I don’t know what to do anymore(((cat pees in bed



Cute, fluffy pets. How loyal and loving they can be. Every person, when getting an animal, dreams of good company, a faithful life partner, someone who will give attention and care. When he discovers a pile or puddle on a rug or bed, he is horrified. What to do when a cat shits on the bed?

Few people want to face the problems and worries that darken life. You should not attack an animal that shits on the bed. It is necessary to understand what makes a cat pee not in its litter box, but in any other place. Once you understand the reason, you can help your pet.

Possible reasons

Before you scold your pet or take any action, you need to know why cats shit on the bed. It is believed to be related to revenge or bad parenting. But more often animals behave this way to attract the attention of their owners. Most likely, the pet has some kind of psychological problems or illnesses. Cats are clean; if properly maintained and without problems, they will only go to the toilet in their litter box.

It is especially unpleasant to find a puddle or pile in bed. This can happen even to a well-mannered, neat pet. There are several reasons why cats shit on the bed. Most often they are associated with the pet’s toilet:

  1. The most common reason that a cat begins to shit in inappropriate places is a dirty litter tray. All animals hide their smells, this is instinct. It is very important for them that the tray is clean and the filler is dry. If the place where the cat goes to the toilet smells unpleasant, he will look for another.
  2. Often cats shit if they don’t like the tray itself, its shape or filling. Some cannot go to the toilet house, others need a lot of space around. If the owner decides to change the litter, the cat may begin to look for a more comfortable place.
  3. Puddles on the bed may appear if the tray is moved to another place. For some animals, even a few centimeters are important. Often the owners themselves provoke the pet by closing the door to the toilet where the tray is located.
  4. Perhaps the wrong location for the cat litter box has been chosen. It is necessary that the animal is calm while relieving itself. This is why pets choose a bed: it’s warm, soft and safe.

Characteristics of beds with boxes, manufacturing and assembly features
Other reasons for bad behavior can be stress and illness of the animal. This is often how cats express their fear, anxiety or loneliness. They may respond to changes in lifestyle, environment, or family composition. Puddles in the wrong places become a manifestation of jealousy when all attention is turned to another pet or a newborn child.

Sometimes a cat goes to the toilet past the litter box due to illness or old age. It doesn't depend on her. An old animal may not have time to reach the tray or relieve itself in its sleep. And with urolithiasis, the tray is associated with painful sensations, and the cat will avoid it.

Usually, unsterilized cats and uncastrated cats shit on the bed. Such animals mark territory.

Dirty tray

The cat does not like the shape of the tray or the filler

The tray is rearranged or in the wrong place

The animal is stressed

Illness or old age

7 Reasons Why Cats Pee or Poop on the Bed

It is impossible to answer unequivocally why an adult cat or a small kitten shits on the bed. It all depends on the age of the animal and how long ago it appeared in the house. From his psychological and physical state. The main reason why a cat pees or poops on the bed is the wrong litter box. The behavior of the pet as a whole depends on this item.

If the tray is too high, narrow, or short, then it is simply inconvenient for the animal to defecate in it. This is how nature works: cats carefully bury their feces or urine so that the smell does not attract enemies. If the tray is not convenient enough for this: it turns over, staggers, makes noise, claws cling to the bars at the bottom, then the cat will avoid it.

Another place where a pet can “hide” its feces is the bed. A soft blanket, a sheet that can be easily raked with paws and does not rustle, attracts a cat more than scraping in a corner on a wooden floor or linoleum.

Superstitious people say that if a cat pees on the bed, it promises big profits. In fact, such a sign is nothing more than a stupid invention.

If a cat poops on the bed, the owner should first provide it with a comfortable litter box. It should have medium-high sides and a stable bottom, preferably without a grate. The filler should be chosen natural, without strong odors and soft. Then the animal will not even think about crap where its owner sleeps.

Other reasons include:

  • Severe stress in the animal. Anything can cause a disturbance in the psycho-emotional state of a cat. Most often this is the first heat cycle, a house move, a planned trip to the veterinarian, a change in his usual diet, or the arrival of a child in the house. Pets have a hard time enduring such situations and can periodically shit in the place where they feel protected. Coping with stress in an animal is extremely difficult. The owner of the pet will have to make a lot of efforts to calm him down and make him understand that he is not in any danger.

  • Desire for revenge. Despite the fact that cats are cute and gentle creatures, they are vindictive and mischievous. If the owner spanked the animal with a slipper because it tore off a piece of wallpaper or broke a glass, then it is likely that he will receive a not very pleasant response from the pet.

  • Diseases of the urinary system . Cats are famous for the fact that they can easily withstand temperature changes; their bodies are resistant to viruses and infections. However, pathologies of the organs responsible for urine output are not uncommon for them. The most common of them are acute, chronic diffuse nephritis, pyelonephritis, urocystitis, spasms in the bladder and nephrosis. All of the listed pathologies are accompanied by the fact that the cat poops or pees on the bed, because due to pain it cannot get up and walk to the litter box.

