The Turkish Van is a cat that loves water.


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The Turkish Van is a unique natural-aboriginal breed of cats, whose homeland is officially considered to be Turkey. However, disputes still persist about who inhabited these territories during the birth of the breed. Whether these were Armenian tribes, or Kurdish ones, scientists never came to a common denominator.

How to choose a kitten

The Turkish Van breed is grown in a very small number of nurseries in our country. They are usually purchased abroad from foreign breeders. It is important that the kitten has a pedigree with complete information about its ancestors. Official and reliable nurseries never hide them. It is necessary to study the color of the kitten using the accepted standard. A true van should be white with contrasting spots between its ears and on its tail. About 3% of animals are deaf from birth.

What is the price

A Turkish van is expensive. Its price can reach up to $1,500 when purchasing a kitten from an American cattery. Russian specimens will be cheaper, but finding such an animal will be difficult and may take quite a lot of time.

Turkish van swims

What to name a Van kitten

When choosing a name for a kitten, it is important to take into account its individuality - appearance, character, behavioral characteristics and other characteristics. The name should describe the kitten as best as possible. You cannot choose a name for your pet spontaneously and thoughtlessly. Popular names for cats are presented below.

Table of popular names for cats and cats.

History of the origin of the Turkish Vanirs

The Turkish Van is a very ancient breed of cat. Mention of it can be found in Medieval chronicles. However, its representatives appeared on the territory of Europe relatively recently - in the middle of the last century and very quickly captured the hearts of European cat lovers.

The historical birthplace of this species is considered to be the territory adjacent to the huge Turkish salt lake Van, which gave the name to the breed. The lake is located in the southeast of Turkey in a remote area. Such isolation from civilization ensured the originality of the lake flora and fauna, accessible mainly only to biologists and researchers.

The surroundings of Lake Van are highlands with rather harsh natural and climatic conditions. The area, located at an altitude of 1,700 meters above sea level, is characterized by cold, snowy winters and hot, dry summers. In this harsh climate, weak representatives of the animal world cannot survive, so the inhabitants of these places are strong and hardy animals that have managed to adapt to the environment, which, in turn, leaves an imprint on their lifestyle, appearance and character.

This is exactly what Van cats became, who learned to endure significant changes in weather conditions and obtain food in a way unusual for most cats - by catching lake fish. Thanks to these abilities, in the homeland of the Vanir one can still hear their popular name - “fishing cat”.

Europeans who happened to visit those places could not ignore the amazing creatures - beautiful cats with snow-white fur and a red tail, which, moreover, were not at all afraid of water and swam perfectly.

Interesting fact: By the middle of the last century, the first representatives of the Turkish Van entered England, and in 1970 the breed was officially included in the standards of the International Cat Fancier Federation (WCF).

Around the same time, animals were brought to America and in 1985, the Turkish Van was officially registered in the United States.


The Turkish Van is a fairly large and restless cat. Her diet should be high in calories and should be based on meat and fish. Van will also be happy to eat dry food.

It is important to make sure that it is from a good manufacturer and, preferably, labeled “for active cats.”

Turkish Van - description of the breed

Nature has made sure that Turkish Van cats feel comfortable in difficult climatic conditions, giving them unique qualities and abilities.

First of all, this is the ability to swim and hunt fish, providing oneself with food all year round. No other member of the cat family can boast of such skills. All of them, as a rule, do not like water or are afraid of it. But not the Turkish Vans, they not only fish, but also enjoy the usual splashing and playing in the water.

The Turkish Van is a fairly large animal, and invariably attracts the eye with the beauty and grace of its athletic body. The length of the body of an adult individual can reach 130 cm. If you also take into account that the height of these cats is also rather large, then it is not surprising that representatives of the breed, with a height of 40 cm, can weigh about 9 kg. At the same time, nature has gifted cats more generously than cats. They are always larger, they have a more powerful skeleton and much thicker hair.

Interesting fact: Representatives of the breed have virtually no genetic diseases and are distinguished by enviable health. Their average lifespan is 15 years, with females often living slightly longer than males.

But if in America and most European countries this breed is still considered quite exotic, then in their historical homeland Turkish Vans are ordinary domestic cats. Local residents, although they know many legends and ancient tales about these creatures, do not feel any reverence for them, but value their presence in the house for their excellent hunting qualities, thanks to which local rodents have no chance to settle and exist carelessly in a human home.

Cats of Lake Van

Amazing find

In the hot summer of 1955, British journalist Laura Lushington was on a business trip to Turkey and in one of the villages she noticed a couple of very cute kittens. Since Laura was an avid cat lover, she did not bargain with the owners for long, and soon the kittens had their place in her car.

