Does your cat love you? Let's check!

Many owners of four-legged pets believe that their furry friends are not at all capable of relapse of feelings and that they care only about their own well-being. However, this prejudice is fundamentally wrong. Representatives of the cat family know how and want to show respect and love for the owner, they just do it a little differently when compared to people. The main manifestation of feelings is friction against the dog, meowing, purring. But there are other features that can help you determine your furry pal's true feelings. Let's stop and get them in more detail.

Features of cat behavior

  1. Fluffy pets are loving by nature. But they require a comfortable environment to relax and show their true selves. The animal takes a long time to adapt and can hide in a corner if other people come into the house.
  2. A person, as a guardian and owner of a cat, needs to do everything to make the family pet feel safe. Only then will she open up, show her love and be grateful in every possible way.
  3. If the cat does not feel that he is safe, he will be angry and distant. It’s not for nothing that lovers of four-legged pets say that you first need to earn the animal’s trust, and then it will show respect to you. This is exactly what we should start from.

what breed of cats to choose for an apartment

Rubbing on your legs

Tailed friends often rub their entire bodies against the legs of their owners. This is how the cat leaves its scent and, as it were, says: “Hello, how are you?” This is a real ritual for cats. What’s important is that a cat will never rub against the feet of someone it doesn’t trust, because such a person is not worthy of wearing its scent. By the way, with such behavior, cats not only show their love for their owner: they have noticed that some animals do the same actions towards guests entering the house. This is usually what cats do, considering themselves masters of the territory. They definitely need to “tag” the guest, but the message here is already changing and sounds something like this: “You came to my house, now you are mine.”

Tail quivering

By the movement of the tail, you can easily determine what emotions the animal is experiencing at one time or another. For example, when a cat is irritated, the tail nervously twitches from side to side; if it is scared or excited, the tail stands up like a “pipe”, fluffs up and twitches slightly, but if the cat slightly twitches the tip of its tail in the presence of the owner, then there is no doubt that he loves it person!

Cats roll around on the floor showing their bellies

Children tend to roll on the floor during a tantrum. But in a cat, such a reaction means that she is very happy to see you. Cats may approach or run up to you and immediately roll over on their back in greeting. Such rolling upside down is also a sign of special trust in you, as well as an invitation to play.


Do cats miss their owners when they go to work or go on vacation at sea? Of course yes, if the cat is truly attached to the family. Neighbors and friends, in whose care they leave their pets, tell how cats worry, pacing from room to room, how they look for their loved ones, what their names are, meowing under the door. At the moment of the long-awaited meeting, the cat caresses, arches its back, holds its tail like a pipe, purrs - there is happiness! Isn't this love? Perhaps someone will decide that it’s all about hunger or boredom, but in those cases when the cat was well looked after in the absence of “her” person, she still behaves in the same way - clearly showing how happy she is to have her owner back.

Do cats remember their owners if they had to give the pet to a new family? Definitely yes, because even a meeting with a breeder a few years later clearly shows that the cat greets the first person in its life more kindly than a stranger. All their lives, these little predators remember the kindness, love and care of a loved one, but they also remember the pain that was caused to them - they can attack the offender a few years later at a chance meeting. Fortunately, ethologists answer the question in the negative: “Do cats miss their owners if they had to give the pet to a new home?” Why fortunately? But because under such conditions you don’t have to worry about the emotional state of the given pet.

At first, the cat will look for “its” family, but soon it will switch its attention to its new owners, fall in love with them and live happily. This does not mean that she has forgotten everything - upon meeting, associative memory will tell you who is in front of her: old images and feelings associated with the previous owners will arise in her memory

How do cats recognize their owners after several years of separation? Everything is simple - by smell, by voice and by the manner of communication with the pet.


Mother cats lick their kittens with tenderness and persistence, thereby showing their attitude towards them. If a cat decides to lick its owner, then there is no doubt that the animal loves this person until it loses its memory. It is very difficult to receive the honor of being licked by your pet; for this you need to gain the trust of the fluffy for a long time and be a truly excellent owner for him.


