Why do cats howl at night?

First heat and its features

What to do when a cat asks for a cat for the first time? During puberty, a cat begins to demand a cat by any means.

This happens individually for each animal, but usually before 1 year. This process varies from person to person, but usually takes up to 10 months.

If your cat asks for a cat at home, then you should either bring the cat or resolve the issue with reassurance.

If a cat wants a cat, then the owners will be the first to know about it. This cannot be confused with anything else. This period will bring you many problems.

Possible causes of screaming

Frequent, mournful, deafening meows from a cat can turn the owner's life into endless torture. It is especially difficult to endure situations when the pet begins to wake up its owners in the morning. The first priority before starting to correct a cat’s behavior is to identify the causes of the cry. It can be:

  1. Features of a specific breed. Cats that belong to Siamese, Orientals, Maine Coons and Balinese cats cry more often than other species. There is no way to wean them, since they yell due to the specificity of the breed;
  2. Instincts and the search for a mate. At the height of the mating period, which occurs in early spring and autumn, cats begin to yell annoyingly, notifying others of their desires. The only way to stop seasonal screaming is to sterilize your pets;
  3. Diseases and imbalances in body systems. This is not the most common reason, as cats instinctively try to hide their injuries and illnesses. Most often, they meow when they cannot go to the toilet, or the pain becomes completely unbearable. If you suspect a health problem, it is better not to delay and see a veterinarian as soon as possible.
  4. Stress and fear. In this case, the cat begins to yell after a move, the arrival of a new pet in the family, a trip to the veterinarian, or any other factor that greatly destabilized it.
  5. A way to demand what you want from the owner. This could be food, treats, affection and attention, the need to replace the tray filler, get a new toy and much more. It is especially difficult when cats wake up and start yelling early in the morning. It is worth noting the improper upbringing and spoiling of the animal.

Most cases of annoying cat crying can be corrected with the right approach, discipline and perseverance of the owner.

Signs that a cat needs a cat

The animal starts screaming very loudly all day long, so you won’t confuse this fact with anything. Signs of heat :

  • Strong screams . The first time it will be strange, but the next time you will immediately understand what is going on. The pet meows very loudly and thereby attracts attention. This is a natural instinct;
  • Appearance of marks . It is not clear whether she does this on purpose, since during this period she experiences heavy discharge;
  • Constantly crawls underfoot, rubs and bends;
  • A decrease in appetite is also characteristic of this period;
  • Increased urination;
  • Enlarged weasel . She begins to constantly rub against her owners and meow loudly. However, in some cases, aggression occurs in the animal.

How not to behave

Of course, when it seems that you have taken all the measures - fed, watered, caressed, survived the sterilization period, and the cat still screams at night, then even the calmest owner will lose his nerve. But under no circumstances should you use violent measures against an animal or shout at it. After all, a cat is a very smart creature; it has a sense of revenge. And how she will take revenge is unknown.

In addition, cats are also proud animals, they will not tolerate any violence against themselves, it is impossible to achieve anything with the help of force, you just need to try to show patience and attention. Only in this case is it possible to obtain a positive result.

In this way the animal shows its anxiety and concern . This can symbolize changes in the weather, and also be a premonition before the onset of some event.

How much will the cat require?

How many days does this period last? However, there is no exact answer, since it depends on the body of each pet. To find out the time limit in your case, you just need to observe. The minimum period for this process is 7 days. If you agreed to the mating, but she does not allow the cat to approach, then you should try again.

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In most cases the period ends within 10 days , but exceptions are possible. Not every owner is ready to rejoice in their offspring. Therefore, in order to calm the animal, you can use special drugs or traditional methods. After all, she wants a cat, demanding satisfaction of physiological needs every month, and it is simply impossible to constantly live in such an environment.

The cat screams at night

Cats tend to be active at night, as in the wild they begin to hunt at sunset. Thanks to the special structure of their eyes, cats see perfectly in the dark and are considered universal night hunters.

One of the most common reasons why a cat cries at night is a lack of physical activity during the day. If your pet sleeps all day, interrupted by eating and going to the litter box, there is nothing he can do to stay healthy except to be active at night.

Usually the activity lasts 10–15 minutes, but during this time the cat actively runs, sharpens its claws, screams, and behaves defiantly. After a burst of activity, the pet calmly goes to the lounger and falls asleep for the whole night. If the cat does not receive adequate exercise during the day, bursts of activity can last for hours.

