Types of food for French bulldogs: consequences of an incorrectly formulated diet

Feeding dry food

If you decide to feed your French bulldog with ready-made food, choose the super premium and holistic classes, they are harmless, enriched with all vitamins and minerals, more nutritious, and convenient for the owners. Pay attention to what breeds they are intended for: small (up to 10 kg) or small and medium (10-20 kg). Feeding regimen: 130-260 g (or 5% of weight) per day, morning and evening, depending on the weight and activity of the bulldog.

The best dry food

Belcando Finest Croc

Type of feedClassAnimal protein, % (species)CerealsPeculiarities
Belcando Finest Crocsuper premium37 (poultry, herring, liver)rice, oatsfor picky people, improves immunity

Duke's Farm Adult Medium

Type of feedClassAnimal protein, % (species)CerealsPeculiarities
Duke's Farm Adult Mediumsuper premium54 (chicken, trout, salmon)rice, oats, barleyfor dogs from 10 kg

Eukanuba Adult Medium Breed

Type of feedClassAnimal protein, % (species)CerealsPeculiarities
Eukanuba Adult Medium Breedsuper premium32.7 (bird)wheat, barley, riceprotection of teeth, fur, muscles

Trainer Fitness3 Adult Mini

Type of feedClassAnimal protein, % (species)CerealsPeculiarities
Trainer Fitness3 Adult Minisuper premium20 (rabbit)monoprotein

Hill's Science Plan Adult Mini

Type of feedClassAnimal protein, % (species)CerealsPeculiarities
Hill's Science Plan Adult Minisuper premium30 (chicken)cornfor moderately active

We also performed a detailed analysis of the following feeds: Proplan, Monje, Dog Chow, Brit.

How to feed a French bulldog puppy

Pay special attention to how to feed correctly and how many times a day.

This is what a sample graph looks like:

  • at 1-2 months, food is given 4-5 times a day;
  • at 3-4 months up to four times a day;
  • at 5-6 months feeding does not exceed three times;
  • At 1 year of age, food should be given no more than twice a day.

General rules for feeding puppies and adult dogs:

  • puppies up to three months are fed natural milk from a nipple;
  • after 3 months the pet is switched to food or natural food;
  • Place plates of food and drink close to the bulldog’s place in the house;
  • It’s better to buy several plates with adjustable height;
  • the average portion for an adult pet is 150-200 g at a time;
  • It is better to give about 200 g of meat per day;
  • food should not sit for more than 20 minutes.

The recommended foods for puppies are:

  • Hill's Plan Pappy;
  • About Pappy's plan opti star medium;
  • Arden Grunge Pappy Junior Medium;
  • Akana Pappy resin.

Each of these foods has special lines for medium-sized puppies. They are rich in calcium, vitamins, fiber, magnesium, sodium and protein.

How to change your dog's food

Whether you change food within one brand that your dog is used to, or decide to try another, transfer your bulldog from one to another gradually, over the course of a week or two, decreasing the proportion of the old food and increasing the proportion of the new food. Monitor your pet's health. For example, food allergies do not develop quickly, but two weeks is enough to determine whether a new food is suitable for your dog.

If your Frenchie has interdigital cysts, here is a short video from an owner with the same problem.

When to change food

  • the dog's activity has increased - for active ones,
  • decreased activity, excess weight - for those prone to obesity,
  • pregnancy and lactation - for pregnant bitches,
  • when refusing food - for picky people (if the dog is healthy),
  • risk of kidney disease - for the prevention of urolithiasis,
  • sterilization or castration - for those who are sterilized or prone to obesity,
  • for joint diseases - a diet to support joints,
  • sensitive digestion - for patients with the gastrointestinal tract or specialized dietary,
  • rashes, scratching, hair loss - hypoallergenic or for sensitive skin.