Scientists have found that when a cat begins to “knead” something with its paws, it remembers that wonderful time when its mother cat fed him milk. Kittens knead their mother's belly to get milk out faster. And adult cats love to mash something, and if this something is the owner’s stomach, then the animal feels calm in his company. No, the cat is not trying to fluff up your belly like a pillow, he just loves you.

Why is the cat behaving inappropriately?

Every owner dreams of an obedient and problem-free pet, but there are times when a cat behaves inappropriately. Someone else's soul is darkness, but a cat's soul is even more so. A phrase from the famous Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov reveals the essence of the mysterious cat nature.

When it seems to us that we know absolutely everything about these animals and were able to memorize the preferences and habits of our pets, they prove to us the opposite. The cat's usual behavior can suddenly change for the worse.

Then the question arises, what to do if the cat exhibits inappropriate behavior and is it worth sounding the alarm?

Signs of inappropriate behavior in cats

In the apartment of a caring owner, a cat becomes a member of the family. Her habits are respected, she is cared for and worried about. Therefore, a sudden change in a cat’s behavior is always alarming. There is cause for concern when:

  1. the cat refuses food or eats too much,
  2. the cat becomes overly active or lethargic,
  3. cat grooming becomes more intense,
  4. the cat stops going to the litter box and relieves itself wherever necessary,
  5. a quiet animal becomes aggressive and attacks its owner,
  6. The cat meows for a long time and follows its owner everywhere.


Felinologists and animal psychologists initiate this inadequacy with various factors, but most often the basis of abnormal behavior is fear, pain, anger, boredom, or simply lack of education.

Causes of deviations in the cat’s usual behavior

The reasons why an animal has changed behavior can be psychological, physiological or pathological.

Psychological reasons

Changes in the usual way of life can unbalance not only a person, but also a cat.

Inappropriate behavior of a cat may be associated with a change of tray or dishes, renovation or moving to a new house, the birth of a child, and other changes.

Cats are quite conservative by nature, so they experience fear and anxiety, which can manifest themselves in aggression, meowing pitifully or being overly active.

A long absence of a beloved owner or his death can cause apathy and stress in a pet. If a cat, accustomed to the constant presence of at least one family member at home, is left alone, he will show the same emotions.

The appearance of another pet in the family or the arrival of a small child, who will receive the main attention of the owners, can cause jealousy and resentment in the cat. He will become aggressive or, conversely, unusually affectionate

Physiological reasons

Seasonal changes in cat behavior are associated with the search for a sexual partner. Does your pet meow monotonously, mark furniture and corners, or does it become very loving? So, it’s time to find him a mate to relieve his excitement.

Neutered cats can maintain this inappropriate behavior even a year after castration. Prolonged meowing of a pregnant cat and her agitation may indicate the beginning of labor.

Thus she asks her master to help her.


The character of a cat changes significantly as it grows and ages. A once unaffectionate animal may become more sensitive, and a previously affectionate and slightly annoying animal will love solitude and peace.

Nothing inappropriate happens to the cat in such cases, it’s just that now the owner will have to get used to the new habits of his pet or build a relationship with him anew.

Pathological causes

Sometimes a cat begins to behave inappropriately due to illness. Frequent licking of fur is not always a sign of an animal's cleanliness.

Please note that the cat may be trying to “lick” its pain. A pet who previously used the litter box regularly may relieve itself anywhere due to painful urination or defecation

Your cat associates pain with the litter box, so she will avoid it.

Eating indoor plants indicates a lack of vitamins and minerals, in this way the cat tries to make up for their deficiency.

Such inappropriate behavior can be caused by a deadly disease for both animals and humans, rabies.

How to help your pet

Before you scold your cat for her pranks, try to find out the reason for them.

Some changes in behavior can be corrected on your own: buy the animal a new toy and play with it, pay more attention or leave it alone, caress and calm it down.