Is the cat screaming for no reason?

If you are sure that your pet is getting enough exercise and is screaming for no reason, contact your veterinarian before jumping to conclusions. Night cries may be associated with latently developing diseases.

The most common disease, the first symptom of which is the heart-rending cry of a cat, is urolithiasis. With urolithiasis, urine accumulates in the bladder and cannot exit through the urethra because it is blocked by sand or stone. Trying to empty the bladder, the cat experiences acute pain, as a result of which it screams.

Urolithiasis may be indicated by:

  • Ignoring the tray.
  • General malaise.
  • Increase in base body temperature.
  • Apathy.
  • Inflammation of the external genital organs.
  • Small amount of urine during bowel movements.
  • Presence of blood in the urine.

If your cat only cries at night, it is likely that she is reacting to stimuli that she does not hear during the day. The pet may hear the movement of rodents under the floor or in the walls, the crackling of electrical wiring, suspicious sounds from neighboring apartments or from behind the front door.

What to do if a cat is yelling under the bedroom door?

Many owners prefer to sleep with cats, but when trying to train their pet to sleep on a bed, they encounter a number of behavioral problems. A heart-rending scream under your bedroom door is nothing more than a test of your nerves' strength.

If you decide to accustom your cat to a bed, act progressively. For the first few nights, place the bed in the bedroom as this will be more familiar to the cat. Only after the pet has come to terms with sleeping on a lounger within the bedroom can you try to move it to another room.

How to behave if kittens are not in your plans

Medicine today offers different techniques to combat her desires. To do this, you should use contraception for animals. Asking a cat is inherent in nature.

Not every owner is ready to give their pet for surgery. But sterilization is one of the methods to combat the problem . If you categorically do not want offspring, and constant screaming depresses you, then eventually you will have to undergo surgery. This method will definitely solve the issue.

If you are not against offspring, then sterilization can be done after she gives birth to kittens. Veterinarians advise doing just that. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background of the animal will change, and this will inevitably affect the health and condition of the pet.

But as practice shows, the operation does not lead to serious consequences. Moreover, sterilized animals live longer. They become calmer and their risk of cancer decreases.

Understand the situation

Sometimes it seems that a cat is acting strange and mischievous for no reason. In fact, an explanation can be found for your pet's behavior. So, for example, one man’s cat peed on the parquet in the same place. It was not possible to wean off. One fine day he lifted the parquet and found the described men's trousers under it. The cat smelled them and tried to cover up the smell with her own. After the pants were thrown away, she stopped marking the parquet.

Sometimes cats mark the bed of a child who suffers from enuresis. So they also try to cover up the smell. They can also pee on the bed or slippers of the person who offended them. By the way, the problem of relieving yourself in the wrong place may be associated with physiological reasons: read about them in a separate article.

In general, before punishing your cat or making any decisions, it is worth conducting an investigation to look for possible reasons for the behavior.

Use of sedatives

If you are still afraid to undergo surgery, then there is only one option left - sedatives. However, remember that it is not recommended to give them to your pet all the time, but only at the most critical moments. It is imperative to calm the animal.

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Effective means:

  • You can buy “Cat Bayun” both in tablets and in liquid form. The product facilitates the period of estrus. The drug can be used in stressful situations for the animal;
  • “Catnip” is sold in the form of a spray. This drug is not given to the animal internally, but is simply sprayed in the place where the animal spends the maximum amount of time. The grass calms the animal;
  • “Fitex” are drops that help not only against stress, but also during estrus. The composition contains many herbs that will not have a negative effect on your pet;
  • “Stop-stress” are tablets that will help in a situation where an animal screams very loudly during heat. This is a very strong sedative that reduces the animal's activity. These pills are harmless and non-habit forming. If necessary, it can be given to the animal without fear;
  • “Sex barrier” is a popular drug. Its effectiveness depends directly on the characteristics of the animal’s body. Therefore, it does not help in all cases.

The cat chewed the wires - what to do?

If the cat does chew the wires, there is no need to shout or swear at it. Any punishment will lead to the fact that the pet will be offended and begin to harm out of spite. If a furry bully is caught chewing on cables, you can clap your hands or make some loud noises to scare the animal away.

The sooner you stop your cat from accessing the wires, the better it will be for everyone.

Then you need to check the integrity of all wires. It must be remembered that a damaged cable can cause a fire, and therefore it is better to repair it immediately. After checking, you need to remove all wires that your cat might chew from within reach to avoid further damage.

