who is not very knowledgeable about dog breeds can easily distinguish a toy terrier from a chihuahua only by external signs.

Which breed should you choose?

Only the owner himself can decide which breed is right for him.

The choice should consist of several criteria: lifestyle, presence of family and children, amount of free time, own temperament.

Only after weighing all the pros and cons and understanding his needs can a person choose a dog to his liking.

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