Having traveled a fair distance, the journalist decided to relax on the bank of a small river. Imagine her surprise when the kittens galloped out of the car, rushed to the river, plopped into the water and began splashing around happily in it. Laura was so shocked by such atypical behavior of cats that she soon got hold of a couple more of these unique animals. This is how modern Van cats ended up in Great Britain, and then spread throughout Europe.

Swim to Ararat

One eye is sky blue, the other is greenish-amber. No, this is not a mistake of nature or a defect caused by bad heredity. In front of you, apparently, is a very independent and independent, but quite pleasant in all respects, a Turkish Van cat. Of course, the eyes of Van cats may be the same. For example, both are blue or both are amber. This is not the main difference between Turkish Vans and other breeds. We'll talk about the main difference later, but first, a little history.

The legends telling about the origin of the Turkish Vanir emanate such antiquity that historians feel a respectful shiver. According to Christian beliefs, the Vanir are the first cats and perhaps even the first animals to descend from Noah's Ark upon its arrival at its final destination - Mount Ararat. Since there was still plenty of water around, the cats had to urgently learn to swim in order to get to land, which they did.

It should be noted here that Lake Van, after which this cat breed is named, is located less than 150 kilometers from the biblical Mount Ararat. So the myth has a completely solid geographical basis.

Ark Team

There is another version of the appearance of cats on the ark. Jewish folklore has brought to us information that Noah was afraid that rats would eat all the food he took on the journey. He prayed to God for help. God made the lion sneeze and a cat appeared!

And another version of the myth claims that a couple of Vanir were present on the ark when it sailed, not as parasites, like all other animals and birds, but as full-fledged crew members. Noah included cats in his team after they, on their own initiative, eliminated a malicious mouse that was trying in the most vile way to gnaw at the bottom of the ark in order to send it to the bottom with all the travelers.

Muslims, in turn, make a significant contribution to the legend, adding that Allah blessed the cats that survived the flood by touching their bodies with his fingertips. In these places, in particular on the head, cream or red spots remained on the snow-white fur of the cat, which are still observed among the Vans today. So, according to legend, they can safely claim the title of the ancestors of all modern cats, because Noah, as you know, took “a pair of each creature,” and no more.

We are seven thousand years old

As for the official history, it in no way refutes the Vanir’s claims to the antiquity of their origin; rather, on the contrary, it convincingly confirms it. Archaeological research suggests that Van cats existed in what is now Turkey and Armenia at least seven thousand years ago. For example, during excavations carried out by the British Archaeological Institute in Ankara, Neolithic terracotta figurines were discovered depicting women playing with cats, which in many ways are similar to the Turkish Vanir.

Van cats can also be seen on the coins of the Hittite kings who ruled in Asia Minor from the 18th to the 13th centuries BC. And the Louvre houses the shield of a Roman legionnaire, made approximately 387-75 BC. The shield not only depicts a shaggy Turkish van with two characteristic spots on its head (marks of Allah's fingers, as we remember), but also contains a brief description of the animal. The rarity was discovered in Armenia and probably dates back to the period when the troops of the next Roman emperor captured these territories. Apparently, one of the legionnaires was so amazed by the representative of the Vanir breed that the warrior decided to make the cat his personal protector.

I must say that this is not surprising. Van cats have always been revered for their courage, independence and remarkable ability to survive in the harshest conditions.

Nurturing the Spirit

To understand how the formation of the Turkish Van breed took place, you need to carefully study the area where these cats come from.

So, Lake Van, the largest lake in Turkey, was formed as a result of the eruption of the nearby Nemrut volcano. The hilly shores of Van are completely indented with bays, bays and capes. From the north and west, the lake is surrounded by volcanoes, the largest of which are Nemrut and Sufan, and in the southern part the Toros Mountains stand unshakable. In winter, the slopes of mountains and volcanoes are covered with snow up to four meters thick, and temperature fluctuations, as a result of changing seasons, are quite serious.

Lake Van has no outflow, so the water in it is bitter and salty, and also resembles soda due to its rather high soda content.

And in this hard, salty, “carbonated” water, Turkish Vans swim, dive, feed on fish and, one might even say, live quite freely. What else can I add here in order to finally convince myself of their amazing adaptability?

Diving at home

If you get yourself a Turkish Van, then, with the right attitude, you can put on a real show in the bathroom or in the pool. It is enough to throw in a few of your favorite cat toys, and your cat, to the great amazement of those present, will rush after them without hesitation.

But before you send your van for a swim, you need to take into account many nuances. Firstly, you should never do anything to a cat against its will. Secondly, in their native lake, Vans do not participate in swimming competitions and do not strive for diving, and therefore you should not expect heroic deep-sea diving from them and, even more so, jumping from towers. In their historical homeland, Vans prefer shallow, well-warmed shallows, so there must be a “way out” of the water, just like in swimming pools - a “paddling pool” for kids. The ideal water temperature in a bath or pool is about 38 degrees, which is exactly the body temperature of a cat.