To prevent a similar situation from happening again, it is necessary to analyze the pet’s behavior. To do this, you can answer a number of questions:

How long ago did this start? Did the purr's diet change during the period when he began to show interest in cords? Is there enough time for your pet? Do his owners often play with him? Does your cat have toys to which she can turn her attention?

Weaning off wires can take quite a long time and the older the animal, the longer it will take for him to wean off the habit. Therefore, owners of inquisitive cats need to be patient and try to identify the root cause of their pet’s behavior.

Re-educating a cat will take months, so you should be patient.

If the cat shows interest not only in the wires, but also itches on toothbrushes and combs, then it needs to be shown to the veterinarian. Most likely, she simply has problems with her teeth, which is why she tries to scratch her gums. The veterinarian will be able to examine the purr, clean the teeth, and also determine whether the animal is eating a sufficiently balanced diet.

If the cat chews everything that is allowed and what is not allowed, then you need to think about going to the cat dentist

Cat in the car

Traveling in a vehicle is stressful for a pet, and he may react to it by screaming.

. Do not yell back at the cat under any circumstances. You must become reliable protection for your pet.

Take your pet in your arms, talk and stroke it. Let him feel that he is not alone

. If the cat does scream for a long time, be patient and don’t take your anger out on him.

Ensure that the temperature in the car is comfortable; cats do not tolerate heat very well. But under no circumstances open the windows, otherwise the cat will worry again. Turn on the air conditioning and turn off the music while you travel with your pet


Thus, if a cat yells, never scream or use physical force, be supportive of the cat, because the pet is not trying to make you angry, he is just afraid and needs protection.

Hundreds and even thousands of pet cat owners visit veterinary clinics around the world every day. Their goal is one - to castrate their pet. Veterinary propaganda has not been in vain - people already know that sterilized animals live longer, are much less prone to wandering, and their marks do not smell so strongly. But sometimes the operation does not bring the desired result... It happens that a cat screams after castration as if nothing had been removed! What causes this behavior and is it possible to somehow combat it?

First of all, let’s get one point out of the way right away. not necessarily associated with removal of the testes. Today there are methods of radiation sterilization that do not involve surgical manipulation at all.

Moreover, the drug method can be used to temporarily sterilize a cat.

Thus, castration is a procedure that involves suppressing the sexual function of an animal by suppressing the production of sex hormones. And this goal can be achieved in several ways.

Secondly, there is a widespread misconception among many breeders and veterinarians about the “normalization” of animal behavior due to sterilization. Unfortunately, this does not happen in all cases. In this article, we will look at the main reasons why your pet continues to scream, even after being sterilized.

Time is the best medicine

Firstly, when a week or two has passed after the operation, do not hope for a miraculous “healing” of the animal. It takes time to reduce the hormonal levels responsible for the “courageous” behavior of the pet.

The older and more well-fed the cat, the longer the period required for this increases. So, in kittens and young seals this happens within two to three weeks, while older cats may take several months. Thus, the owners can be advised to be patient: every day the screams will become weaker, and gradually the “vocal exercises” will disappear altogether.

Habit is second nature

Remember! If the cat was sterilized in adulthood and has already had matings, then you should not hope for any special changes in his behavior.

The problem is that the psychosomatic personality traits of the animal had already been fully formed by this time. Moreover, even many veterinarians overlook one important circumstance... In some older animals, some of the sex hormones are produced not only in the testes. Thus, the pituitary gland, as well as the adrenal glands, can partially replace the function of the testicles.

True, this does not always happen, and not every cat’s body is capable of such a “trick.” It is believed that the number of such “shifters” is about 5%. It is these individuals that are characterized by loud screams and attempts to copulate with females (often unsuccessful) even a year after the operation.

To solve this kind of problem, you can try using special medications that suppress the animal’s sexual activity. They are sold at any veterinary pharmacy and are used to calm the animal during the heat period.

"Unfinished Castration"

And this happens, albeit infrequently. Firstly, some owners use the services of visiting veterinarians, whose numbers are found in hallways and cheap newspapers. There is no need to do this. Such a “specialist,” for example, may leave part of the testis in the scrotum. Over time, most of the organ regenerates, and the reproductive function of the animal will also be restored. There is another problem, the consequences of which often appear after “self-made” castration. .