But if the cause of inappropriate behavior is illness, only a veterinarian can help. He will examine the cat, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Cheek friction

In the area of ​​the animal's head there are special glands, the secretion of which it uses to mark familiar objects. If the cat tries to butt or rub her cheek, she is demonstrating a high level of trust. The cat is comfortable in the company of a person, which she is ready to communicate. Reciprocal rubbing of your head against your pet's head will inform him of the reciprocity of feelings. The deepest manifestation of feelings on the part of a cat is licking the face. here you can be sure - the cat is crazy about you and is not averse to showing warm care.

Slow blinking and squinting

Cat eyes can say a lot. So, if a cat honors you with prolonged direct eye-to-eye contact, then he clearly feels sympathy. And if all this is accompanied by slow blinking and a strong squint, then there should be no doubt.

And if you look at the cat the same way in response, then most likely he will understand the return signal. The main thing is that on your part it looks like a sign of love, and not as a sign of aggression, which cats can also express through eye contact.

Does your cat love you? Let's check!

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Let's ask this question to any cat lover. What do you think they will answer us? The first reaction will be expected and predictable - how could it be otherwise, because I buy the best food, caress, stroke and cherish my beloved pet. In the second approximation, everything will not be so simple. Yes, we dote on furry pets and readily give them the best. What do we get in return? How mutual are our bright feelings? Let's try to “synchronize watches” and determine.

"Tail with a pipe." Or a tail in the pose of an exclamation mark - depending on your taste. Look at your furry pet's tail when he enters your room. It is proudly raised up (alternatively, a small “hook” is noticeable at the very top) - there is complete order in your relationship. You are not only loved, but also deeply respected.

"Cat-tail." Try this simple experiment right now (assuming your furry friend is awake, of course). He has a habit of accompanying his owner around the house or apartment, settling down for vacation somewhere nearby - this means the cat loves you.

Long conversations. Some cats do not follow their owners silently, but constantly say something, apparently sharing their feelings and experiences. An interesting detail: in most cases, a cat’s meow is addressed specifically to us, humans. Kittens learn to meow (“voice”) while they are still in the box with their brothers and sisters, so that mom can hear where her babies are. With age, this habit is lost. But an older cat quickly understands that by meowing, you can beg for something tasty for yourself. Does your cat like to talk? Great: he has something to tell. The presence of common topics for conversation indicates a similarity of interests.

Purring. How could we live without charming cat songs? You can’t live without them. Modern science believes that a cat's purring has healing properties. Cats purr at “magic” frequencies of 25…140 Hz, due to which old injuries heal faster, joint pain subsides, and blood pressure stabilizes. It should be especially emphasized that only happy, beloved and loving cats purr.

"Kneading dough." The process is interesting, but quite painful. The cat performs energetic actions with its paws, imitating the well-known “baking” technique. At the same time, it releases claws that dig into the skin. But we must be patient, because the cat does this out of love and the brightest motives. Once upon a time, as a small kitten, he "kneaded dough" on his mother to stimulate milk production. Childhood is gone, but the memory of him (and of my mother) remains. Now you are the parent for your furbaby.

Combing and washing hair. Something like this is especially often noticed at night. You wake up to the sound of someone intently digging through your hair, sorting it out, cleaning it and washing it. We are talking about the so-called “mutual grooming”. You've probably seen how lovingly two cats who are friends look after each other. You can relate to the touches of a cat’s rough tongue in different ways, accept or reject them. One thing is certain: the cat considers you part of its feline family. By the way, most loving cats enjoy brushing for exactly the same reason.

Eye contact (“cat kiss”) Don’t be surprised if you catch your pet’s gaze and languid gaze. Having watched enough, he will blink slowly, slowly, with feeling, clearly and deliberately, without looking away. This is a real declaration of love. Make a response gesture - blink slowly. The more such “dialogues” you have during the day, the stronger your feelings.

Have you successfully passed our express test, dear readers? Confess who achieved the 7/7 result - be sure to indicate this in the comments. And we will continue our interesting conversation in subsequent publications.