Features of feeding puppies

The feeding regimen for French bulldog puppies of different ages is different. But whether you have a one-month-old dog or a one-year-old one, follow the general rules:

  • puppies are fed by a bitch until they are one and a half months old,
  • feed at a certain time, after the same time,
  • don't give snacks
  • Determine serving size based on appetite
  • remove the bowl after 10-15 minutes,
  • you cannot overfeed, the dog will become obese, weak bones and joints will become deformed,
  • give new products little by little,
  • do not introduce two new products at once,
  • give food at a temperature of +20-25 degrees,
  • exclude milk for puppies older than 2-3 months,
  • puppies up to 3 months grow quickly, give them high-calorie food,
  • Don't go for a walk right after eating.
Puppy age, monthsFeeding frequency, once a dayWhat to feed
1,5-26porridge with milk, scalded meat, cottage cheese
2-35the same + vegetables, kefir
4-74the same thing, raw meat + fish, fruits, offal
8-123the same
from 122the same

The owner recommends feeding the puppies semolina porridge if the bitch can no longer cope with feeding the offspring.

Here is an example of pacifier feeding.

Approximate feeding schedule for a French bulldog puppy by month

1 to 2 months

French bulldog puppies are born very tiny and bear little resemblance to the future dog. Newborn puppies feed exclusively on mother's milk. In some cases, the breeder may feed a one-month-old puppy with a mother's milk replacer.

Gradually, the puppy grows up and new foods begin to appear in his diet: first, a little meat (boiled, chopped), then porridge. Fruits and vegetables can cause severe allergic reactions in small puppies.

Since a puppy at this age needs to be fed about 6 times a day , this time should be divided into approximately equal intervals.

This table shows an example of feeding a puppy every three hours. This is just an example - every owner has the right to make their own adjustments.

Natural nutrition

French bulldogs are carnivores, so their food should contain between 1/3 and 2/3 animal proteins. Cereals, vegetables and fruits are food for dogs, although healthy, but uncharacteristic, so their share should be less. It is not always possible to say with confidence how many animal products are contained in the “dry”, so bulldog owners prefer natural food and are themselves responsible for the quality and completeness of their pets’ diet.

Make sure the food is fresh: “Frenchies” often have a poor sense of smell - they can eat spoiled food.

Natural food for the French bulldog

If we talk about how to properly feed natural food and what to feed a French bulldog at home, then stop at:

  • natural meat;
  • boiled meat offal;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat and rice;
  • greens and vegetables;
  • berries and fruits;
  • dairy products.

Please note that French Bulldogs can be inactive and therefore suffer from obesity and digestive disorders. This means that the diet should be dietary, and the dishes should be served as a liquid puree.

What to feed an adult dog

ProductHow manyKinds
meat30-70 %horse meat, beef, rabbit, chicken, liver, heart
cereals25-35 %buckwheat, rice, barley, oatmeal
dairy20-30 %cottage cheese, curdled milk, yogurt, kefir
vegetables15-20 %cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, beets, bell pepper
fish1-2 times a week instead of meatcod, salmon
fruitslike treatsapples, pears, peaches, melon
eggs1-2 pieces per weekchicken, quail

Don’t feed your French bulldog only meat, even if you can afford it: “plant” kidneys for him.

Its amount should be ~ 20 g per 1 kg of live weight. If your pet lives in an apartment, the percentage of protein in its diet can be reduced to 20. Feed your bulldog twice a day. More frequent feeding - greater energy loss, kidney hyperfusion, single feeding - bloating.

Rules for preparing food

  • Choose lean meat and freeze it.
  • Give cereals in the form of porridges or steam them. Add vegetables and meat to the finished porridge.
  • Choose low-fat dairy products. Avoid fresh whole milk. Do not combine with meat in the same serving.
  • Steam vegetables or chop them fresh. You can combine several types.
  • Give the fish from the sea, but freeze it first. It is better to boil cod or add iron-containing preparations to the feed. Be sure to boil river water. Remove bones, scales, heads and entrails.
  • Fresh fruits only in small quantities, as they cause stomach upsets, diarrhea or constipation. Eliminate citrus fruits, grapes, pomegranates.
  • Eggs: raw - only yolks, boiled - whole.

Look how they spoon feed a Frenchie!