It is also necessary to take into account that each cat has its own individual character. Someone likes to splash in the water, and he is ready day and night to beg you for “ten more minutes,” and then swim and dive for hours for his and your pleasure. And someone, despite clearly belonging to the waterfowl breed, can simply wet their paws or play with the stream running from the tap, and leave it at that.

There is one more point. If a cat has not had the opportunity to get into water since early childhood (and this often happens), then most likely he will have no interest in swimming. And at first he will react to your attempts to dip him in water like most cats of any other breed, that is, hiss, snort and extend his claws. So you need to ask the breeders how familiar their pets are with the water element, and, if desired, gradually accustom the Van to it. In the end, the genes will take their toll, and you will be able to watch with pleasure how your long-haired, fluffy and, at first glance, completely “land-dwelling” family pet splashes in the water with undisguised pleasure, as if he was born in it.

Popular colors of Turkish Vans

Color is truly one of the greatest assets of the breed. The classic option is a snow-white semi-long coat with red markings. It is animals of this color that are allowed to participate in international exhibitions and are used for breeding. Van cats usually have red tails and ears. But sometimes spots are found on the face, back, stomach and paws.

There are other varieties of Turkish Van color, which also have their staunch fans among lovers of these cats. Pure white animals live mainly in their homeland, Turkey. It is the white Van cat that can be found there most often.

In Europe and America, cats with traditional bicolor are preferred - white with red markings. They are also the most expensive. But the less familiar black and white color, although no less beautiful and impressive, is not recognized as the standard of breed purity among most felinological communities. It is not often that you see tri-colored Turkish Vans. Traditionally, only females have the natural tricolor.

All of the above colors are the most characteristic of this breed. But European breeders have developed several new varieties of Turkish Van, distinguished by more exotic colors.

These are the following colors:

  • Tortoiseshell;
  • Cream;
  • Black;
  • Blue;
  • Lilac;
  • Tabby.

All of them are beautiful in their own way and are of great interest, both for ordinary pet owners and for breeders and breeding specialists. However, venerable international organizations of felinologists do not recognize selected types of color and do not allow their owners to participate in serious exhibitions and competitions.

Van cat: photo and description of appearance

You can see what a Turkish van looks like in the attached photo. Cats of this breed differ in their size. For example, females can weigh about 5 kilograms , and cats can even weigh up to 10 kilograms.

The key characteristics of the appearance of Van cats are:

  • The animal's head is medium or large, wide and long, has a wedge shape and rounded contours, as well as high cheekbones. The forehead and chin are rounded, and the muzzle is rounded, has a pronounced, but not sharp pinch;
  • The eyes of Van cats are large, shaped like a nut or peach pit, set at a slight angle and somewhat elongated at the corners. Eye color can be blue or amber, and there are different colors of each eye;
  • The ears are large, set wide and high, wide at the base. The inner ear flap turns slightly to the outer side, and the outer edge goes straight;
  • The body of the Turkish Van is large, strong and long. The neck is short and muscular, the chest is rounded, the muscles are well developed. There are no straight lines or angularities. The shoulders are wide, the body tapers towards the pelvis;
  • The paws are of medium length, the hind ones are somewhat longer, the pads on the paws are neat, there are tassels between the toes;
  • the cat's tail has the shape of a train or brush, and has an average proportional length;
  • the coat is at least 5 cm long in adults. Semi-long, no undercoat. The peculiarities of the climate in the Turkish Van's homeland are such that in summer the animal's fur is often shorter and somewhat coarser than at other times of the year. The length remains the same in the abdomen and panties. In winter, the fur grows and becomes thicker, except on the head. Cats have a bushy collar and tail. Wool is very soft and similar to cashmere, and is waterproof.

Character and habits of the Turkish Vans

The harsh climate in which the Turkish Vans had long lived could not but leave an imprint on their character and habits. Those who manage to get to know this unique breed better notice that the character of Van cats is significantly different from the character of the rest of the feline brethren and is more reminiscent of a dog.

The main distinguishing factor is, of course, the ability to swim. Moreover, even kittens are not afraid of water, which means that friendly interaction with water is a genetic feature of Turkish Vans. It was she who allowed the cats to develop their fishing skills and provide food for themselves and their offspring year-round.

Vans have a real passion for water, and this must be taken into account when keeping them as pets. Vans are very smart and can easily find a source of water in the house, and quickly learn to use it for their own purposes. Yielding to the call of natural instinct, they flush toilets and turn off water taps, easily mastering these simple mechanisms.