Quoted in : Does Your Cat Love You? Author : Rita Reimers. Source : Photo :

Purring and purring

The most obvious manifestation of affection is purring and rumbling. It is easy to understand its mood by the sounds a cat makes. The cat demonstrates its pleasure from what is happening by melodic purring. Listen to a purring song and find that the volume and intensity of the sounds are noticeably different. It is believed that the louder the purr, the more the cat wants to express its feelings. The most powerful expression of love sounds something like this: a low and deep vibrating hum that seems to be emitted by the pet's entire body.


Although cats are great lovers of sleep and sleep up to 20 hours a day, they will never be able to sleep near a person they do not trust. They will watch him closely and will not even be able to doze off. But if a person sincerely loves animals, then sleeping together can become his favorite pastime. And if the cat chose the body of the owner as a sleeping place, then there is no doubt that the pet experiences tender feelings.

Obvious signs of love

The behavior of a cat with family members is different. She can choose her person whom she will love: go into her arms or sleep with only one owner. Most often with the one who spends more time with the pet and cares for it. In this case, the owner can understand that the pet is showing friendship. If you constantly care for, feed and interact with the animal, you will earn its recognition.

The main signs that indicate sympathy for the owner:

loud purring in your presence or while you pet the cat; constant presence near a person; licking the owner’s face, nose, ear; sleeping together at night; "butting" the head; safe games and painless biting of the owner; prolonged eye contact.

Some cats can suck on clothing or bury themselves in the owner's hair. All this is connected with pleasant memories of the period when they were still kittens.


If you catch a cat's gaze on you or during eye contact, the animal feels comfortable, there is no doubt that the cat loves its owner. Slow blinking combined with a loud purr indicates that your pet is truly safe and happy with you.

The cat licks your hair or ears

You probably know that some animals groom each other to show care and affection, and cats are no exception.

Licking the owner's hair or ears signals that the cat trusts this person and considers him a close companion. This is a sign of friendship and shows that your furry friend cares about you.

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The most common signs that a cat loves its owner

Once you fall in love with these cute animals, you just can’t imagine how to live without them. If an animal and a person have the same personalities, both enjoy the idyll in the house. Signs that a cat loves its owner are different. More often, a pet's affection is expressed in loud chirping. Moreover, such a manifestation of love from cats to the owner can be a little annoying.

The chattering noise prevents you from falling asleep or wakes you up early in the morning. Purrs quickly develop a feeding routine. If you feed the animal every weekday before leaving for work, then on the weekend it will already be waiting for a treat early in the morning and will not let you sleep. You need to close the door to the bedroom, which is not always convenient or possible.

If we describe in more detail how a cat shows its love for its owner, it is worth mentioning first of all that these animals love to rub against their legs, which sometimes makes it difficult to even walk. The feeling that the animal is not allowing passage.

In some cats, the manifestation of love for the owner is expressed in the desire to constantly be held. Some purring individuals like to rub themselves on a man's face, others are ready to lick him like a dog.

There are other habits of cats that speak of love for their owner. Some may find it strange that an animal sucks dirty clothes or licks under the arms. Many purrs are attracted to the smell of a loved one's sweat. Some cats express signs of love for their owner through a “dance,” which is more like marking time. There are special glands on the pads of the feet. In this way, the animal marks its territory and its person.

The most common signs of how cats show love for their owner include their desire to constantly be near him. Pets especially like to sleep next to, on the head or chest of their person. Some signs of a cat's love for its owner can be observed in the form of licking. In this way, the animal shows concern, tries to calm the person down, and gets some sleep.

Less common signs that a cat loves its owner include hand sucking. The pet's behavior resembles that of breastfeeding. The animal literally sucks its fingers, and does so carefully, without biting. But cats rarely show love for their owner in this way, since not all kittens are weaned early and deprived of maternal care. In this case, the cat’s unrealized love is expressed towards its owners.

