The cat became aggressive out of fear

Cats usually scratch and bite when they are playing and when they are angry. This expression of emotion is considered within the normal range when it occurs periodically, but not all the time. Owners of some cats are sometimes faced with the constant desire of their pet to scratch and bite everyone in the household. Such situations require immediate action, and they should not be expressed in shouting and punishment.

The nature of a cat is such that it can harbor a grudge and then begin to take revenge. This means that when weaning your pet from such behavior, you should understand its reasons, and only then decide which method to use to wean it.

Cats generally try to avoid open confrontations. And only when they feel that they are finally driven into a corner, they can show aggression quite clearly and then the question may arise - why does a domestic cat rush at its owners. But there are always good reasons for this behavior, because a cat will never show aggression for the sake of aggression itself.

Signs of cat aggression

Before launching an “attack,” the cat tries to warn others with signs that it gives using the methods available to it. Using the abilities of her body, she can show that her dimensions are larger than real ones, which means that she is a rather dangerous creature and you should not mess with her. But it also happens the other way around - a cat seeks to demonstrate that it is very small and does not pose a threat. At such moments, she tries to curl up into a ball and seems to be trying to disguise herself as the surrounding environment. And only if neither body language nor other signals help against the impending danger, then the cat bites painfully.

Aggression towards other animals (cats and dogs)

A striking example is the aggression of a mother cat when danger appears for her kittens. Such cat “negativity” can manifest itself both towards people and animals. Therefore, it is better not to disturb the mother cat and her offspring again. The place where she is with the kittens must be safe so that the cat is calm and that her babies are not in danger.

Enmity between two or more cats can also turn into aggression. They can fight for territory or simply “find out” which of them is stronger by meeting in open territory. Aggressive relationships arise between animals if one of them was recently brought into the house, and the other has been living in it for a long time, and even if the cats have been living in the same territory for a long time, then something can provoke their mutual aggression.

Sometimes a cat attacks and bites, reacting to a stimulus it sees and hears, to which it does not have access, so it takes out its feelings on those it can reach - household members or animals, even if they have done absolutely nothing to it. This is especially common in cats of oriental breeds. This phenomenon is called redirected aggression. At the same time, it may seem that the cat begins to fight for no reason at all. At the same time, the animal can remain so “reactive” for quite a long time.

Aggression over the division of territory can also manifest itself in “war” between species.

Cats often share a home with other pets, including those of the same species. And each of them may have their own reasons for “evicting” their opponent. In a cat, territorial type aggression can be directed towards various living objects - people, other animals, regardless of their species. But most often these are other cats. In this regard, it is dangerous to keep two sexually mature males in an apartment, as life will turn into a complete nightmare.

And even if the animals previously tolerated each other completely normally, but at some point one of them returned, for example, from the veterinarian, carrying a lot of unfamiliar (and even somewhat scary) odors, then the pet, staying at home at this time, unexpected aggression may arise. Since representatives of the feline family recognize members of their pride by their smell, if the absent animal comes back and smells different from everyone else, then it may be mistaken for a stranger. Much the same thing happens when one of the owners, who has been absent for a long time, returns home, then at first the cats may not accept him and behave aggressively.

Aggression in response to affection

Such strange behavior occurs when a cat is stroked and caressed, and many owners do not understand this reaction of the pet, because it seems to them that this happens for no reason. But before attacking a person, a cat gives many warning signs. And the task of people is to pay attention to these signals and react to them correctly before it is too late.

It happens that a cat hunts its owner, bites him, or scratches him when he strokes it. The reasons may vary. For example, an animal categorically does not like where or how the owner stroked her; she felt that her personal space was being violated, or she was simply too overexcited. Do not forget that there are areas on a cat’s body that, from its point of view, are considered unacceptable.

Signs by which it can be determined that a pet really doesn’t like something, to the point that it is ready to attack, are expressed in a change in body position, waving and even beating its tail, the cat stops purring and starts meowing, its ears and skin can twitch. You shouldn’t test your cat’s patience; it’s better to listen to the signals it sends at an early stage, so as not to lead to an attack.

This type of aggression can manifest itself, for example, when, while petting a pet, the owner touches a place that currently hurts the animal, or steps on the tail or paw, causing pain, then the cat rushes into his arms. By the way, this reason is one of the explanations why you should not use physical punishment as a method of training.

Defensive aggression can occur when a kitten is handled roughly or when a child pulls a cat by the tail. And also when the animal is handled carelessly, especially if it is elderly and suffers from any diseases, for example, arthritis.

The beginning of all aggressions comes from fear. After all, when a cat is driven into a corner and does not feel anyone’s support, then it has no other choice, and it attacks. Of course, it is better not to interact with a cat that becomes aggressive out of fear for some time; it should be given the opportunity to hide in a shelter and calm down. But if there is total fearfulness of the animal, then you will need to figure out how you can help him for socialization, since otherwise communication with such a cat will be simply impossible.


Remember yourself when you come home after a hard day. The boss scolded me, there was a difficult client, and in the evening the conductor on the bus was rude. Of course, there is something to be irritated about. This happens with a cat too. At the same time, you can see how the pet suddenly changes. For example, you are petting a cat, and suddenly his calm reaction turns into a hiss? There are no apparent reasons, but the pet is ready to attack anything that happens to be nearby.