These cats are very emotional and sensitive to the mood of others. They sensitively scan the atmosphere in the house, are able to recognize shades of behavior of household members and truly suffer if they feel a conflict or quarrel. In this case, the Vans immediately turn on the function of a peacemaker and try to make others feel positive.

Van cats are very capricious and intelligent. They do not tolerate competition with other pets and will always seek the special favor of their owner. Moreover, for their part, the Vans are not so supportive, they do not allow familiarity, they do not allow themselves to be stroked or caressed, unless they themselves want it. But they are infinitely devoted to their owner, they know how to truly love and be grateful, and it is in these qualities that they are very similar to dogs. And for this, Turkish Van owners value their pets very much.

Fun fact: Vans are playful and inquisitive. They quickly get bored with toys, they are constantly looking for new experiences and do not let their owners get bored.

They love walks, and walking “like a dog” on a leash is a very desirable process for this breed. Vans are not homebodies or “sofa cushions”; they need space, air, communication and a lot of new sensations and discoveries. Only in this case will the Van cat be cheerful, healthy and happy.

Character of Turkish Bath cats

The Eastern breed has a pronounced temperament. Fluffy pets do not tend to sit and get bored. They are curious, love movement and games. Quickly climbing the support, the cats are accustomed to observing the current situation from above. They tumble, run, and catch toys. They get along with children and willingly play with them.

Curiosity and intelligence are their innate traits. They prefer one owner, even if the family is large. They are devoted and close to him, trying to stay close to him as much as possible. Van cats cannot be called meek, but they are affectionate and adapt to their owner’s mood. Based on developed facial expressions, it is easy to determine the animal’s mood.

Thanks to waterproof wool, pets love water procedures. They willingly swim in ponds and take baths. They play and frolic in the water and have fishing skills. The built-in hunting instincts do not sleep: the Turkish van will bring the owners or eat the caught prey.

If a kitten appears in the house, then they create a house, enclosure or personal space for it, providing it with toys. This does not mean that he can be left alone for a long time: the furry pet loves company. If you deprive him of toys, he will “master” the owner’s objects, playing with them and rendering them unusable.

Javanese cat breed


Scottish fold cats

Note: This oriental breed constantly demonstrates superiority, although it gets along with other pets. Van cats do not like to sit in the arms, preferring the shoulders of the owner, and do not accept excessive caresses and frequent touches. They literally “walk on their own.”

Interesting facts about Turkish Vans

Everyone knows the predilection of most felines for small houses and boxes. But a Turkish van should not even try to offer such accommodation options. His freedom-loving nature requires space and perspective. If the owner cannot provide the animal with frequent long walks in nature, then you should at least try to provide him with a good view of the surroundings from the windowsill.

It should not be ignored that the Turkish Van is not at all afraid of heights. An open window or balcony will certainly attract his attention, and he will want to break free, so special attention should be paid to ensuring the safety of Vans living in high-rise buildings.

Another surprising fact is that Van cats have winter and summer coats. During the cold season, they grow long, thick and silky fur, which, of course, has water-repellent properties. The fur grows especially thickly in the form of a fur “collar” and “panties.” With the onset of warm weather, cats begin to shed, and soon they completely change their fur coat to a summer short-haired version.

And, perhaps, one of the most interesting facts is the spread of the effect of heterochromia among representatives of this breed. That is, a large percentage of Van cats, regardless of where they live, whether they are native or selected representatives, have eyes of different colors - one is blue, the other is amber.

It was for this quality that in ancient times people considered such cats to be the highest caste and endowed them with supernatural abilities. Currently, this effect is also very much appreciated by breeders and distributors of the breed. And ordinary owners of Turkish Vans consider their heterochromic pets to bring good luck.

Features of character and behavior

The character of the Turkish Van is distinguished by its special tenderness, friendliness, moderate activity, and true love for its owner. They respond well to training; when walking down the street on a harness, they feel very comfortable. They easily get along with other animals in the same territory; conflicts in this case are quite rare. This breed is not prone to aggression and is considered one of the most peaceful.

Another characteristic feature of their character is patience. They can be started in families with small children. Even if they are squeezed, you should not expect bites or scratches. Most likely, they will play together. The Turkish Van is a very curious cat breed and they love to explore their surroundings. Therefore, it is worth removing valuable and fragile items from the top shelves. These qualities remain in cats throughout their long lives.

Another feature is their love of hunting. You should not have small animals in a house where such cats live. If he lives in a country house and has access to the street, hunting trophies in the form of mice, birds, and lizards will be brought.

Education and training

The Turkish Van cat is smart, quick-witted, with a good memory. All these qualities provide her with good prospects for training. However, it is important to remember that a true van has innate pride. It is possible to build a learning process only taking into account the individual differences of the individual as much as possible. If a cat, while playing, begins to forget itself and the apartment or furniture suffers, you can lash out at it or tell it in a loud word what can and cannot be done. Usually it’s the pets who understand everything the first time.