  • Inexperience. After birth, kittens are cared for by their mother for a long time. Her responsibilities include hiding the place where the babies are from enemies. She not only licks them to remove odors, but also eats the cubs' feces. Grown-up kittens, when they get to a new home, suffer from the fact that they were separated from their mother, and do not yet understand where they need to relieve themselves. Therefore, they often pee while on the bed, chair or sofa. If the owner does not show the animal in time that it needs to go to the litter box, then it will never stop shitting on the upholstered furniture.

  • Jealousy or loneliness. Cats only appear independent on the surface. In fact, they are completely dependent on the person. If a new animal appears in the house, the pet begins to be jealous of it and tries in every possible way to attract attention, even if not using entirely the right methods. The same goes for loneliness. If the owner of a cat doesn’t play with her much or pet her, then she may pee on his bed.

  • Old age. In old age, it becomes more difficult for animals to move. They suffer from pain and develop chronic diseases. Cats prefer to lie in one place and often go to the toilet under themselves. It is extremely difficult to solve this problem; the owner will have to organize a separate corner for the pet, covering it with a diaper, or cover the bed (sofa, chair) with oilcloth.

How to get rid of stains and odor

Many owners don't know what to do when their cat shits on the bed. Superstitious people try to get rid of bedding or a pet. It is believed that such a situation is a bad omen, it promises illness or death. Puddles on the bed are unpleasant and unhygienic, but you can get rid of stains.

First of all, you need to remove the smell of urine. To do this, you must immediately remove soiled bed linen. The stain should be rinsed under running water and laundry soap, then the textile should be soaked in a solution of vinegar and soda. After this, it is recommended to wash with powder.

It is more difficult to remove stains from blankets, sofa upholstery or mattresses. The smell of cat urine is corrosive; it will attract the animal, provoking the pet to shit again in the same place. It can be removed with substances that dissolve uric acid:

  • vinegar diluted half and half with water;
  • vodka or alcohol;
  • baking soda solution;
  • citric acid solution;
  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

You cannot use bleach or ammonia to mask the smell, they will only worsen the situation. It is also not recommended to spray perfume, cologne or eau de toilette on this area.

Dilute vinegar removes odor

Vodka and alcohol dissolve uric acid

Baking soda solution will help get rid of stains

Citric acid removes odor

A weak solution of potassium permanganate also removes odors

How to wean an animal correctly

It is not recommended to hit or punish a pet; such popular measures as poking a puddle with its muzzle do not work. The animal will simply be afraid of the owner and hide its feces. In addition, a cat that has pooped in the bed may be sick or scared.

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But such behavior should not be ignored either. You need to scold your pet, cats are smart animals, they understand when the owner is unhappy. You should definitely consult a veterinarian, this will help rule out intestinal or urinary tract diseases. It is also worth exploring ways to stop a cat from pooping on the bed if it is healthy.

Psychological impact

The owner needs to try to remember when the cat began to dirty the bed. Perhaps a baby or another animal has appeared in the house. The cat feels deprived of attention, this leads to stress. She needs to be picked up, caressed, and played more often. It is necessary to show the animal that he is loved. It is recommended to pay more attention to your pet and pamper it with tasty treats.

If there are several animals in the house, it is recommended that each one have a separate tray. The pet may refuse to go to the toilet if another cat has urinated there. Sometimes the dog does not allow the cat to do its business in peace, so it hides on the bed. You need to provide your pet with a comfortable toilet so that he feels safe.

If a pet is bored in the absence of its owner, you need to think about how to keep it occupied. You can buy more toys or make a special play complex for your cat with your own hands. Then, if the owner is absent for a long time, the pet will have something to do. And the rest of the time you need to communicate more with the animal, caress it.

Pharmacy products

To fight off the smell of urine and wean your pet off the bed, it is recommended to use special products. They can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or animal department. Many products come in spray form and contain aromatic substances that repel cats. Effective compositions: “Antigadin”, “Odorgon”, “Emiks”, “Zoosan”, “Dezosan”, “True Friend”. Among folk remedies, citrus aromas work well, for example, lemon juice, as well as essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus or fir.

Additionally, it is recommended to use products that attract the cat. They need to be sprayed in the place where he needs to go to the toilet. These are “Miss Kiss”, “Beafar”, “Smart Spray”, “BioVax”, “Mr. Fresh”.

If the cause of your cat’s behavior is stress, it is recommended to use sedatives. This is Feliway, 8 IN 1 No Stress Calming.

Castration or sterilization

One of the radical ways to avoid this behavior of your pet is to sterilize it. Animals under the influence of sex hormones often behave inappropriately. They begin to mark their territory to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Puberty in animals usually occurs at 6–9 months. Males begin to leave marks, and cats in heat urinate on furniture.

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If the owner does not intend to breed animals, it is better to sterilize them. This operation is simple and, if performed correctly, does not cause complications. After castration, cats can continue to mark their territory for several months. But when hormonal changes occur, this behavior stops.

Veterinarians recommend spaying a cat before the first heat, and neutering a cat before its first mating, otherwise it will not help. But even after a properly performed operation, the animal can continue to leave marks.