It is believed that approximately 2% of cats in the “wild” have a pathology in which the testes do not emerge from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum during puberty. Such “lost” testicles can only be removed through abdominal surgery. If no one examines the animal before castration, “awkward” moments may arise during the procedure itself.

Unscrupulous specialists simply keep silent about the missing testicle, as a result of which the animal owners begin to have problems in the future. Since the cat is “in fact” neutered, not every veterinarian, even in a clinical setting, will be able to suspect cryptorchid. By the way, what are the consequences of leaving one testicle in the abdominal cavity?

Lots of troubles. In particular, such cats not only constantly scream as if they were not castrated (in fact, they are). What’s worse is that their risk of developing this testis increases by about 70%. In addition, even after the operation, such animals continue to selflessly enter the territory and chase cats, which shocks their owners.

If you see that within a year after “castration” your pet is still yelling, be sure to take him to a good veterinary clinic. It is quite possible that the cat needs another castration...

Urolithiasis disease

If you have castrated your pet a long time ago, and at the time of the procedure his age was already far from “infant”, it makes sense to check the animal for the presence of stones in the kidneys and bladder. Especially when you did not prepare a special diet for your pet and often fed it... It is quite possible that screams at night are not a consequence of preserved hormonal levels, but of a serious illness, and cat screams are a consequence of the severe pain experienced by the animal during an attack.

This is also indicated by long “meetings” of the cat on the tray. It happens that pets sit on the toilet for almost hours, but during all this time they are not able to squeeze out a single drop of urine. Sometimes pet owners are sure that their pet is “marking,” although involuntary urine discharge is also characteristic of urolithiasis.

Please note that without promptly contacting a veterinary clinic, your pet may die from painful shock or critically severe intoxication (uremia).

So don’t delay contacting a specialist. It is very possible that after timely treatment, the cat will not only stop yelling, but will also maintain its health and even life.

Bullies forever

Finally, people often forget that their smaller brothers are also alive, and they also have their own psychosomatic characteristics. It happens that a cat constantly howls and marks its territory not because of an illness or an “off-scale” level of sex hormones, but... just like that. Because he wants it that way.

It also happens that some “uniques”, in addition to all of the above, also poop anywhere. Unfortunately, there are very few animal psychologists in our country. But in vain, because in such cases (after excluding diseases of the genitourinary system) you should turn to them.

Sometimes sedatives (Cat-Bayun, for example), which we have already indirectly mentioned above, sometimes help to partially cope with the situation.

Thus, a cat screaming after castration is far from a unique phenomenon.

Since some cases of such behavior indirectly indicate dangerous pathologies, the question “what to do” should not arise among the owners. First, they should take their pet to an experienced veterinarian.

Owners of cats periodically face the fact that their pet screams continuously day and night for no apparent reason. But such a reaction from a pet can be provoked by various reasons, which its owner may not even be aware of.


During the period of sexual activity, unsterilized cats and female cats thus begin to communicate their desire to procreate. In addition, a loud cry is a powerful signal to the opposite side, which indicates that the sexual partner is ready for direct contact. If this is the only reason for cat screaming, then there are few methods to combat this phenomenon and you have to wait until the end of this period.


In cases of screaming in an old cat, this may symbolize painful manifestations and psychological disorders that arise due to age-related changes in the animal’s body.

If the cat is not old, then his cry can be a signal that he has injuries or pain in the abdominal area. In this case, it is necessary to carry out examinations, and if the stomach is swollen, hard, and the cat reacts inadequately, you need to consult a specialist.

Helminthiasis can also cause this reaction due to the fact that their presence can cause intestinal obstruction, which leads to discomfort in the animal.

Or can be a way to attract attention

, a way to ask for food. Cats need affection, and if the owner spends most of the day outside the house, then when he appears, the pet thus tries to show his affection. To prevent this situation from happening again, you need to leave your pet food for the whole day and a favorite toy.

This is how the animal shows its anxiety and concern.

. This can symbolize changes in the weather, and also be a premonition before the onset of some event.

One of the instincts that is characteristic of a cat is the fight for territory.

By screaming, the animal makes it clear to the other cats that this is its living space and there is no place for others here. You can observe a screaming cat after changing your place of residence.

Screaming can be a manifestation of sadness

. When a kitten appears in the apartment, he begins to yearn for his usual surroundings and for his mother, and he pours out his loss in a loud cry.

Screaming can be a reaction to the behavior of the owner.