The Turkish Van has different colored eyes.

Pros and cons of Turkish vans

For those who have made a firm decision to have a Turkish Van cat as a pet, the following advantages of the breed will soon become obvious.

Advantages of the Turkish Van breed:

  • Excellent aesthetic characteristics, very attractive appearance of animals;
  • Good health, free from most common feline ailments;
  • Stable psyche. Among the representatives of the breed, despite their emotionality, there are practically no individuals with inappropriate or uncontrollable behavior;
  • Representatives of the breed have luxurious wool, which is a real pleasure to stroke;
  • Cats are highly intelligent, resourceful and quick-witted;
  • Cats have no fear of water and even a special love for it, making any water hygiene procedures easy and enjoyable for both the owner and the pet;
  • Well-developed peacekeeping qualities. It is simply vital for the Van cat that the surrounding atmosphere remains friendly and positive. She spares no effort to reconcile the conflicting parties;
  • Excellent trainability and learnability;
  • Loyalty to the owner. The Turkish Van is one of the most grateful animals, infinitely devoted to man in response to his love and care.

With all the undeniable and numerous advantages of the breed, we should not forget about some features that can create certain difficulties.

Disadvantages of the Turkish Van breed:

  • The Turkish Van is very jealous and does not allow a hint of competition with other pets living with him in the same territory. He always requires the undivided love and attention of his owner, otherwise he can become aggressive, withdraws and stops making contact;
  • Cats of this breed are very, very capricious. Making a Van submit to force is an almost impossible task. This behavior on the part of the owner causes a reverse reaction in the pet. In addition, he always responds to force with force, and given his impressive physical characteristics and skills as a hunter, this is far from safe for the offender;
  • In their curiosity, Van cats are capable of going beyond the limits of their own safety; you must always be on guard with them;
  • The high need of cats for physical activity does not allow a responsible owner to be careless. If you do not provide your pet with daily walks and active games, over time his health will noticeably deteriorate. In such cases, the respiratory system suffers, excess weight appears and, as a result, increased wear and tear on the heart. All this shortens the time and worsens the quality of life of the animal.

Description and standard

Standards for the Turkish Van breed are prescribed by international organizations in the field of cat breeding.

  • Body. It has long dimensions, from 90 to 120 cm. It must be strong and elongated. There are no straight lines, no angularities, gradually tapering towards the pelvis.
  • Neck. Short and muscular.
  • Breast. Round chest, broad shoulders, well-developed muscles.
  • Body mass. Males can reach 9 kg, girls - about 6 kg.
  • Eyes. Oval in shape, large in size with slightly rounded corners. The iris can be blue, amber, copper. Animals with eyes of different colors are often found.
  • Head. Wedge-shaped, gradually tapering towards the chin. The profile is almost completely smoothed out.
  • Wool. Medium length without obvious undercoat. The hairs on the shoulders are shorter than on the tail and back.
  • Paws. With well-developed muscles, medium length, round shape.

Description of the Turkish Van breed in general terms can be formulated as a cat of large size with a well-built body. The average height is about 40 cm.


Disqualifying Faults

Such signs are the absence of spots on the head and clear outlines of the feet. The cat must not have defects in the structure of the skeleton, including a tail or a flat chest. It is considered defective if the wool is dyed by more than 15%.

You can read about the Burmese cat breed and its colors here.

Turkish Van colors

The color of this breed is called Van - a red-chestnut tail with several rings of a brighter color. The same spots should be at the base of the ears and muzzle. The rest of the body should be white. This is a classic color and is generally accepted. There are individuals with other coat colors:

  • cream;
  • blue;
  • tortoiseshells;
  • white and black.

In its homeland, that is, in Turkey, the most valuable is the white Turkish van. A tan Turkish Van or a black and white Turkish Van is often found. Such individuals are also purebred, according to current standards. Below are some photos of the Turkish Van

Black and white Turkish van.

Tortoiseshell color.

Van cream color.

Breeding Turkish Vans

The process of mating and breeding offspring of Turkish Vans is the same as that of other cat breeds. A cat is considered ready for mating when it reaches one year of age, not earlier.

The Van cat is capable of reproducing 3-4 times a year, but with such a frequency of pregnancies, the animal’s body is greatly depleted, loses a large amount of energy, which leads to a decrease in immunity and a general deterioration in health.

Therefore, experienced and responsible breeders breed no more than once a year, so that the cat has enough time to recuperate in order to reproduce healthy and strong offspring. But the most optimal frequency of effective matings is three times in two years.