The group of animals that mess up most often

Several groups of animals are potentially susceptible to behavioral changes:

  • Kittens . When a small pet is not yet toilet trained, he himself seeks to satisfy his needs in a place convenient for him. The baby prefers a soft surface, so most often bowel movements appear in the owner’s bed. In this case, you need to show maximum attention to the animal and teach it to go to the toilet. Moreover, you should not shout at babies or poke their faces into feces, as owners often do. With such actions, the kitten gets even more stressed, he does not understand where he can go to the toilet, and continues to shit in the wrong place.
  • Unsterilized cats, female cats . During sexual activity, physiological and psychological transformations occur in the body of animals against the background of hormonal fluctuations. The behavior of pets becomes inappropriate, you can expect any dirty trick from them. With urine, females and males try to attract the attention of the opposite sex, so they leave marks throughout the apartment. The situation is aggravated by physiological urinary incontinence and frequent urge.
  • Pregnant cats . The animal begins to shit on the bed due to hormonal changes. Particular activity occurs immediately before giving birth, when the animal selects a suitable place and marks the territory. Sometimes feces are left on the bed along with urine.
  • Elderly, sick animals . In the presence of chronic diseases, as well as due to old age, the animal simply does not have time to get to the toilet, does not remember its location, etc.

To quickly solve the problem and make your life easier, your pet needs to choose the right model of behavior. It is necessary to treat with understanding, evaluate the objective factors of actions, and take appropriate measures.

Prevention measures

To avoid an unpleasant situation, it is necessary to accustom your pet to the litter box from the first day it arrives in the house. You need to take it there often, especially after sleeping or eating, and try to hold it until the animal does its business. After this, the pet must be praised. If the kitten has soiled itself, it should also be taken to the litter box, but without praise. You need to be patient and persistent, not to scare the baby or yell at him when he is about to go to the toilet.

It is not always possible to constantly be near the kitten to take it to the toilet. Then you can lock your pet in the same room with a tray and bowl while the owners are away until it gets used to it.

To prevent puddles and piles on the bed, you need to follow several rules for caring for an adult cat:

  • choose a convenient tray and keep it clean;
  • choose a litter that your cat likes. To choose the right one, it is recommended to put 3-4 trays with different types;
  • when changing the type of filler, this should be done gradually;
  • the pet needs to be given enough attention and protected from stress;
  • monitor your health, regularly see a doctor, give medications for parasites;
  • provide the cat with a balanced diet;
  • In the absence of the owners, block the pet’s access to the bedroom; you can also cover the bed with a rustling film or paste it with double-sided tape.

Cats need care and affection, they are often very demanding. If the owner behaves incorrectly, animals can leave unpleasant “gifts” on the bed. This situation can be avoided if you create comfortable conditions for your pet.

Choose a suitable tray and filler

Pay attention to the cat and protect it from stress

Regularly show the animal to the doctor to monitor its health

Provide balanced nutrition

Methods of influencing a cat

Once the root cause of inappropriate behavior has been determined, immediate action must be taken.

  • You need to immediately remove the bedding and throw it in the wash. You need to make sure that there are no traces or odors left on them. If there is a characteristic aroma of cat litter in the room, the pet will come there again and shit. To remove an unpleasant odor, you need to carry out wet cleaning, thoroughly ventilate the room, and also use repellents.
  • After cleaning the bedroom, you need to pay attention to the cat litter. If the cat begins to shit on the bed after changing the filler, return the previous one to which she is accustomed. In such an unpleasant way she expresses her protest or is simply confused. If the filler has not been changed, you need to clean the tray and remove the unpleasant odor that comes from it. The basic rule is to change the filler in a timely manner, preventing the growth of bacteria. Firstly, the house smells unpleasant, and secondly, the cat turns away from the litter box and stops going there.
  • Often a cat during heat goes to the sofa, and this is difficult to deal with. You can try using repellent odors and closing the door tightly, but the problem will not be thoroughly solved. The cat can go to the toilet anywhere until the strong sexual desire ends. The owner has several options for behavior - devote more time to the pet, endure the inconvenience, take it to the doctor for sterilization. If the operation is performed in a timely manner, the female's estrus stops and no inappropriate behavior is observed. The situation is similar with sterilization of a cat. After the operation, the violent macho is pacified.
  • If the cause of inappropriate behavior is stress, you need to pay more attention to your pet and not scream. It is allowed to reveal dissatisfaction with a raised tone. It is recommended to administer sedatives based on medicinal herbs. The drugs can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy, but it is advisable to first consult a specialist. When the animal calms down, it will return to normal life and adapt to new conditions.
  • The situation is a little more complicated with sick animals. In this case, no measures aimed at maintaining cleanliness in the house or cat litter box will help. The cat shits not only on the bed, but also in other inappropriate places. If this behavior is noticed, and other alarming symptoms are also present - refusal to eat, continuous meowing, etc., you need to show your pet to a veterinarian. An examination, examination, and prescription of effective medications are required.

Very often, mistakes happen in small kittens when they are just learning to go to the toilet in the right place. It is recommended to encourage your pet in every possible way when he relieves himself in the tray. Pet, praise, treat with a treat. With such an attitude from the owner, the baby will quickly understand what they want from him and stop doing shit.

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