This is due to the fact that when a kitten grows up, it becomes an adult animal that has its own character, habits and disposition, which may not suit the owners very much. Constant persecution of a pet provokes it to display a defensive reaction. To calm the cat you need to change your attitude towards him, and he will calm down.

If your pet starts yelling all the time without good reason, you need to seek help from a specialist who will help determine the cause of this behavior and eliminate its cause.

If the reason is the physiological desire for sexual contact with the opposite sex, special medications are used. Their action is aimed at suppressing libido, but it is worth considering that they have a negative impact on the functioning of the entire body.

To cope with a screaming cat, an algorithm of actions can help. Throughout the day, you need to create hunting conditions for your pet. That is, when playing with it, the animal actively moves and thus satisfies its need.

When the game comes to an end, the cat needs to be fed nourishing food, after which he will want to rest and sleep. There is no need to allow the animal to rest in the evening.

When a small kitten comes into the house, you need to place its sleeping place in another room, which can be isolated from the owners with a door if it starts to worry and scream.

If you suspect that this cat’s behavior is caused by moodiness or a bad mood, you can give the pet a calming herbal medicine. They will not bring any harm to the animal, but will only calm it down a little.

When a cat annoys you by screaming and yelling, you don’t need to hit, kick, or yell at him. This will not bring any effect, because the animal will not understand such an attitude towards him. In this case, you should show the cat to a specialist, find out the reason for this behavior and eliminate it.

How to calm a cat: tips for all occasions

A happy cat is the dream of all owners. But every pet has a character that it shows in different situations. Experts managed to figure out how to calm the animal and normalize its psychological state. A cat can meow for completely different reasons, ranging from the desire for an intimate meeting with the cat to aggression.

Today you can find a huge number of videos where a cat calms a crying child. The thing is that the energy of the animal helps you relax. But in some cases, the pet itself requires attention and reassurance. There are several different ways to normalize the animal’s psyche.

How to calm a cat if he wants a cat?

People face this problem every year, and it brings a lot of discomfort. Before you learn ways to calm down, you need to find out the signs that indicate that the animal needs intimacy.

The pet marks the territory. Thus, he wants to call on “girlfriends” for love pleasures. The pet can mark not only the floor, but also walls, furniture, etc.;

To calm a cat down when he wants a cat, you can use two methods: castrate him or give him special drugs to regulate his sexual desire. The first option is considered a radical method, since after this the pet will never have offspring. Special drugs have the ability to quickly and quite effectively suppress sexual desire. Drops help many, while others prefer injections.

During sexual activity, the animal often behaves angry, so it is important to figure out how to calm an aggressive cat. By the way, all these methods can be used in other cases when the pet behaves aggressively.

It is important to set up your child for proper communication with the animal. Today you can often find


How to calm a cat at night?

Cats don't sleep at night for a variety of reasons. At first, the little kitten will feel sad and cry without its mother’s warmth. You can buy a house or make a sleeping place out of a box; For comfort, they put an old fur hat or a woolen blanket, and a heating pad under it. The kitten, having warmed up, can fall asleep. In the room where the kitten sleeps, there must be a bowl of water, and in another corner - a litter tray.

Often kittens do not want to sleep alone; I have to take them to the bed to get some sleep. Their favorite place is on the pillow; Next to the owner, the kitten falls asleep, purring, and can sleep peacefully all night. If the kitten is healthy, then there is nothing wrong with spending the night together.

There are times when a kitten cannot be calmed by anything - it screams all the time. Most likely, this is how stress manifests itself - after all, he was torn away from his mother. In order for the baby to adapt faster, you need to pay him a lot of attention, talk to him softly, and shower him with affection.

A grown kitten decides that night is the best time for games. How to calm a cat at night if it runs around the apartment and around its owners? Cats are nocturnal animals, and it is natural for them not to sleep at night. You can give different examples of how owners solve this problem:

if a cat is not allowed to sleep during the day, then at night she will be happy when she is strictly commanded: “Sleep!”; gradually she will get used to the command and will go to bed with her owners;

lock the cat in a closet or toilet for a while, and take it with you before going to bed - she will be glad that the confinement is over and will go to bed next to her;

The drug "Cat-Bayun" - a medicine made from 18 herbs - helps well. It can be used in cats from 10 months of age during estrus, marking in the apartment, hyperactivity;

not react - a cat can seek attention when it wants it - just like a capricious child


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