Menu for the week

Day of the weekTimes of DayWhat to feed
Mondaymorningchicken, rice, cabbage
eveningrice, cottage cheese with yogurt, a piece of persimmon
Tuesdaymorningbuckwheat, turkey, bell pepper
eveningbuckwheat, beef liver, pumpkin
Wednesdaymorninglike Monday
eveninglike Monday
Thursdaymorningrice, beef tripe, carrots, beets, olive oil
eveningrice, chicken, rye croutons, apple slice
Fridaymorninglike on Tuesday: “unloading” - portions are half as large
eveningas on Tuesday: “unloading”
Saturdaymorningfish, oatmeal, zucchini with carrots
eveningoatmeal, cottage cheese with yogurt, egg
Sundaymorningbuckwheat, beef, greens, cabbage
eveningbuckwheat, beef heart, bell pepper

Feeding pregnant and lactating French bulldogs

The French Bulldog bitch's pregnancy lasts approximately 9 weeks. In the first three weeks, a special diet is usually not required. However, you should increase your calcium intake throughout your pregnancy. So, in 1 month of pregnancy, the dog should receive approximately 70 mg of calcium per 1 kg of body weight, which will allow the formation of the skeleton of future puppies, in addition, the mother’s teeth will not be destroyed. Phosphorus also plays an important role in fruit development. Its daily dose should be increased to 50 mg per 1 kg of weight . In some cases, the dog needs to be given additional vitamins, especially groups A and D.

A month after pregnancy, you should increase the portions and feed 3 times a day. It is also necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Around the 8th week of pregnancy, the dog needs to be fed 4 times a day. All foods that make digestion difficult are removed from the diet . In the last days of pregnancy, the bitch should be fed 5-6 times a day, it is better to reduce the portions a little. Meat can be replaced with fish.

It is important to monitor your dog's weight - extra pounds can cause premature birth!

During feeding, it is worth increasing the amount of dairy products given to the dog: milk, cottage cheese, etc. Special food for lactating dogs is perfect , as it contains everything necessary for the health of the mother and her puppies.

Combined nutrition

Combining “dry” and “natural” is not recommended, especially if you use high-grade industrial feed. The balance of vitamins and minerals with the addition of natural food is disrupted, which after some time will affect the health or appearance of the pet.

It’s better to pamper your bulldog with a wet variety of the same brand or dilute the “drying” with warm water. For example, some brands of ready-made food produce an appetizing sauce when diluted. If you still add regular foods to your dog’s diet, space out the “natural” and “drying” foods over time.

What not to give to a French Bulldog

List of what you should not feed your French Bulldog at home:

  • pork and fatty meat;
  • raw fish with bones;
  • pickled and smoked products;
  • bones and clear broths;
  • sausages;
  • beans;
  • pasta and bakery products;
  • sweets.

Do not forget that with low activity, the bulldog should go for a long walk at least once a week, otherwise he faces obesity even with a diet.

It is important that the French Bulldog's diet does not exceed 7% of the animal's total weight, and if necessary, it should be limited. The main determining factor is the slightly protruding ribs when palpated and ease of movement.

It is better that you immediately choose natural or ready-made food, taking into account the age and lifestyle of the dog. Then problems with nutrition and health will never arise.

Vitamin and mineral supplements

Puppies on super premium and holistic food do not need additional vitamins and minerals.

If you feed your pet “naturally”, give him medications and feed additives with calcium, phosphorus and chondroprotectors (8in1 Excel Calcium, SA-37, Kanvit, Wetzim, Canina) during the period of active growth, vitamins for adults - in courses, in spring, autumn, during molting, during stress.

Photo: flickr.com

Feeding a pregnant dog

The nutrition of a French bulldog puppy in the first half of pregnancy is not much different from usual. Increase the number of feedings to three times a day (by the end of the month), introduce minerals into the diet (calcium 65-70 mg/kg body weight and phosphorus 50-55 mg/kg), in winter you also need vitamins A and D (tetravit, trivit, Gelacan Baby).

Or switch to “drying” for pregnant women and puppies. From 7 weeks until birth, feed your bulldog 4 times a day, after birth (during lactation) - 4-5 times.