Finally, it is worth noting that, as a rule, cats show love for their mistress, owner, and children in different ways. Males like women more, females prefer men. In this case, sympathy arises according to gender differences. Also, an animal can trust one person, but harbor a grudge against another.

How to understand that the cat loves the owner in this case? It's simple - he fawns on one, and may bite another. Purrs treat small children with distrust. If parents do not teach that you cannot offend an animal, then subsequently there will be no friendship with it.

Now you know how to understand that a cat loves its owner. Take a closer look at your pet, try to understand him, and you yourself will feel how pleasant it is when an animal is attached and tries to express its feelings, even if not very skillfully.


Of course, it’s not very pleasant to find a dead mouse or bird on your pillow or on your doorstep early in the morning, but you shouldn’t scold your pet for it. Although cats have been domesticated a long time ago, the hunting instinct still sits deep in their souls. And if a cat brings its prey to its owner’s feet, it means he loves him and wants to please him with a small present.

For the owner, this is not the most pleasant gift, but from the cat’s point of view, it is an ideal present.

Sleeping next to the owner

According to felinologists, cats sleep about 16 hours a day. They, of course, choose the most comfortable and safe places for this, because they feel the most defenseless and vulnerable during sleep. But sometimes they try to lie down next to the owner on the not very comfortable back of a chair, the edge of the table, or even prefer to sit on the owner’s lap. If your pet sleeps soundly in such places, he does this solely for the sake of closeness with you, because then he feels completely safe.

How to understand that a cat loves you

Cats, unlike dogs, need more love and affection. If you fully surround them with care and provide all the conditions for a comfortable stay, then they will respond in kind a hundredfold. But how do you know that your cat loves you? The answer to this question is very simple, and it can be found in the behavior of the animal and its habits.

Manifestations of cat love are not always clear to the owner.

Cat tenderness

On the head of cats there are secretory glands, from which a special substance is secreted, which during friction remains on an object or on a person. Very often, kittens and adult cats rub against their owners, but this does not mean that they mark them as their property. Cats leave marks in this way, which allows them to feel at ease. It is moments like this that mean that the kitten is attached to the owner, and is also grateful to him for his affection and kindness.

The main signs that a cat appreciates and loves you include the following habits:

  • rubbing the mustache on the owner's hands and face. The highest degree of manifestation of love and affection that an animal can show;
  • stroking a person's paw is the main sign that the cat is attached to the owner and thus shows its tenderness;
  • rolling at the feet from side to side. This behavior means that the pet completely trusts the owner and wants to attract attention and play a little.

For your information! How to understand what a kitten is feeling at one time or another is by looking at its tail. He is a kind of mood barometer, and if for some reason he does not trust his owner, he will never let him touch him. If an animal, upon seeing its owner, runs towards him and at the same time holds his tail like a pipe, it means that he demands attention and invites him to dialogue with him.

From early childhood, kittens develop the habit of trampling their paws on their mother’s body and at the same time releasing their claws, thus stimulating the flow of milk. This same habit does not disappear with growing up, because this is how cats show that they are completely safe, they are not in danger and are just as comfortable with their owner as they were with their mother.


Each animal living in the house must have its own place to rest and sleep. But often a pet simply needs human affection and is even willing to lie for a long time in an uncomfortable position, just to be closer to its owner. Therefore, if an animal is constantly at the owner’s feet on the bed or tries to climb onto his lap, wherever the person sits, then this is another way of showing love and affection.

Cats spend most of their day sleeping and it is at this moment that they become vulnerable. If a cat falls asleep at the owner’s feet, this means that he completely trusts him and is sure that nothing will threaten him while he sleeps.

Gatherings together are a sign of attention

Exchange of views

Eye contact plays an important role. How to understand that a cat really loves you? With a simple glance. Many people probably know that animals do not like to be looked at for a long time; they can perceive this as a sign of aggression. If the cat completely trusts its owner, then the gaze will be short with periodic blinking. This can be considered a kind of kiss from a cat.


