Ragamuffin cat - a royal ragamuffin

Origin story

The appearance of these good-natured bumpkins in the arena of felinology is associated with a huge scandal.
And how well it all started... Ann Baker, a well-known cat lover in the city of Riverside, drew attention to the street cat Josephine, or rather, to her kittens. Each litter produced long-haired dogs with a very kind and quiet disposition, and all of them had different fathers.

The breeder, becoming interested, decided to consolidate these qualities in the new breed. The breed was called “Cherub” - “the highest angelic rank”, and Anne took personal control of all matings in the clubs. Her demands seemed absurd to many. Part, planning to breed cats with a different coat color, and coming up with the sonorous name “Ragdoll” for the new breed.

Anne did not like the rebellion. She quickly received a patent for the new name (this point was missed by her rivals) and tried to regain her leading position again. But it was not there. Many years of trials began, and the breed received a new name - Ragamuffin, which is translated from English as “tramp” or “ragamuffin”. Cats began to be crossed with Persians, Himalayan and outbred cats; in 1994, they were admitted to the first exhibitions and gradually earned recognition from some international organizations: UFO, ACFA, CFA.

It is worth clarifying that even now not all associations recognize ragamuffins as a separate breed, classifying them as ragdolls. But the World Cat Federation approved them, so there are no obstacles for animals to participate in competitions.


The breed has good immunity and good health. With proper care, cats can live up to 16 years. There are practically no diseases that are transmitted hereditarily. The main thing is to try not to overfeed the animal, take care of vaccinations on time and take preventive measures to keep your pet healthy.

Breed defects

These include the following deviations from the norm, which may cause disqualification:

  • squatness of the body and convexity of the vertebrae;
  • short or sparse tail, any creases on it;
  • tiny ears and slanting eyes;
  • nose too flat;
  • sparse pile in the neck area;
  • duller and darker coat than it should be.

If a Ragamuffin has these defects, it is not allowed to participate in competitions and exhibitions.


Externally, Ragamuffins are very similar to Ragdolls: they are just as strong, muscular and large. Males weigh 10-11 kg, females – up to 7 kg. Cats develop physically by the age of 4-4.5 years. On the belly of an adult cat there is a layer of fat, soft and pleasant to the touch.

TorsoLarge but compact. The animal gives the impression of being well-fed (the spine and ribs do not protrude and are not visually visible). The back is flat, wide, the chest is also wide and rounded.
HeadWedge-shaped, with soft and smooth contours. The muzzle is oval, short, the chin is strong, and over time it becomes more massive. The cheeks are plump, the vibrissa area is voluminous. If you look at the cat in profile, there is a noticeable deflection between the forehead and muzzle.
EarsMedium size, slightly inclined forward. The inside of the auricle is slightly pubescent.
NeckShort, strong, thickens as the animal grows.
EyesLarge, open, set wide. The general impression is a kind, open look. The iris can be painted in any color, with the exception of sepia and mink colors. For sepia-colored animals, the color should be either yellow or green (any shade), while for mink-colored animals, it should be blue. Heterochromia is allowed.
PawsShort, strong boned and large round paws. They give the impression of being massive. The forelimbs are slightly shorter than the hind limbs, but this does not affect the gait in any way and does not cause any discomfort. The fingertips can be colored either pink or gray.
TailAbundantly covered with hair, medium thickness, tapering towards the tip.
WoolPlush and soft to the touch, longer along the contour of the muzzle and neck (so the head appears larger than it actually is). The same length on the back and crown. But in the abdomen and sides it is shorter and less frequent.

Individuals with the following defects are not allowed to participate in exhibition events:

  • Having an extra finger(s);
  • Strabismus;
  • Tail with kinks;
  • Short hair;
  • Color point color.

Ragamuffin - description of the breed

According to the standard, the body of ragamuffins is proportional and rectangular. The chest is wide, convex, strong shoulders and pelvis. The abdomen is dense, but a small soft layer of fat always forms below. It does not affect body weight and is mandatory for the breed.

Males weigh from seven to nine kilograms, females - significantly less: from four to six. The Ragamuffin's coat is elongated, but not too long, and is soft and silky. On the hind legs the hair is slightly longer than in other places. There is also a characteristic woolen “rim” around the neck and “whiskers” around the head and on its sides.