From the 5th week, increase the single portion by 15% per week, then by the end of pregnancy it will be 160-180% of the usual.

Feeding a French Bulldog puppy from 2 to 3 months

A puppy 2 months after birth can already be switched to complementary feeding with regular food. For example, this could be store-bought pates for puppies, or natural food in the form of milk, minced meat, and cereals.

Authorized products:

  • Lean meat;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Kefir;
  • Egg;
  • Boiled fish;
  • Porridge.

The meat can be boiled or served raw, but you should first scald it with boiling water . You should not give meat in large pieces - you should chop it finely or grind it in a blender.

Feeding a French Bulldog from 3 to 4 months

At the age of 3-4 months, puppies are usually sold to new owners.

After the move, the puppies, who will now be kept in an unfamiliar home, must adapt. You should maintain the same diet for 1-2 weeks. This way, the puppy will be protected from unnecessary stress. At 3 months, you can already try all foods suitable for dogs.

Feeding from 4 to 6 months

Feeding a French bulldog at 4 months should be 3-4 times a day, portions should be slightly increased. At this age, a varied diet is needed, including vegetables, cereals, meat, fish and only boiled fish.

Feeding from 6 to 10 months

At the age of 6-10 months, the baby should receive adequate nutrition.

Some breeders believe that from the age of 8 months, a French bulldog puppy can be fed only 2 times a day.

Feeding from 10 to 12 months

At 10-12 months, the puppy has already grown up and should eat almost like an adult. This is the age that is considered ideal for switching to two meals a day. Remember that the dog should eat a varied diet and get enough protein. Avoid fatty foods, which can cause your pet to become obese.

Nutrition for health problems

  • skin problems - hypoallergenic, monoprotein foods, zinc and sulfur supplements;
  • inflammation of the gums, palate - soft, warm food;
  • obesity - less calorie foods, smaller portion sizes, chondroprotectors;
  • pancreatic diseases - low-calorie, light diet;
  • liver disease - frequent feeding in small portions at regular intervals;
  • allergies - identify a food allergen and exclude it from the menu;
  • epilepsy - eliminate hypoglycemia, constipation, enrich the diet with vitamins B and D, magnesium and manganese.


Rice, wheat, animal fats, dehydrated animal proteins (pork)*, vegetable protein isolate*, dehydrated poultry, hydrolysed animal proteins, beet pulp, minerals, soybean oil, fish oil, fructo-oligosaccharides, sodium polyphosphate, hydrolysed shell crustaceans (source of glucosamine), green tea and grape extracts (source of polyphenols), marigold extract (source of lutein), cartilage hydrolysate (source of chondroitin).

*LIP: Protein selected for its high digestibility.

Owner reviews

Larisa: “I am the owner of a wonderful Bulka, but I have observed many others. If you feed him correctly, he will live happily into old age. Due to the tendency to allergies, it is easier to list what they can do than what they cannot. Dry food is only expensive. It is not true that the “Frenchies” are difficult to feed. Just don’t give him too many treats.”

Ekaterina: “We got a French bulldog Fedya after much thought, trained him to eat dry food, and since then it’s been a lottery: whether he will scratch his ears until they bleed or not. True, I often can’t resist treating him to something while I’m cooking.”

Feeding the puppy

For the first month of life, a French bulldog puppy's diet consists exclusively of mother's milk. In case of multiple pregnancies or the birth of puppies by cesarean section, the breeder supplements the babies with a bitch milk substitute. From 2 months of life, puppies begin to receive complementary foods, natural (milk and minced meat) or industrial (pates).

Important! Natural feeding puppies and adult dogs require vitamin supplements.

At 3 months (or a little later), babies move to a new home and need special care. Adaptation takes about 10 days and during this period the way of eating and daily routine should not change. Next, the pet should receive food 4-5 times a day. Until 4 months, the frequency of meals remains the same, but the menu expands. The baby should be allowed to try all approved foods. After 6 months, the frequency of feeding is reduced to 3 times a day, and after 8 months to 2 times a day.

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