Since early childhood, cats are natural hunters and chase around the house everything that is in a moving state: toys, balls, dots from laser pointers, and even the owner’s legs, always jumping out sharply and unexpectedly.

Note! Having caught another mouse or bird on the street, the animal always brings it to the doorstep of the house, thus showing gratitude to the owner for his kindness and affection. At this moment, it is important for the cat to be praised and kind words said, otherwise the pet will be offended and will no longer try to get any prey.

It is also worth understanding how the cat feels during games, which at first glance may seem like a sign of aggression. If an animal, while playing with its owner, releases its claws, goes on the attack, gnaws on the fingers and suddenly pounces and grabs the arms or legs with its entire body, this does not mean at all that the cat is dissatisfied with something. This kind of kind gesture only means that the animal has chosen the owner as its toy and speaks only of his trust and love.


Since cats cannot talk, they can only purr, thus turning to the owner and asking for help. Often, meowing can mean a pet is feeling hungry; perhaps the owner forgot to give him something to eat, and he is trying to remind him of this.

Animals, just like people, can experience a feeling of loneliness, and it is important for him that the owner pays as much attention as possible to caring for him and communicating. By purring and restless behavior, the cat shows that it is feeling unwell and needs help.

Important! A cat does not always experience joy while purring. If the sounds she makes are quiet and barely audible, then this may mean that the cat is in pain and needs help from the owner.

Signs of cat love

Representatives of cats express emotions each in their own way. Some signs of affection are identified at first sight, others need to be learned to notice. The main thing is to listen carefully and observe the behavior of your pet.

Representatives of felines express emotions each in their own way

The brought kitten begins to look closely at all the members of the new family and choose its owner. He may love the rest or be neutral towards him, but one person will be his master. It is not necessarily the one who gives the food who cleans the tray.

Manifestations of cat sympathy are divided into several groups:

  1. Sound signs: meowing and purring.
  2. Visual: prolonged eye-to-eye contact, squinting.
  3. Behavioral: meets, gets underfoot, sleeps next to the owner, raises its tail up, lies with its belly up, tramples on different parts of the human body. Hugs with paws, licks, bites, caresses. Shares prey, toys, shows patience, stays nearby if the owner is sick.

Cat meows and purrs

Cats can be silent or talkative. Silent pets rarely make any sounds. They meow for attention only to express a request or demand.

Talkative cats accompany any action with various variants of meowing: from the banal “meow” to the dissatisfied “myr”, not wanting to be ignored, asking for affection.

By the intonation of sounds, you can determine what your pet is expressing:

  • complaint;
  • requirement;
  • discontent;
  • fear;
  • love and tenderness.

Be sure to read:

Why cats wash themselves often: 7 main reasons, what to do if they stop licking their fur

When a cat purrs, she shares her good mood, love, and thanks for the food she liked . When a pet squints its eyes with pleasure and licks its hands, there is no doubt about its affection.

When a cat purrs, she shares her good mood, love, and thanks for the food she liked.

The sounds made by cats have a wide range of sounds: from a calm, quiet purr to a loud, eloquent purr. This is how pets show affection towards family members. When a pet purrs while lying next to you, sitting on your lap, it expresses its friendliness and tenderness.

If purring resembles a hum going throughout the body, then this is a clear expression of cat love.

Proposal to divide the spoils

Cats are predatory animals, hunters. Chasing toys, beams of laser keychains, birds, mice, they satisfy their hunting instincts.

Having caught a mouse or bird, the pet brings the catch home to “feed” the person less successful in the hunt, expressing gratitude. A caring animal must be praised, otherwise offense is guaranteed.

There are breeds of cats that take water treatments with great pleasure, but in general, animals do not like water.

Many owners can tell stories of how a cat approached a person lying in the bathtub, looked with eyes full of horror and screamed heart-rendingly, afraid that he would drown. A caring attitude is shown towards the entire family.

