General description Ivermek is available in pharmacies in the following dosage forms: injection solution; gel; spray.
Why do eyes water? There are physiological and pathological lacrimation. The first means the accumulation of a small amount
Newts in the aquarium Tritons are a general designation for a group of representatives of tailed amphibians, including
Save article: The drug Phosprenyl is an effective antiviral agent that has been used for many years
Barbs, or simply “barbels,” are ray-finned fish from the carp family, which can often be
It is commonly believed that cats are not trainable, but this is not entirely true. Teach something
Instructions and use Vetom has a sweet taste due to the sugar in its composition. Usually in cats
The impressive size of an animal is not yet a guarantee of its impeccable health, and sometimes, vice versa, it is
The millennial generation is more bold when choosing pets, so in city apartments and
11977Administration Representatives of the British breed are considered strong animals that are quite capable of living a healthy life around