Typically, three to six kittens are born in one litter. All breeders note highly developed maternal qualities in Van cats. They treat their children with care and attention, protect them from the dangers of the outside world, and teach them useful and vital skills in hunting and protection.

By the age of 3-4 weeks, kittens are completely independent. They get to know the world around them, showing particular curiosity and activity. By their very nature they have mobility and a thirst for constant movement, so older children need to be carefully looked after so that their overly active games do not end in tears.

However, there is no need to severely limit the mobility of the younger generation. For full development and socialization, they need to develop their physical abilities, play a lot, jump, and interact with water.

But these cunning creatures are already quite smart at a young age and can get out of control by manipulating the owner’s too kind attitude. Van kittens should not be pampered; they should grow up in an atmosphere of reasonable severity, which will help them develop an adequate manner of behavior for the rest of their lives.

Interesting facts about the Van cat

  1. The coat of Van cats can be ironed for hours - it resembles cashmere. In addition, it is waterproof, unlike the fur of other cats.
  2. Individuals with different eyes are often found. You can determine whether a cat will have different eyes immediately after birth - if there are two black dots on the forehead, then the eyes will be different.
  3. The Turks believe that this cat brings good luck, but only to those who take care of them in the wild.
  4. They love water and bathing very much, but if you do not accustom a kitten to water from a young age, then it may not show interest in bathing as an adult animal.

If you want to have a spectacular and playful pet, then the Turkish Van is what you need. A cat of this breed is the pride of any cat breeder. Her non-standard habits will not leave you indifferent.

Caring for Turkish Vans

Turkish Vans are easy to care for.

In general, they require the same routine hygiene procedures as most pets:

  1. Thanks to the special smoothness of the coat and the absence of undercoat, combing them is quite easy and pleasant. As a rule, this is done at least once a week, but during the shedding period, the coat of a Van cat needs daily combing;
  2. The condition of the pet's eyes and teeth also requires attention from the owner. Ears, which may suffer from parasites or infections, also need weekly checking and cleaning;
  3. Bathing is one of the most favorite hygienic procedures of the Turkish bath. Can be used as often as desired, brings him a lot of joy and is good for his health;
  4. If an always mobile and active van suddenly becomes lethargic and apathetic, this is a serious reason to visit the veterinary clinic. Perhaps he is worried about indigestion, parasites or other health problems;
  5. Preventive vaccinations and deworming are the most important measures necessary to maintain the health of your pet. They must be carried out in a timely manner, within the time limits prescribed by the veterinarian;
  6. Turkish Vans are clean people. They are demanding about the freshness of the tray and beds. The tray must be cleaned according to the instructions for using the filler, or immediately when it gets dirty, otherwise the van will simply refuse to use it. Beds should be chosen from natural materials and fabrics that are easy to care for. Synthetics and plastic baskets should be avoided;
  7. The Turkish Van is a freedom-loving animal. For health and good mood, it is necessary to provide him with enough living space and fresh air. Walking in nature is a necessary and very significant procedure for him.

If these simple rules of care are followed and the owner is attentive to his pet, a Turkish Van, which is naturally in fairly good health, may well live 14-15 years or even more.

Care and maintenance

The Turkish Van cat breed requires the same conditions as any other cat breed.
This is the standard set. It is important that the animal has a bed, a play corner, a scratching post, a toy, as well as bowls for food and water. This breed can be confidently called dependent on humans. They like to sleep in secluded places, loading the washing machine, making sure there is no pet in the basket with dirty clothes.

When it comes to hygiene and cleanliness, they are true perfectionists. It is imperative to monitor the cleanliness of the tray; it should always be in perfect condition. It is important to take care of the coat, first of all by brushing it regularly. You can use a classic pet brush for this.

This procedure will prevent the appearance of tangles. They like to swim, even for a long time. There are practically no problems with washing these cats. The fur itself has the ability to self-clean, even if the owner does not use special shampoos or other cat cosmetics.

It is imperative to brush your teeth, as this breed is prone to problems with them. They often develop tartar. Periodically, about once a week, it is necessary to clean the dirt in the ears, eyes, and nose. For this you can use cotton swabs, disks, chlorhexidine.

Diet of Turkish Vans

It is not difficult to choose a diet for a Turkish Van. The main requirement is that it must be balanced and properly organized. With a huge variety of industrial food on the market, it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable option for your pet. The finished food must contain nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements in quantities sufficient for its health and activity.

If Van lives in an apartment and does not lead a very active lifestyle, then you should give preference to low-calorie foods so as not to cause your pet to gain weight. If the van is quite active, moves a lot, walks and swims, then the calorie content of the food must be selected at the rate of 80 kcal per kilogram of body weight.