Biting and rubbing

A caring attitude is shown to the entire family.
The pet climbed onto its knees, stood on its hind legs, hugged the neck with its front paws and bit the cheek, nose or lips - this is the highest manifestation of love. Cats only bite their owner. The remaining members of the family receive such tenderness extremely rarely.

When an animal rubs its muzzle against its legs, arms, or face, this does not mean that it marks a person as property.

On the animal’s head there are secretory glands that secrete substances that make it possible to mark members of its pride with an individual scent.

Such signs of cat tenderness, even bites, are evidence of love, gratitude and trust in the people around you.

Be sure to read:

Why cats leave home: the main reasons, what to do, how many days they can walk

Sleeping with the owner

Each pet has its own place in the room to sleep and rest. A loving cat will definitely come to sleep with its owner at night, after going around all the family members and purring them a good night song. This is a show of affection.

Trampling on different parts of the owner's body

An accurate sign of a cat's affection is “stomping,” when the cat shifts from paw to paw and slightly extends its claws. This behavior is developed at an early age, when kittens stimulate the flow of milk from the mother cat.

An accurate sign of a cat's affection is “stomping,” when the cat shifts from paw to paw and slightly extends its claws.

Adult cats demonstrate this feeling of absolute security; they trust the owner as a mother cat.


Licking the owner's face, hands, other parts of the body or hair does not indicate that the cat has decided to wash the dirty dog ​​or do his hair in accordance with the cat's taste - this is the highest level of expression of his love and devotion.

Seals lick babies, thinking they are kittens. In the first days of the birth of a child in the family, parents need to be careful: animals are no strangers to feelings of jealousy. The pet must get used to the new family member and understand that he is still loved.

Jealousy can manifest itself towards a wife, husband, children, a computer, a book, or any hobby that takes up the time of family members.

Tail quivering and pistol tail

The tail of animals is the main organ for displaying emotions. He may twitch sharply from side to side, threaten his upper part irritably, or lie still. If a cat lying next to you twitches the very tip of its tail, it expresses its favor and gratitude.

If there is no trust between a cat and a person, he will not allow you to touch the tail - he will definitely bite. When a cat follows its owner with its tail raised like a pistol, it expects attention. The slightly curved tip indicates joy from the presence of the owner.

Be sure to read:

Why cats rub their faces against their legs: reasons, wean or encourage, what the consequences may be

Rear end demonstration

When the pet turns its back and raises its tail, it offers to sniff itself. This is how cats behave with each other. This is not an insult, but a sign of respect and trust. It can also mean protecting the owner from danger.

Cat's gaze

Cats cannot stand staring for a long time, perceiving it as a threat.

Cats only make eye contact with people they like.

Cats only make eye contact with people they like. If the gaze is accompanied by a leisurely blink, there is no doubt that the cat’s complete trust has been won. This behavior means “blowing a cat kiss.”

The pursuit

If a cat constantly gets under your feet, rubs against them, jumps into your arms, you just have to sit down, then it means he loves his owner and wants to be as close to him as possible. Even closer. More.

Owners who have lived side by side with a cat for a long time know that the animal can show its affection and love in one way or another. Different cats do this in different ways, because they are all different, with different characters and habits.

How cats show love to humans

Are there red cats or only cats?

Sometimes it is more difficult to win the affection of a tailed friend than a human. And it is no less difficult to recognize this sympathy, so all owners should know how cats show love for their owner.

How cats show warm feelings towards their owner

He rolls from side to side at your feet

The animal rolls from one side to the other in front of the owner - this is a clear sign of an attempt to attract his attention. Cats only leave their belly open in front of someone they trust and where they feel safe.

Advice! When keeping pets, do not forget about cleanliness and disinfection. The line tool is able to efficiently cope with this task without harming the pets.

Touching your face and hair

It is quite a rare occurrence for a cat to lick the hair or ears of its owner. But those who find such an honor can be confident in the disposition of their animal. Such care is a sign of friendship and the warmest feelings.