The head is wedge-shaped, slightly rounded, graceful, without corners or sharp transitions. The forehead and chin are smooth, the facial part is small and compact. Fluffy cheeks, long whiskers, and voluminous whisker pads create an expressive facial expression in this breed.

Ragamuffin eyes are large, expressive, and set far apart. They can be any color, but for mink and sepia types, the important eye color is sky blue, sea blue or yellow-green. Cats' ears are triangle-shaped, neat and slightly tilted forward. The top is smoothed and there is a small brush, reminiscent of Maine Coon brushes.

Paws of medium length, with large soft pink pads, provide good support for the massive skeleton of the cat. The hind legs are longer than the front legs. The tail is long and bushy, but in proportion to the body, tapering to a tip.


Ragamuffins are allowed in many colors: sepia, mink, and striped. But the most common are the following:

  • Tabby: the main color is any light. Bright contrasting spots of different sizes are scattered over the base.
  • Bi-color: 2 primary colors.
  • Color point: the color is exactly like that of Siamese cats (includes all shades of brown).

The standard allows for a small amount of white patches on the chest, back and belly.

In the photo there are cats of the Ragamuffin breed of the main colors: Tabby, Bi-color, Color point

Character and behavior

Ragamuffins are some of the most loyal human companions. Complaisant, good-natured, absolutely calm and good-natured - these words fully characterize the representatives of the breed. Their favorite pastime is to lounge imposingly at full length on an ottoman or windowsill and doze serenely, occasionally looking around. They are absolutely domestic: once they get outside, they can’t figure out what to do or where to run. Ragamuffins do not know how to defend themselves; at most, they will try to hide somewhere. They are frightened by loud noises, street hubbub and traffic, so walking the streets is absolutely unnecessary.

The gullibility of ragamuffins is amazing: they easily go into the arms of strangers and do not mind lying next to a guest and taking a treat from his hands.

Cats treat children calmly and steadfastly withstand their fun: they will sit in a doll's stroller and wear a doll's hat. If the child begins to offend him, he retreats under the sofa or asks the owners for intercession.

Ragamuffin loves “dad” and “mom” reverently, and endures separation extremely painfully. Therefore, careerists and avid travelers should avoid this breed: the cat will be sad and sick if you are not around. But for lonely, elderly people, this breed is a real gift.

The ragamuffin is friends with other animals, be it a dog, or a cat, or a rodent, or even a bird. But once a cat appears in a family, it takes a long time to get used to them, so it’s better to get one first.

According to folk wisdom, what should happen if a cat washes itself?

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Ragamuffins are also phlegmatic (by the way, females remain playful with age, unlike males), but they are also not averse to playing. Running around before a hearty breakfast, fighting with an imaginary enemy or a sunbeam on the walls, rustling with a plastic bag is a nice thing for them. They have nothing against a playmate, but they also know how to have fun on their own.

Sometimes these games lead to sad results: torn curtains, knocked over flower pots. And it is better to stop such self-indulgence immediately. Cats are extremely intelligent and know how to obey. But do it gently, without rudeness and, moreover, without assault. Ragamuffin will perceive spanking as a betrayal.

Ragamuffins are not jumpers, that's a fact. At the very least, they will get off the chair, but jumping from cabinets often ends in injury. Therefore, the owner should take this point into account.

An interesting feature: ragamuffin relaxes in human hands, literally melts, like ice cream in the sun. This feature, by the way, is also noted in ragdolls.

Another characteristic characteristic of cats is curiosity, which should keep you on your guard at all times. The lazy-looking Ragamuffin loves to taste homemade flowers, lick cosmetics, rummage through the trash can, and poke his nose into an open bag of washing powder. And they not only unwind the balls, but also try to eat them.

Finding a Ragamuffin kitten is not that easy. Popular nurseries that breed them are located in South Korea, the USA, Europe and Canada. In Russia, you can only find ragdoll nurseries, in which, quite possibly, ragamuffins are also bred. The second option is private breeders. But this is a minus pedigree. Kittens “for the soul” will cost about 70-80 thousand rubles, animals for exhibitions - from 100 and above. Males are valued lower than female cats.