However, there have always been, are and will be opponents of feeding pets with ready-made industrial food. Turkish Van breeders are no exception. Many of them believe that natural nutrition is the most suitable for this aboriginal breed, and only it can maintain normal Van health. It is believed that even the fur of representatives of the breed that eat natural food is more beautiful, silky and shiny.

But without enough relevant experience, it is quite difficult to create a completely balanced menu from natural products. In any case, the pet will need mineral supplements and vitamins, which are difficult to obtain from food in sufficient quantities. In these matters, van breeders cannot do without the advice of a veterinarian. Self-prescription of drugs in case of error can cause serious harm to the health of the animal.

When creating a menu, one cannot fail to take into account that representatives of the breed, accustomed to fishing, simply cannot do without fish. It is imperative to include it in the daily diet of these fishermen. Moreover, both sea and river fish are perfectly absorbed by the Van’s body, saturating it with many useful nutrients.

Van also accepts meat very well - chicken, turkey, veal. But his passion for fruits - pears, apples, mangoes, pineapples, etc. - usually causes considerable surprise. Van enjoys eating them, while receiving a hefty dose of essential vitamins and microelements. Vans love to eat well and a lot, and some overly caring owners overfeed their pets, causing them problems associated with excess weight. Moreover, the matter is not only in the excessive amount of food, but also in the quality. Feeding from the master's table brings the greatest harm to the animal, and should be absolutely prohibited.

Foods that you should absolutely not feed your Turkish Van:

  • All types of sweets, especially chocolate and everything that contains it;
  • Flour products;
  • Fat meat;
  • Fried and smoked products;
  • Legumes;
  • Spices.

Having a balanced diet with proper nutrition and the absence of harmful foods is the key to good health for the Turkish Van.

Black and white color standards

There are three types of black and white color, fixed in the relevant standards.

Table: classification of black and white colors

Color typeBlack and white color codeMain characteristics of colorType of distribution of white color in a cat's color according to FIFE standardsExternal differences
  • two colored patches on the muzzle, separated by a white “flame” (can extend onto the ears);
  • one colored spot on the buttocks, including the entire tail;
  • allowed: 1–3 small colored spots on the body or paws
The color of Van cats suggests that it contains 5/6 white
  • paw pad color: pink;
  • nose color: soft pink;
  • eye color: green;
  • yellow;
  • honey;
  • golden;
  • orange;
  • all shades of blue;
  • eyes of different colors (if white predominates on one half of the muzzle, the eye will most likely be blue, but if the second part of the head is black, the eye will be green);
  • undercoat: to match the main color and pattern on the coat
  • the chest, paws and neck are white;
  • the tail is completely colored from base to tip;
  • on the back, head and rump on a white background there are several clear large or medium-sized spots of various shapes
The color of a harlequin cat suggests that it contains from 1/2 to 5/6 white; it is an intermediate type of white distribution between van and bicolor
  • color of paw pads: the color of the main fur on the feet (if white spots cover the nose or feet of the cat, the skin on them becomes pink);
  • color of the nose: pink (pigmentation in the form of black spots is acceptable);
  • eye color: green;
  • yellow;
  • copper;
  • golden.
  • the color of the undercoat matches the main color
  • the chest, inside of the paws and belly are white;
  • white “flame” on the muzzle, white neck - closed collar;
  • a colored raincoat that occupies the upper part of the body - head, back and tail
The color of bicolor cats suggests that it contains from 1/3 to 1/2 white. In this case, the bicolor color must be separated from the “with white spots” color, which requires only a slight inclusion of white
  • the color of the paw pads matches the main color of the coat (if white spots cover the nose or feet of the cat, the skin on them becomes pink);
  • the color of the nose mirror matches the main color of the coat;
  • eye color: green;
  • yellow;
  • copper;
  • golden;
  • orange;
  • all shades of blue;
  • different (heterochromia).
  • the undercoat directly depends on the main color of the coat

Sometimes individual white spots on a cat's black coat appear without the participation of the dominant S gene. Their manifestation is due to the influence of both the most recessive form of the white piebald gene and a completely independent gene.

Markings appear in the form of white "medallions", "buttons" or spots in the groin. Such spots are acceptable for native breeds, but for selective breeds they are considered a reason for disqualification.

Gallery: types of black and white colors

Van cats have an almost white coat, two colored spots on the head and a completely colored tail.

In a harlequin-colored cat, colored spots occupy approximately a quarter of the body and can form any fancy patterns. When the dark color begins to dominate over the white, the color is called bicolor

Diseases and health problems

The Turkish Van has no predisposition to genetic diseases and generally enjoys quite enviable health. Aboriginal origin and centuries-old natural selection have made these animals strong and hardy.

Therefore, following a diet, a proper balanced diet, an active lifestyle and frequent walks in the fresh air will provide the Van with excellent health and a life expectancy of about 14-16 years. However, Van also sometimes suffers from health problems.