What should you do if your cat becomes aggressive so suddenly? Assess your pet's condition. If he suddenly starts beating his tail on the floor, it means you need to leave your pet alone. Sometimes, in response to measured stroking, the pet begins to frantically beat the owner with its paws. There is no need to shout at him, much less hit him - everyone is in a bad mood.

It is noteworthy that aggression arising from irritation is most often temporary and suppressed. The cat clearly does not want to harm its owner. It lunges at a person, but the claws are hidden, and there are practically no bite marks left. What to do if the cat is angry and aggressive? We need to let her come to her senses. It's best to do nothing for now.

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What to do and how to stop a cat from attacking its owners

At the very beginning of the fight against aggression in cats towards their owners, as well as, indeed, with any behavioral changes in them, you should show the animal to a veterinarian. He will examine the pets so that medical reasons for this behavior can be ruled out. Otherwise, while the animal suffers and suffers due to poor health, the owner will make fruitless attempts to correct its behavior. And only after a veterinarian can you contact an animal behavior specialist or take measures yourself. In no case should you leave everything to chance.

Since scratching and biting are considered normal expressions of feline emotions (provided that this is the “norm of life” for the cat, and only a temporary phenomenon), then if it becomes permanent, it is necessary to act. Screams and punishments cannot be dealt with here; they will only lead to resentment, which the cat will harbor and will subsequently take revenge. First of all, you need to establish the reason for this behavior.

For example, if a pet was chosen as an object by one of the household members, then it is possible that the reason is precisely this person. Perhaps he constantly screams and swears at others, and this angers the cat.

Fruitless attempts to attract attention can also irritate the cat when he tries with all his might to show his owners that he needs something from them, but they completely notice this. If an animal needs attention, you just need to give it to it, and not scold it.

If a cat bites and scratches due to anxiety and fear, for example, due to the appearance of strangers in the house or another animal, moving to another place of residence, etc., then the animal needs to be given time to get used to these innovations. During this period it is better to leave him alone. So, dragging out a hidden cat to guests is not a good idea. He needs time to get used to the new smells, and then he will be able to go out on his own. Or, having moved to a new apartment, you should give the animal the opportunity to sniff everything and get used to it, and until then it is better not to pick it up or pet it.

It happens that aggressive behavior is provoked by some things or creatures in the house. For example, if a cat is forbidden to touch aquarium fish or a bird in a cage, while instinct demands the opposite from it, then the animal experiences cognitive dissonance, resulting in anger. And he will take it out on the one who does not allow him to carry out actions dictated by nature, that is, on the owner. There are two options here - eliminate the irritant or get used to the fact that the pet will not behave quite adequately.

If the owners have played with the kitten since childhood using their hands, fingers or feet, then the kitten will perceive them as toys. Therefore, before you wean your cat from rushing and biting, you should stock up on objects to which you need to switch his attention. It is believed that in order to prevent unwanted actions of a cat and teach him to stop them, you need to clap your hands. This will trigger the animal’s reflex – after the bite there will be a sharp sound, which he would like to avoid.

Also, a pet can bite and scratch due to lack of movement, which means that it needs to be provided with the opportunity to splash out energy.

If a cat lacks personal space, then it can show not only anxiety, but also its aggressive behavior. It may just be a reaction to one of the odors that cats cannot stand (vinegar, essential oils, garlic or citrus fruits).

Territory defense

In this case, the pet clearly wants to be left alone. He is scared or upset. The best way to calm an aggressive cat is to let him sit quietly in his favorite corner. Attempts by the owner to pet, play or give a treat will be regarded by the pet as another encroachment on its safety. If your pet likes to rest in the closet, where the bottom shelf is covered with a soft blanket, then now is the time to let her do so.

The easiest way to recognize a scared cat is:

  • She huddles to the floor or huddles in a corner.
  • At the same time, the pupils are dilated.
  • The cat hisses or growls, but makes no attempt to attack you.
  • Ears flattened.
  • The pet intimidates you, but looks around and tries to find shelter for itself.

We can conclude that the fluffy beauty is desperately afraid of something, so the cat behaves aggressively. What should the owner do? As mentioned above, let him be alone, in a closed and dark corner, on a soft and warm bedding. In some cases, the cat may roll over onto its back and fold its paws. It is very important to recognize this condition so as not to suffer yourself or harm your pet.

This applies mostly to uncastrated cats that are entering puberty. What to do if the cat becomes aggressive and bites? The recommendation is the same: pay close attention to your pet and try to understand what is happening to it. In young individuals, hormones are most often raging, and the aggression associated with dividing territory is very pronounced.

If a cat returns from a walk and shows fighting spirit, most likely he just got into a fight with a neighbor and is not yet cooled down from the fight. Your pet may just need these walks, where he can communicate with his own kind and try his hand at it. Often a cat changes behavior if a new relative appears in the yard.

There can be competition at home, too, if you get yourself a new pet. It doesn't matter if it's a puppy or a kitten. Animals react in a similar way to the appearance of a child, and aggression can be both direct and hidden. In one case, the pet arches its back, hisses and bites. In another, it may mark the territory occupied by the “occupier.”

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