Care instructions

The undercoat of Ragamuffins is not thick and short, and they shed moderately. Therefore, you will not have such problems as, for example, with the Persians. However, a beautiful appearance requires work and your help.


You don’t have to be afraid of tangles: the structure of their fur is similar to that of a rabbit’s and practically does not mat. But you still need to comb your cat: once a week (during shedding - 2 times) with a special comb with long metal teeth. During the molting period - autumn and spring - more often.

The photo shows a cat of the Ragamuffin breed.


Ragamuffins don’t particularly like water, but they will be quite indignant during bathing. Bathe them at least once a year, or better yet, once every six months. Plug your ears with cotton swabs, comb your fur coat, and make sure that moisture does not get into your ears (this provokes otitis media). Use special shampoos for cats: AVZ Elite Professional, Celandine, Doctor ZOO.


Nails - trim once every 1-2 weeks with nail clippers or manicure scissors, and then file. Still, you need a scratching post!


Teeth are brushed 2 times a month. Good brands: Doctor ZOO, Trixie, Beaphar. You cannot use human brushes and toothpaste: fluoride is harmful to the cat’s body, and hard bristles will scratch delicate gums.

Expert opinion

Dusheba Vera Ivanovna

In 2010, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

Animals should be taught to brush from an early age. First use a cotton swab soaked in tooth gel, then buy a brush. You can wrap your finger in gauze, but only if the cat does not bite it.

Breeding Features

Males and cats of this breed are fully formed closer to three years. The first mating is best done after a year. It is important that the cat has gone through at least two heats.

Before mating, it is necessary to deworm both animals if they have been walked outside. Vaccinations must be done three months before the planned mating. It is better to organize the meeting on the territory of the male, leaving the cat there for a day or two.

Be sure to read:

The Selkirk Rex breed is a mixture of Persian, Exotic and British, a cat with a peaceful character, description

As a rule, pregnancy and childbirth occur without complications in Ragamuffins. For a cat, the presence of the owner during childbirth is important.


Ragamuffins, although lazy, are great eaters. Therefore, the owner will have to strictly control the portions given out and not allow the pet to “bite.”

There are two feeding options: special ready-made food or hand-cooked food. Each has both pros and cons.

Natural products

A balanced menu includes:

  • Meat: beef, veal, rabbit, turkey (at least 30 grams for a kitten and 120 grams for an adult). There is no need to boil it, just pour boiling water over it. Give 3-4 times a week.
  • Boiled liver, hearts, ventricles, minced chicken necks. Liver - no more than once a week. The rest - 2-3 times.
  • Fish - only sea fish (trout, salmon, salmon, cod, trout) and no more than once a week (there is a risk of developing urolithiasis). It is allowed to feed the cat shrimp and squid from time to time.
  • Fermented milk products (ryazhenka, natural yogurt, cream, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese): low-fat, without harmful additives and dyes. Can be given every day.
  • Liquid porridges: liquid, oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat, millet. Not with milk, but with water (semolina porridge with water is fed to kittens up to 3 months old). Be sure to add a few drops of vegetable oil to the prepared food.
  • Eggs (chicken and quail) – a couple of times a week. From chicken - only the yolk and boiled.
  • Boiled or stewed vegetables: cauliflower, carrots, green beans. Give 1-5 times a week, adding to porridge. Sprouted oats, wheat, barley, young nettle leaves (scalded with boiling water) are useful.
  • Dry brewer's yeast and vitamins are given in agreement with the veterinarian.

It is prohibited to give:

  • Poultry (goose, duck), also pork and lamb;
  • Bones, fat, skin;
  • Whole cow's milk;
  • Salt, sugar, spices, seasonings, mayonnaise, sauces;
  • Sweet, smoked, baked goods, flour, salty, fried;
  • Human canned food, sausages, frankfurters, small sausages;
  • Peas, soybeans, beans, grape potatoes, avocados, bananas;
  • Vitamins and supplements for people.

The average cost of a ragamuffin kitten is 50,000 – 70,000 rubles. But this is in the USA. Add the cost of shipping and the reseller's commission.

Pictured are kittens of the Ragamuffin breed.

Recommended food

Natural food, objectively speaking, is better than any food. But in modern life it is not always convenient to cook every day, and sometimes it is difficult to find time. That’s when ready-made food comes to the rescue. There are 4 groups: economy, premium, super-premium and holistic.