In most cases the following:

  1. Helminths (more often in “waterfowl” pets and those who eat natural food);
  2. Ear parasites and infections;
  3. Cystitis;
  4. Urolithiasis disease;
  5. Dental diseases;
  6. Heart diseases;
  7. Obesity.

All these problems are easier to prevent than to treat. To prevent the appearance of worms, regular deworming is necessary. It is better to choose the timing and medications for this procedure in consultation with your veterinarian.

To avoid problems with ears and teeth, you must carefully monitor their condition and cleanliness, and in case of any suspicion of infection or other disorders, immediately contact a specialist.

Heart disease, unfortunately, is inherited by Turkish Vans. Therefore, when choosing a kitten, you should carefully study the medical documents of its parents so as not to purchase a pet with a congenital pathology.

Otherwise, if you follow the recommendations for the proper maintenance and nutrition of the Turkish Van, you can provide your pet with a full, healthy life, since nature has endowed these animals with excellent genetics.

Health of the breed

Native cats, which include Vans, usually do not have a tendency to hereditary diseases. One of the weakest points is the teeth and gums. Stone forms more actively on them, gum disease occurs more often, which causes discomfort and pain to the cat. Despite the fact that they are active animals, they are nevertheless prone to gaining weight. In this case, it is important to follow a special diet.

Tendency to diseases

The Turkish Van cat may be more likely to encounter a number of diseases:

  • cardiac hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
  • various types of allergies;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • some heart pathologies.

The average lifespan is about 15 years.

Vaccinations and prevention

The first vaccinations are given to kittens when they are still with the breeder. They are entered in the veterinary passport that they receive at birth. The first vaccination is carried out at the age of 8 weeks. After some time it is necessary to do this again. When the animal reaches its owner, vaccination is carried out according to the requirements of the veterinarian.

The animal must have all the required vaccinations, even if it does not go outside and is kept exclusively at home. A strong immune system is not able to protect a cat from a number of infectious diseases, some of which are fatal.

Breeding work

Like all large cats, the Turkish Van matures slowly - the animal is fully formed only by the age of three, or even five years. Therefore, you should not be too hasty with mating, especially in cats: early motherhood can negatively affect the health and psyche of an immature animal.

Interestingly, kittens of this breed, on the contrary, develop very quickly - they, for example, open their eyes already on the third day of their life!

Obtaining high-quality offspring is the main task of breeding work


The gene pool of Turkish Vans in Europe is extremely small, and the choice of a partner can often depend on closely related ties. Therefore, to obtain high-quality offspring, the most important issue is the correct selection of a breeding pair - however, as always in breeding. A newbie divorcer is often unable to solve this problem on his own. Rely on the experience and knowledge of your breeder, who cares about the prospects of the breed and will be able to advise you on the best options.

As far as possible, trace the heredity along both parental lines - find out if there were any serious defects or genetic diseases in them:

  • deafness in white cats;
  • curvature of the jaw;
  • creases and kinks in the tail;
  • color marriage.

Producers must reach reproductive age (at least two years), be absolutely healthy and prepared for mating: have timely vaccinations and antiparasitic treatment.

Breeding success begins with the proper selection of parent pairs

The physiology of a cat allows it to become pregnant and give birth three or even four times a year. But in practice, this cannot be allowed - the cat must be able to fully recover during the period between births, and this requires time. The optimal frequency of effective matings is three times in two years.

Sterilization issues

If the Turkish Van will not be used for breeding, then it is better to sterilize such an animal - both male and female. Removing the genitals will help solve several serious problems at once:

  • normalize hormonal levels;
  • reduce the level of aggression and excessive activity;
  • avoid possible cancer and genital diseases.

Before sterilization, the cat must undergo a medical examination

Often, when selling a pet-class kitten, breeders make its subsequent sterilization a mandatory condition - individuals that do not meet the high requirements of the breed standard should not participate in breeding, thereby reducing the overall quality of the Turkish Van population.

But it should be remembered that sterilization is by no means a harmless manipulation, but an operation (for a cat - abdominal), which takes place under general anesthesia. Therefore, it is extremely important that sterilization of the animal is carried out by experienced specialists and not at home, but in a veterinary clinic. Veterinarians will take control of the Van’s rehabilitation after surgery, which is no less important than a successful operation.

A feature of sterilization of the Turkish Van is the late maturation of representatives of this breed, which must be taken into account when determining the optimal timing of the operation. If cats and cats of other domestic breeds are usually sterilized immediately after puberty, then Vans should wait a bit in this matter - otherwise the animal will stop growing and developing. It is customary to sterilize female Van breeds at the age of one and a half years, and males - no earlier than a year.

Video: how to care for a cat after sterilization

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