Soft objects crush you or crush you

The most common way cats show love and other feelings is by trampling their paws on their owner or the sofa. In fact, there is no exact reason for this behavior, but there are a number of assumptions.

  • This is how the cat shows its rights to the territory or, in fact, to the person. The pads of its paws contain glands that, when in contact with surfaces, leave an odor on them.
  • Such movements calm the animal. A cat can produce them to relieve stress or show its good disposition.
  • Make yourself comfortable. It is generally accepted that wild cats made the bedding in the nest softer with such movements. Households can treat a person very pragmatically, lying on him in search of warmth and comfort.

The cat shows you its furry butt

This behavior of the animal often causes bewilderment among people - why does the pet raise its tail and turn away from its owner. In the language of cats, this is how they show their affection and trust. Cats don’t show love to just anyone like that, which means the person is in good standing with them.

Kisses and licks

If a pet licks a hand or other part of the body, this is not a hint to wash it. This is how cats show love and affection. Their wild ancestors lick every member of their feline pride, while their domestic ones include their owners in their family.

The desire to be close as a way to show love for a person

The desire to be close

Despite the fact that cats have long been assigned independence from humans, many of them simply need to be close to their family members. Accompanying him around the apartment or sitting next to him on the sofa are all ways for a cat to say I love a person, to express a tender and affectionate attitude towards him.

Interesting! It is believed that cats sense approaching death and try in every possible way to leave the house.


This feeling is also characteristic of domestic felines. At the same time, they can be jealous of other animals, guests, visiting friends, and even their phone or tablet. More precisely, to everything that the beloved owner spends his attention on.

Important! The consequence of jealousy can be an overturned flower pot, a broken beautiful vase or a Bohemian set - something that will “switch” a person’s attention.

Caresses and “rough” licks

Licking the owner is the highest cat love, which was instilled from the very birth of the kitten. The mother cat licked her kittens, helping to clean them up. Having matured, the cat can lick the closest and closest family member.

Licking the owner is the highest measure of love

Light nipping

It is quite easy to distinguish between light friendly biting and aggression. Cats rarely use this method. It is also a sign of friendship and sympathy.

Head butting

A cat and cat can express love by slowly butting their owner's head. During this procedure, the animal transmits some of the pheromones, thus expressing the highest stage of trust.

Sleeping on clothes

Many animals prefer to sleep not in their own bed, but on the clothes of one of their family members. This behavior allows them to smell the owner, which calms them down. Therefore, you should not chase your cat away from things, because she is drawn to a feeling of closeness, comfort and safety.

Sweet dream... on you

It happens that you really want to go to the toilet, but you can’t move, so your cat sleeps sweetly on your lap. During sleep, cats feel vulnerable, so if they lie down next to you or in your arms, rest assured that the furry cat loves you very much and feels safe next to you.

But we don’t say goodbye to you here, come back again!

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Character traits

Joint vacation. While watching TV, knitting, embroidering, working at the computer, the pet will be next to its beloved owner

Not every person in the family deserves such attention.

Prolonged eye contact. A cat will not look into the eyes of an unpleasant person for a long time.

If he blinks slowly during contact, you can rest assured that your pet loves you.

The cat meets you and follows you everywhere (not only when hungry). Not only a dog can meet its owner from work. If your cat happily runs towards you with her tail in the air, she loves and misses you. The animal may also walk or sit next to you. “Butting” and light biting. Such games are a manifestation of cat love not only for people, but also for other cats and dogs.

Offended. Signs of a cat's love for their owners are not always positive. Don’t be surprised if, after a long trip, you find torn wallpaper, broken pots, urine in your shoes or on the bed. The cat missed the person or experienced stress (moving, visiting the veterinarian, unfamiliar people).

Jealous. The cat interferes with working on the computer or reading a book, lies on top and rubs against its beloved owner. The animal lacks communication, put things aside and play with it.

Co-sleeping. Many cats love to sleep at the feet or chest of a loved one. However, if he likes to spend time alone, don't force it.

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