Economy food groups Friskies, Whiskas, Perfect Fit are the cheapest, but also the most stupid. Behind general formulations such as “cereals and products of plant origin”, “meat and its derivatives”, “poultry meal”, protein-poor remains of meat production, corn and similar components are hidden. But what is there in abundance is flavor enhancers, dyes and preservatives of unknown origin.


Premium food: Safari, Flatazor, Royal Canin are a step higher, although in essence they are not far removed from economy food.

The word “meat” can hide any processed product (most often it is skin, tripe, and bones), vegetable proteins are used - wheat and corn (and they often cause allergies), antioxidants and preservatives are not completely safe.

Super premium

Super-premium food is much more trustworthy. These are Trainer, ProSeries, Eminent. First, they use oats, rice, barley or potatoes instead of corn gluten gluten. Secondly, antioxidants and preservatives are natural (rosemary, mixtures of tocopherols). And the percentage of meat ingredients, vegetables and vitamins is much higher.


And finally, holistic foods are the foods that occupy a leading position. They contain: dehydrated and fresh meat and fish; rice or lentils; safe preservatives; fresh fruits, vegetables and berries. In addition to the above, a good vitamin and mineral supplement. Examples: Naturea, Power of Nature, Pronature Holistic.

Expert opinion

Dusheba Vera Ivanovna

In 2010, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

When choosing ready-made food, remember: the cat should always have access to water without restrictions. Change it 2 times a day: morning and evening. Water – at a comfortable temperature (not cold or hot), clean (distilled or settled).

Below are recommended super-premium foods. Links with the names of the food are clickable, on them you can, within our website, read the descriptions of the food and read reviews from owners of Ragamuffin cats.

Super premiumHolisticSuper premium
BlitzFarmina N&DFitmin For Life


Representatives of this breed have a fairly strong immune system, and they have only 2 genetic diseases. These are hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and polycystic kidney disease. In both the first and second cases, it is impossible to cure the disease, but medications and observation help prolong the pet’s life.

Ragamuffins lick themselves very often and diligently. Wool, once in the intestines, clogs it, so feed the animal pumpkin puree more often or give it a special paste.

Expert opinion

Dusheba Vera Ivanovna

In 2010, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

Your cat needs to be vaccinated even if he does not leave the apartment and does not come into contact with other cats. Mandatory vaccinations against: rabies, calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, chlamydia. The first vaccination is carried out at the age of 6-10 weeks (depending on whether there is a risk of contracting the disease or not). At 12 weeks a rabies injection is given. Then, vaccinations are repeated every year. Well-proven drugs: “Nobivak Triket”, “Quadricat”, “Leukorifelin”, “Fel-O-vax”.

Pros and cons of ragamuffins

The advantages of the Ragamuffin breed include:

  • Calm temperament, peacefulness. Ragamuffins are very tactful with both family and new people. This extends to their attitude towards animals and children;
  • Ragamuffins are not noisy animals at all. They rarely meow, do not get in the way, and are not inclined to misbehave. The maximum that these cats can do to attract the owner’s attention is to gently touch him with their paw or purr quietly;
  • Representatives of this breed completely trust their owners and treat them with all tenderness and kindness. Ragamuffins will always be confident that their people will not harm them and will treat them well;
  • Cats are patient, so they get along well with other animals and children, with the exception of dogs. The main thing is that the Ragamuffin feels that he is loved - this way he will not be jealous of the owner of other pets;
  • Ragamuffins are well trained and quickly learn the rules of behavior in an apartment; They have good health and are not prone to illness.

The disadvantages of ragamuffins include:

  • Ragamuffins are vulnerable and unable to stand up for themselves. They prefer to avoid conflicts, but if they happen, these cats cannot fight back;
  • Ragamuffins should not be owned if you need a cat and mousetrap. They will not hunt, but rather become frightened by mice or other rodents;
  • Ragamuffins are very afraid of water;
  • They shed heavily, especially during certain periods. Their coat needs good care;
  • Ragamuffins are susceptible to stress. Therefore, they cannot be left alone for a long time, they cannot be scolded, frightened, and even more so, beaten;
  • Adult cats are completely indifferent to what is happening around them. They don't play and try to move less.
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